Criminal JusticePublisher: Justice Dept., Federal Bureau of Investigation Description: FD-258. Designed to be used by law enforcement agencies, officials of State and local governments, United States government agencies, and officials of federally chartered or insured banks to obtain information on individuals through the use of fingerprints. Contains 14 boxes for the inked impressions of fingerprints as well as other information on the individual being finger printed. Instructions on back of card. Sold in packages of 100 copies only. Year/Pages: 1999: Form. Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Item 572-C. Year/Pages: 2004: 10 microfiche, 24X. Price: $4.00 Publisher: National Archives and Records Administration, Office of the Federal Register Description: Item 572-C. EST. DELIVERY DATE 12/31/04. Price: $4.00 Publisher: House, Committee on Education and the Workforce, and Senate, Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Description: Committee Print. Serial No. 107-A. S. Prt. 107-11. September 2001. Covers child abuse prevention and related programs, programs for individuals with disabilities, community service and volunteer programs, and miscellaneous programs. Year/Pages: 2001: 375 p. Price: $11.40 Publisher: District Court for the District of Columbia Description: Civil Action No. 98-1232 (TPJ), United States Versus Microsoft Corporation; and Civil Action No. 98-1233 (TPJ). United States Versus Microsoft Corporation, C.A. 98-1232; State of New York ex. rel. Eliot Spitzer, et al., Versus Microsoft Corporation, C.A. 98-1233. Conclusions of Law and Order. Discusses the decision in this case where civil enforcement actions have been brought against Microsoft Corporation under the Sherman Antitrust Act,15 U.S.C. The plaintiffs charge that Microsoft has waged an unlawful campaign in defense of its monopoly position in the market for operating systems designed to run on Intel-compatible personal computers. Year/Pages: 2000: 47 p. Price: $4.00 Economics of United States Tort Liability: A Primer, October 2003 Publisher: Congress, Congressional Budget Office Description: A CBO Study. Attempts to clarify the issues and policy options surrounding the tort system. Presents an economic perspective on tort liability. Outlines the strengths and weaknesses of tort liability as a tool for promoting economic efficiency and fairness. Discusses the available data on the benefits and costs of the tort system. Analyzes in qualitative terms the likely effects of various policy options for altering the system. Makes no recommendations. Year/Pages: 2003: 45 p. Price: $2.60 Publisher: Justice Dept., Federal Bureau of Investigation Description: Contains a report to the American People of the various activities and responsibilities of the Federal Bureau of Investigation from 1993 to 1998. Year/Pages: 1999: 91 p. Publisher: Justice Dept., Federal Bureau of Investigation, Inspector General Description: Titles on mailing carton: FBI Lab, An Investigation Into Lab Practices & Alleged Misconduct in Explosives; FBI Lab, An Investigation Into Lab Practices, Response/Reply; Review of the FBI's Performance in Uncovering Espionage Acts of Aldrich Ames. Cover titles of books 2 and 3: "FBI Laboratory, An Investigation Into Laboratory Practices and Alleged Misconduct in Explosives-Related and Other Cases, Response/Reply Appendix" and "Review of the FBI's Performance in Uncovering the Espionage Activities of Aldrich Hazen Ames, Unclassified Executive Summary." ISBN for set 0-16-049166-5; for Ames 0-16-049165-7; for Lab 0-16-049164-9; for Appendix 0-16-049160-6. 3 books, sold as a set. Year/Pages: 1997: 3 bks. (1052 p.) Price: $85.00 Publisher: Justice Dept., Federal Bureau of Investigation Description: Monthly periodical. Subscription service begins with the first issue after the order is processed. Single copy, $4.75; foreign single copy, $6.65. Copies of the latest 6 issues are retained for individual purchase. Contains a collection of criminal justice studies, reports, and project findings. FBIEB. File Code 2E. Federal Court Management Statistics, 2000 Publisher: Administrative Office of the United States Courts, Statistics Division Description: Contains statistical profiles for the 12 regional United States courts of appeals and the 94 United States district courts for the year 2000. Provides historical information for each court. Presents caseload data in a slightly different format from annual and semiannual reports. Data are presented based on the number of judgeships authorized by statute. Leonidas Ralph Mecham, Director. Year/Pages: 2001: 175 p.; ill. Federal Court Management Statistics, 2003 Publisher: