Social Marketing
Nutrition and Physical Activity


General Principles

photo of a pile of sticky notepadsBe Creative

The strategy development phase provides an opportunity to be creative in how you address the audience's wants and needs. Brainstorm new and exciting ideas. Try to describe the audience's experiences—both current experiences and those you would like them to have. For example, if you'd like your target audience to purchase more fruits and vegetables, pull all the information you found during formative research about all the steps they have to go through to do this

  • Where do they shop for food?
  • How does that experience take place? Do parents/adults take children with them? Are they alone? Are they busy or do they have plenty of time to wander around?
  • Is it an organic market? A supermarket? A convenience store?
  • What does it look like? Smell like?
  • What's on their minds as they are shopping?


While creativity is valued during this process, you don't have to come up with a "magical solution." Sometimes the more obvious answers are the best ones.

Try writing key insights on sticky notes and move them around to see what goes together. Group ideas in categories, then break them up and group them in new categories.