Social Marketing
Nutrition and Physical Activity


Scenario 1

As you move through the course, you'll be able to apply your new knowledge by helping a fictional program planner create her own social marketing intervention. Rosa is a program planner for the Nutrition and Physical Activity branch of the Heartland State Health Department. She was trained as a dietician.

Meet Rosa

Meet Rosa"Hello!

I'm so glad you'll be giving me some feedback on the community intervention we've been trying to put together.

Last year's application for grant money was turned down. The reviewers said they were having a hard time seeing the link between the intervention we proposed and the needs in our community. They did encourage us to reapply again this year, though.

I have been talking to Dan Cummings, a program planner in a neighboring state whose application was approved. He's been using a process called social marketing."

Dan "The social marketing planning process really helped us deliver a better intervention, and I think it could have been one of the reasons our proposal was approved. I'd love to help you get started or answer any questions you have along the way."

Meet Rosa

"I'm definitely going to have lots of questions. I've been working in public health for over fifteen years, and I've heard about social marketing but I've never been trained in how to do it. I'm glad I'm going to have you and Dan to help me clarify things along the way.
Let's get started."