The Great ShakeOut- Peter Lent Interview

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  Interviewer: Peter how are you connected to the Great Southern California ShakeOut scenario?

Peter Lent: I am the Riverside County Associate co-chair along with Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack for the Riverside County Associates for ShakeOut. We're obviously also using the ShakeOut scenario in helping us with our Golden Guardian exercise. Being that the epicenter is very near in our county and really splits our county into half, we're intimately connected to it.

Interviewer: OK Peter how are you using the science from this scenario?

Peter Lent: We're using the science from the ShakeOut scenario to really plan our exercise. The science [00:48 somebody] is helping us figure out damage in real life, what would it be. It's not just made-up information. Critical infrastructure impacts to our water, our roads, our communications infrastructure. 
01:00 All that's coming out based on science and scenario and as a huge outset for us in planning our Golden Guardian exercise.

Interviewer: So what certainly made a difference in this scenario is based on real science?

Peter Lent: Absolutely. Again it's not a made-up scenario. It is based on science and it's based on what would most like happen when this event occurs.

Interviewer: And looking at this Great Southern California ShakeOut, this huge event, what inspires you the most about it? What are you most the proud of?

Peter Lent: I think I'm most proud of the way the community is coming together; all the collaborative partnerships in Riverside County in particular and in Southern California as a whole, knowing that when this event occurs we're going to have to be relying on each other throughout the entire region to get through this event.

Interviewer: Alright, Peter is there anything you would like to add before we finish here?

Peter Lent: Just I'm very proud of the 525,000 people that Riverside County residence have registered on to support that.

I know several other counties have thrown down some challenges to us and we're meeting those and I believe we're beating some of them as well. 
02:00 So I'm very happy that our residence are stepping up and participating in the ShakeOut.