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The Community

Below you will find some frequently asked questions, but here are two important links:

Community Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why do I have to register?

    Registration allows users to participate in's online communities. By registering, you'll be able to create a personal profile, join discussions and participate in other activities being developed on the site.

  • Do I have to register to access the site?

    If you just want to read, listen to or watch NPR stories, there's no need to register. Registration is only required if you want to create a profile, participate in discussions or post content on the site.

  • If I use multiple computers, do I need to register more than once?

    Nope. As long as you have a login and password, you'll be able to access your NPR account from any computer connected to the Internet.

  • Are member names, e-mail addresses and passwords case sensitive?

    Login names and e-mail addresses aren't case sensitive, but passwords are.

  • I forgot my password. What do I do?

    Click on Login on the upper right of any of the pages, then click "Don't know your password?" Enter your e-mail and your password will be sent to you.

  • What if the nickname I want is already taken?

    There are plenty of others. Add a number, add a letter; be creative and make it work.

  • Can I have more than one profile page?

    You can have only one profile per e-mail address.

  • How can I report inappropriate content that I see on

    Most content on NPR has a "Report Abuse" link. Use that to let our editors know if something objectionable has been posted on the site.

  • Will I have to log in every time I want to post?

    If you click "remember me on this computer" when you log in, you will be allowed to stay logged in indefinitely. If you don't click it, you will be logged out once you close your browser.

  • Will everyone see my e-mail address?

    No. Only your name and screen name will be shown.

  • Can I change my password?

    Yes. Just log in. Click "Your Profile" on the upper right of any page on the Web site, then click the "Your Account" tab, where you will see a place to change your password and your e-mail address.

  • What's the difference between registration and my profile page?

    You can subscribe to our newsletters without necessarily creating a profile page. A profile page is a place where you can tell the community who you are. You can share your favorite programs, music, books and movies, and you can also add friends.

  • Do I have to be logged in to comment?


  • Why do I have to use my real name?

    We’re trying to keep discussion on civil, open and smart. We think using real names allows for more human interaction.

  • What’s the "recommend" button for?

    Recommending is a way for you to share with the community any stories, profiles or comments you think are of particular value. When you click the “recommend” icon, you're recommending that piece of content. Once you click, the arrow will turn into a check and the number will go up by one. Comments on any particular page can be sorted by most recommended as well.

  • Can I delete a comment I’ve made?

    Unfortunately, no. It’s the reason you should think about what you’re about to post. Once it’s up, it’s there for everyone to see. Your profile page also includes a history of your comments.

  • Why are comments closed for a particular story?

    For the most part, we try our hardest not to close any comment thread. But sometimes, when things get too heated and a conversation has become uncivil, we’ll shut the thread down. Also, comments on story pages are automatically shut down after three days; on blogs they close after seven days.

  • Why is there a question about my “areas of expertise” on my profile page?

    Reporters are always on the lookout for new sources. This makes it easy for them to find experts for a story they are reporting and widens the community of experts a reporter can turn to, making our coverage more inclusive and more diverse. If you'd rather not make this information available to reporters, simply leave this field blank.

  • Can I block people from posting on my wall?

    No, but you can delete any unwanted messages left there. Also, unlike messages you leave on stories, you can delete messages you leave on other people's walls. If someone becomes a nuisance on your wall, go to that user's page and report the person as inappropriate, making sure to explain why you are flagging him.

  • Can I change the e-mail on my account?

    Yup. Just log in to the site, click “Your Account” and type in your new e-mail address in the space provided. We will send you a confirmation e-mail with a link you have visit before the change takes effect.

  • Will my comments appear in search engines?

    NPR will not index your comments or profiles, meaning they will not come up when you use a search engine like Google. This does not mean that they won't be visible. Your profile is still public and available for everyone to see.

  • Will signing up create a profile?

    Yes. As soon as you sign up, a simple profile is created, showing your name and nickname. Visitors to have access to the profile, which will also aggregate the comments you've left around the site.

  • Still having trouble? Fill out a Technical Support Request form.

    Fill out our Support Request form and we will do our best to assist you.


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