Social Marketing
Nutrition and Physical Activity


Step 2: Describe or Plan the Program

Step 2 of program evaluation is to describe or plan the program. This is the work that you complete in phases 1-4 of the social marketing process. For example, in phases 1 and 2, you learn about your audience and the environment. In phase 3, you determine what the behavioral and intervention outcomes should be.

You should have already started working on a logic model by now. Use this time to add details. According to the Physical Activity Evaluation Handbook, a logic model

  • "Describes the core components of the program
  • Illustrates the connection between program components and expected outcomes, and
  • Includes pertinent information regarding program context (i.e., influential factors)."

The components of a basic logic model include: influential factors, inputs, activities, outputs, initial outcomes, intermediate outcomes, long-term outcomes, and your program's goal.