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Iowa State University Extension


Extension Information

Crops - Speciality and Alternative Crops

Viticulture web site graphic

Speciality and Alternative Crops Information

Iowa State University Extension is sponsoring its second workshop on horticulture crop production in high tunnels on June 21, 2006 at the ISU Armstrong Research and Demonstration Farm near Lewis, Iowa.


Web Pages

Agriculture Marketing Resource Center and Value-Added Agriculture program offer national  and local resources for


The organic agriculture program pages offers information on becoming an organic producer and the results of research into organic crop production techniques.


The Practical Farmers of Iowa work with ISU researchers to do research on farming practices that are both profitable and environmentally sound.



There are several publications available through the ISU Extension Distribution Center.

Flax Production Guidelines for Iowa (PM2020)

Alternative Crops Primer (AG 135)  


More Resources

There are newsletters available to help producers of alternative and specialty crops.

Agriculture in Action

Leopold Letter

Woodland Owners Newsletter