Genealogists/Family Historians

Start Your Genealogy Research

We have arranged the Genealogy section of the website by research topics, or types of records available to search.

From the Research Topics pages, you will find links to pages throughout the web site with articles, finding aids, and other helpful information to help you prepare for your genealogical research at the National Archives.

The records in our holdings that are most commonly used by genealogists include:

While you will not find the actual records online, you will find finding aids online, such as microfilm indexes, and information on how to conduct research in the different types of records.

For an introduction to the Genealogy section of our web site, you may first want to review the Genealogical Resources at the National Archives page, and About Genealogy and Family History Research.

What genealogical records are online?

The NARA web site has very few actual records online. Primarily this web site provides research tools, such as microfilm indexes and finding aids, articles and information on where to find the records and how to access them.

However, there are a few exceptions. Below are some of the records of genealogical interest that are available on the web site.

Note:   The National Archives has a subscription to Ancestry and Heritage Quest, which have digitized many of NARA's holdings with genealogical interest, and made them available online. There is unlimited access to these services, free-of-charge, from any NARA facility nationwide.

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272