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Available Courses

Practical Computer Literacy - Lisa
Teacher: Lisa Marchel
This course requires an enrolment key

A practical approach to computer usage including desktop and folder management, Word, Powerpoint, and Excel basics. 

Moodle Training
Teacher: Lisa Marchel

Some very basic instructions on putting your class materials into Moodle

Web Coding 101
Teacher: Lisa Marchel

An introduction or refresher on basic web coding, including HTML and CSS.  Will include components of website building such as design concepts and basic graphics. 

Internet and Web Publishing
Teacher: Nathan Mr.

An introduction to internet systems and applications

Microsoft Producer

Introduction to Teacher Education
Teacher: Stephanie Spence

This course introduces students to components of teacher education, NAEYC and Wisconsin DPI standards and professional expectations. 

Teaching Mathematics
Teacher: Jerilyn Grignon

The course centers on how teachers create a positive classroom environment to facilititate children's mathematical thinking. 

Issues in Diversity and Discrimination

Introduction to public policies, regulations, and programs that either exacerbate or remediate issues in diversity and discrimination.

Menominee Language
Teacher: Ben Grignon


College Algebra
Teacher: Cody Martin
Properties of the real numbers, solving linear and quadratic equations and inequalities, polynomial, fractional expressions and equations, exponents, power and roots, systems of linear equations.  Additional lab work may be required.
Elementary Functions: Algebra and Trigonometry
Teacher: Cody Martin
This course emphasizes aspects of algebra and trigonometry and problem solving that are important in the study of calculus. 
MAT090-30 (Inactive)
This course allows guest users to enter  

Fundamentals of Mathematics

Introduction to Oral Communication
Teacher: Katherine Hall

Students prepare, deliver and evaluate speeches on Self-introduction, Narrative, Demonstration, Persuasive, and Commemorative, doing self and peer assessments. 

Chemistry 101

Basic chemistry

Intro to Computers CMP180
This course requires an enrolment key
Write a concise and interesting paragraph here that explains what this course is about
Career Exploration EDU101-30
Teacher: Heidi Cartwright


Career Exploration EDU101-01
Teacher: Heidi Cartwright


Community Engagement EDU103-30
Teacher: Heidi Cartwright


Community Engagement EDU103-01
Teacher: Heidi Cartwright


Student Success Strategies - Dr. Cody Martin
Teacher: Cody Martin

This course
introduces the tools and skills that build students’ self-confidence and
empower them to succeed in their college and professional careers.  The main focus is on building information literacy
skills thru the practice of finding sources for a research project.

Student Success Strategies - Dr. Victoria Yazzie
Teacher: Victoria Yazzie
Write a concise and interesting paragraph here that explains what this course is about
Student Success Strategies - Dr. Katherine Hall
Teacher: Katherine Hall


Student Success Strategies - Dr. Bill Van Lopik
Teacher: William Van Lopik
Write a concise and interesting paragraph here that explains what this course is about
Introduction to Clinical Care Management-NUR161-SP09
Teacher: Linda Taylor
This course requires an enrolment key

The clinical experience applies nursing concepts and therapeutic nursing interventions to groups of clients. It also provides an introduction to leadership, management and team building.

Nursing Health Alterations-NUR160-SP09
Teacher: Linda Taylor
This course requires an enrolment key

This course provides elaboration on the basic concepts introduced in Nursing Fundamentals. It applies theories of nursing in the care of clients through the lifespan, utilizing problem solving, and critical thinking. This course will provide an opportunity to study conditions affecting different body systems and apply therapeutic interventions. It also introduces concepts of leadership, team building, and scope of practice.

Clinical Care Across the Lifespan-NUR151-SP09
Teacher: Linda Taylor
This course requires an enrolment key

The clinical experience applies nursing concepts and therapeutic interventions to clients across the lifespan. It also provides an introduction to concepts of teaching and learning. The extension of care to the family is also emphasized.

Nursing Health Promotion-NUR150-SP09
Teacher: Linda Taylor
This course requires an enrolment key

This course elaborates on the basic concepts of health promotion in the context of family. We will cover nursing care of the developing family which includes reproductive issues, pregnancy, labor and delivery, post-partum, the newborn and the child. Recognizing the spectrum of healthy families we will discern patterns associated with adaptive and maladaptive behaviors applying mental health principles.

Nursing:Introduction to Clinical Practice-NUR130
Teacher: Linda Taylor
Teacher: Katrina Nordyke
This course requires an enrolment key

This introductory clinical course emphasizes basic nursing skills and application of the nursing process in meeting the needs of diverse clients. Emphasis is placed on performing basic nursing skills, the formation of nurse-client relationships, communication, data collection, documentation, and medication administration and the beginning application of the nursing process.

