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Indiana Trails Advisory Board

The Indiana Trails Advisory Board (TAB) was established by the Director of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources on June 3, 1994. The voluntary Board is composed of sixteen citizens from around the state who are concerned with various aspects of trail use. The Board was establish pursuant to the National Recreational Trails Fund Act, which required states to establish a recreational trail advisory board to be eligible for funding from the Recreational Trails Program (RTP).

The function of the Board, which was announced at the time of formation, is to make recommendations to the Director about implementing the state trails plan. Thus, the function of the Board is strictly advisory. It may not set policy, speak for the Director or DNR and it does not have the ability to lobby for legislation. Individual members may contact legislators on behalf of other organizations they represent or in their individual capacity, as may any citizen. However, members cannot claim to represent the position of the Board or DNR.

The TAB is made up of the representatives from the following groups:

  • Four Wheel Drive Users
  • Mountain Bike
  • Bicyclists
  • Off- Road Motorcyclists
  • Users With Disabilities
  • Water Trail Users
  • Hiker  
  • Trail Support Groups
  • Snowmobile Users
  • Equestrians  
  • All Terrain Vehicle Users
  • Environmental Groups
  • Pedestrians
  • Parks and Recreation Agencies

Meetings are held quarterly, on the first Thursday of March, June (last Thursday), September, and December at 3:00 PM.
The board meets at the Indiana Government Center in Indianapolis.

The 2009 meetings will be:
March 5th
June 25th
September 3rd
December 3rd

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