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Education and Information

Common Trees of Pennsylvania - A helpful guide to 57 native and 5 introduced tree species commonly found in Pennsylvania

Wild Plant Program - Information about wild plants in Pennsylvania including invasive plants, ginseng and landscaping with native plants.

Invasive Exotic Plant Management Tutorial - Developed by the Mid-Atlantic Exotic Pest Plant Council as a tool for natural resource managers who are interested in organizing on-the-ground efforts to prevent, manage and control invasive exotic plants.

Invasive Hitchhikers Fact Sheets
Information designed to help recreational enthusiasts learn how they can play a critical role in minimizing the spread of invasive species while participating in recreational activities.

Rattlesnakes in Pennsylvania's State Forests - What you should know about timber rattlesnakes and the possibility of encounters.

Conservation Education - The Bureau of Forestry is a leader in education about forest and native wild plant conservation and management. Education efforts focus on increasing public awareness of issues and factors affecting Pennsylvania’s forests.

Research Policy - Research is a valid use of state forest land that increases knowledge and provides benefits to society. Requests to conduct research on state forest land must be submitted for approval.

Leased Forest Campsites - Frequently asked questions about leased forest campsites administered by the Bureau of Forestry.

State Forest Management and Regulations - State Forest General Provisions and regulations concerning State Forest picnic areas

Pennsylvania's Environmental Certification - Forest Certification is an independent scientific review process that determines if a forest is managed in an environmentally responsible manner. Timber resource sustainability, forest ecosystem maintenance, and financial and socioeconomic considerations are all scrutinized during the process. Pennsylvania is home to 2.1 million acres of certified forest land, the largest tract of certified forest in North America

Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program - The Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program (PNHP) conducts inventories and collects data regarding the Commonwealth's native biological diversity and identifies and describes the Commonwealth’s rarest and most significant ecological features. These features include plant and animal species of special concern, rare and exemplary natural communities, and outstanding geologic features

Search and Rescue - The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) is the primary coordinator for search and rescue efforts on state forest and state park lands within the commonwealth. This web site provides search and rescue information and promotes outdoor safety to help ensure our visitors safe and enjoyable experiences.

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