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Holiday Cacti
Holiday Cacti
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter cacti bloom from late fall through spring, providing vibrant color at a time of year when few other houseplants look their best. Learn how to make your holiday cacti thrive!   Download Now
Home Orchard: Growing Your Own Deciduous Fruit and Nut Trees
Home Orchard: Growing Your Own Deciduous Fruit and Nut Trees
This book was developed especially for backyard orchardists, rare fruit growers, and small-scale growers. Here you'll find a look at standard growing methods as well as some unique practices developed by enthusiasts.  

Irrigated Alfalfa Management for Mediterranean and Desert Zones
Irrigated Alfalfa Management for Mediterranean and Desert Zones
Ten years in the making, this is the ultimate guide to irrigated alfalfa production. This publication will guide you through the many considerations in producing alfalfa successfully, drawing upon detailed, comprehensive, and scientifically accurate infor  

Noticias para los padres: un boletín mensual sobre usted y su bebé
Noticias para los padres: un boletín mensual sobre usted y su bebé
This set of fifteen 8-page newsletters has been a perennial favorite over the years. Now newly revised!
Este conjunto de 15 boletines (8 páginas cada uno), ha sido siempre en la lista de favoritos. Ahora está disponible una edición nuevamente revisada.

Passive Frost Protection of Trees and Vines
Passive Frost Protection of Trees and Vines
Freezing temperatures can have a devastating effect on tree and vine crop production. Proper management of your orchard or vineyard before a frost night can minimize potential damage. These management practices are called "passive protection."   Download Now
Weeds of California and Other Western States
Weeds of California and Other Western States
This encyclopedic yet easy-to-use guide is the most comprehensive guide available on weeds in the Western United States. Package includes a CD of all of the photographs from the book, suitable for use in PowerPoint presentations.  

Wine Grape Varieties in California
Wine Grape Varieties in California
This is a “must-have” for everyone who loves California wines. Inside you’ll find information on 53 varieties grown in California, each highlighted by close-up photography of its clusters, leaves, and leaf shoots – 107 lush color photos in all.  

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Cómo reconocer peligros potenciales de los arboles
Recognizing Tree Hazards: A Photographic Guide for Homeowners
Seasonal Guide to Environmentally Responsible Pest Mgmt. Practices in Almonds
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