Administrative Office of the United States Courts, Office of Human Resources and Statistics, Statistics Division Description: Contains statistical profiles for the 12 regional United States courts of appeals and the 94 United States district courts for fiscal years 1998 through 2003. Provides historical information for each court. Presents caseload data in a slightly different format from annual and semiannual reports. Data are presented based on the number of judgeships authorized by statute. Leonidas Ralph Mecham, Director. Year/Pages: 2004: 175 p.; ill. Federal Judicial Caseload Statistics, March 31, 2002 Publisher: Administrative Office of the United States Courts, Office of Human Resources and Statistics, Statistics Division Description: Provides statistical information on the caseload of the federal Judiciary for the 12-month period ending March 31, 2002. Presents data on the work of the appellate, district, and bankruptcy courts and on the work of the probation and pretrial services system. Year/Pages: 2002: 132 p.; ill. Price: $18.00 Federal Probation: A Journal of Correctional Philosophy and Practice Publisher: Administrative Office of the United States Courts Description: Three issues per year. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the issue current when the order is processed. Copies of the latest 2 issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $13.00; foreign single copy, $18.20. Contains articles relating to all the phases of preventive and correctional activities in delinquency and crime. FPQ. File Code 2R. Item 717-T. Publisher: Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, Division for the Purpose of Appointing Independent Counsels Description: Robert W. Ray, Independent Counsel. Contains the final report of the investigation of Anthony Marceca, former detailee in the White House Office of Personnel Security, to determine if he had engaged in criminal conduct to obtain through fraudulent means derogatory information about former White House Staff. Year/Pages: 2000: 158 p. Price: $8.00 Publisher: Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Division for the Purpose of Appointing Independent Counsels, Division No. 94-1 Description: Robert W. Ray, Independent Counsel. Represents the culmination of the Madison Guaranty/Whitewater Inveatigation. Year/Pages: 2002: 4 bks. (2280 p.). Price: $91.50 Publisher: Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Division for the Purpose of Appointing Independent Counsels, Division No. 94-1 Description: Robert W. Ray, Independent Counsel. 6th and final report to the public of the Office of the Independent Counsel, In Re: Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan Association. Investigates the truthfulness of President Clinton's statements regarding his relationship with Monica Lewinsky. Year/Pages: 2002: 153 p. Price: $3.60 Final Report of the Independent Counsel in Re: United States Versus Alphonso Michael (Mike) Espy Publisher: Judiciary Dept., Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Division for the Purpose of Appointing Independent Counsels, Division No. 94-2 Description: Donald C. Smaltz, Independent Counsel. Final report of the Independent Counsel concerning public allegations that Secretary Alphonso Michael Espy solicited and received gifts from agricultural interests he regulated. Year/Pages: 2001: 540 p. Price: $50.50 Publisher: Treasury Dept., Internal Revenue Service Description: Internal Revenue Service Publication 1714 (Rev. 1-2002). Internal Revenue Service Publication 1816 (Rev. 1-2002). Intended especially for colleges and universities for courses on conducting financial investigations. 2 books, sold as a set. ISBN for Student Workbook: 0-16-042808-4. Year/Pages: 2002: 2 bks. (554 p.; ill.) Price: $56.50 Publisher: Justice Dept., United States District Court for the District of Columbia Description: Civil Action No. 98-1232 (TPJ), United States Versus Microsoft Corporation; and Civil Action No. 98-1233 (TPJ). Findings of Fact. Year/Pages: 1999: 207 p. Price: $12.40 Impeachment: Selected Materials, November 1998 Publisher: House, Committee on the Judiciary Description: Ser. No. 10. Committee Print. Covers material related to the impeachments of Richard M. Nixon, Harry E. Clairborne, Alcee L. Hastings, and Walter L. Nixon, Jr. 105th Congress, 2d Session. Item 1020-A. Year/Pages: 1998: 1862 p. International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, 2001, March Publisher: State Dept., Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Description: State Department Publication 10808. Annual. Reports on efforts to combat the international drug trade during 2000. Much