USDA Forest Service

Research & Development Treesearch

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All Publications For: PSW Publications

  1. Late Holocene forest dynamics, volcanism, and climate change at Whitewing Mountain and San Joaquin Ridge, Mono County, Sierra Nevada, CA, USA. (2006)
  2. Alpine treeline of western North America: Linking organism-to-landscape dynamics (2007)
  3. Climate Change and Forests of the Future: Managing in the Face of Uncertainty (2007)
  4. Response of high-elevation limber pine (Pinus flexilis) to multiyear droughts and 20th-century warming, Sierra Nevada, California, USA (2007)
  5. Naturalness and beyond: Protected area stewardship in an era of global environmental change (2008)
  6. Ain't no mountain high enough: plant invasions reaching new elevations. The Ecological Society of America. doi:10.1890/080072. (2009)
  7. Managing and Monitoring Birds Using Point Counts: Standards and Applications  (1995)
  8. Mapping of Bird Distributions from Point Count Surveys (1995)
  9. Experimental Design Considerations for Establishing an Off-Road, Habitat-Specific Bird Monitoring Program Using Point Counts  (1995)
  10. Point Counts Modifications and Breeding Bird Abundances in Central Appalachian Forests (1995)
  11. Effects of Sampling Strategy, Detection Probability, and Independence of Counts on the Use of Point Counts (1995)
  12. Statistical Aspects of Point Count Sampling (1995)
  13. Point Counts of Birds: What Are We Estimating? (1995)
  14. Comparison of Birds Detected from Roadside and Off-Road Point Counts in the Shenandoah National Park (1995)
  15. Evaluation of Bias in Roadside Point Count Surveys of Passerines in Shrubsteppe and Grassland Habitats in Southwestern Idaho (1995)
  16. A Comparison of Bird Detection Rates Derived from On-Road vs. Off-Road Point Counts in Northern Montana (1995)
  17. An Overview of the Ontario Forest Bird Monitoring Program in Canada (1995)
  18. Monitoring Birds in a Regional Landscape: Lessons from the Nicolet National Forest Bird Survey (1995)
  19. Design of a Monitoring Program for Northern Spotted Owls (1995)
  20. Modification of Point Counts for Surveying Cropland Birds (1995)
  21. Evaluating Point Count Efficiency Relative to Territory Mapping in Cropland Birds  (1995)
  22. Influence of Survey Length and Radius Size on Grassland Bird Surveys by Point Counts at Williams Lake, British Columbia (1995)
  23. Fixed-Radius Point Counts in Forests: Factors Influencing Effectiveness and Efficiency  (1995)
  24. Analysis of Sample Size, Counting Time, and Plot Size from an Avian Point Count Survey on Hoosier National Forest, Indiana (1995)
  25. Point Count Length and Detection of Forest Neotropical Migrant Birds (1995)
  26. Comparison of Point Count Sampling Regimes for Monitoring Forest Birds (1995)
  27. Detectability of Forest Birds from Stationary Points in Northern Wisconsin (1995)
  28. Sample Size and Allocation of Effort in Point Count Sampling of Birds in Bottomland Hardwood Forests  (1995)
  29. Effects of Point Count Duration, Time-of-Day, and Aural Stimuli on Detectability of Migratory and Resident Bird Species in Quintana Roo, Mexico (1995)
  30. Effects of cattle grazing, glyphosate, and prescribed burning on fountaingrass fuel loading in Hawai`i (2007)
  31. Assessing Changes in Amphibian Population Dynamics Following Experimental Manipulations of Introduced Fish  (2008)
  32. Mating strategy and breeding patterns of the foothill yellow-legged frog (Rana boylii) (2008)
  33. Changes in bird abundance following Common Myna control on a New Zealand island (2007)
  34. Vegetation and topographical correlates of fire severity from two fires in the Klamath-Siskiyou region of Oregon and California (2006)
  35. The body grasp technique: a rapid method of removing birds from mist nets (2005)
  36. Nariva Swamp Ramsar Site, Trinidad and Tobago (West Indies) Wetland Habitat Restoration Initiative (2005)
  37. Linking Shorebird Conservation and Education Along Flyways: An Overview of the Shorebird Sister Schools Program (2005)
  38. Partnerships to Deliver Bird Conservation along the Gulf Coast (2005)
  39. North American Wetlands Conservation Act: Contributions to Bird Conservation in Coastal Areas of the U.S. (2005)
  40. Challenges of Avian Conservation on Non-Federal Forests in the Pacific Northwest (2005)
  41. Developing a Bird Conservation Plan for the Diverse Coniferous Forests of California (2005)
  42. Monitoring for Adaptive Management in Coniferous Forests of the Northern Rockies (2005)
  43. Restoring High Priority Habitats for Birds: Aspen and Pine in the Interior West  (2005)
  44. Effects of Selective Logging on Birds in the Sierra de Coalcoman, Sierra Madre del Sur, Michoacan, Western Mexico (2005)
  45. Forest Management Under Uncertainty for Multiple Bird Population Objectives  (2005)
  46. Accommodating Birds in Managed Forests of North America: A Review of Bird-Forestry Relationships  (2005)
  47. Early Impacts of Residential Development on Wood Thrushes in an Urbanizing Forest (2005)
  48. Does Habitat Matter in an Urbanized Landscape? The Birds of the Garry Oak (Quercus garryana) Ecosystem of Southeastern Vancouver Island, British Columbia (2005)
  49. Is Management for Golden-winged Warblers and Cerulean Warblers Compatible? (2005)
  50. Potential Effects of Large-scale Elimination of Oaks by Red Oak Borers on Breeding Neotropical Migrants in the Ozarks (2005)
  51. The Effects of Timber Harvesting on Neotropical Migrants in Cove Hardwood Forests in the Southern Appalachian Mountains (2005)
  52. Birds in a Developing Area: The Need for Habitat Protection at the Landscape Scale (2005)
  53. Landscape Level Effects on Forest Bird Populations in Eastern Broadleaf Forests: Principles for Conservation (2005)
  54. The Significance of Mating System and Nonbreeding Behavior to Population and Forest Patch Use by Migrant Birds  (2005)
  55. What Have I Learned about Broadleaf Forest Migrants from Long-term Attendance at Migrant Bird Symposia? (2005)
  56. The Nature Conservancy's Gulf Wings Project – A Case Study in Conservation Planning for Migratory Birds (2005)
  57. Avian Conservation Planning in the Caribbean: Experience and Recommendations from the Dominican Republic (2005)
  58. Measuring soil moisture near soil surface...minor differences due to neutron source type (1967)
  59. Soil moisture depletion patterns around scattered trees  (1968)
  60. Thinning stagnated ponderosa and Jeffrey pine stands in northeastern California: 30-year effects (1989)
  61. Conservation Priorities for Terrestrial Birds in the Northeastern United States (2005)
  62. Bird Habitat Conservation at Various Scales in the Atlantic Coast Joint Venture  (2005)
  63. Integrated Migratory Bird Planning in the Lower Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Plain Bird Conservation Region  (2005)
  64. Incorporating Partners in Flight Priorities into State Agency Operational Plans: Development of a Management System for Wetland Passerines  (2005)
  65. The New York State Bird Conservation Area (BCA) Program: A Model for the United States  (2005)
  66. Evaluating Partners in Flight Partnership Lands in the Mid-Atlantic Region: Converting Conservation Plans into Conservation Actions (2005)
  67. Bird Conservation Planning and Implementation in Canada's Intermountain Region (2005)
  68. The Intermountain West Region Waterbird Plan  (2005)
  69. The Oak Woodland Bird Conservation Plan: A Strategy for Protecting and Managing Oak Woodland Habitats and Associated Birds in California  (2005)
  70. Delineating Focus Areas for Bird Conservation in the Central Hardwoods Bird Conservation Region (2005)
  71. Missouri's Approach to Grassland Bird Conservation Planning (2005)
  72. The Oak Woodland Bird Conservation Plan: A Strategy for Protecting and Managing Oak Woodland Habitats and Associated Birds in California (2005)
  73. Current Monitoring and Management of Tricolored Blackbirds (2005)
  74. Breeding Double-crested Cormorants and Wading Birds on Isla Alcatraz, Sonora, México (2005)
  75. Conservation and Management for Fish-eating Birds and Endangered Salmon  (2005)
  76. Seabird Conservation Planning in the Pacific Region (2005)
  77. Seabird Research and Monitoring Needs in Northwestern México (2005)
  78. Current Status of Research on the Shorebirds, Marsh Birds, and Waders of the Peninsula of Baja California (2005)
  79. Conservation Priorities for Landbirds of the Pacific Coast of Oregon and Washington  (2005)
  80. The Use of Avian Focal Species for Conservation Planning in California (2005)
  81. Building a Habitat Conversion Model for San Francisco Bay Wetlands: A Multi-species Approach for Integrating GIS and Field Data (2005)
  82. Terrestrial Birds and Conservation Priorities in Baja California Peninsula (2005)
  83. The South Atlantic Migratory Bird Initiative – An Integrated Approach to Conservation of "All Birds Across All Habitats" (2005)
  84. Priorities for Implementation of the Northern Pacific Coast Regional Shorebird Management Plan (2005)
  85. Integrated Bird Conservation along the Pacific Coast of North America: An Action Agenda (2005)
  86. Predicting Bird Response to Alternative Management Scenarios on a Ranch in Campeche, México (2005)
  87. Alternative Futures for Landscapes in the Upper San Pedro River Basin of Arizona and Sonora (2005)
  88. Integrated Migratory Bird Planning in a Corps of Engineers' Irrigation Project, Bayou Meto, Arkansas (2005)
