Water Quality Links

National and Regional Water Quality Resources

 CSREES National Water Quality Programs

CSREES Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring
Water Outreach Education-Best Education Practices
Non Point Source Education for Municipal Officials
Water Conserve
World Water Monitoring Day 

CSREES Northern Plains and Mountains Water Quality


National Governmental Agencies 

Environmental Protection Agency
EPA Water Home Page
EPA Office of Water
EPA Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water
EPA Total Maximum Daily Load
EPA Nonpoint Source Solution
EPA Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds
EPA Teachers Page
EPA Kids Page
EPA Water Quality Region 8
Environmental Protection Agency Region 8

United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resource Conservation Service

Utah Natural Resources Conservation Service
State of the Lands
National Forest Service
National Extension Water Quality Database
National Agriculture Library
National Agricultural Library Water Quality Information Center
Cooperative State Research Education & Extension Service (CSREES) <

United States Department of Interior
United States Geological Survey (USGS) 

USGS Water Resources of the United States
USGS Teachers Page

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Bureau of Reclamation 


State Agencies

Department of Natural Resources
Utah Department of Natural Resources
Utah Geologic Survey
Utah Water Rights
Utah Division of Water Resources
Utah Division of Wildlife

Department of Water Quality
Utah Department of Environmental Quality

Utah Division of Drinking Water
Utah Division of Water Quality
Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste

Department of Food and Agriculture
Utah Department of Agriculture and Food 

Other State Programs
Utah Association of Conservation Districts
Southern Nevada Water Authority
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
Arkansas Watershed Advisory Group (AWAG)  

Educational Programs
Bear River RC&D
Wetlands Partners
School Yard Habitats
Ground Water Foundation
Give Water a Hand (University of Wisconsin)
American Ground Water Trust
Water Alliance
Center for Watershed Protection
Clean Water Network

Educational Resources
EPA Education for the Classroom
EPA Teachers Page
Stokes Nature Center
Ogden Nature Center
USGS Teachers Page
Water Science for Schools
Minnesota Division of Natural Resources
Rocky Mountain Watershed Network
National Extension Water Outreach Education
USGS Water Cycle
EcoSchools' Water Systems on School Grounds
Educating Young People About Water
Project WET (Water Education for Teachers)
Water Recycling in Schools  

For Kids
EPA Kids Page
EPA Environmental Club for Kids
EPA Student Center
Watershed Game
Enchanted Learning
Robo-cow: Water Quality Protection
Aqua Venturer: Water Timeline
Water Science for Schools
Water Education Foundation
Adopt a Watershed  

Drinking Water Information
Campaign for Safe and Affordable Drinking Water
Public Citizen's Water for All  

Community Services and Programs
Cache Valley Clean Team
Surf Your Watershed
BLM Vernal Field Office
Water Drop Patch Program for Girl Scouts
Clean Water Action  

Other Interesting Sites
Bear River Watershed Information System
Little Bear River Conservation Effectiveness Assessment Project
Bear River Water Quality Task Force
Stormwater Authority
American Rivers
River Network
Trout Unlimited
Utah Native Plants
Friends of the Great Salt Lake
North American Lake Management Society
Online Conversion


EPA Targeted Watershed Draft Report, updated 11-11-08
8.1 The Bear River Watershed Information System
8.2. Technical Memo: Integration of the Water Quality Modeling Results into the Watershed Information System
8.3  Watershed Modeling for Water Quality Trading
8.4 Assessing the Potential for Water Quality Trading in the Bear River watershed:
8.4A Assessing the Potential for Water Quality Trading in the Bear River watershed by Jason R. Whitehead
8.4B Survey of Effluent Managers
8.5 Estimates of Phosphorus Abatement Costs
8.6 Cooperative Surplus Sharing
8.7 Examples of Pollutant Trading
8.8 Trading Strategies
8.9 Steps to Trading
8.10 Technical Memo: Specific Requirements of and Objectives for the Water Quality Model to Support Water Quality Trading in the Bear River Basin
8.11 Technical Memo: Review and Summary of Water Quality Modeling Approach to Support Water Quality Trading in the Bear River Basin
8.12 Technical Memo: Flow Chart of Water Quality Trading Modeling Structure
8.13 Technical Memo: Scalability of the Selected Modeling Approach
8.14 Typical Bear River Watershed Outreach Presentation
8.15 Other Outreach materials produced
8.16 Bear River WIS Newsletter, August 2007
8.17 Bear River Water Quality Trading Workshop Summary, August 2007
8.18 Bear River Symposium, September 2007:
8.18 A Bear River Symposium Agenda
8.18 B Abstracts
8.18 C Symposium photographs