of the information in this report is arranged geographically by country or by region of the world. Item 876-A-06. Year/Pages: 2001: 782 p. Price: $24.80 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, 2002, March Publisher: State Dept., Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs Description: State Department Publication 10926. Annual. Reports on efforts to combat the international drug trade during 2001. Much of the information in this report is arranged geographically by country or by region of the world. Item 876-A-06. Year/Pages: 2002: 808 p. Price: $26.39 Judicial Business of the United States Courts, 1999 Report of the Director Publisher: Administrative Office of the United States Courts, Statistics Division Description: Leonidas Ralph Mecham, Director. Contains statistical data on the business of the federal judiciary during fiscal year 1999. Compares the caseload for this year to those of prior fiscal years. Explains why increases or decreases occurred in the courts' caseload. Consists chiefly of tables. Item 728-C-01. Year/Pages: 2000: 396 p.; ill. Price: $4.00 Judicial Business of the United States Courts, 2003 Annual Report of the Director Publisher: Administrative Office of the United States Courts, Office of Human Resources and Statistics, Statistics Division Description: Leonidas Ralph Mecham, Director. Contains statistical data on the business of the federal judiciary during fiscal year ending September 30, 2003. Compares the caseload for this year to those of prior fiscal years. Explains why increases or decreases occurred in the courts' caseload. Consists chiefly of tables. Item 728-C-01. Year/Pages: 2004: 400 p.; ill. Price: $50.00 Publisher: Commission on the Advancement of Federal Law Enforcement Description: Examines challenges to efforts to maintain and improve the Federal law enforcement system. Covers: coordination; terrorism; globalization of crime; federalization of crime; and professionalism, integrity, and accountability. Item 1089. Year/Pages: 2000: 193 p. Manual for Complex Litigation, Fourth Publisher: Judiciary, Federal Judicial Center Description: 4th edition. Assists in the management of complex litigation. Provides an arsenal of litigation management techniques from which participants should select those useful for the particular circumstances. Item 743-C-02. Year/Pages: 2004: 820 p. Price: $62.00 Publisher: Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History Description: CMH Pub 60-9. Army Lineage Series. Compiled by Robert K. Wright, Jr. Gathers the official historical records of 109 military police units: commands, camps, centers, brigades, groups, and battalions. Includes color illustrations of the echelons' authorized distinctive heraldic items. L.C. card 91-22813. Item 344-G. Year/Pages: 1992: 240 p.; ill. Military Police (Paperbound Edition) Publisher: Defense Dept., Army, Center of Military History Description: CMH 60-9-1. Army Lineage Series. 1st printing. Compiled by Robert K. Wright, Jr. Gathers the official historical records of 109 military police units: commands, camps, centers, brigades, groups, and battalions. Includes color illustrations of the echelons' authorized distinctive heraldic items. L.C. card 91-22813. Item 344-G. Year/Pages: 1992: 240 p.; ill. Military Police: The Professional Bulletin Publisher: Defense Dept., Army, Military Police School Description: Semi-annual periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the first issue after the order is processed. The latest issue is retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $7.50; foreign single copy, $10.50. Publication will be issued in June and December. Contains information about military police functions in combat. Objectives are to inform, motivate, and provide a forum for the exchange of ideas. Formerly Military Police Journal. MPJ. File Code 2R. National Gambling Impact Study Commission Final Report (Book and CD-ROM Set) Publisher: National Gambling Impact Study Commission Description: Presents the principal findings of the National Gambling Impact Study Commission which was charged with the effort to conduct a comprehensive legal and factual study of the social and economic implications of gambling in the United States. Provides the commission's recommendations. Book and CD-ROM, to be sold as a set. Year/Pages: 1999: 300 p. and 2 CD-ROMs in plastic pocket. Price: $36.00 NIJ Special Report: Using DNA to Solve Cold Cases, July 02 Publisher: Justice Dept., National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs Description: NCJ 194197. Sarah V. Hart, director, National Institute of Justice. Intended for use by law enforcement and other