  89. The Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act: A Workshop to Discuss Improvements and a Brief Summary of First Year Results (2005)
  90. Grassland Bird Conservation Efforts in Missouri and Iowa: How Will We Measure Success? (2005)
  91. Strategies for the conservation monitoring of resident landbirds and wintering neotropical migrants in the Americas  (2005)
  92. Recommended methods for monitoring change in bird populations by counting and capture of migrants (2005)
  93. Ranking habitat for Marbled Murrelets: New conservation approach for species with uncertain detection (2004)
  94. Stand-scale habitat associations across a large geographic region of an old-growth specialist, the marbled murrelet (2004)
  95. Density estimation in wildlife surveys  (2004)
  96. Monitoring productivity with multiple mist-net stations (2004)
  97. Recommendations for the use of mist nets for inventory and monitoring of bird populations (2004)
  98. The use of mist nets as a tool for bird population monitoring (2004)
  99. The status of the Willow and Pacific-slope flycatchers in northwestern California and southern Oregon (2003)
  100. A tabular format of Pyle's ageing and sexing methods for landbirds (2002)
  101. Use of fragmented landscapes by Marbled Murrelets for nesting in Southern Oregon (2002)
  102. A new method for ageing Marbled Murrelets and the effect on productivity estimates (2001)
  103. An Objective Method to Determine an AreaÂ’s Relative Significance for Avian Conservation (2005)
  104. Measuring the Success of Bird Conservation Plan Implementation (2005)
  105. Six-year growth of Eucalyptus saligna plantings as affected by nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizer (1987)
  106. Ponderosa pine seedlings and competing vegetation: ecology, growth, and cost (1990)
  107. Setting numerical population objectives for priority landbird species (2005)
  108. Biological objectives for bird populations (2005)
  109. The American Ornithologists' Union and bird conservation: recommitment to the revolution (2005)
  110. Seasonal bird traffic between Grand Teton National Park and western Mexico (2005)
  111. Finding our wings: the payoff of a decade of determination (2005)
  112. Avian research in the U.S. Forest Service (2005)
  113. A context for bird conservation in México: challenges and opportunities (2005)
  114. Bird conservation as a flagship for global diversity conservation (2005)
  115. Defining the demands and meeting the challenges of integrated bird conservation (2005)
  116. Partners in Flight – Working for Bird Conservation Implementation and Integration in the Western Hemisphere (2005)
  117. Bird Conservation Implementation and Integration in the Americas: Proceedings of the Third International Partners in Flight Conference. 2002 March 20-24; Asilomar, California; Volume 2 (2005)
  118. Bird Conservation Implementation and Integration in the Americas: Proceedings of the Third International Partners in Flight Conference. 2002 March 20-24; Asilomar, California, Volume 1 (2005)
  119. Manual de métodos de campo para el monitoreo de aves terrestres (1996)
  120. Monitoring Bird Populations by Point Counts (1995)
  121. Windthrown trees on the Kings River Ranger District, Sierra National Forest: meteorological aspects (1986)
  122. Stimulating growth of stagnated Acacia koa by thinning and fertilizing (1986)
  123. Measuring the fraction of pool volume filled with fine sediment (1993)
  124. Deer habitat use after prescribed burning in Northern California (1984)
  125. Arsonists in California and New York: a tentative look (1985)
  126. Slash prediction: a test in commercial thinnings in northeasrern California (1984)
  127. Response of Eucalyptus species to frost damage at the Redwood Experimental Forest (1978)
  128. Low concentration of lindane plus induced attraction traps mountain pine beetle ( 1976)
  129. Plant moisture stress patterns in planted Douglas-fir: a preliminary study of the effects of crown and aspect (1977)
  130. Field computation of winds-aloft velocities from single theodolite pilot balloon observations (1976)
  131. Interpolation of unevenly spaced data using a parabolic leapfrog correction method and cubic splines (1977)
  132. Rehabilitating gravel areas with short-hair sedge sod plugs and fertilizer (1985)
  133. Herbs and brush on California red fir regeneration sites: a species and frequency sampling (1978)
  134. Relationships of inside and outside bark diameters for young growth mixed-conifer species in the Sierra Nevada (1984)
  135. Dietary quality, fecal nitrogen and 2,6 diaminopimelic acid in black-tailed deer in northern California (1984)
  136. Estimating past diameters of mixed conifer species in the central Sierra Nevada (1981)
  137. Improved insect emergence trap for stream community population sampling (1978)
  138. Dwarf mistletoe does not increase trunk taper in released red firs in California (1977)
  139. Computation of times of sunrise, sunset, and twilight in or near mountainous terrain (1977)
  140. Conifer regeneration on burned and unburned clearcuts on granitic soils of the Klamath National Forest (1977)
  141. Fine fuel moisture measured and estimated in dead Andropogon virginicus in Hawaii (1976)
  142. Characteristics of people who start fires... (1971)
  143. Early height growth of ponderosa pine forecasts dominance in plantations (1971)
  144. Contact toxicity of 17 insecticides applied topically to adult bark beetles (1971)
  145. Variability of germination in digger pine in California (1971)
  146. Seed production and dispersal by dwarf mistletoe in overstory jeffrey pines in California (1971)
  147. A simple technique to increase profits in wood products marketing (1971)
  148. Computing visible areas from proposed recreation developments...a case study (1971)
  149. Species trials at the Waiakea Arboretum (1971)
  150. Direct seeding trials of three major timber species in Hawaii (1971)
  151. Lumber grade recoverey from Hawaii-grown robusta Eucalyptus logs (1970)
  152. Perennial grasses reduce woody plant seedlings...on mixed conifer fuel-break (1970)
  153. Moisture contents of brushland fuels desiccated for burning (1970)
  154. Direct seeding of brushbox, lemon-gum eucalyptus, and cluster pine in Hawaii (1969)
  155. Use of air tankers pays off ... a case study (1969)
  156. Length and area equivalents for interpreting wildland resource maps  (1969)
  157. Estimating past diameters of ponderosa pine in northern California (1969)
  158. Wood borers attracted to turpentine in windthrown timber in northern California  (1969)
  159. Building firelines with liquid explosive ... some preliminary results (1970)
  160. A lesser frigatebird (Fregata ariel) in California: a first for the state and fourth for North America (2007)
  161. Enhancing the value of the breeding bird survey: reply to Sauer et al. (2005) (2005)
  162. Goals and strategies for estimating trends in landbird abundance (2004)
  163. Status of the Marbled Murrelet in the inner north coast ranges of California  (1998)
  164. Use of radar to study the movements of Marbled Murrelets at inland sites (1995)
  165. Evidence of changes in populations of the Marbled Murrelet in the Pacific Northwest (1994)
  166. Probability fire weather forecasts .. show promise in 3-year trial (1970)
  167. Proceedings of the 2002 fire conference: managing fire and fuels in the remaining wildlands and open spaces of the Southwestern United States  (2008)
  168. High Sierra ecosystems: the role of fish stocking in amphibian declines (2003)
  169. Lignin staining ...a limited success in identifying koa growth rings (1970)
  170. Greener cities: U.S. Forest Service software package helps cities manage their urban treescape (2008)
  171. Managing wildland fires: integrating weather models into fire projections (2004)
  172. Caspar Creek experimental watersheds: cumulative effects of forest practices on downstream resources (2005)
  173. Restoring forest health: fire and thinning effects on mixed-conifer forests (2006)
  174. Tested by fire: the cone fire and the lessons of an accidental experiment (2007)
  175. Saving the soil: lessons from the long-term soil productivity experiment (2007)
  176. Repelling invaders: Hawaiian foresters use ecology to counter invasive species (2008)
  177. Decision modeling for analyzing fire action outcomes (2008)
  178. Tropical community tree guide: benefits, costs, and strategic planting (2008)
  179. Demography and movements of the endangered Akepa and Hawaii Creeper (1994)
  180. Population dynamics of land bird populations on Oahu, Hawaii: fifty years of introductions and competition (1991)
  181. Breeding distribution of the marbled murrelet in Redwood National Park and vicinity during 1988 (1990)
  182. Genetic evidence for the origin and relationships of Hawaiian honeycreepers (Aves: Fringillidae) (1989)
  183. In my experience: quality control of symposia and their published proceedings (1988)
  184. Foraging interactions of small Hawaiian forest birds (1986)
  185. Analysis of droppings to describe diets of small birds (1985)
  186. Habitat association patterns of forest and steppe birds of northern Patagonia, Argentina (1985)
  187. Relative effects of human and feral hog disturbance on a wet forest in Hawaii (1984)
  188. The role of plumage polymorphism in dominance relationshipt of the white-throated sparrow (1984)
  189. Effects of observers using different methods upon the total population estimates of two resident island birds (1981)
  190. Introduction (1981)
