Maybe you have a special tree near your home. It shades the yard, making it a perfect place to play, or maybe that tree  is the perfect place to read a book in the shade. Or maybe you just listen to the wind blow through the leaves at night as you drift off to sleep. How would you feel if it died, or if you had to cut it down because it was infested with foreign pests?

Need more reasons not to move firewood?

  • Special trees are precious because there are so few of them. What would happen if your backyard tree had to come down? You’d lose shade in the summer, your cooling costs would go up, and where would your kids play?

  • Cities spend millions each year replacing infested city trees. When a tree on one block gets sick, it can infect the trees across an entire neighborhood.

  • It takes decades for young saplings to grow big enough to replace the lovely old trees that are lost. Loss of city trees changes the whole look and feel of a neighborhood, and costs millions in property values.


December 4, 2008
Leigh Greenwood, The Nature Conservancy
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December 3, 2008
Leigh Greenwood, The Nature Conservancy
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