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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Hazardous Phenomena at Volcanoes

-- Bobbie Myers and Steven R. Brantley, 1995,
Hazardous Phenomena at Volcanoes: USGS Open-File Report 95-231

Volcanoes generate a wide variety of phenomena that can alter the Earth's surface and atmosphere and endanger people and property. While most of the natural hazards illustrated and described in this fact sheet are associated with eruptions, some, like landslides, can occur even when a volcano is quiet. Small events may pose a hazard only within a few miles of a volcano, while large events can directly or indirectly endanger people and property tens to hundreds of miles away. -- Myers and Brantley, 1995

NOTE: USGS Fact Sheet What are Volcano Hazards? (Myers,, 1997, USGS Fact Sheet 002-97) replaces this report.

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07/01/97, Lyn Topinka