  191. An investigation of the effect of seasonal activity levels on avian censusing (1981)
  192. Terminology used in estimating number of birds (1981)
  193. Age ratios and their possible use in determining autumn routes of passerine migrants (1981)
  194. Acquisition of plumage polymorphism in white-throated sparrows (1980)
  195. Standardization of mist net captures for quantification of avian migration (1976)
  196. Homing success in wintering sparrows (1976)
  197. Timing of site fixation upon the wintering grounds in sparrows (1975)
  198. Effects of human disturbance on the breeding success of gulls  (1975)
  199. Notes on the nesting of egrets near San Rafael, California (1958)
  200. An age differential of migrants in coastal California  (1971)
  201. Correlation of age, size of territory, plumage, and breeding success in White-crowned sparrows (1971)
  202. Germination and survival of douglas-fir in northern California ... effects of time of seeding, soil type, and aspect (1971)
  203. Toxicity of insecticide aerosols to needle miner adults of the genus Coleotechnites (1971)
  204. Forest products harvested in Hawaii-1969 (1971)
  205. Early brush control promotes growth of ponderosa pine planted on bulldozed site (1971)
  206. Applying herbicides to desiccate manzanita brushfields before burning (1976)
  207. Ponderosa pine seeding trials in west-side Sierra Nevada clearcuts: some early results (1975)
  208. Regression sampling: some results for resource managers and researchers (1974)
  209. Lumber potential of 12-year-old Saligna eucalyptus trees in Hawaii (1974)
  210. Allocation model for air tanker initial attack in firefighting (1975)
  211. Fire environmental test chamber: its design and development  (1973)
  212. Producing high-quality negatives from ERTS black-and-white transparancies (1973)
  213. Projection-viewer for microscale aerial photography (1972)
  214. Lumber and plywood used in California apartment construction, 1969 (1973)
  215. Shorthair meadows in the high Sierra hypothesis of their development  (1973)
  216. Pressure treatment of robusta and ohia report (1973)
  217. Oak leaf roller: contact toxicity of four insecticides applied to the larvae (1974)
  218. Effects of spacing on loblolly pine in Hawaii after 11 years (1974)
  219. Fire prevention film spots . . . reception by television public service directors ( 1974)
  220. Growth of young saligna eucalyptus in Hawaii: 6 years after thinning (1975)
  221. Number of pins in two-stage stratified sampling for estimating herbage yield (1975)
  222. Portable tripod-mounted boom sprayer for applying herbicides on tall shrubs (1975)
  223. Clipping affects flowering of California poppy at two growth stages (1975)
  224. Douglas-fir seedlings planted by four methods...results after 10 years (1976)
  225. Rating effectiveness of herbicides in desiccating woody vegetation (1976)
  226. The parasite Clinostomum marginatum in four centrarchids, in California ranch ponds (1976)
  227. Adaptability of 14 tree species to two hydrol humic latosol soils in Hawaii. (1971)
  228. Contact toxicity of 40 insecticides tested on pandora moth larvae (1971)
  229. Damaged to knobcone x monterey pine hybrids and parents ... by red band needle blight in California redwood sites. (1971)
  230. Early growth tolerances of grasses, shrubs, and trees to boron in tunnel spoil (1971)
  231. Forest control and regulation ... a comparison of traditional methods and alternatives (1971)
  232. Estimating site index of ponderosa pine in Northern California...standard curves, soil series, stem analysis (1972)
  233. Gross volume tables for redwood trees in and near the Redwood National Park (1971)
  234. Recovery of young ponderosa pines damaged by herbicide spraying (1971)
  235. Product suitability of wood...determined by density gradients across growth rings (1972)
  236. Analyzing genetic diversity in conifers...isozyme resolution by starch gel electrophoresis (1972)
  237. Site index curves for unmanaged stands of California black oak (1972)
  238. Campground users... a computerized method for summarizing where they come from and how long they stay (1971)
  239. Gibberellic acid breaks dormancy and hastens germination of creeping sage (1971)
  240. Youthful fire-setters ... an exploratory study in personality and background. (1971)
  241. Growth of released redwood crop seedlings on the redwood experimental forest. (1971)
  242. Douglas-fir survival and growth in response to spring planting date and depth (1971)
  243. Cacodylic acid for precommercial thinning in mixed-conifer stands shows erratic results. (1970)
  244. Snow bending of sugar pine and ponderosa seedlings ... injury not permanent. (1970)
  245. A spacing trial in tropical ash ... an interim report. (1971)
  246. Diet of the Del Norte Salamander (Plethodon elongatus): Differences by age, gender, and season. (2007)
  247. Turning population trend monitoring into active conservation: Can we save the Cascades Frog (Rana cascadae) in the Lassen region of California? (2007)
  248. Egg mass drift increases vulnerability during early development of Cascades frogs (Rana casadae). (2007)
  249. Amphibian populations in the terrestrial environment: Is there evidence of declines of terrestrial forest amphibians in northwestern California? (2007)
  250. Strategies for modeling habitat relationships of uncommon species: An example using the Siskiyou Mountains salamander (Plethodon stormi). (2007)
  251. Early effects of spacing on loblolly pine in Hawaii (1970)
  252. Amphibians as metrics of critical biological thresholds in forested headwater streams of the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A. (2008)
  253. Temperature, humidity, and precipitation ... at the redwood experimental forest (1970)
  254. Fenceposts butt-soaked in Pentachlorophenol still sound after 22 years (1970)
  255. Using multiple metrics to assess the effects of forest succession on population status: A comparative study of two terrestrial salamanders in the US Pacific Northwest. (2008)
  256. A spacing trial in Australian Toon ... an interim report (1970)
  257. Snow breakage in a pole-sized ponderosa pine plantation ... more damage at high stand-densities (1970)
  258. Controlling firetree in Hawaii by injection of Tordon 22K (1970)
  259. An experimental prescribed burn to reduce fuel hazard in chaparral (1970)
  260. Evidence of indirect impacts of introduced trout on native amphibians via facilitation of a shared predator.  (2008)
  261. Major floods, poor land use delay return of sedimentation to normal rates (1972)
  262. Spread of dwarf mistletoe from discrete seed sources into young stands of ponderosa and Jeffrey pines (1972)
  263. Livestock grazing not detrimental to meadow wildflowers (1972)
  264. More California-poppy in stubble field than in old field (1972)
  265. Coppicing to convert small cull trees to growing stock (1972)
  266. Black twig borer...a tree killer in Hawaii (1972)
  267. Height intercept for estimating site index in young ponderosa pine plantations and natural stands (1972)
  268. A technique for sampling low shrub vegetation, by crown volume classes (1970)
  269. Allocation model for firefighting resources ... a progress report (1970)
  270. Rooting cuttings of shrub species for plantings in California wildlands (1970)
  271. Direct seeding of lemon-gum eucalyptus, redwood, and brushbox in Hawaii (1970)
  272. Selecting timber species to replace killed firetree in Hawaii (1970)
  273. Shade improves survival rate of outplanted 2-0 red fir seedlings (1970)
  274. Paintability of four woods in Hawaii (1972)
  275. Computer technique for simulating the combustion of cellulose and other fuels (1971)
  276. A durability test of wood posts in Hawaii...third progress report (1971)
  277. Contact toxicity of 14 insecticides tested on pine butterfly larvae (1971)
  278. Toxicity of stabilized and unstabilized pyrethrins applied to western spruce budworm (1971)
  279. Non-grazing and gophers lower bulk density and acidity in annual-plant soil (1971)
  280. Methods to measure sedimentation of spawning gravels (1971)
  281. Wedgeleaf ceanothus canopy does not affect total herbage yield (1971)
  282. Variations in diameter measurements of Robusta Eucalyptus due to swelling and shrinking of bark (1971)
  283. Frost cracks.. . a common defect in white fir in California (1970)
  284. Toxicity of aerosols to larch casebearer larvae (1970)
  285. Using indicator plants to assess susceptibility of Californian red fir and white fir to the fir engraver beetle (1986)
  286. Locating suppression resources by travel times to wildfires (1986)
  287. Western dwarf mistletoe infects understory Jeffrey pine seedlings on Cleveland National Forest, California (1986)
  288. Aerial field tests of five insecticides on western spruce budworm in Idaho and Montana (1986)
  289. Smoked aluminum track stations record flying squirrel occurrence (1986)
  290. Retrieving residue after overstory removal in true fir, northeastern California (1986)
  291. Trapping western pine beetles with baited toxic trees (1985)
  292. Estimating snow load in California for three recurrence intervals (1985)
  293. Simulating initial attack with two fire containment models (1985)
  294. Changes in recreation values after fire in the northern Rocky Mountains (1985)
  295. Production of deerbrush and mountain whitethorn related to shrub volume and overstory crown closure (1985)
  296. Remedial treatment of lodgepole pine infested with mountain pine beetle: efficacy of three insecticides (1985)
