Social Marketing
Nutrition and Physical Activity


Step 1: Engage Stakeholders

Step 1 of program evaluation is to engage stakeholders. The Physical Activity Evaluation Handbook defines stakeholders as "people with a vested interest in a program and the future use of its evaluation."* It suggests that stakeholders can be broken down into four categories*:

  • Implementers: those involved in program operations
  • Partners: those who actively support the program
  • Participants: those served or affected by the program
  • Decision makers: those in a position to do or decide something about the program

If you've followed the social marketing process thus far, you should have a good idea of who your stakeholders are. As you embark on developing your evaluation plan, you should probably choose a subset of them to help with the evaluation plan. Think about who will use the results of your evaluation to make decisions about the program.*

*From Physical Activity Evaluation Handbook, p. 9


Only ask for feedback about pieces of the intervention or program that you are able and willing to change.