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Forest Health

Forest Pest Management - The Division of Forest Pest Management is responsible for protecting forestland from insects, diseases, and other factors affecting forest health. The division promotes programs designed to improve or maintain the health and biodiversity of forest ecosystems. The division's mission is accomplished by evaluating factors affecting the health of trees and forests; utilizing integrated pest management techniques to mitigate the effects of factors on the forest ecosystem; and promoting forest health to the public and forest user community.

Gypsy Moth - The gypsy moth is responsible for millions of acres of defoliation annually. Gypsy moth was first discovered in Pennsylvania in 1932. It is now found as far west as Minnesota, with populations reaching outbreak levels every 5-10 years.

Forest Tent Caterpillar - Forest tent caterpillar is native to North America and is a defoliator of hardwood trees in Pennsylvania.

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid - The hemlock woolly adelgid is a serious pest of Eastern hemlock, Tsuga canadensis, in the northeastern states. This insect was first reported in southeastern Pennsylvania in the late 1960s and has spread to both ornamental and forest hemlocks.

Invasive Threats to Pennsylvania - Pennsylvania's forest resources are constantly threatened by new invasive species. Introductions of destructive insects, plants, and diseases not native to Pennsylvania can cause millions of dollars in damage, and alter the forest ecosystem.

The White-tailed Deer in Pennsylvania's Forests - The white-tailed deer is undoubtedly one of the most influential species of wildlife in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program - The Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program (PNHP) conducts inventories and collects data regarding the Commonwealth's native biological diversity and identifies and describes the Commonwealth’s rarest and most significant ecological features. These features include plant and animal species of special concern, rare and exemplary natural communities, and outstanding geologic features

Penn Nursery - Forest Tree Seedlings - Pennsylvania landowners can purchase forest tree seedlings from the Bureau of Forestry, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, for wood products and watershed protection.

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