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Mission and History.

Our Mission ...

Learning through Experience and Awareness in Diversity (L.E.A.D.) peer mentors are Purdue students who facilitate leadership and learning experiences in diversity awareness.

L.E.A.D. peer mentors place a priority on educating first-year students in a way that increases awareness and sensitivity about the differences each student brings to campus.

History of L.E.A.D.

As a result of listening to the concerns of current and former students who attended the Multicultural Diversity Forum, sponsored by the School of Science in the spring of 2003, discussions began to address the issues related to undergraduate, peer-to-peer diversity inclusion education. After reviewing previous School of Science-sponsored diversity awareness programs, the following list of elements were noted as elements that contribute to an effective educational tool:

  • Adequate time should be allotted for the experience;
  • Group size should be limited to a maximum of 50 participants;
  • The most effective experiences have an experiential component;
  • The experience must be led by a trained facilitator;
  • The most effective experiences have a diverse group of participants;
  • The most effective experiences are voluntary but may have incentives for participation;
  • Follow-up activities help extend the experience and integrate it into the participants' life experiences; and
  • The experiences should be evaluated and adjustments made based on evaluations.

The idea for L.E.A.D. peer mentors has been supported and endorsed by the 10 academic schools, University Residences, Learning Communities, Access and Retention Programs, Orientation and New Student Programs, Diversity Resource Office, Office of Enrollment Management, Continuing Education and Conferences, International Programs, and the Dean of Students.

Diversity Resource Office • American Railway Building, Room 202 • 500 Third Street • Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN • 47907-2003 • Phone (765) 494-7307• dro@purdue.edumenu

office of the vice president for human relations