Employment and OccupationsAmericans With Disabilities Act of 1990, Public Law 101-336 Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Public Law 101-336. An Act to Establish a Clear and Comprehensive Prohibition of Discrimination on the Basis of Disability. Approved July 26, 1990. Item 575. Year/Pages: 1990: 51 p. Apprenticeships: Career Training, Credentials, and a Paycheck in Your Pocket Publisher: Labor Dept., Labor Statistics Bureau Description: Reprinted from the Summer 2002 issue of the Occupational Outlook Quarterly. Explains how apprenticeship works. Lists apprenticeable occupations, and the years of training estimated for each occupation. Year/Pages: 2002: 22 p.; ill. Aviation Careers: The Sky's the Limit Publisher: Transportation Dept., Federal Aviation Administration, Aviation Education Program Description: AE-95-06. Provides information on career opportunities in aviation. Includes a section on women in aviation. Item 0431-A-21. Year/Pages: 1996: 92 p.; ill. Price: $9.50 Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, Public Law 95-454 Publisher: General Services Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Public Law 95-454. An Act to Reform the Civil Service Laws. Approved Oct. 13, 1978. Item 575. Year/Pages: 1978: 117 p. Price: $2.79 Dictionary of Occupational Titles, Revised 4th Edition 1991, V. 1-2 Publisher: Labor Dept., Employment and Training Administration, United States Employment Service Description: 4th edition, Revised. Defines and indexes over 20,000 job titles. Addresses issues of training and education, career guidance and employment counseling, job definition and wage restructuring. Often referred to as the "DOT." V. 1: Professional, Technical, and Managerial Occupations; Clerical and Sales Occupations; Service Occupations; Agricultural, Fishery, Forestry, and Related Occupations; and Processing Occupations. V. 2: Machine Trades Occupations, Benchwork Occupations; Structural Work; and Miscellaneous Occupations. Also includes a glossary, appendixes, and indexes. Edge indexed. 2 volumes, sold as a set. Item 780-A-1. Year/Pages: 1991: 2 bks. (1445 p.); revised ed. Price: $67.00 Publisher: Labor Dept., Labor Statistics Bureau Description: Monthly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the first issue after the order is processed. Copies of the latest 6 monthly issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $27.00, foreign single copy, $37.80. Contains current data on employment, hours, earnings, and labor turnover for the United States as a whole, for individual States, and for more than 200 local areas. Former title: EE: Employment and Earnings. EMEA File Code 2M. Item 768-B. Price: $53.00 Employer's Desk Guide to Child Support Publisher: Health and Human Services Dept., Administration for Children and Families, Office of Child Support Enforcement Description: Provides information to employers about collecting child support from their employees who owe child support. Instructs the employer on how to: report new hires; withhold income and medical support; disburse payments; and report terminations. Includes appendices on: employee rights and responsibilities; State-specific reference; Federal legislative references; multi-State employer notification form; Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP); a glossary; and an index. Year/Pages: 1999: 224 p.; ill. Price: $7.50 Employment and Wages Annual Averages, 2003 Publisher: Labor Dept., Labor Statistics Bureau, Office of Employment and Unemployment Statistics Description: Labor Statistics Bureau Bulletin 2569. By Michael B. Buso, et al. Presents 2003 employment and wages data as defined in the North American Industry Classification System. Data pertain to workers covered by State unemployment insurance laws and the Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) program in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Item 768-D. Year/Pages: 2004: 682 p.; ill. Price: $54.00 Employment Interviewing: Seizing the Opportunity and the Job Publisher: Labor Dept., Labor Statistics Bureau Description: Reprinted from the Summer 2000 issue of the Occupational Outlook Quarterly. Gives useful advice on what to do before, during, and after a job interview. Includes tips about job fairs. Year/Pages: 2000: 9 p.; ill. Employment Law Guide (English Edition) Publisher: Labor Dept., Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy Description: Describes the statutes and regulations administered by the