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English is a Foreign Language

As you can read about in the March Tribal Observer (page 19), we helped form the Lil' Language Warriors' Club to help instill in our children the need to learn and preserve our first language. Hear the Lil' Language Warriors sing a song — and you can sing along — here!

The Ziibiwing Center was created to enlighten and educate all communities in the rich culture, heritage, and history of the Anishinabek people of the Great Lakes. Featuring the Diba Jimooyung: Telling Our Story permanent exhibit, changing exhibits, lectures, and educational workshops, the Ziibiwing Center provides learning opportunities for all ages.
Open Monday through Saturday • 10 am - 6 pm
Gift Shop • Monday through Saturday • 10 am - 6 pm

Wi-Fi Media Lounge • Monday through Saturday • 10am - 5pm
Research Center • Monday thru Friday • 10am - 5:30pm • Closed Weekends
(Other times by appointment only)

Copyright © 1998 - 2009 the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan. All rights reserved.