Treatment Information

  • Ash canopy thinning and dieback photo illustration (PPT, 2.45MB)
    September 2007 - Effectively treating EAB-infested ash trees can be tricky. Many people are unaware of the degree of infestation their ash tree(s) may have, so Dave Smitley, Michigan State University entomologist, has created this guide that explains the stages of ash canopy thinning and dieback. These stages may help the homeowner determine if it is worth the effort to try to save the tree, or if it may be best to take it down.
  • Homeowner Guide to Emerald Ash Borer Treatments pdf (PDF, 0.34MB)
    E-2955 - March 2007 - Treatment recommendations for homeowners
  • Evaluation of Insecticides for Control of Emerald Ash Borer: Summary of 2004 Trialspdf (PDF, 0.12MB)
    April 2005 - Deborah G. McCullough, David Cappaert and Therese M. Poland
    Project I: Trunk-injected imidacloprid; effects of timing, tree size and application methods on persistence and EAB control
    Project II: Evaluation of trunk-injected ash trees treated in 2003 and again in 2004
    Project III: Comparison of bark, foliage and whole tree sprays applied once versus twice during the summer
  • Hiring A Tree Care Company

The following contain useful information for professionals:

EAB Research and Technology Development Proceedings

  • Research abstracts and other information addressing the EAB problem in North America.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Since the emerald ash borer's discovery in 2002, research has been ongoing to develop tools to control and eliminate this pest. Currently, there are a number of treatments available for use by homeowners or tree care professionals that can provide a varying degree of beetle control. A review of all options is recommended. As more methods are developed, more information will be available. References to commercial products or trade names do not imply endorsement by the entities supplying the information, or bias against those not mentioned. Reprinting of any material on this site cannot be used to endorse or advertise a commercial product or company.

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