Department of Labor (DOL) that affect businesses and workers. The Guide is designed mainly for those needing "hands-on" information to develop wage, benefit, safety and health, and nondiscrimination policies for businesses in general industry. Year/Pages: 2003: 110 p. Price: $6.40 Employment Outlook, 1998-2008: Occupational Change From an Industry Perspective Publisher: Labor Dept., Labor Statistics Bureau Description: Labor Statistics Bureau Bulletin 2522. Provides an overview of industry and occupational employment projections for the 1998-2008 period. Focuses on industries and occupations that will generate the largest portion of the projected job growth. Discusses the implications of employment growth on the quality of jobs in term of earnings and on the education and training requirements of jobs that will be generated from 1998-2008. Item 777-B-04. Year/Pages: 2000: 79 p.; ill. Price: $3.00 Geographic Profile of Employment and Unemployment, 1997 Publisher: Labor Dept., Labor Statistics Bureau Description: Labor Statistics Bureau Bulletin 2515. Presents 1997 annual averages from the Current Population Survey for census regions and divisions, the 50 States and the District of Columbia, 50 large metropolitan areas, and 17 central cities. Year/Pages: 1999: 197 p.; ill. Price: $8.80 Geographic Profile of Employment and Unemployment, 2001 Publisher: Labor Dept., Labor Statistics Bureau Description: Labor Statistics Bureau Bulletin 2556. Presents 2001 annual averages from the Current Population Survey for census regions and divisions, the 50 States and the District of Columbia, 50 large metropolitan areas, and 17 central cities. Year/Pages: 2003: 179 p. Price: $10.00 Here Today, Jobs of Tomorrow: Opportunities in Information Technology Publisher: Labor Dept., Labor Statistics Bureau Description: Reprinted From the Fall 1998 Occupational Outlook Quarterly. Describes the occupations in the information technology field. Examines opportunities in the labor market and earnings for information technology workers. Explains how to prepare for a career in information technology. Year/Pages: 1998: 13 p.; ill. High-Earning Workers Who Don't Have A Bachelor's Degree Publisher: Labor Dept., Labor Statistics Bureau Description: Reprinted From the Fall 1999 Issue of the Occupational Outlook Quarterly. Identifies occupations in which many highly paid workers do not have a bachelor's degree. Points out other things that make for a good job. Year/Pages: 1999: 9 p.; ill. How to Get a Job in the Federal Government Publisher: Labor Dept., Labor Statistics Bureau Description: Reprinted from the Summer 2004 issue of the Occupational Outlook Quarterly. Describes the types of jobs available in the Federal civil service and the qualifications required. Also serves as a guide to find and apply for those jobs. Year/Pages: 2004: 26 p.; ill. Job Outlook in Brief, 2002-2012 Publisher: Labor Dept., Labor Statistics Bureau Description: 2002-2012 Job Outlook in Brief. Reprinted from the Spring 2004 issue of the Occupational Outlook Quarterly. Provides brief sketches of employment data for each occupation in the Occupational Outlook Handbook. Each entry presents the occupation's title, its estimated 2002 employment, percent change in employment, 2002-2012 numerical change in employment, 2002-2012, and employment prospects. Item 0770-A. Year/Pages: 2004: 52 p.; ill. Price: $7.50 Matching Yourself With the World of Work, 1998 Publisher: Labor Dept., Labor Statistics Bureau Description: Reprinted from the Fall 1998 issue of "Occupational Outlook Quarterly". Lists and defines 22 occupational characteristics and requirements. Matches these characteristics with about 250 occupations. Intended to match job and personal characteristics of occupations with your interests and skills. Item 0770-A. Year/Pages: 1998: 19 p.; ill. Price: $1.30 Publisher: Labor Dept., Labor Statistics Bureau Description: Monthly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the first issue after the order is processed. Copies of the latest 12 issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $15.00; foreign single copy, $21.00. Articles are on employment, labor force, wages, prices, productivity, unit labor costs, collective bargaining, workers' satisfaction, social indicators, and labor developments abroad. Regular features include a review of developments in industrial relations, significant court decisions in labor cases, book reviews, and current labor statistics. MLR. Formerly