  297. Residual activity of carbaryl protected lodgepole pine against mountain pine beetle, Dillon, Colorado, 1982 and 1983 (1985)
  298. Controlling suspended samplers by programmable calculator and interface circuitry (1985)
  299. Implementation guide for turbidity threshold sampling: principles, procedures, and analysis (2008)
  300. Recreation visitor research: studies of diversity (2008)
  301. Mountain lions: preliminary findings on home-range use and density, central Sierra Nevada (1987)
  302. Sediment traps for measuring onslope surface sediment movement (1987)
  303. Estimating cost of large-fire suppression for three Forest Service Regions (1987)
  304. Equations for predicting biomass of six introduced tree species, island of Hawaii (1988)
  305. Distribution and abundance of snags in the Sagehen Creek Basin, California  (1986)
  306. Gouty pitch midge damage to ponderosa pines planted on fertile and infertile soils in the western Sierra Nevada (1987)
  307. Equations for predicting biomass in 2- to 6-year-old Eucalyptus saligna in Hawaii (1988)
  308. Differential susceptibility of white fir provenances to balsam twig aphid (1989)
  309. Local volume tables for young-growth conifers on a high quality site in the northern Sierra Nevada (1989)
  310. Manual release in an "old" Douglas-fir plantation increases diameter growth (1989)
  311. Dwarf mistletoe in red and white firs in California–23 to 28 years after inoculation (1989)
  312. Avoid planting Scotch pine near dwarf mistletoe-infected California pines (1988)
  313. Elytroderm disease in young, planted Jeffrey pine, South Lake Tahoe, California (1988)
  314. Unusual decline of tanoak sprouts (1988)
  315. Diameter-density relationships provide tentative spacing guidelines for Eucalyptus saligna in Hawaii (1988)
  316. DEBRIS: a computer program for analyzing channel cross sections (1988)
  317. Optimizing the duration of point counts for monitoring trends in bird populations (1988)
  318. Height-diameter equations for young-growth red fir in California and southern Oregon (1989)
  319. Fire social science research from the Pacific Southwest research station: studies supported by national fire plan funds (2008)
  320. Transport of intercepted snow from trees during snow storms (1966)
  321. Testing aerially applied Orthene for control of larch casebearer. (1979)
  322. Successful natural regeneration cuttings in California true firs. (1979)
  323. White pine blister rust at mountain home demonstration state forest: a case study of the epidemic and prospects for genetic control. (1990)
  324. Vegetation trends in young conifer plantation after 10 years of grazing by sheep (1993)
  325. Rock glaciers and related periglacial landforms in the Sierra Nevada, CA, USA; inventory, distribution and climatic relationships. (2008)
  326. Experimental study and large eddy simulation of effect of terrain slope on marginal burning in shrub fuel beds (2007)
  327. Thermal particle image velocity estimation of fire plume flow (2003)
  328. Ignition behavior of live California chaparral leaves (2004)
  329. An investigation of crown fuel bulk density effects on the dynamics of crown fire initiation in shrublands (2008)
  330. Effects of moisture on ignition behavior of moist California chaparral and Utah leaves (2007)
  331. Control of brush regrowth with herbicides on pine plantations in northern California (1978)
  332. Growth models for ponderosa pine: I. Yield of unthinned plantations in northern California. (1978)
  333. Ponderosa pine response to fertilization: influence of brush removal and soil type (1978)
  334. Response of visitors to the Rainbow Trail: an evaluation of an interpretive area in the Lake Tahoe Basin, California (1978)
  335. Variation in bat detections due to detector orientation in a forest. (2002)
  336. Control of douglas-fir tussock moth by aerially applied Dimilin (TH 6040) (1978)
  337. Assessing bat detectability and occupancy with multiple automated echolocation detectors (2008)
  338. Field identification of the cryptic vespertilionid bats, Myotis lucifugus and M. yumanensis (2007)
  339. Mist net effort required to inventory a forest bat species assemblage. (2007)
  340. Using an internet questionnaire to characterize bat survey efforts in the United States and Canada (2006)
  341. Growth and mortality after regeneration cuttings in old-growth redwood (1974)
  342. Evaluation of Skylab (EREP) data for forest and rangeland surveys (1976)
  343. Investigating the potential of biological control against Phytophthora ramorum (2008)
  344. The big sur ecoregion sudden oak death adaptive management project: ecological monitoring (2008)
  345. Studies of tissue colonization in Rhododendron by Phytophthora ramorum (2008)
  346. Mapping hardwood mortality for the early detection of P. ramorum: an assessment of aerial surveys and object-oriented image analysis (2008)
  347. Susceptibility of selected ornamental plants to Phytophthora ramorum (2008)
  348. Evaluation of fungicides for control of Phytophthora ramorum (2008)
  349. A landscape inventory framework: scenic analyses of the Northern Great Plains (1978)
  350. Preliminary observations of heat treatment to control Phytophthora ramorum in infected wood species: an extended abstract (2008)
  351. Survival of Phytophthora ramorum Chlamydospores at high and low temperatures (2008)
  352. Preservation of Lithocarpus densiflorus diversity on CaliforniaÂ’s central Coast: a cooperative project with area residents (2008)
  353. Stream monitoring for detection of Phytophthora ramorum in Oregon (2008)
  354. Comparing Phytophthora ramorum diagnostic protocols for the national Sudden Oak death stream monitoring program (2008)
  355. Microclimate environmental parameters indexed for Sudden Oak death in Georgia and South Carolina (2008)
  356. The maturation and germination of Phytophthora ramorum Chlamydospores (2008)
  357. Environmental parameters affecting inoculum production from lilac leaf pieces infected with Phytophthora ramorum (2008)
  358. Spatial variation in effects of temperature on Phenotypic characteristics of Phytophthora ramorum isolates from eastern Sonoma county (2008)
  359. Phytophthora ramorum in Scotland: is it all over? (2008)
  360. Phytophthora siskiyouensis, a new species from soil and water in southwest Oregon (2008)
  361. Susceptibility of some native plant species from Hawaii to Phytophthora ramorum (2008)
  362. Global gene expression profiles of Phytophthora ramorum strain pr102 in response to plant host and tissue differentiation  (2008)
  363. A high throughput system for the detection of Phytophthora ramorum in susceptible plant species: a preliminary report (2008)
  364. Contemporary California indian uses for food of species affected by Phytophthora ramorum (2008)
  365. Implementation of a thinning and burning study in tanoak-redwood stands in Santa Cruz and Mendocino counties (2008)
  366. Phytophthora ramorum early detection surveys for forests in the United States, 2003–2006 (2008)
  367. Monitoring Phytophthora ramorum distribution in streams within California watersheds (2008)
  368. A method for locating potential tree-planting sites in urban areas: a case study of Los Angeles, USA (2008)
  369. In vitro foliage susceptibility of canary islands laurel forests: a model for better understanding the ecology of Phytophthora ramorum (2008)
  370. Protecting residences from wildfires: a guide for homeowners, lawmakers, and planners (1981)
  371. Understanding effects of fire suppression, fuels treatment, and wildfire on bird communities in the Klamath-Siskiyou ecoregion (2004)
  372. Evaluation of molecular markers for Phytophthora ramorum detection and identification using a standardized library of isolates  (2008)
  373. Photosynthetic declines are induced by Phytophthora ramorum infection and exposure to elicitins (2008)
  374. Development of Phytophthora ramorum infection and disease symptoms on coast redwood seedlings (2008)
  375. Monitoring Phytophthora ramorum in soil, leaf litter, rain traps, and watercourses in an historical cornish garden (2008)
  376. Monitoring Phytophthora ramorum and P. kernoviae in soil and rainwater samples collected at two sites on a cornish estate (2008)
  377. Dwarf mistletoe-infected red fir: growth after release (1979)
  378. Urban users of wildland areas as forest fire risks (1979)
  379. Estimating snowpack density from Albedo measurement (1979)
  380. Campsite reservation systems...the camper's viewpoint (1976)
  381. Species adaptability trials for man-made forests in Hawaii (1976)
  382. Evaluation of ERTS-1 data for forest and rangeland surveys (1975)
  383. Plants of the highest Santa Lucia and Diablo Range (1975)
  384. WRIS: a resource information system for wildland management (1975)
  385. Radio and television use in Butte County, California: application to fire prevention (1975)
  386. Pathogenicity variation in two west coast forest Phytophthoras, Phytophthora nemorosa and P. pseudosyringae, to bay laurel (2008)
  387. Comparative Susceptibility of Plants Native to the Appalachian Range of the United States to Inoculation With Phytophthora ramorum (2008)
  388. Evaluation of a rapid diagnostic field test kit for identification of Phytophthora ramorum, P. kernoviae and other Phytophthora species at the point of inspection  (2008)
  389. Antimicrobial activity of extracts and select compounds in the heartwood of seven western conifers toward Phytophthora ramorum (2008)
