Social Marketing
Nutrition and Physical Activity



By the end of phase 3, you should have a good outline and plan for your intervention. In phase 4, you'll focus on preparing the program's activities and details you'll need to get the intervention ready for implementation.

You should now be able to

  • Explain the purpose of the strategy development phase and describe why it's important.
  • Describe three general principles of the strategy development phase.
  • Explain how to use evidence in the selection of interventions.
  • List possible audience segments; analyze options, and select a target audience.
  • Describe the benefits of a good audience segment description.
  • Identify secondary audience(s).
  • List possible behaviors to change; analyze options and select a behavior to change.
  • Explain how to write SMART behavioral objectives.
  • Explain what "marketing mix" is and define each component.
  • Describe how each component of the marketing mix influences key strategy decisions.