LR. File Code 2D. Item 770. Price: $49.00 National Compensation Survey: Occupational Wages in the United States, 2002, July Publisher: Labor Dept., Labor Statistics Bureau Description: Labor Statistics Bureau Bulletin 2561. Provides occupational earnings data for all private industry and State and local government workers in the United States in 2002. Year/Pages: 2003: 190 p. Price: $11.19 Occupational Outlook Quarterly Publisher: Labor Dept., Labor Statistics Bureau Description: Quarterly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the first issue after the order is processed. Copies of the latest 2 issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $6.00; foreign single copy, $8.40. This subscription service provides current information on employment trends and outlook, supplementing and bringing up to date information in Occupational Outlook Handbook. OOQ. File code 2R. Item 770-A. O*NET 98: Keeping Pace with Today's Changing Workplace (CD-ROM) Publisher: Labor Dept., Employment and Training Administration Description: Consists of 4 main tools: O*Net 98 Viewer, Version 1.0; Viewer User's Guide; O*Net 98 Database, Release 1.0; and Data Dictionary. Contains occupational information about skills, knowledge, abilities, and work activities, interests, work values and occupation-specific tasks for over 1,100 occupations. Other features include: occupational classification system that links to the Occupational Employment System; capability to locate occupations through skill requirements or key words; and electronic linkages that crosswalk O*Net occupational titles to 8 other classification systems including MOS and OPM. On title page: O*NET, The Occupational Information Network. Item 744-G-04. Year/Pages: 1998: CD-ROM in plastic case. Price: $13.19 O*Net Ability Profiler: Administration Manual Publisher: Labor Dept., Employment and Training Administration Description: Provides basic rules and procedures for employment and guidance counselors who administer the O*Net Ability Profiler career assessment forms 1 and 2. Contains copyright material and a user agreement. Year/Pages: 2002: 169 p.; ill. Price: $8.80 O*Net Ability Profiler: Administrator Training Manual Publisher: Labor Dept., Employment and Training Administration Description: Includes guidelines for workshop preparation for training people who will administer the O*Net Ability Profiler career assessment program. Also contains copyright material and a user agreement. Year/Pages: 2002: 65 p. O*Net Ability Profiler: Administrator Training Overhead Masters Publisher: Labor Dept., Employment and Training Administration Description: Designed for use by State employment services, schools, universities, training programs and vocational rehabilitation agencies. Contains copyright material. Year/Pages: 2002: 15 sheets. O*Net Ability Profiler: Administrator Training Participant's Guide Publisher: Labor Dept., Employment and Training Administration Description: Designed to teach the procedures and skills needed to successfully administer and score the O*Net Ability Profiler. Sold in packages of 10 copies only. Contains copyright material. Year/Pages: 2002: 13 p. O*Net Ability Profiler: Form 1, A Tool for Career Exploration Publisher: Labor Dept., Employment and Training Administration Description: Contains test questions designed to assess skills in the areas of: arithmetic reasoning; vocabulary; three-dimensional space; computation; name comparison; and object matching. Meant to be used by guidance and career counselers. Contains copyright material. Sold in packages of 10 copies only. Year/Pages: 2002: 47 p.; ill. Price: $50.00 O*Net Ability Profiler, Pt. 7: Form 1 and 2 (Mark Making Answer Sheet) Publisher: Labor Dept., Employment and Training Administration Description: Provides an exercise in making lines in squares. Year/Pages: 2002: Pad of 100 copies. O*Net Ability Profiler: Pre-Marked Response Sheets for Scoring Calibration Publisher: Labor Dept., Employment and Training Administration Description: Provides correct answers to Pts. 1-6 of the O*Net Ability Profiler blank answer sheets. 