The Overstory agroforestry ejournal
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The Overstory

Previous Editions

Previous editions of The Overstory:

  • Overstory #100--Agroforestry Resources: Agroforestry Practices, Species, and Book Sources
  • Overstory #99--Greywater for Trees and Landscape
  • Overstory #98--Integrating Forestry into Farms
  • Overstory #97--Genetic Conservation of Tropical Trees
  • Overstory #96--Sheet Mulch
  • Overstory #95--Agroecology - principles and strategies
  • Overstory #94--Permaculture
  • Overstory #93--Trees, Forests and Sacred Groves
  • Overstory #92--Trees and Their Energy Transactions
  • Overstory #91--Fodder Tree Establishment
  • Overstory #90--Biodiversity and Protected Areas
  • Overstory #89--Invasive Woody Plants
  • Overstory #88--Revegetation Planning for Farm Forestry
  • Overstory #87--Urban Forestry
  • Overstory #86--Role of Mushrooms in Nature
  • Overstory #85--Animal Shelter
  • Overstory #84--Patchiness: Living in the Real World
  • Overstory #83--Niche Markets
  • Overstory #82--Introduction to Indigenous Knowledge
  • Overstory #81--Soil Foodweb
  • Overstory #80--Forests and Water
  • Overstory #79--Creating an Internship
  • Overstory #78--Reforestation of Degraded Lands
  • Overstory #77--Tropical Forestry Conservation
  • Overstory #76--Ethnoforestry
  • Overstory #75--Glossary for Agroforestry Practices
  • Overstory #74--Microenvironments (Part 2)
  • Overstory #73--Buffers-Common Sense Conservation
  • Overstory #72--Microenvironments (Part 1)
  • Overstory #71--Nontimber Forest Products (Temperate)
  • Overstory #70--Troubles in the Rhizosphere
  • Overstory #69--Some Tree Basics
  • Overstory #68--Twelve Tree Myths
  • Overstory #67--Optimising Commercial Timber Potential for Farm Forestry
  • Overstory #66--Carbon Sequestration
  • Overstory #65--Biological Nitrogen Fixation
  • Overstory #64--Homegardens
  • Overstory #63--Value-Added Enterprises for Small-Scale Farmers
  • Overstory #62--Marketing Principles
  • Overstory #61--Effects of Trees on Soils
  • Overstory #60--Trees as Noise Buffers
  • Overstory #59--Choosing Species for Timber Production and Multiple Benefits
  • Overstory #58--Guidelines for Seed Production of Agroforestry Trees
  • Overstory #57--The Agroforester's Library Part Three—Organizations and Periodicals
  • Overstory #56--Integrating Understory and Tree Crops
  • Overstory #55--Nontimber Forest Products: NTFP Enterprises
  • Overstory #54--The Agroforester's Library Part Two—Species References
  • Overstory #53--Nontimber Forest Products—An Introduction
  • Overstory #52--The Agroforester's Library Part One—Books
  • Overstory #51--Protecting and Expanding Traditional Agroforests in the Pacific
  • Overstory #50--Animal Tractor Systems
  • Overstory #49--Traditional Pacific Island Agroforestry Systems
  • Overstory #48--Farm Forestry
  • Overstory #47--Coppice-with-Standards: New Forestry with Ancient Roots
  • Overstory #46--Human Health and Agroecosystems
  • Overstory #45--Vegetative Erosion Barriers in Agroforestry
  • Overstory #44--Integrated Systems Approach
  • Overstory #43--Essentials of Good Planting Stock
  • Overstory #42--Improved Fallow
  • Overstory #41--Microlivestock
  • Overstory #40--Bees and Agroforestry
  • Overstory #39--Agroforestry Resources for the Practitioner
  • Overstory #38--Live Fences
  • Overstory #37--Trees/Livestock Examples
  • Overstory #36--Silvopasture: an agroforestry practice
  • Overstory #35--Animals in Agroforestry
  • Overstory #34--Forest Islands, Kayapo Example
  • Overstory #33--Mushrooms in Agroforestry
  • Overstory #32--Multipurpose Windbreaks
  • Overstory #31--Tree Domestication
  • Overstory #30--Bamboos in Agroforestry
  • Overstory #29--Tropical Green Manures/Cover Crops
  • Overstory #28--Microlife
  • Overstory #27--Foster Ecosystems
  • Overstory #26--Fast Food (Part 2 of 2)
  • Overstory #25--Fast Food (Part 1 of 2)
  • Overstory #24--Sustaining Your Physical Health
  • Overstory #23--Pest Prevention through Ecological Design
  • Overstory #22--Pioneering Difficult Sites
  • Overstory #21--Agroforestry and Biological Diversity
  • Overstory #20--Five Fertility Principles
  • Overstory #19--Selected Tree Seed
  • Overstory #18--Designing Resource Systems
  • Overstory #17--Microcatchment
  • Overstory #16--Multipurpose Trees
  • Overstory #15--Cultivating Connections with Other Farmers
  • Overstory #14--Getting Started: Diversity of Species
  • Overstory #13--Value-Added Products
  • Overstory #12--Perennial Leaf Vegetables
  • Overstory #11--Understory Crops
  • Overstory #10--Sequential Planting
  • Overstory #9--Observation
  • Overstory #8--Mycorrhizae
  • Overstory #7--Agroforestry
  • Overstory #6--Multipurpose Palms
  • Overstory #5--Start Small...and Expand on Successes
  • Overstory #4--Nitrogen Fixing Trees
  • Overstory #3--Weeds as a Resource
  • Overstory #2--Permaculture Principles
  • Overstory #1--Sheet Mulch

  • The Overstory is for private, individual use for educational, noncommercial and informational purposes. Please read conditions for use carefully before subscribing.

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    The Overstory is distributed by Agroforestry Net, Inc., P.O. Box 428, Holualoa, HI 96725 USA Tel: 808-324-4427; Fax: 808-324-4129 E-mail: <> Web site:<>

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