U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Take Our FDA Consumer Quiz

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How's your knowledge of diabetes, weight loss, and other health topics? Find out by taking our 11-question quiz. Hint: The answers to all these questions can be found in the January-February issue of FDA Consumer. Good luck!


1. People who are told that they have only a "touch of diabetes" should:

a. be thankful

b. get a more accurate diagnosis

c. not worry

2. In the absence of insulin treatment, or when far too little insulin is given, the result can be:

a. violent mood swings

b. hardening of the skin (scleroderma)

c. coma and potentially death

3. Which of the following lifestyle changes can actually prevent, reduce or delay the risk of developing type 2 (adult onset) diabetes in many cases?

a. regular monitoring of blood sugar levels

b. using sugar substitutes three times daily

c. diet and exercise

4. What percentage of American adults is overweight or obese?

a. about 30 percent

b. about 60 percent

c. about 80 percent

5. The number of deaths in the United States related to being overweight and inactive is second only to deaths related to:

a. smoking

b. auto accidents

c. suicide

6. Which of these is the best way to lose weight, according to many experts?

a. Eat all you want and exercise an hour a day.

b. Skip breakfast, and eat a light lunch and moderate dinner.

c. Decrease the calories you eat or increase the calories used by 500 to 1,000 calories daily.

7. The FDA is the consumer watchdog for about how many drugs on the market?

a. 5,000

b. 8,000

c. more than 10,000

8. The rate of drug withdrawals over the last two decades has:

a. remained essentially constant

b. increased dramatically

c. decreased dramatically

9. The Prescription Drug User Fee Act of 1992 has allowed the FDA to have how much of an increase in its staff that reviews new drug applications?

a. 10 percent

b. 30 percent

c. 60 percent

10. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, how many Americans die every year from foodborne illnesses?

a. 2,000

b. 5,000

c. 10,000

11. Accutane (isotretinoin) is a drug approved to treat:

a. migraine headaches

b. indigestion

c. acne

Your Score is:


9 to 11 points: Excellent! Go to the head of the class.
6 to 8 points: Not too bad. You can skip cleaning the chalkboard erasers today.
Below 5 points: Oops! Stay after school and reread the appropriate chapters.

Go to the Answers Page

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