2 copies, sold as a set. Year/Pages: 2002: 4 p. Price: $2.50 O*Net Ability Profiler: Record of Apparatus Scores Publisher: Labor Dept., Employment and Training Administration Description: For use with other O*Net Ability Profiler career assessment tools. Contains copyright material. Year/Pages: 2003: Pad of 100 sheets. Price: $13.00 O*Net Ability Profiler: Scoring Program and Scoring Program User's Guide, Version 3.0 (CD-ROM) Publisher: Labor Dept., Employment and Training Administration Description: Contains copyright material. Year/Pages: 2003: CD-ROM. Price: $22.00 O*Net Ability Profiler: Three-Dimensional Cutouts Publisher: Labor Dept., Employment and Training Administration Description: To be used with other O*Net career assessment tools. Contains 5 green sheets, with no title or other identification on any of the sheets. Year/Pages: 2003: 5 sheets. O*Net Ability Profiler: Using Your O*Net Ability Profiler Results; and Answer Sheet, Pts. 1-6 Publisher: Labor Dept., Employment and Training Administration Description: To be used by vocational guidance counselors and others who administer the O*Net Ability Profiler career assessment to groups of people. Contains copyright material. 100 answer sheets and 1 pad, sold as a set. Year/Pages: 2002: Pad of 100 p. and 100 answer sheets. O*Net Ability Profiler: User's Guide Publisher: Labor Dept., Employment and Training Administration Description: Developed for schools, employment service offices, career information delivery systems, and outplacement programs that will incorporate the ability profiler into their career exploration services. Contains a user agreement and copyright material. Year/Pages: 2002: 38 p. Price: $3.00 O*Net Version 3.0: Interest Profiler, Instrument, A Tool for Career Exploration Publisher: Labor Dept., Employment and Training Administration Description: Provides a self-assessment career exploration tool. Participants use this instrument to identify and learn about broad interest areas most relevant to their work-related interests. The tool helps users discover the type of work activities and tasks that they would like and find exciting on the job. Contains copyright material. Sold in packages of 25 copies only. Year/Pages: 2000: 10 p.; ill. O*Net Version 3.0: Interest Profiler, O*Net Occupations Master List Publisher: Labor Dept., Employment and Training Administration Description: Presents a self-assessment career exploration tool. Lists O*NET 3.0 occupations by Interest Area/Job Zone category. Occupations have been assigned to the groups based on their Primary Interest Area. This publication provides an expanded list of O*NET occupations compared to the Interest Profiler Score Report. Contains copyright material. Sold in packages of 5 copies only. Year/Pages: 2000: 23 p. O*Net Version 3.0: Interest Profiler, Score Report Publisher: Labor Dept., Employment and Training Administration Description: Provides a self-assessment career exploration tool. Designed for use with the "O*NET Interest Profiler: Instrument." Helps users understand what their results mean and how to link them to O*NET occupations. O*NET occupations are included in the report. Also explains how to use their results in exploring careers using O*NET OnLine. Contains copyright material. Sold in packages of 5 copies only. Year/Pages: 2000: 27 p. O*Net Version 3.0: Interest Profiler, User's Guide Publisher: Labor Dept., Employment and Training Administration Description: Provides a self-assessment career exploration tool. Developed especially for schools, employment service offices, career information delivery systems, and out-placement programs that offer career exploration services. Helps users understand how the Interest profiler (IP) was developed and how to incorporate the IP into their programs properly. Contains copyright material. Sold in packages of 5 copies only. Year/Pages: 2000: 61 p. Price: $19.39 O*Net Version 3.0: O*net Occupations Combined List, Interests and Work Values Publisher: Labor Dept., Employment and Training Administration Description: Presents a self-assessment career exploration tool for use with both the Interest Profiler and the Work Importance Locator Instruments. Combines results of both instruments and provides a comprehensive listing of O*NET 3.0 occupations arranged by Job Zone for each Interest/Work Value category to help users explore careers. Contains copyright material. Sold in packages of 5 copies only. Year/Pages: 2000: 59 p. O*Net Version 3.0: Work Importance Locator, Instrument, A Tool for Career Exploration Publisher: Labor Dept., Employment and Training Administration Description: Provides a self-assessment career exploration tool. Includes work value cards, work value card sorting sheet, and envelope. Helps users clarify what they find most important in jobs. Participants use this instrument to identify occupations included in