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 Of Interest:

    2008 Ohio Corn Performance Test

    2008 Ohio Organic Corn Performance Test

    2008 Northwest Ohio Silage Test

    Ear Abnormalities

    Abnormal Corn Ears - Poster (pdf)

    2006 Evaluation of Short Season Corn Hybrids in Ohio: Planting

    Date Effects

    Managing Tillage and Crop Rotations in Northwest Ohio - A New

    Agronomy Factsheet (pdf)      

    Ohio Corn Performance Test Historical Information Through 2007

    Early White Food Grade Corn Test Historical Information

    Ohio Ethanol Plants
FAQ for Identity Preserved (IP) Corn Production

Recent Corn Production Articles in C.O.R.N.

    2008 Organic Corn Performance Test (12/16)

    Key Steps in Corn Hybrid Selection (12/1)

    Have Triple and Quad Stacks Become the New "Conventional"

    Hybrids? (12/1)

    2008 Ohio Corn Performance Test: An Overview (12/1)

    Varying Grain Moisture and Harvest Delays in Corn (11/4)

    Grain Shrinkage in Corn (10/21)

    Information for Harvesting Downed Corn (9/22)

    Assessing the Risk of Frost Injury to Late Maturing Corn (9/15)

    Harvesting Drought Stressed Corn (9/8)

    Field Drying and Corn Harvest Timing (9/8)

    Potential for Nitrate Problems in Stressed Cor (8/25)

    Dry Weather May Lead to Stalk Lodging Problems in Corn (8/25)

    Abnormal Corn Eras (8/18)

    Estimating Yield Losses in Drought Stressed Corn Fields (8/18)

    Assessing the Success of Pollination in Corn (8/4)

    Evidence of Drought and Heat Stress Appearing in Corn Fields (8/4)

    Pre-Tassel Stalk Breakage in Corn may be "Green Snap" (7/28)

    Planting Winter Cover Crops to Supply Nitrigen-A Recent

    Multistate Assessment (7/28)

    Corn Pollination Underway in Many Ohio Corn Fields (7/14)

    Determination of Kernel Numbers in Corn (7/7)

    Hail Injured Corn: Other Considerations (6/30)

    Hail Damage in Corn Often Results in Tied Leaf Whorls (6/23)

    Hail Damage in Corn (6/23)

    Ponding and Flooding Effects on Corn (6/9)

    Predicting Leaf Stages in Early Season Corn (6/9)

    Staging Early Season Corn Growth (6/9)

    "Patching In" Poor Corn: Guidelines to Consider (6/2)

    Replant Issues in Corn (5/27)

    Should Seeding Rates be Changed for Delayed Plantings? (5/20)

    Planting Delays & Switching to Earlier Maturing Corn Hybrids (5/12)

    Diagnosing Emergence Problems in Corn (5/5)

    Mixing Corn Hybrids Within a Field to Increase Yield (4/29)

    Heat Units Needed for Corn Emergence (4/29)

    Adjustments to Consider if Corn Planting is Delayed (4/15)

    Steps for Successful Corn Establishment (4/7)

    Transgenic Hybrid Traits Available in Corn and Export Approval

    Status (4/7)

    Minimizing Pollen Contamination of non-GMO Corn (4/1)

    Crop Production Basics Still Deliver the Most Profit (3/19)

    Organic Corn Management Practices Vary (2/20)

    2007 Northwest Ohio Corn Silage Test (1/24)

    2007 Organic Corn Performance Test (1/24)


2007 Corn Production Articles in C.O.R.N.


    "Abnormal Corn Ears" Poster Available (12/5)

    2007 Ohio Corn Performance Trials - Results & Observations (11/21)

    Harvest Delay Impacts Corn Performance (10/29)

    Minimizing Harvest Losses in Drought Damaged Corn Fields (9/24)

    Evaluating Corn Hybrid Demonstration Plots in 2007 (9/17)

    Tip Dieback and Zipper Ears in Corn (9/11)

    Corn Drydown (9/11)

    Water Resources Outlook (9/4)

    Stalk Rot and Lodging in Corn: Potential Problem in 2007? (9/4)

    Late Season Flood Damage to Corn: Management         

    Considerations (8/27)

    "Tassel Ears" in Corn (8/20)

    Estimating Preharvest Silage Yields (8/13)

    "Beer Can" Ears Appearing in Corn Fields (8/13)

    Estimating Yield Losses in Drought Damaged Corn Fields (7/30)

    Kernel Development in Corn: Drought Impact (7/23)

    Effects of Leaf Midrib Breakage on Corn Yields (7/16)

    Evaluating the Potential for Nitrate Problems in Corn (7/16)

    Assessing the Impact of Drought on Pollination in Corn (7/16)

    Key Steps in Corn Pollination (7/9)

    Drought and Heat Stress Affecting Corn Yield Potential (7/9)

    Growing Degree Days, How Does This Year Compare to        

    the Average? (7/3)

    Understanding Corn Crop Water Needs: Available Soil Moisture (7/3)

    Hail Injury Evaluations: Yield Loss in Corn (6/25)

