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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Volcano Hazards in the Mount Hood Region, Oregon

-- W.E. Scott, T.C. Pierson, S.P. Schilling, J.E. Costa, C.A. Gardner, J.W. Vallance, and J.J. Major, 1997,
Volcano Hazards in the Mount Hood Region, Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-89, 14p.

Snow-clad Mount Hood dominates the Cascade skyline from the Portland metropolitan area to the wheat fields of Wasco and Sherman Counties. The mountain contributes valuable water, scenic, and recreational resources that help sustain the agricultural and tourist segments of the economies of surrounding cities and counties. Mount Hood is also one of the major volcanoes of the Cascade Range, having erupted repeatedly for hundreds of thousands of years, most recently during two episodes in the past 1,500 years. The last episode ended shortly before the arrival of Lewis and Clark in 1805. When Mount Hood erupts again, it will severely affect areas on its flanks and far downstream in the major river valleys that head on the volcano. Volcanic ash may fall on areas up to several hundred kilometers downwind. The purpose of this report is to describe the kinds of hazardous geologic events that have happened at Mount Hood in the past and to show, in the accompanying volcano-hazard-zonation maps, which areas will be at risk when such events occur in the future. -- Scott,, 1997

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08/13/08, Lyn Topinka