Social Marketing
Nutrition and Physical Activity


Write Process and Outcome Objectives

photo of woman with marker looking at boardWrite process objectives for each of the activities you develop. This does not need to be a complicated process, but it is important so you know what each activity should accomplish. For example: in the next eight weeks two meetings will be scheduled with each legislator who currently opposes the bill providing tax incentives to grocery stores who locate in low-income neighborhoods. As you write these objectives, make sure you'll be able to recognize success.

Once you write the process objectives for each activity, you may want to write some outcome objectives for the whole program. Start with the behavioral objectives from phase 3. These objectives are likely the long-term changes that you would like to see (with health status changes probably coming even further in the future). Address any other changes (in attitudes, beliefs, knowledge, policies, or the environment) you found in earlier phases that should occur before behavior change. These changes can become your short-term outcome objectives. Remember, all objectives should be written in SMART format.

Need to Review? See Phase 3: Write Behavioral Objectives.