    Drought and Heat Stressing Corn (6/19)

    Uneven Plant Height in Corn: Effects on Yield (6/13)

    Corn Ear Formation: Effects of Early Season Dry Weather (6/13)

    Staging Development in Early Season Corn (6/5)

    Crop Germination and Emergence in Dry Soils (6/5)

    To Sidedress or Not to Sidedress, That is the Question (5/30)

    Conditions Favorable for "Rootless, Floppy Corn" (5/30)

    "Patching In" Poor Corn Stands (5/21)

    Purple and Yellow Corn, What is Going On? (5/21)

    Replanting Considerations for Corn (5/14)

    Air Temperature and Corn Emergence (5/1)

    Adjusting Corn Management Practices for a Late Start (4/24)

    Managing Pollen Contamination of Non-GMO Corn (4/10)

    Corn Planter Adjustment - Last Minute Tips (4/3)

    Taking a Second Look at Plant Populations for Corn (4/3)

    Getting Your Corn Crop Off to a Good Start (3/19)

    Corn Yield Response to Tillage and Rotation on Poorly Drained

    Soils (2/20)

    Key Steps in Managing the Risk of Continuous Corn (2/6)

    2006 Northwest Ohio Corn Silage Test (1/10)


2006 Corn Production Articles in C.O.R.N.

    2006 Ohio Corn Performance Test:  An Overview (12/6)

    Stalk vs. Root Lodging in Corn (11/7)

    Estimating Nutrient Losses from Burning of Corn Residue (10/10)

    Effects of Harvest Delays on Corn Performance (10/3)

    Corn Stalk Rot: A Disease Caused by Several Different Fungi (9/26)

    Tips for Assessing Corn Hybrid Demonstration Plots (9/18)

    Potential for Stalk Rot and Lodging Problems in Corn (9/12)

    Troubleshooting Incomplete Ear Fill Problems in Corn (9/12)

    Salvaging Downed Corn (9/5)

    Evaluation of Bt Technology and Insecticides for Rootworm Larval

    Control (9/5)

    Corn Drydown (8/28)

    Estimating Corn Yields Prior to Harvest (8/14)

    Warm Nights Reduce Grain Yield Potential (8/7)

    Kernel Development Stages (7/24)

    Will Root Lodged Corn Recover? (7/24)

    Corn Pollination Underway in Many Ohio Corn Fields (7/11)

    Foliar Fertilizers - How Much is Actually Taken Up and What is the

    Agronomic Value? (7/3)

    Hail Damage to Corn Will Vary Depending on Growth Stage (7/3)

    Have Recent Environmental Stresses Affected Corn Ear Formation?


    Uneven Plant Height in Corn: Effects on Yield (6/19)

    "Patching In" Poor Corn Stands (6/6)

    Corn Replanting Decisions (5/30)

    Potential for Nitrogen Loss After all the Rain (5/23)

    Yellow and Off Color Corn: A Cause for Concern? (5/23)

    Broadcast vs Banded Applications of Fertilizer -                      

    Which is the Best? (5/15)

    Ponding Effects on Corn (5/15)

    Staging Growth in Early Season Corn (5/9)

    A Checklist for Corn Emergence Problems (5/1)

    Don't Delay Planting Corn (4/24)

    Heat Unit Requirements for Corn Emergence (4/17)

    Corn Planting Tips (4/10)

    Planting Practices for Managing "Pollen Drift" from Transgenic Corn


    Tips for Planter Maintenance to Improve Stand Establishment in

    Corn (4/4)

    Transgenic Corn Acreage Across the U.S. and Ohio (3/20)

    Assessing Potential Differences Among Hybrids for Ethanol


    Leaving Corn in the Field Through the Winter: How Much do you

    Lose (3/7)

    Top Ten Issues and Developments Impacting Crop Management

    During the Past 50 Years (2/21)


2005 Corn Production Articles in C.O.R.N.

    2005 Organic Corn Performance Test (12/22)

    Trait Decisions in Corn - Part I: Don't Forget About Performance  


    Trait Decisions in Corn - Part II: Insect Resistance (12/8)

    Trait Decisions in Corn - Part III: Roundup Ready or Not? (12/8)

    Northwest Ohio Corn Silage Test (12/8)

    Ohio Corn Performance Test-Roundup Ready Corn Evaluation (12/8)

    2005 Ohio Corn Performance Test:  An Overview (12/8)

    Lodging in Corn: Stalk vs Root Lodging (11/1)

    Effects of Harvest Delays on Yield, Grain Moisture and Stalk 

    Lodging in Corn (10/10)

    Corn Ear Rot Problems in Ohio (10/10)

    Evaluating Corn Hybrid Demonstration Ploys (9/19)

    Monitor Corn Maturation and Drydown (9/6)

    Minimizing Harvest Losses in Drought Damaged Corn Fileds (8/29)

    Premature Plant Death in Corn and Effects on Grain Yield (8/29)

    Potential for Stalk Rot and Lodging in Corn: Drought Effects (8/29)

    Assessing Potential for Nitrate Problems in Corn (8/8)

