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Centers & INstitutes

Centers, Labs, Institutes and Programs Contact Person(s)
Agricultural Genomics Center PAGC Phillip SanMiguel
The Purdue Genomics Center provides DNA sequencing, Affymetrix GeneChip Expression Analysis, bacterial colony picking and filter (macro) array printing services on a recharge basis.  
Agricultural Innovation and Commercialization Center (AICC) Joan Fulton and Mike Boehlje
Provides education on, assessment of, and shepherding
of value-added products or processes from initial idea to
value-added enterprise. These products or processes
result from technological discoveries, producer ideas,
or consumer needs identification. Pursuing these goals
will create opportunities for agricultural producer groups
to develop value-added agricultural businesses.
Center for Community and Environmental Design Kim Wilson
Assists Indiana communities in developing physical design concepts, ideas, and recommendations through the entrepreneurial collaboration between students, community
representatives and professional consultants.
Center for Enhancing Foods to Protect Health Bruce Watkins
Serves as a focus for food, nutrition and biomedical research; and related technology development; and communication of science based information about designed foods and nutraceuticals for the food industry, health care industry and consumer groups.  
Center for the Environment (C4E) John Bickham and Linda Lee
The Center for the Environment is one of 10 centers that make up Discovery Park . Its mission is to facilitate interdisciplinary activities that enhance environmental integrity with enlightened stewardship and innovative monitoring, modeling, and management of natural resources, resulting in expanded
economic development and improved quality of life.
Center for Environmental and Regulatory Information Systems (CERIS) Eileen Luke
Develops, manages, and operates computer-based information systems and databases in the subject matter areas relating to environmental concerns and regulatory programs affecting the management or practice of agriculture.  
Center of Excellence in Comparative Medicine CECM Randy Woodson and Harm HogenEsch
Comparative medicine can be defined as the integral study of diseases from the molecular to the whole animal level using spontaneous and induced animal models with the aim to develop improved and innovative methods for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of human disease. The Center focuses on cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Center faculty collaborate closely with faculty at the IU School of Medicine. The specific goals are (i) to develop and utilize new animal models of human disease. Current work focuses on the Ossabaw pig as a model of diet-induced cardiovascular disease and diabetes mellitus and concurrent work focuses on genetically engineered swine models; (ii) to perform comparative analysis of stem cells isolated from rodents, pigs, zebra fish and human umbilical cord blood; (iii) to provide training and research opportunities for graduate students. A laboratory animal medicine graduate training program was established in close association with the existing veterinary pathology graduate training program in the Department of Veterinary Pathobiology.  
Center for Food and Agricultural Business (CFAB) Jay Akridge
Offers nondegree professional development programs
for employees of agricultural businesses and carries
out research and extension programs on problems of
agricultural businesses.
Center for Food Animal Well-Being Ed Pajor
Advances the understanding of interactions between food animal productivity and well-being to enable a scientific and public policy climate which promotes animal well-being and supports economically viable food animal production systems.  
Center for Food Safety Engineering Rich Linton
The Center for Food Safety Engineering is a joint effort between the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and the School of Agriculture at Purdue University. The mission of the FSEP is to develop new knowledge, technologies, and systems to prevent chemical and microbial contamination of foods.  
Center for Global Trade Analysis Thomas Hertel
The Center for Global Trade Analysis undertakes applied general equilibrium (AGE) modeling, and provides services to other AGE modelers as well as public agencies using AGE-based analysis.  
The Center for Integrated Food Manufacturing

Mark Morgan

The Center for Integrated Food Manufacturing (CIFM) is an interdisciplinary team that conducts fundamental and applied research leading to improved food manufacturing through process engineering and advanced technology. In addition, the center provides educational workshops on processing and technology tailored to the food industry.  
Center for Rural Development Kevin McNamara
Brings together University resources to assist the public and private sector as they work toward solving rural community problems and provides a broad range of educational programs which will contribute to development of Indiana 's human and physical capital.  
Center for Technology Transfer and Pollution Prevention