O*NET that they are likely to find satisfying, based on the similarity between what is important to them in a job and the characteristics of the occupations. Contains copyright material. Sold in packages of 25 copies only. Year/Pages: 2000: 8 p., envelope, card sorting sheet, and cards. O*Net Version 3.0: Work Importance Locator, O*NET Occupations Master List Publisher: Labor Dept., Employment and Training Administration Description: Provides a self-assessment career exploration tool. Lists O*NET 3.0 occupations by Work Value/Job Zone category. Occupations have been assigned to the groups based on their highest work value. This publication provides an expanded list of O*NET occupations as compared to the Work Importance Locator Score Report. Contains copyright material. Sold in packages of 5 copies only. Year/Pages: 2001: 23 p. O*Net Version 3.0: Work Importance Locator, Score Report Publisher: Labor Dept., Employment and Training Administration Description: Provides a self-assessment career exploration tool. Designed for use with the "O*NET Work Importance Locator: Instrument." Helps users understand what their results mean and how to link them to O*NET occupations. O*NET occupations are included in the report. Also explains how to use the results in exploring careers using O*NET OnLine. Contains copyright material. Sold in packages of 5 copies only. Year/Pages: 2001: 27 p. O*Net Version 3.0: Work Importance Locator, User's Guide Publisher: Labor Dept., Employment and Training Administration Description: Provides a self-assessment career exploration tool. Prepared especially for schools, employment service offices, career information delivery systems, out-placement programs that will incorporate the Work Importance Locator (WIL) into their career exploration services. This guide can help users understand how the WIL was developed and how to incorporate the WIL into their programs properly. Contains copyright material. Sold in packages of 5 copies only. Year/Pages: 2001: 53 p. Optional Application for Federal Employment, Optional Form 612 Publisher: Office of Personnel Management Description: Optional Form 612. Includes form and instructions. States that "You may apply for most jobs with a resume, this form, or another written format. If your resume or application does not provide all the information requested on this form and in the vacancy announcement, you may lose consideration for a job." Sold in packages of 100 copies only. Item 290-J-01. Year/Pages: 1994: 2 p. Price: $9.59 Resumes, Applications, and Cover Letters Publisher: Labor Dept., Labor Statistics Bureau Description: Reprinted from the "Occupational Outlook Quarterly," Summer 1999 issue. Briefly describes how to create effective resumes and cover letters and how to pick up and fill out job application forms. Includes a section about creating digital resumes. Year/Pages: 1999: 14 p.; ill. Title 5, United States Code: Government Organization and Employees, October 2003 Publisher: House, Committee on Government Reform Description: Committee Print. Includes amendments to Title 5 made through Public Law 107-377, December 31, 2002. 108th Congress, 1st Session. Jacket 84-106. Year/Pages: 2003: 947 p. Price: $61.00 Publisher: Education Dept. Description: Examines the skills needed to maintain employment in the 21st century. Year/Pages: 1999: 46 p.; ill. Women in the Labor Force: A Databook Publisher: Labor Dept., Labor Statistics Bureau Description: Labor Statistics Bureau Report 973. Presents historical and current labor force and earnings data for women and men from the Current Population Survey. Year/Pages: 2004: 80 p. Workforce 2000: Work and Workers for the 21st Century Publisher: Labor Dept., Employment and Training Administration Description: HI-3796-RR. Published by Hudson Institute, Herman Kahn Center, Indianapolis, Indiana. William B. Johnson, Project Director. Predicts trends for the next 15 years and discusses policy issues. Recognizes six challenges: stimulating world growth; improving productivity in the service industries; improving the dynamism of an aging workforce; reconciling the needs of women, work, and families; integrating Blacks and Hispanics fully into the workforce; and improving workers' education and skills. Some printings indicate "Executive Summary" on the cover, but, if copies have 145 pages, contain the full report as well as the summary. Item 745. Year/Pages: 1987: 145 p.; ill. [ Top ]
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