    Impact of Warm Night Temperatures on Corn Grain Yields (8/8)

    Estimating Yield Losses in Drought Damaged Corn Fields (8/1)

    Staging Kernel Development in Corn (7/25)

    Potassium Deficient Corn and Soybeans due to Dry Soils (7/18)

    Assessing the Impact of Hot, Dry Weather on Corn Pollination


    Tassels Emerging in Many Corn Fields (7/11)

    Understanding Corn Crop Water Needs: Available Soil Moisture   


    How Long can Corn "Hang On"? (6/28)

    Drought and Heat Stress Effects on Corn Yield Potential (6/28)

    Will Dry Weather Conditions Impact Corn Ear Formation? (6/22)

    Conditions Favorable for "Rootless Corn Syndrome" (6/7)

    Applying Nitrogen to Young Corn (5/31)

    Staging Early Season Growth in Corn (5/31)

    Corn Replant Decisions Update and Review (5/23)

    Corn Seedling Emergence Problems

    Seeding Rates & Replanting Corn (5/16)

    Replant Considerations: Hybrid Selection Issues (5/16)

    "Patching in" Corn and Uneven Emergence (5/16)

    Corn Emergence Problems and Replant Decisions (5/16)

    Check Corn Fields for Emergence Problems (5/9)

    Corn Replanting Decisions - Don't be in a Rush to Replant (5/3)

    Impact of Freezing Temperatures and Snow on Corn Survival (4/25)

    Early Plantings and Corn Emergence (4/19)

    Delayed Application of Anhydrous Ammonia (4/11)

    Proven Practices to Get Your Corn Crop off to a Good Start (411)

    Achieving Targeted Plant Populations in Corn (4/4)

    Planting Rates for Optimal Yield in Corn (4/4)

    Planter Maintenance and Stand Establishment in Corn (3/22)   

    Don't Overlook the Benefits of Crop Rotation (3/8)

    Historical Ohio Corn Performance Data Now Available (2/22)

    2004 Ohio State Organic Corn Performance Test (2/8)

    Selecting Disease Resistant Hybrids for Planting (2/8)

    NutriDense Corn: Questions About Agronomic Performance and

    Management (1/25)



2004 Corn Production Articles in C.O.R.N.

    2004 Corn Performance Test: An Overview (12/20)

    More on Northern Corn Leaf Blight: Selecting Hybrids for

    Resistance to NCLB in 2005 (12/20)

    2004 Corn Performance Test: An Overview (12/20)

    More on Northern Corn Leaf Blight: Selecting Hybrids for

    Resistance to NCLB in 2005 (12/20)

    Another Year With Recorn Corn Yields:  The 2004 Growing

    Season in Perspective (11/22)

    Diplodia Damaged Corn Grain: Assessing Feed Value (11/9)

    Late Season Flood Damage to Corn: Management

    Considerations (9/27)

    Tips for Evaluating Corn Hybrid Demonstration Plots (9/21)

    Corn Drydown (9/7)

    Incomplete Ear Fill and "Tip Dieback" (8/31)

    What Causes Tassel Ears? (8/16)

    Estimating Corn Yields Prior to Harvest (8/10)

    Did Recent Dry Weather Impact Pollination? (7/20)

    Nitrogen Deficiency, What is Going on? (7/20)

    Kernel Development Starting in Early Corn (7/13)

    Pollination Well Ahead of Normal in Many Corn Fields (7/6)

    Will Poor Root Development Impact Corn Yield Potential in             2004? (6/29)

    Ear Formation Well Under Way in Early Planted Corn (6/22)

    Watch out for the "Rootless Corn Syndrome" (6/15)

    Hail Damage in Corn Often Results in Tied Leaf Whorls (6/1)

    Staging Vegetative Growth in Corn and Estimating

    Leaf  Development Based on Heat Unit Accumulation (6/1)

    Hail Injury to Corn Should be Limited (5/25)

    Flooding & Ponding Impacts on Corn (5/25)

    Yellow Corn, Should I be Concerned? (5/25)

    Corn Replanting Considerations (5/18)

    Check Corn Fields for Emergence Problems (5/11)

    Purple Corn, What is Going On? (5/11)

    Estimating N Losses From Burning of Corn Residue (5/3)

    Early Corn Plantings and Heat Requirements for Emergence (5/3)

    Will Low Temperatures Injure Early Planted Corn Fields? (5/3)

    Plant Full-Season Corn Hybrids First (4/20)

    How Deep Should I Plant Corn? (4/13)

    Planting Practices for Minimizing GMO Contamination of non-GMO 

    Corn (4/13)

    Getting your Corn Crop off to a Good Start (4/6)

    Calculating Seeding Rates for Corn (4/6)

Current Research Projects



Corn Hybrid Evaluations

General Information

Useful Web Sites for Corn Production


closeup image of corn kernels

Peter Thomison
    OSU Corn Experts

Crop Science

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Copyright by The Ohio State University 2003
Agriculture and Natural Resources
, OSU Extension, ATI, OARDC, College of Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Sciences