Social Marketing
Nutrition and Physical Activity


Develop Intervention Details

Partnerships and Agreements

photo of a handshakeAs you shift from planning the broad strategy of the intervention to developing activities and planning the details, you may need to look at your current partnerships and planning teams. Do you still have the right people? You may need to add partners with different skills or resources, such as organizations that can help with implementation or planning team members who can help you with the logistical details.

Treat new partners (and existing ones) as audiences. Think about what the benefits of partnering with you might be from their perspective. You want them to do something for you, so what can you provide in return?

  • Can you provide credibility to their organizations?
  • What about access or visibility to a new group of customers or potential donors?
  • Can you share advertising costs, or increase exposure of their name?
  • What do you have that they want?

If you don't know what they might want, you can always ask. Promise meaningful benefits and then deliver on them.

Any commercial partner is likely to be concerned about cost and profit. If you can show evidence that partnering with you will increase their business or their profits, you have a strong case. At the very least, make sure you won't decrease sales or profits.