Brand Name: Infasurf®
Active Ingredient:   calfactant
Strength(s): 35mg of phospholipid/ml
Dosage Form(s):   Intratracheal suspension
Company Name:    ONY, Inc.
Availability:         Prescription only, for professional use only
*Date Approved by the FDA:   July 1, 1998
*Approval by FDA does not mean that the drug is available for consumers at this time.

What is Infasurf used for?

Infasurf is used to prevent the development of Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) in premature babies considered at high risk for RDS and to treat or "rescue" premature babies with RDS.

Infasurf is an extract of a natural substance (surfactant) necessary for effective breathing. Babies with RDS or at high risk of developing RDS are lacking in this substance.

General Precautions with Infasurf:

Treatment with Infasurf is not a substitute for intensive care. Infasurf should only be given by health care professionals experienced in treating premature babies at risk of RDS or with RDS.

What are some possible side effects of Infasurf? 

Infasurf is given to babies within several hours of birth by medical professionals in a hospital who will monitor the baby for any negative reactions.

For more detailed information about Infasurf, ask your health care provider.

Link to Infasurf's label

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Date Posted: 1/99
Updated: 6/00
Revised: 7/25/00