Nursing Fundamentals Skills Laboratory-NUR111-SP09
Teacher: Linda Taylor
Teacher: Katrina Nordyke
This course requires an enrolment key
This course focuses on development of clinical skills and physical assessment across the lifespan. Content includes mathematic calculations and conversions related to clinical skills, blood pressure, assessment, aseptic technique, wound care, oxygen administration tracheotomy care, suctioning, management of enteral tubes, basic medication administration, glucose testing, enemas, ostomy care, and catheterizations.
Nursing Pharmacology-NUR120-SP09
Teacher: Linda Taylor
This course requires an enrolment key

This course introduces the principles of pharmacology, including drug classifications and their effects on the body. Emphasis is on the use of the components of the nursing process when administering medications. Additionally, this course includes cultural influences on drug therapy, herbal and traditional medicines and ethnopharmacology.

Nursing Fundamentals-NUR110-SP09
Teacher: Katrina Nordyke
Teacher: Linda Taylor
This course requires an enrolment key

This course focuses on basic nursing concepts that the beginning nurse will need to provide care to diverse patient populations. Current and historical issues impacting nursing will be explored within the scope of nursing practice.

Nursing; Intro to Clinical Practice - NUR130 - Fall08
Teacher: Linda Taylor
Teacher: Katrina Nordyke
Teacher: Jo Ann Schedler
Teacher: Teresa Halcsik
This course requires an enrolment key

This introductory clinical course emphasizes basic nursing skills and application of the nursing process in meeting the needs of diverse clients.   Emphasis is placed on performing basic nursing skills, the formation of nurse-client relationships, communication, data collection, documentation, and medication administration and the beginning application of the nursing process.


Nursing Pharmacology - NUR120 - Fall08
Teacher: Linda Taylor
Teacher: Teresa Halcsik
This course requires an enrolment key

This course introduces the principles of pharmacology, including drug classifications and their effects on the body. Emphasis is on the use of the components of the nursing process when administering medications. Additionally, this course includes cultural influences on drug therapy, herbal and traditional medicines and ethnopharmacology.

Nursing Fundamentals Skills Lab - NUR111 - Fall08
Teacher: Linda Taylor
Teacher: Katrina Nordyke
Teacher: Jo Ann Schedler
Teacher: Teresa Halcsik
This course requires an enrolment key
This course focuses on development of clinical skills and physical assessment across the lifespan.  Content includes mathematic calculations and conversions related to clinical skills, blood pressure, assessment, aseptic technique, wound care, oxygen administration tracheotomy care, suctioning, management of enteral tubes, basic medication administration, glucose testing, enemas, ostomy care, and catheterizations.  In addition the course includes techniques related to obtaining a health history and basic physical assessment skills using a body assessment approach.  The impact of race and ethnicity on the findings of the health history and physical assessment will be incorporated.
Nursing Fundamentals - NUR110 - Fall 08
Teacher: Linda Taylor
Teacher: Katrina Nordyke
Teacher: Jo Ann Schedler
Teacher: Teresa Halcsik
This course requires an enrolment key

This course focuses on basic nursing concepts that the beginning nurse will need to provide care to diverse patient populations. Current and historical issues impacting nursing will be explored within the scope of nursing practice. The nursing process will be introduced as a framework for organizing the care of patients with alterations in cognition, elimination, comfort, grief/loss, mobility, integument and fluid /electrolyte balance.

Finance Test Course
Teacher: Bhaskar Singh

Just for testing Moodle setup for future classes

Student Portfolio Seminar EDU295-01 Kurt
Teacher: Kurt Goodwill


Student Portfolio Seminar EDU295-30 Stephanie
Teacher: Stephanie Erdmann

This course will guide you through the process of developing your general education portfolio.

Course Fullname 101
Teacher: Linda Taylor
Teacher: Katrina Nordyke
Write a concise and interesting paragraph here that explains what this course is about
English 102, College English and Research
Teacher: Vicki Besaw
This course requires an enrolment key
English 102 is a fundamental course in expository writing, stressing style, logic, research, and methods of development. Analytical reading and writing and the methods of inquiry common to various academic disciplines will be explored. Students will write a documented research paper using suitable sources of information and appropriate methods of
documentation. (Prerequisite: English 101)
Business Writing
Teacher: Vicki Besaw
Business Writing is a comprehensive writing course
that provides the foundation for the student develop the knowledge, skills, and
understanding of business and profession documents such as letters, memos,
email messages, and a variety of reports.
Fundamentals of English
Teacher: Vicki Besaw
This 3 credit course is designed to help students develop basic language skills and prepare them for ENG101. The course emphasizes grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and paragraph development, as well as reading comprehension.  Note that additional time in the Academic Success Center may be required.
American Indian Literature
Teacher: Vicki Besaw

A study of literature
by and about Native American Indians from oral and written materials.  Significant works and writers past and
present will be studied, read, and discussed.

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