Social Marketing
Nutrition and Physical Activity


Plan Components for the Problem Description

III. Behavioral objectivesIII. Behavior

Identify Broad Behavior
The process of identifying a behavior to change begins with looking at the general behaviors that may help prevent obesity.

See the CDC's Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity's Technical Assistance Manual for up-to-date information on promising target areas that help to prevent obesity. Each of these target areas represents a broad behavior that you can work on changing.

photo of a man eating blueberriesIf you are doing "upstream" social marketing (i.e., trying to change the environment or policies), the target audience and behaviors you are trying to influence may be slightly different. The end goal may be change in these target areas, but you will probably be asking someone to draft legislation, vote a certain way or make a policy change.

The next step is to determine which behavior might provide a basis for an intervention. Would the broad target audience you selected be receptive to adopting one or more of these behaviors?

After conducting formative research (in phase 2), you will more narrowly define your behavioral goal.