Don D. Jones

CT2P2 provides Environmental Ambassadors with the tools necessary to transfer technical information about the environment and pollution prevention worldwide. The Center develops and evaluates new computer-based pollution prevention and technology transfer opportunities.
Center for Urban & Industrial Pest Management Gary Bennett
Furthers the understanding of urban pest problems and promotes their solutions through research and educational programs.  
Crop Diagnostics Research & Training Center Corey Gerber
Provides opportunities for hands-on learning of the art and science of crop problem diagnosis, integrated pest management, and reduced input agriculture.  
Food Processing Environmental Compliance Assistance Center Kevin Keener
The Food Processing Environmental Assistance Center (FPECAC) is committed to developing and promoting innovative strategies that achieve better environmental results, reduce costs, and promote environmental stewardship throughout the Food Processing Industry. The goal of the Center is to become a primary provider of environmental information, resources, and training to assist small and medium sized food processors in achieving environmental compliance and stewardship .  
Hardwood Tree Improvement & Regeneration Center Charles Michler
The HTIRC is a collaborative regional research, development and technology transfer effort between industry, university, private, state and federal entities to advance tree improvement of central hardwoods for increased forest productivity in hardwood restoration and reforestation programs.  
Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant Program Brian Miller
Fosters the creation and stewardship of an enhanced and sustainable environment and economy along southern Lake Michigan and in the Great Lakes region through research, education, and outreach.  
Indiana Center for New Crops & Plant Products Jules Janick
Identifies, adapts, and commercializes new crops for
Indiana growers and processors, creates new plant based industries based on new crop products, and serves as a source of information for new crops.
Indiana Water Resources Research Center IWRRC Ron Turco
The IWRRC mission is to coordinate the resources of
Indiana 's universities, state agencies, and industries to resolve problems associated with water resources management, use, and preservation of quality.
Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sensing

Melba Crawford

A multidisciplinary research laboratory established in 1966 and internationally known for research efforts relating to remote sensing and geographic information systems

Laboratory of Renewable Resources Engineering Integrative Center for Biotechnology and Engineering LORRE Michael Ladisch
Integrative Center for Biotechnology and Engineering that carries out multi-disciplinary research and fundamental discovery in bioenergy, bioprocessing, bionanotechnology, bioproducts, and biorecovery.  
Life Science Fluorescence Imaging Facility Wendy Peer
This facility is a joint effort of the Colleges of Agriculture and Science at Purdue University, and is for researchers in the life sciences. The objective of the facility is discovery. Our mission is to enhance discovery, facilitate the inclusion of cell biology in all life science research, and make it possible for all Purdue researchers to have access to the highest quality imaging technology at reasonable cost. You have access to state of the art Zeiss upright confocal microscopy and Intavis robotics equipment. The facility is user-driven. That means that you get basic training about using the equipment, and then you get to do your experiments without some looking over your shoulder.  
NASA Specialized Center for Advanced Life Support Cary Mitchell
Resolves the complex and crucial requirements of sustained human survival within an interplanetary space-based environment through discovery, engagement, and learning in plant science, environmental engineering, food sciences, and
systems engineering.
Purdue Climate Change Research Center PCCRC Paul Shepson and Leigh Raymond
Climate change and related impacts are becoming increasingly relevant to environmental, economic, and security issues, raising convergent points and thematic platforms for those interested in confronting this global challenge from a multidisciplinary perspective. The PCCRC was chartered in 2004 to create a world-class research center focused on climate change, its impacts, and mitigation.  
Purdue Interdisciplinary Center for Ecological Sustainability PICES Olin E. Rhodes Jr
The PICES mission is to be the premier center of
excellence dealing with issues of ecological sustainability
in human-dominated landscapes by integrating the processes of discovery, learning and engagement across disciplinary boundaries. The primary research focus of PICES is on the conservation, management, and sustainability of natural resources in human-dominated landscapes.
Site Specific Management Center Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer

Develops and disseminates information about site specific

management methods that are profitable and practical for agricultural producers and those businesses and organizations that supply inputsor process products.

Turfgrass Research and Diagnostic Center / Turfgrass Science Program Zach Reicher

Serves as the focal point for turfgrass research, education,

and extension activities conducted on campus to meet the

educational and research needs of the turfgrass industry

in Indiana.

Whistler Center for Carbohydrate Research Bruce Hamaker
Provides leadership to carbohydrate-producing and carbohydrate-utilizing industries through: 1) extension of fundamental knowledge on structure-function relationships of biopolymers targeted for new technology development, 2) education which stresses the application of knowledge of fundamental properties and behaviors of carbohydrates and proteins to the solution of practical problems, and 3) design and delivery of solutions to problems.  







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