General Information

Look here for general information about trees for your home, farm, or community.

  Tree Selection

Thinking of planting some trees on your property? Look here to find out how to select the species are compatible with the soil and climate in your location.

Tree Planting

Learn the do's and don'ts of tree planting. You and your trees will be happier in the long run!

Tree Care

Now you've got them - how do you keep them healthy? Learn about watering, fertilization, pruning, and other tree care basics.

Firewise Landscaping

Every year homes and businesses are destroyed by wildfire. You can retain the "woodsy" look of your property while reducing risk of fire loss. Learn about fire-wise landscaping and construction methods.

Windbreaks and Shelterbelts
Landscape trees don't just look nice, they can also provide economic benefits and better quality of life. Use trees to increase privacy and reduce the impact of a noisy world.
  Trees and Energy Use
    See how trees can reduce heating and cooling costs in your home or business.
  Working Safely with Landscape Trees

Caring for your trees and property often requires climbing and sawing. Unhealthy or poorly positioned trees can pose a risk to life and property. Look here to find out how to stay safe

  Valuation of Your Landscape Trees
  Landscape trees add real monetary value to your property. Learn more about what your trees are worth, and what your insurance might cover in the event of a loss.