Social Marketing
Nutrition and Physical Activity


What Makes Social Marketing Different?


For every choice we make, there is an exchange that occurs: we give one thing up in return for something else. In the commercial marketing world, this exchange can be tangible (pay an extra quarter and get more fries), or it can be intangible (buy a brand-name pair of shoes and get the image that goes with the brand). While the exchange can be tangible in social marketing (paying a higher price for a healthier vending machine option), the exchange is often intangible, such as giving up a TV show to go for a walk to improve one's health.

The target audience will compare the costs and benefits of performing a behavior before choosing to adopt it. You must determine what your target audience values and what costs they perceive to create an exchange that persuades them to adopt your behavior over the competition. The exchange should increase the perceived benefits of the target behavior and minimize its costs. Or it could increase the perceived costs of the competing behaviors and minimize their benefits.