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Strategic Planning Word

With the development of the 2009-14 Strategic Plan, the University will adopt a five-year planning cycle, moving away from the current three-year window. The timeline and process for the development of a new strategic plan is as follows:

October 2008 - February 2009

The staff of the President & Provost, in collaboration with Deans and UCAPP, will develop a series of drafts of the Mission, Vision & Values statements along with the goal statements for the 2009-14 Strategic Plan. Continuous updates will be posted to the Strategic Planning website and campus announcements, followed by announcements to faculty, staff and student governance bodies.

December 2008 - March 2009

Ongoing vetting with campus community as various drafts of the 2009-14 Strategic Plan are completed. Formal consultation with Senates, College Councils and Student Governance will also be conducted. In addition, the Provost will consult formally with the units under the Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration and the Executive Vice President for Health Affairs.

May 2009

Based on the input from the consulted campus constituencies, and in collaboration with Provost Subbaswamy, President Todd will finalize the 2009-14 Strategic Plan and submit it to the Board of Trustees for consideration and adoption at its June 2009 meeting.

Fall 2009

Provost Subbaswamy will ask colleges, departments, and support units to update their strategic plans to align those plans with the 2009-14 Strategic Plan.