
Featured Products
PM 1945

Soybean Growth and Development
This publication can help soybean producers achieve better yields. It includes photos of soybean vegetative and reproductive stages and updated information about soybean plant growth and management. ...
PM 1901E

Soil Erosion and Water Quality -- Resource Conservation Practices
Soil erosion by water and the impact of sediment-attached nutrients on lakes and streams creates problems for both agricultural land and water quality. Learn more about this topic along with conserva...
PM 0596

Corn Diseases
This booklet will help corn producers and other professionals in the agriculture industry identify corn diseases and provide general recommendations for disease management....
PM 1688

A General Guide for Crop Nutrient and Limestone Recommendations in Iowa
Publication topics include soil test procedures and categories, phosphorus and potassium recommendations, micronutrient recommendations, limestone recommendations, and soils. ...
PM 1901A

Residue Management and Cultural Practices -- Resource Conservation Practices
High crop residue levels translate directly into soil conservation benefits. Includes what affects crop residue and four methods of measuring it. ...
MWPS 0045

Crop Residue Management with No-till, Ridge-till, Mulch-till, and Strip-till -- Conservation and Tillage Systems and Management
Easy to read and handy for reference, this book—the work of more than 60 university and industry specialists—explains the major benefits of conservation tillage. Supplementing description are 199 col...
PM 1901F

Conservation Buffers and Water Quality -- Resource Conservation Practices
Buffers are designed to intercept sediment and nutrients and reduce soil erosion; they also help enhance air and water quality and fish and wildlife habitats. Learn how to understand, manage, and ma...
PM 1713

Pasture Management Guide for Livestock Producers
This guide provides a general pasture management reference for livestock producers, agriculture advisors, and teachers and students. The color publication covers practices to increase production and r...
PMR 1003

Using Manure Nutrients for Crop Production
Manure has characteristics that make nutrient management different and sometimes more complicated than fertilizer. Find out about manure nutrient availability for crops, manure nutrient supply, manure...

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