criminal justice professionals who have the responsibility for reviewing and investigating unsolved cases. Provides basic information to assist agencies in the complex process of case review with a specific emphasis on using DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) evidence to solve previously unsolvable crimes. Year/Pages: 2002: 31 p.; ill. Publisher: Justice Dept., Office of legal Counsel Description: Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel of the United States Department of Justice Consisting of Selected Memorandum Opinions Advising the President of the United States, the Attorney General and Other Executive Officers of the Federal Government in Relation to Their Official Duties, V. 19, 1995 and V. 20, 1996. On spine: Opinions of the Office of Legal Counsel, Volumes 19-20, 1995-1996. Year/Pages: 2002: 426 p. Price: $5.20 Publisher: House, Committee on the Judiciary Description: House Document 105-310. Communication From Kenneth W. Starr, Independent Counsel, Transmitting a Referral to the United States House of Representatives Filed in Conformity With the Requirements of Title 28, United States Code, Section 595(c), September 11, 1998. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary Pursuant to H. Res. 525 and Ordered to Be Printed. 105th Congress, 2d Session. Jacket 50-800. Year/Pages: 1998: 221 p. Waco Report, Recommendations, Evaluation, Lessons Publisher: Justice Dept. Description: Report to the Deputy Attorney General on the Events at Waco, Texas; Recommendations of Experts for Improvements in Federal Law Enforcement After Waco; Evaluation of the Handling of the Branch Davidian Stand-Off in Waco, Texas; and Lessons of Waco: Proposed Changes in Federal Law Enforcement. Describes events during the stand-off between David Koresh and the Branch Davidians and law enforcement agents at Waco, Texas from February 28 to April 19, 1993. Includes: brief history of the Branch Davidian sect; day-by-day chronology of the stand-off; documents and evidence developed during the investigation; and recommendations of 9 experts. 4 books, sold as a set. Item 717. Year/Pages: 1993: 4 bks. (752 p.); 16 plates. Publisher: Defense Dept., Air Force, Office of the Judge Advocate General of the Air Force Description: Quarterly periodical. Subscription price covers issues for 1 year. Subscription service begins with the first issue after the order is processed. Copies of the latest 2 issues are retained in stock for individual purchase. Single copy, $4.75; foreign single copy, $6.65. Provides a forum for the exchange of information pertinent to the practice of law in the military as well as outside the military. TR. File Code 2G. Item 427-C. Price: $15.00 Responding to Domestic Violence: Where Federal Employees Can Find Help Publisher: Office of Personnel Management, Office of Workforce Relations Description: OWR-16. Contains up-to-date information about the problem of adult domestic violence. Intended to help the Federal employee in day-to-day efforts to stay safe. Supplies concrete advice for employees who are victims, for friends and co-workers, and for their supervisors. Guides the supervisor through an array of resources and management tools that can be brought to bear in a workplace violence situation. Year/Pages: 1999: 42 p.; ill. Price: $5.00 Publisher: United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Description: United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Rules of Practice: Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, Federal Circuit Rules, Practice Notes, Federal Circuit Attorney Disciplinary Rules, Guide for Pro Se Petitioners and Appellants, Internal Operating Procedures, Corrected Edition. Corrected Edition. On Spine: United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Year/Pages: 1999: CD-ROM in plastic case. Terrorist Bomb Threat Stand-Off (Card) (Package of 10) Publisher: Federal Emergency Management Agency and Defense Dept., Technical Support Working Group (TSWG) Description: The BTSC is a two-sided, four-color, laminated 3x5 card with a pictorial representation of eight bomb threats and associated explosives capacities, building, and outdoor evacuation distances. The purpose/use of the card is to make this information readily available to any first responder who may encounter a terrorist threat incident. It should be placed in patrol cars, fire trucks, and other emergency vehicles as well with other emergency reference materials. Sold in packages of 5 copies only. Year/Pages: 1999: Laminated card; ill. Price: $4.00 Crime in the United States, 1995-2001 (CD-ROM) Publisher: Justice Dept., Federal Bureau of Investigation Description: