Social Marketing
Nutrition and Physical Activity


Scenario 11


"I convinced Bob to let the planning committee at least do some thinking about other possible audiences, but promised him we'd make a decision quickly and stick with it.

We started by talking through some criteria for a target audience and had some conversations with some members of the Wellington Community Coalition. We learned that several of them are quite passionate about impacting mothers of infants by encouraging and supporting breastfeeding. We found a small amount of data for Heartland that shows rates of both initiation and duration of exclusive breastfeeding are quite low in comparison to national data.

We've narrowed our focus on behaviors to breastfeeding for mothers of infants and reducing TV/screen time or increasing fruit and vegetable consumption for children.

Dan helped me put together a table so we can compare the three options we have based on some our own criteria for choosing an audience/behavior. Take a look at this table and tell me what you think. Based on our answers, which audience/behavior do you think we should choose?"