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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

"Information for Future Volcanologists"

Where Could I Go to Graduate School
to Study Volcanology?

What follows here is an alphabetized list of universities around the world that offer graduate programs in volcanology. Also included are short programs offered on various aspects of volcanology. The U.S. Geological Survey provides this list as a service and makes no endorsement of any of these programs or courses. The information has been provided by the universities themselves (with some editing for consistent format). Please note the dates when program descriptions were last updated, as CVO will not be keeping the information current unless the University sends updated information, or CVO does a major updating using information from the various university websites. For the absolutely latest information however, go to the University's own website.

If you are interested in pursuing graduate studies in volcanology, the "best" school for you will depend on a number of factors, including the specific aspects of the field you are interested in; the interests, abilities, and personalities of faculty members who might act as advisors; location of the university; the types and amounts of financial aid available; the language that classes are taught in; and the degree you are seeking. We encourage you to contact these geology departments directly to get information specific to you needs and to communicate with faculty members about options and possibilities.

NOTE: This list is NOT inclusive. There are many more schools not listed here which have excellent programs in various aspects of volcanology.

CVO DISCLAIMER: -- This list of various Universities and Colleges with programs in (or related to) volcanology is not inclusive. The information presented here was provided by the individual Schools or Departments in response to a query on the "Volcano ListServe" in 1999. Others have been added since on request of the University. The USGS and CVO make no endoursement of any of these programs or courses. If you wish your College or University program listed please contact the CVO webmaster.

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Universities and Colleges

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11/29/06, Lyn Topinka