  390. Geographical distribution of Phytophthora ramorum in Norway (2008)
  391. Correlating Phytophthora ramorum infection rate and lesion expansion in tanoak (2008)
  392. Effect of flooding on root and foliar disease severity on Rhododendron Caused by Phytophthora ramorum (2008)
  393. Molecular evolution of an Avirulence Homolog (Avh) gene subfamily in Phytophthora ramorum (2008)
  394. Suppression of Phytophthora ramorum in aluminum-amended peatmoss (2008)
  395. Summer survival of Phytophthora ramorum in California bay laurel leaves (2008)
  396. New relationships among the sudden oak death pathogen, bark and ambrosia beetles, and fungi colonizing coast live oaks (2008)
  397. In vitro testing of biological control agents on A1 and A2 isolates of Phytophthora ramorum (2008)
  398. Identification of control agents and factors affecting pathogenicity of Phytophthora ramorum (2008)
  399. Effects of environmental variables on the survival of Phytophthora ramorum in bay laurel leaves (2008)
  400. Estimated economic losses associated with the destruction of plants owing to Phytophthora ramorum quarantine efforts in Washington state (2008)
  401. Soil heating in chaparral fires: effects on soil properties, plant nutrients, erosion, and runoff (1979)
  402. Effects of aerially applied mexacarbate on western spruce budworm larvae and their parasites in Montana (1979)
  403. Regeneration of Douglas-fir cutblocks on the Six Rivers National Forest in northwestern California (1979)
  404. Growth of planted ponderosa pine thinned to different stocking levels in northern California (1979)
  405. Microbial- and isothiocyanate-mediated control of Phytophthora and Pythium species (2008)
  406. Spatial and temporal aspects of tylosis formation in tanoak inoculated with Phytophthora ramorum (2008)
  407. Effectiveness of fungicides in protecting conifers and rhododendrons from Phytophthora ramorum (2008)
  408. Six years of aerial and ground monitoring surveys for sudden oak death in California (2008)
  409. Contingency planning for Phytophthora ramorum outbreaks: progress report work package 7, EU RAPRA project (2008)
  410. Wildland management of Phytophthora ramorum in northern California forests (2008)
  411. Vegetation response following Phytophthora ramorum eradication treatments in southwest Oregon forests (2008)
  412. Linking sudden oak death with spatial economic value transfer (2008)
  413. Mapping sudden oak death risk nationally using host, climate, and pathways data (2008)
  414. Predicting the spread of sudden oak death in California: spatial-temporal modeling of susceptible-infectious transitions (2008)
  415. Climate-Host Mapping of Phytophthora ramorum, causal agent of sudden oak death (2008)
  416. Assessment of potential economic and environmental impacts caused by Phytophthora ramorum in Europe (2008)
  417. Epidemiological modeling of Phytophthora ramorum: network properties of susceptible plant genera movements in the nursery sector of England and Wales (2008)
  418. Predicting movement of nursery hosts using a linear network model (2008)
  419. Mitochondrial genomics in the Genus Phytophthora with a focus on Phytophthora ramorum (2008)
  420. Population structure of Phytophthora ramorum in Oregon  (2008)
  421. What can availability of the Phytophthora ramorum genome do for us? (2008)
  422. Phytophthora species associated with stem cankers on tanoak in southwestern Oregon (2008)
  423. Pathogenicity of Phytophthora species isolated from rhizosphere soil in the eastern United States (2008)
  424. Influence of woodland expansion (1942 to 2000) on the establishment of Phytophthora ramorum (2008)
  425. Landscape connectivity influences the establishment of Phytophthora ramorum (2008)
  426. Influence of oak woodland composition and structure on infection by Phytophthora ramorum (2008)
  427. Sporulation of Phytophthora ramorum and P. kernoviae on asymptomatic foliage and fruit (2008)
  428. Five years of monitoring infection and mortality in redwood tanoak forests (2008)
  429. The status of Phytophthora ramorum in Ireland (2008)
  430. Spread and development of Phytophthora ramorum in a California christmas tree farm (2008)
  431. Dissemination of aerial and root infecting Phytophthoras by human vectors (2008)
  432. Increasing distance from California bay laurel reduces the risk and severity of Phytophthora ramorum canker in coast live oak (2008)
  433. Human activity and the spread of Phytophthora ramorum (2008)
  434. Susceptibility to Phytophthora ramorum in California bay laurel, a key foliar host of sudden oak death (2008)
  435. Attraction of ambrosia and bark beetles to coast live oaks infected by Phytophthora ramorum (2008)
  436. Phytophthora ramorum isolated from California bay laurel inflorescences and mistletoe: possible implications relating to disease spread (2008)
  437. Infection of tree stems by zoospores of Phytophthora ramorum and P. kernoviae (2008)
  438. Log susceptibility of Iberian tree species to Phytophthora ramorum (2008)
  439. Chemistry of coast live oak response to Phytophthora ramorum infection (2008)
  440. Invasion of xylem of mature tree stems by Phytophthora ramorum and P. kernoviae (2008)
  441. Phytophthora ramorum infects tanoak sapwood and is associated with reduced sap flux and specific conductivity of xylem (2008)
  442. Review of Current Information Regarding the Phytosanitary Risks of Phytophthora ramorum and North American Conifers (2008)
  443. What you can do to help improve regulation of the plants for planting pathway (2008)
  444. Phytophthora ramorum + P. kernoviae = international biosecurity failure (2008)
  445. Forest Service National Forest System perceptions of law enforcement and investigations: nationwide study (2008)
  446. Facts or friction: the evolving role of science in phytosanitary issues (2008)
  447. Recommended industry best management practices for the prevention of Phytophthora ramorum introduction in nursery operations (2008)
  448. Soil treatments for the elimination of Phytophthora ramorum from nursery beds: current knowledge from the Laboratory and the field (2008)
  449. Four years experience with filtration systems in commercial nurseries for eliminating Phytophthora species from recirculation water (2008)
  450. Monitoring for Phytophthora ramorum and other species of Phytophthora in nurseries and urban areas in the Southeastern USA (2008)
  451. Seasonal symptom expression, laboratory detection success, and sporulation potential of Phytophthora ramorum on rhododendron and camellia (2008)
  452. Can Phytophthora ramorum be spread with contaminated irrigation water? (2008)
  453. Effect of environmental and seasonal factors on the susceptibility of different rhododendron species and hybrids to Phytophthora ramorum (2008)
  454. Detection of mRNA by reverse transcription PCR as an indicator of viability in Phytophthora ramorum (2008)
  455. Introducing the Phytophthora database: an integrated resource for detecting, monitoring, and managing Phytophthora diseases (2008)
  456. Using sigmoidal curve-fitting in a real- time PCR detection assay to determine detection thresholds (2008)
  457. The OakMapper WebGIS: improved access to sudden oak death spatial data (2008)
  458. Prehistoric human influence on the abundance and distribution of deadwood in alpine landscapes (2008)
  459. 2006 pilot survey for Phytophthora ramorum in forest streams in the USA (2008)
  460. Detecting Phytophthora ramorum and other species of Phytophthora in Streams in natural ecosystems using baiting and filtration methods (2008)
  461. Distribution of Phytophthora ramorum, P. nemorosa, and P.pseudosyringae in native coastal California forest communities (2008)
  462. Quantification of sudden oak death tree mortality in the Big Sur ecoregion of California (2008)
  463. Natural outbreaks of Phytophthora ramorum in the U.K.— current status and monitoring update (2008)
  464. Phytophthora ramorum and P. kernoviae: regulation in the European union (2008)
  465. Canadian Phytophthora ramorum 2006 update (2008)
  466. An update on Phytophthora ramorum in European nurseries (2008)
  467. Determining the effectiveness of the federal order/interim rule on Phytophthora ramorum dissemination in nurseries (2008)
  468. Status of Phytophthora ramorum and P. kernoviae in Europe (2008)
  469. Eradication of Phytophthora ramorum from Oregon forests: status after 6 years (2008)
  470. Rethinking phytophthora—research opportunities and management (2008)
  471. Welcome to the sudden oak death third science symposium (2008)
  472. Proceedings of the sudden oak death third science symposium (2008)
  473. Repeated manual release in a young plantation: effect on Douglas-fir seedlings, hardwoods, shrubs, forbs, and grasses. (1994)
  474. Winter sowings produce 1-0 sugar pine planting stock in the Sierra Nevada (1993)
  475. Abies concolor growth responses to vegetation changes following shrub removal, northern Sierra Nevada, California (1993)
  476. Predicting height increment of young-growth red fir in California and southern Oregon (1992)
  477. Avifauna in southern California chaparral: seasonal distribution, habitat association, reproductive phenology (1991)
  478. Polymorphic site index curves for red fir in California and southern Oregon (1991)
  479. Population buildup and vertical spread of dwarf mistletoe on young red and white firs in California (1976)
  480. Site preparation affects survival, growth of koa on degraded montane forest land (1991)