Uniform Crime Reports for the United States. Gives a nationwide view of crime based on statistics contributed by State and local law enforcement agencies. Uses population size as the only correlate of crime. Consists chiefly of tables and statistics. Generates a reliable set of criminal statistics for use in law enforcement administration, operation, and management. Item 0722. Year/Pages: 2002: CD-ROM in plastic case. Price: $8.00 Publisher: House, Office of the Law Revision Council Description: United States Code, 2000 Edition, Containing the General and Permanent Laws of the United States, in Force on January 2, 2001, V. 9, Title 16, Conservation, Sections 1451-End, to Title 18, Crimes and Criminal Procedure. Prepared under the authority of Title 2, United States Code, Section 285b. Cover title reads: United States Code, 2000 Edition, Title 16, Conservation, Sections 1451-End, to Title 18, Crimes and Criminal Procedure. Spine title reads: United States Code, 2000 Edition, Title 16, Sections 1451-End, to Title 18. There also is a numeral 9 at the bottom of the spine. Includes Title 17, Copyrights. Year/Pages: 2001: 1705 p. Publisher: House, Office of Law Revision Counsel Description: United States Code, 2000 Edition, Containing the General and Permanent Laws of the United States, In Force on January 2, 2001, V. 16, Title 27, Intoxicating Liquors to Title 28, Judiciary and Judicial Procedure. Prepared under authority of Title 2, United States Code, Section 285b. Cover title reads: United States Code, 2000 Edition, Title 27, Intoxicating Liquors to Title 28, Judiciary and Judicial Procedure. Spine title reads: United States Code, 2000 Edition, Titles 27-28. There also is a numeral 16 on the bottom of the spine. Item 991-A. Year/Pages: 2002: 1159 p. United States Sentencing Commission Guidelines Manual, 2000 Publisher: United States Sentencing Commission Description: Incorporates guideline amendments effective November 1, 2000. V. 2 contains Supplement to Appendix C, Amendments to the Guidelines Manual, November 1, 1998, through November 1, 2000. 2 volumes, sold as a set. ISBN for Supplement to Appendix C, 0-16-050860-6. Item 100094 Year/Pages: 2000: 2 bks. (639 p.) Price: $52.50 United States Sentencing Commission Guidelines Manual, 2003, V. 1-3 Publisher: United States Sentencing Commission Description: Incorporates guideline amendments effective November 5, 2003 and earlier. Appendix C is issued in 2 volumes. V. 1 contains Amendments to the Guidesline Manual, November 1, 1987 through November 1, 1997. V. 2 contains Amendments to the Guidelines Manual, November 1, 1998, through November 5, 2003. 3 volumes, sold as a set. Item 1094 Year/Pages: 2003: 3 bks. 1595 p. Price: $77.00 Wiretap Report 2001, for the Period January 1 Through December 31, 2001 Publisher: Administrative Office of the United States Courts, Statistics Division Description: Covers intercepts of Federal and State authorized wire, oral, or electronic communications reported to Congress between January 1 through December 31, 2001. Provides supplementary information on arrests and convictions resulting from intercepts concluded in prior years. Year/Pages: 2002: 237 p.; ill. Price: $33.50 Wiretap Report 2002, for the Period January 1 Through December 31, 2002 Publisher: Administrative Office of the United States Courts, Office of Human Resources and Statistics, Statistics Division Description: Covers intercepts of Federal and State authorized wire, oral, or electronic communications reported to Congress between January 1 through December 31, 2002. Provides supplementary information on arrests and convictions resulting from intercepts concluded in prior years. Year/Pages: 2003: 224 p.; ill. Price: $12.00 Publisher: Administrative Office of the United States Courts, Office of Human Resources and Statistics, Statistics Division Description: Covers intercepts of Federal and State authorized wire, oral, or electronic communications reported to Congress between January 1 through December 31, 2003. Provides supplementary information on arrests and convictions resulting from intercepts concluded in prior years. Year/Pages: 2004: 232 p.; ill. Price: $12.80 Publisher: Federal Emergency Management Agency, Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration, FEMA Region 2 Description: FEMA 403/May 2002. Report editor: Therese McAllister. Produced by Greenhorne and O'Mara, Inc. Examines the damage to the World Trade Center and surrounding buildings caused by the events of September 11, 2001. Also identifies additional studies that should be performed. Year/Pages: 2002: 303 p.; ill. [ Top ]
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