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FSIS Scheduling Criteria for Salmonella Sets in Raw Classes of Product*

Each month, FSIS schedules approximately 75 new sample sets for Salmonella in raw classes of product. FSIS allocates sampling within classes of raw product according to the following criteria, in descending order (e.g., if criterion 1 does not obligate all available sample sets, then criterion 2 is fulfilled; when criteria 2 does not obligate all available sample sets, then criterion 3 would be fulfilled).


  1. All new plants regardless of product class **
  2. All Category 3 plants regardless of product class. Category 3 plants have a highly variable process control for Salmonella reduction. The prevalence of Salmonella in these plants is greater than the performance standard or baseline guidance.
  3. All Category 2 plants, depending upon product class. Category 2 plants have variable process control for Salmonella reduction. These plants are at 51% of the performance standard or baseline guidance, demonstrating intermediate control for this pathogen.
    1. Product class (in descending order, selecting all available plants before moving to the next product class)
      1. Broilers
      2. Young Turkeys
      3. Market Hogs
      4. Ground Poultry (scheduled independent of carcass sampling if combination carcass/grind operation; carcass and ground product sets will not be scheduled concurrently)
      5. Ground Beef (up to 50% of available sample sets but no more than 15 per month; scheduled independent of carcass sampling if combination carcass/grind operation; carcass and ground product sets will not be scheduled concurrently)
      6. Cows/Bulls
      7. Steers/Heifers
    2. Within the product class, first priority is given to evidence of Salmonella process control on last set***
      1. Primary consideration — Above 50% of the acceptable number of positives
      2. Secondary consideration — At or below 50% of the acceptable number of positives
    3. Within the product class, second priority is given to the level of common human serotype isolate in last set (in descending order, grouped by "high, "medium," and "low" level); top 20 serotypes for most recent calendar year reported by CDC)
    4. Within the product class, third priority is given to days since last set (in descending order)
  4. All Category 1 plants. Category 1 plants have consistent process control for Salmonella reduction. These plants are at 50% or less of the performance standard or baseline guidance, demonstrating the best control for this pathogen.
    1. Within the product class, first priority is given to days since last set (in descending order)
      1. >660 days (i.e., 22 months)
      2. 365 to 659 days (12 to 22 months — <12 month not routinely scheduled)
    2. Within the product class, second priority is given to number of common human serotype isolate in last set (in descending order, grouped by "high, "medium," and "low" level; top 20 serotypes for most recent calendar year reported by CDC)

* Subject to periodic intraprogram review and adjustment; during natural disasters (e.g., hurricane), Category 2 plants not currently scheduled may be scheduled; all plants eligible that operate sufficient production annually to complete a sample set.

** Includes eligible turkey slaughter plants (carcasses) as of May 2006, and any new plant operating for at least 90 days (to accommodate 9 CFR 304.3).

*** To qualify for Category 1, an establishment must have two consecutive sets at less than or equal to 50% of the performance standard or guidance for its product class. An establishment will be placed in Category 2 or Category 3 based on a single set.

Last Modified: June 29, 2007



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