  481. Habitat preferences and distribution of mammals in California chaparral (1990)
  482. Ecology of insects in California chaparral (1990)
  483. Content of chemical elements in tree rings of lodgepole pine and whitebark pine from a subalpine Sierra Nevada forest (1990)
  484. Fifteen-year growth patterns after thinning a ponderosa-Jeffrey pine plantation in northeastern California (1979)
  485. Team teaching fire prevention program: evaluation of an education technique (1978)
  486. Site classification of ponderosa pine stands under stocking control in California (1978)
  487. Radiation effects on moisture variation in ponderosa pine litter (1977)
  488. Evaluating stream trout habitat on large-scale aerial color photographs (1976)
  489. Fire and children: learning survival skills (1976)
  490. Shelterwood cutting in a young-growth, mixed-conifer stand in north central California (1976)
  491. Organizational factors in fire prevention: roles, obstacles, and recommendations (1976)
  492. Natural seedlings and sprouts after regeneration cuttings in old-growth redwood (1975)
  493. Ohia forest decline: its spread and severity in Hawaii (1975)
  494. Logging production rates in young-growth, mixed-conifer stands in north central California (1972)
  495. Dwarf Mistletoe on Red Fir . . . infection and control in understory stands (1969)
  496. Rex fortran 4 system for combinatorial screening or conventional analysis of multivariate regressions (1967)
  497. Evaluating forest management policies by parametric linear programing (1967)
  498. Levels and sources of forest fire prevention knowledge of California hunters (1963)
  499. Los Angeles 1-Million tree canopy cover assessment (2008)
  500. Toxicity of selected insecticides applied to western spruce budworm (1975)
  501. Photstabilization of Bioethanomethrin, Resmethrin, and natural Pyrethrins (Pyrethrum) by mixed Diaryl-p-phenylenediamines (1982)
  502. Bioassays of TH6038 and difluron applied to western spruce budworm and Douglas-fir Tussock moth (1977)
  503. Contact toxicity of twenty insecticides applied to Symmerista canicosta (1972)
  504. Direct, indirect, and residual, toxicities of insecticide sprays to western spruce, budworm, Chroistoneura occidentalis (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) (1979)
  505. Contact toxicity of 38 insecticides to pales weevil adults (1974)
  506. Resource use and clonal differences in attack rate by the Douglas-fir seed Chalcid, Megastigmus, Spermotrophus Wachtl (Hymenoptera: Torymidae), in France (1991)
  507. Comparative toxicity of insecticides to Choristoneura species (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) (1978)
  508. Comparative toxicity of Acephate, Diflubenzuron, and Malathion to larvae of the Larch Casebearer, Coleophora laricella (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae) and adults of its parasites, Chrysocharis laricinellae1 and Dicladocerus nearcticus1,2 (1982)
  509. Lethal effects of five molt inhibitors fed to the western spruce budworm (Choristoneura occidentalis Freeman) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and the Douglas-fir tussock moth (Orgyia pseudotsugata [McDonnough]) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) (1981)
  510. Rearing Glypta Fumiferanae [hym.:Ichneumonida] on a multivoltine laboratory colony of the Western Spruce Budworm (Choristoneura Occidentalis) [LEP.:Tortricidae] (1985)
  511. Lacinipolia Patalis grote (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) infesting Douglas-fir cones: A new host record (1988)
  512. Comparative toxicity of insecticides to Choristoneura species (Lepidoptera: Torticidae) (1978)
  513. Statistical methods for analysing responses of wildlife to human disturbance (2006)
  514. Interior West community tree guide: benefits, costs, and strategic planting  (2007)
  515. Species trials for biomass plantations in Hawaii: a first appraisal (1985)
  516. Prediction of periodic basal area increment for young-growth mixed conifers in sierra Nevada (1988)
  517. Predicting height increment of young-growth mixed conifers in the Sierra Nevada (1988)
  518. Site preparation affects survival, growth of koa on degraded montane forest land (1991)
  519. WRIS: A resource information system for wildland management (1975)
  520. Increasing Planting Stock by Family Selection in California Ponderosa Pine (1975)
  521. Weather and tree growth associated with white fir mortality caused by fir engraver and roundheaded fir borer (1975)
  522. Microcopying wildland maps for distribution and scanner digitizing (1976)
  523. Effects of sevin-4-oil, dimilin, and orthene on forest birds in northeastern Oregon (1979)
  524. Watershed modeling for fire management planning in the northern rocky mountains (1985)
  525. Sensitivity of fire behavior simulations to fuel model variations (1985)
  526. Timber net value and physical output changes following wildfire in the northern Rocky Mountains: estimates for specific fire situations (1985)
  527. Growth of California red fir advance regeneration after overstory removal and thinning (1985)
  528. A fire management simulation model using stochastic arrival times (1987)
  529. Economic efficiency and risk character of fire management programs, northern Rocky Mountains (1988)
  530. Thinning decreases mortality and increases growth of Ponderosa pine in northeastern California (1989)
  531. Bird foraging on incense-cedar and incense-cedar scale during winter in California (1989)
  532. Snag densities in old-growth stands on the Gasquet ranger district, Six Rivers national forest, California (1989)
  533. Estimating postfire water production in the Pacific Northwest (1989)
  534. Content of chemical elements in tree rings of lodgepole pine and whitebark pine from a subalpine Sierra Nevada forest (1990)
  535. Ecology of insects in California chaparral (1990)
  536. Habitat preference and distribution of mammals in California chaparral (1990)
  537. Forest Service patrol captain and patrol commanders report: nationwide study (2007)
  538. Judging Hazard from Native Trees in California Recreational Areas: a Guide for Professional Foresters (1963)
  539. Polymorphic rite index curves for red fir in California and southern Oregon (1991)
  540. One seed source of Jeffrey pine shows resistance to dwarf mistletoe (1992)
  541. Resistance of ponderosa pine to western dwarf mistletoe in central Oregon (1992)
  542. Insects and related arthropods associated with greenleaf manzanita in montane chaparral communities of northeastern California (1997)
  543. Predicting height increment of young-growth red fir in California and southern Oregon (1992)
  544. Abies concolor growth responses to vegetation changes following shrub removal, northern Sierra Nevada, California (1993)
  545. Winter sowings produce 1-0 sugar pine planting stock in the Sierra Nevada (1993)
  546. Planting trials of 10 Mexican pine species in Hawaii (1974)
  547. Repeated manual release in a young plantation: effect on Douglas-fir seedlings, hardwoods, shrubs, forbs, and grasses (1994)
  548. Temperate Interior West community tree guide: benefits, costs, and strategic planting (2007)
  549. Proceedings of the symposium on Giant Sequoias: their place in the ecosystem and society; June 23-25, 1992; Visalia, CA. (1994)
  550. WNDCOM: estimating surface winds in mountainous terrain (1983)
  551. Integrating fire management analysis into land management planning (1983)
  552. Incidence and effects of endemic populations of forest pests in young mixed-conifer forests of the Sierra Nevada (1992)
  553. Performance of Australian provenances of Eucalyptus grandis and Eucalyptus saligna in Hawaii (1986)
  554. Elytroderma disease reduces growth and vigor, increases mortality of Jeffrey pines at Lake Tahoe Basin, California (1981)
  555. Searching for the value of a view  (1989)
  556. Vegetation trends in a young ponderosa pine plantation treated by manual release and mulching (1997)
  557. Grazing on Regeneration Sites Encourages Pine Seedling Growth (1995)
  558. Managed and natural landscapes: what do people like? (1992)
  559. Release of Douglas-fir seedlings: growth and treatment costs (1986)
  560. Estimating postfire changes in production and value of Northern Rocky Mountain-Intermountain rangelands (1984)
  561. Remote sensing techniques aid in preattack planning for fire management (1982)
  562. Population dynamics of dwarf mistletoe on young true firs in the central Sierra Nevada, California (1982)
  563. Xylem Monoterpenes of Some Hard Pines of Western North America: three studies (1982)
  564. Computer simulation for integrated pest management of spruce budworms (1982)
  565. Mapping pine mortality by aerial photography, Umstead State Park, North Carolina (1982)
  566. Economic efficiency of fire management programs at six National Forests (1982)
  567. Edaphic interactions in first-year growth of California ponderosa pine (1977)
  568. West Coast tree improvement programs: a break-even, cost-benefit analysis (1981)
  569. High-fire-risk behavior in critical fire areas (1977)
  570. RANGE RAM: a long-term planning method for managing grazing lands (1976)
  571. Low-volume and slow-burning vegetation for planting on clearings in California chaparral (1977)
  572. American marten, fisher, lynx, and wolverine: survey methods for their detection (1995)
  573. Living More Safely in the Chaparral-Urban Interface (1983)
  574. Forest Service special agents, assistant special agents in charge, senior special agents, and supervisory special agents report: nationwide study (2007)
