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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

USGS/WRD/CVO Monitoring Station

14240304 - Spirit Lake at Tunnel at Spirit Lake, WA

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Station Information

Latitude (degrees, minutes, and seconds) ......  461635
Longitude (degrees, minutes, and seconds) .....  1220941
State Code ....................................  53
County Code ...................................  059
County Name ...................................  Skamania
Basin Name ....................................  Lower Cowlitz
Hydrologic Unit Code ..........................  17080005
Drainage Area (square miles) ..................  18.00*
Drainage Area (square miles) (pre-May 18, 1980)  14.90**
Gage Datum (feet above sea level) .............  3400.00

Location ...................... NE/NE Sec.10, T.9 N., R.5 E.,
				Mount St. Helens National Volcanic 
                                Monument, at entrance of Spirit Lake 
                                Outlet Tunnel, 5.6 mile NNE of the
                                Mount St. Helens volcanic edifice.

----Period(s) of Record----
October 1987 to current year

    * at entrance to Spirit Lake Outlet Tunnel
   ** prior to volcanic eruption of May 18, 1980

Site History and Remarks

"Spirit Lake 2" operated briefly in conjunction with this site, 1997

Location Map

Location Map
-- base map courtesy USGS Mapping Information Server

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11/08/06, Lyn Topinka