  575. Growth of 11 introduced tree species on selected forest sites in Hawaii (1982)
  576. Ranking independent timber investments by alternative investment criteria (1982)
  577. Land management planning: a method of evaluating alternatives (1982)
  578. Stem infection by dwarf mistletoe in California firs (1982)
  579. Stem volume losses in grand firs topkilled by western spruce budworm in Idaho (1982)
  580. Optimum use of air tankers in initial attack: selection, basing, and transfer rules (1982)
  581. Improving plantation establishment by optimizing growth capacity and planting time of western yellow pines (1980)
  582. Tests of 36 Eucalyptus species in northern California (1980)
  583. Roadless area-intensive management tradeoffs on the Sierra National Forest, California (1979)
  584. Mixed plantations of Eucalyptus and leguminous trees enhance biomass production (1985)
  585. Proceedings of the symposium on fire economics, planning, and policy: bottom lines; 1999 April 5-9; San Diego, CA (1999)
  586. World directory of forest geneticists and tree breeders (1998)
  587. A diameter increment model for Red Fir in California and Southern Oregon (1992)
  588. Growth and mortality of thinned knobcone x Monterey pine saplings affected by engraver beetles and a hard freeze (1979)
  589. Log bioassay of residual effectiveness of insecticides against bark beetles (1982)
  590. Carbaryl applied at reduced dosage rates for control of western spruce budworm (1983)
  591. Brush reduces growth of thinned ponderosa pine in northern California (1984)
  592. Changes in fire weather distributions: effects on predicted fire behavior (1984)
  593. Overstory removal: stand factors related to success and failure  (1986)
  594. Shelterwood regeneration of true fir: conclusion after 8 years (1986)
  595. Site index curves for young-growth California white fir on the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada (1987)
  596. Pruning dwarf mistletoe brooms reduces stress on Jeffrey pines, Cleveland National Forest, California (1987)
  597. Benefits of Eucalyptus-Albizia mixtures vary by site on Hawaii Island (1987)
  598. Growth of white firs defoliated by Modoc budworm in northeastern California (1980)
  599. Saligna eucalyptus growth in a 15-year old spacing study in Hawaii (1980)
  600. Seed dissemination in small clearcuttings in north-central California (1980)
  601. Costs of fire suppression forces based on cost-aggregation approach (1984)
  602. Forest regeneration and seedling growth from five cutting methods in north central California (1976)
  603. Timing and duration of release affect vegetation development in a young ponderosa pine plantation (2001)
  604. Northeast community tree guide: benefits, costs, and strategic planting (2007)
  605. Growth of thinned and unthinned hardwood stands on a good site in northern California (2007)
  606. Soil wettability and wetting agents . . . our current knowledge of the problem (1967)
  607. Cutting a young-growth, mixed-conifer stand to California Forest Practice Act Standards (1973)
  608. Administrative goals and safety standards for hazard control on forested recreation sites (1973)
  609. Rest-rotation grazing at Harvey Valley. . .range health, cattle gains, costs (1972)
  610. Specific gravity variation in robusta eucalyptus grown in Hawaii (1972)
  611. Optimum target sizes for a sequential sawing process (1972)
  612. Growth after thinning ponderosa and Jeffrey pine pole stands in northeastern California (1972)
  613. Douglas-fir in northern California: effects of shade on germination, survival, and growth (1972)
  614. The distribution of forest trees in California (1972)
  615. Soil Moisture Constants and Physical Properties of Selected Soils in Hawaii (1963)
  616. An analysis technique for testing log grades (1963)
  617. Species Trials at the Waiakea Arboretum, Hilo, Hawaii (1963)
  618. Prediction of fire spread following nuclear explosions (1963)
  619. Managing CaliforniaÂ’s Snow Zone Lands for Water (1963)
  620. Mortality and growth reduction of white fir following defoliation by the Douglas-fir tussock moth (1963)
  621. Tractor-logging costs and production in old-growth redwood forests (1963)
  622. Robusta Eucalyptus Wood: Its Properties and Uses (1963)
  623. Abies: a bibliography of literature for tree improvement workers (1963)
  624. Wood density and growth of some conifers introduced to Hawaii. (1963)
  625. STX--Fortran-4 program for estimates of tree populations from 3P sample-tree-measurements (1967)
  626. Diseases of Monterey pine in native stands of California and in plantations of Western North America (1964)
  627. Variations in the monoterpene composition of ponderosa pine wood oleoresin (1964)
  628. Mass Fires and Fire Behavior (1964)
  629. Silvical characteristics of koa (Acacia koa Gray) (1964)
  630. A computer-oriented system for assembling and display-ing land management information (1964)
  631. Interception processes during snowstorms (1964)
  632. Insect-caused deterioration of windthrown timber in northern California, 1963-1964 (1965)
  633. THREE-PEE SAMPLING THEORY and program 'THRP' for computer generation of selection criteria (1965)
  634. Emergency revegetation to rehabilitate burned watersheds in southern California (1965)
  635. Estimated demand for lumber and plywood in Hawaii by the year 2000 (1965)
  636. Requirements for new housing in Hawaii, 1965-70 ... a forecast (1967)
  637. Silvical characteristics of bigcone Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga macrocarpa [Vasey] Mayr) (1966)
  638. MIADS2 ... an alphanumeric map information assembly and display system for a large computer (1966)
  639. Freezing spring temperatures damage knobcone pine conelets (1966)
  640. Sequential sampling of ribes populations in the control of white pine blister rust (Cronartium ribicola Fischer) in California (1966)
  641. Detection and classification of ash dieback on large-scale color aerial photographs (1966)
  642. Rainfall and streamflow from small tree-covered and fern-covered and burned watersheds in Hawaii (1966)
  643. Artificial ripening of sugar pine seeds (1966)
  644. Silvical Characteristics of Monterey Pine (Pinus radiate D. Don) (1966)
  645. Some characteristics of the three-dimensional structure of Santa Ana winds (1966)
  646. The phenology and growth habits of pines in Hawaii (1966)
  647. Silvical characteristics of redwood (Sequoia sempervirens [D. Don] Endl.) (1966)
  648. The Pacific Basin market for wood products for military support activities (1966)
  649. Estimating the fuel moisture content of indicator sticks from selected weather variables (1965)
  650. Residents of Butte County, California: Their Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Forest Fire Prevention (1965)
  651. Natural regeneration in relation to environment in the mixed conifer forest type of California (1965)
  652. Market for Hawaii hardwood lumber in new single-family houses on Oahu, Hawaii (1967)
  653. Road construction on Caspar Creek watersheds . . . 10-year report on impact (1973)
  654. Profiles of California vegetation (1971)
  655. Low-level wind maxima in the 1969 San Mateo and Walker Fires (1971)
  656. Slash smoke dispersal over western Oregon...a case study (1970)
  657. Accident hazard evaluation and control decisions on forested recreation sites (1971)
  658. Australian toon planted in Hawaii: tree quality, growth, and stocking (1971)
  659. Transmission components of solar radiation in pine stands in relation to climatic and stand variables (1971)
  660. Floor foundations: preferences of new home buyers in six Southwestern United States markets (1971)
  661. Floor foundations: preferences of architects and builders in six Southwestern United States markets (1971)
  662. Fire prevention in California's Riverside County Headstart evaluation (1972)
  663. A data collection and processing procedure for evaluating a research program (1972)
  664. An analytical procedure to assist decision-making in a government research organization (1972)
  665. Damage from wind and other causes in mixed white fir-red fir stands adjacent to clearcuttings (1973)
  666. Controlling solar light and heat in a forest by managing shadow sources (1974)
  667. Ponderosa pine progenies: differential response to ultramafic and granitic soils (1974)
  668. One-sided truncated sequential t-test: application to natural resource sampling (1974)
  669. Seed maturity in white fir and red fir (1974)
  670. Fire prevention in Butte County, California ... evaluation of an experimental program (1973)
  671. Released advance reproduction of white and red fir. . . growth, damage, mortality (1973)
  672. Weather, logging, and tree growth associated with fir engraver attack scars in white fir (1973)
  673. Landscape control points: a procedure for predicting and monitoring visual impacts (1973)
  674. Damage from wind and other causes in mixed white fir-red fir stands adjacent to clearcuttings (1973)
  675. Stemwood production patterns in ponderosa pine: effects of stand dynamics and other factors (1993)
  676. Seedfall, regeneration, and seedling development in group-selection openings (1994)
  677. Development of a mixed shrub–ponderosa pine community in a natural and treated condition (1995)
  678. Transmission components of solar radiation in pine stands in relation to climatic and stand variables (1971)
  679. Timber RAM. . .a long-range planning method for commercial timber lands under multiple-use management (1971)
  680. Accident hazard evaluation and control decisions on forested recreation sites (1971)
  681. Slash smoke dispersal over western Oregon...a case study (1970)
  682. Physical characteristics of chamise as a wildland fuel (1970)
  683. Fire prevention in the California Division of Forestry. . .personnel and practices (1970)
  684. Potential impact of air quality restrictions on logging residue burning (1970)
  685. Three fire prevention television films varying in "threat" content .... their effectiveness in changing attitudes (1970)
  686. Five California campgrounds ... conditions improve after 5 yearsÂ’ recreational use (1970)
  687. Seed viability, germination, and radicle growth of dwarf mistletoe in California (1970)
  688. Natural regeneration of white and red fir. . . influence of several factors (1970)
  689. Reducing fire hazard in ponderosa pine thinning slash by mechanical crushing (1969)
  690. Fire weather and fire behavior at the 1968 canyon fire (1969)
  691. Silvical characteristics of California black oak (Quercus kelloggii Newb.) (1969)
  692. Stratifying stand volume on non-stereo aerial photos (1969)
  693. Rainfall interception by annual grass and chaparral . . . losses compared (1968)
  694. Economics of replacing young-growth ponderosa pine stands . . . a case study (1968)
  695. Soil moisture and vegetation patterns in northern California forests (1967)
  696. Prescribed burning in the interior ponderosa pine type of northeastern California . . . a preliminary study (1967)
  697. A watershed's response to logging and roads: South Fork of Caspar Creek, California, 1967-1976 (1979)
  698. Stability and change in minerotrophic peatlands, Sierra Nevada of California and Nevada (1990)
  699. Assessing public concern for landscape quality: a potential model to identify visual thresholds (1990)
  700. Correlation and prediction of snow water equivalent from snow sensors (1992)
  701. Visitor perceptions of crowding and discrimination at two National Forests in southern California (1993)
  702. Mulching to regenerate a harsh site: effect on Douglas-fir seedlings, forbs, grasses, and ferns (1994)
  703. Development of a mixed shrub–tanoak–Douglas-fir community in a treated and untreated condition (1996)
  704. Mountain biking: issues and actions for USDA Forest Service managers (1996)
  705. Mountain biking: issues and actions for USDA Forest Service managers (1996)
  706. A contingent valuation study of the value of reducing fire hazards to old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest (1996)
  707. Vegetation trends in a young conifer plantation after grazing, grubbing, and chemical release (1996)
  708. Analysis of USDA Forest Service fire-related expenditures 1970-1995 (1997)
  709. Crown area equations for 13 species of trees and shrubs in northern California and southwestern Oregon (1996)
  710. Ecology and development of Douglas-fir seedlings and associated plant species in a Coast Range plantation (1999)
  711. Manager perceptions of issues and actions for off-highway vehicle management on national forests in California (2006)
  712. Development of vegetation in a young ponderosa pine plantation: effect of treatment duration and time since disturbance (2007)
  713. Forest Service special agent in charge report: nationwide study (2007)
  714. Biological Control of Introduced Weeds of Native Hawaiian Forests  (1992)
  715. Use classification of mangrove areas, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia (1992)
  716. Forest service law enforcement officer report: nationwide study (2007)
  717. Size Class Distribution of Quercus engelmannii (Engelmann Oak) on the Santa Rosa Plateau, Riverside County, California  (1991)
  718. Influence of Fire on Oak Seedlings and Saplings in Southern Oak Woodland on the Santa Rosa Plateau Preserve, Riverside County, California (1991)
  719. Germination Characteristics of Engelmann Oak and Coast Live Oak from the Santa Rosa Plateau, Riverside County, California (1991)
  720. The Distribution of Engelmann Oak (Quercus engelmannii) in California (1991)
  721. Rangeland and Oak Relationships (1991)
  722. Fire Effects in Blue Oak Woodland (1991)
  723. Nutrient Cycling in Managed and Unmanaged Oak Woodland-Grass Ecosystems (1991)
  724. Improving the Sustainability of Oak Woodland Forage and Productivity in San Diego County Through the Exploration for and Introduction of Nitrogen Fixing Annual Legumes (1991)
  725. Coast Live Oak Thinning Study in the Central Coast of California-Fifth-Year Results (1991)
  726. Grazing and Land Management Strategies for Hardwood Rangelands (1991)
  727. The Effect of Season and Stock Density on Blue Oak Establishment (1991)
  728. Blue Oak Canopy Effect on Seasonal Forage Production and Quality (1991)
  729. A Comparison of Management Strategies in the Oak Woodlands of Spain and California (1991)
  730. Soil Aeration and Tree Health: Correlating Soil Oxygen Measurements with the Decline of Established Oaks (1991)
  731. Distinguishing the Forest from the Trees: Synthesizing IHRMP Research (1991)
  732. California Hardwood Rangeland Use and Productivity Changes, and the Economics of Regional Livestock Production  (1991)
  733. A Dynamic Model of California's Hardwood Rangelands (1991)
  734. Oaks and Environmental Education (1991)
  735. Microcomputer Techniques for Developing Hardwood Conservation Strategies (1991)
  736. Oak Tree Preservation in Thousand Oaks, California (1991)
  737. A Mitigation Process for Impacts of the All American Pipeline on Oak Woodlands in Santa Barbara County (1991)
  738. San Diego County Planning Efforts to Preserve Oak Woodlands (1991)
  739. Oak Sustainability: A Challenge Through Public Education and Outreach Programs (1991)
  740. The Legal Environment for Hardwood Lands in California (1991)
  741. Identifying and Prioritizing Critical Hardwood Resources (1991)
  742. Genetic Variation Sampled in Three California Oaks (1991)
  743. The Effect of Land Use Changes on Blue Oak Regeneration and Recruitment (1991)
  744. Microhabitat and Environmental Relationships of Bryophytes in Blue Oak (Quercus douglasii H. & A.) Woodlands and Forests of Central Coastal California (1991)
  745. Hydrologic Impacts of Oak Harvesting and Evaluation of the Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (1991)
  746. Inventory of Commercial Hardwoods in the High Sierra (1991)
  747. Monitoring Insect and Disease Impacts on Rangeland Oaks in California (1991)
  748. Historical Mortality of Valley Oak (Quercus lobata, Née) in the Santa Ynez Valley, Santa Barbara County, 1938-1989 (1991)
  749. Thematic Mapper Analysis of Blue Oak (Quercus douglasii) in Central California (1991)
  750. Winter-Deciduous versus Evergreen Habit in Mediterranean Regions: A Model (1991)
  751. Acorn Size as a Factor in Early Seedling Growth of Blue Oaks (1991)
  752. Vegetation Change in Blue Oak Woodlands in California  (1991)
  753. Holocene Changes in the Distribution and Abundance of Oaks in California (1991)
  754. Monitoring Values and Practices of Oak Woodland Decision Makers on the Urban Fringe (1991)
  755. Ownership Patterns on Hardwood Lands (1991)
  756. Monitoring California Hardwood Rangeland Resources: An Adaptive Approach  (1991)
  757. Acorn Yield During 1988 and 1989 on California's Central Coast (1991)
  758. The Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Filbert Weevil Infested Acorns in an Oak Woodland in Marin County, California (1991)
  759. Insect and Disease Impacts on Blue Oak Acorns and Seedlings  (1991)
  760. Seedling Establishment of Coast Live Oak in Relation to Seed Caching by Jays (1991)
  761. Determinants of Acorn Productivity Among Five Species of Oaks in Central Coastal California (1991)
  762. Covariance Patterns Among Birds and Vegetation in a California Oak Woodland  (1991)
  763. Wildlife Diversity in Valley-Foothill Riparian Habitat: North Central vs. Central Coast California (1991)
  764. Using Wildlife Species Richness to Identify Land Protection Priorities in California's Hardwood Woodlands  (1991)
  765. Wildlife-Habitat Relationships in California's Oak Woodlands: Where Do We Go From Here? (1991)
  766. Influence of Scale on the Management of Wildlife in California Oak Woodlands (1991)
  767. Oak Woodland Artificial Regeneration - Correlating Soil Moisture to Seedling Survival (1991)
  768. Oak Tree Planting Project (1991)
  769. Factors Affecting Seedling Survivorship of Blue Oak (Quercus douglasii H. & A.) in Central California (1991)
  770. Artificial Regeneration of Blue and Coast Live Oaks in the Central Coast  (1991)
  771. Factors Limiting the Establishment of a Chaparral Oak, Quercus durata Jeps., in Grassland (1991)
  772. Intraspecific Phenotypic Variation and Ecological Genetics of Blue Oak (Quercus douglasii Hook. & Am.) (1991)
  773. Soil Water Effects on Blue Oak Seedling Establishment (1991)
  774. Blue and Valley Oak Seedling Establishment on California's Hardwood Rangelands (1991)
  775. Seasonal Growth Patterns of Blue and Valley Oak Seedlings Established on Foothill Rangelands (1991)
  776. Evaluating Tree Protection Devices: Effects on Growth and Survival—First-Year Results (1991)
  777. Oak Seedling Establishment in Relation to Environmental Factors at Annadel State Park  (1991)
  778. Effects of Shade on Blue Oak and Coast Live Oak Regeneration in California Annual Grasslands (1991)
  779. Effect of Acorn Planting Depth on Depredation, Emergence, and Survival of Valley and Blue Oak (1991)
  780. Valley Oak Seedling Growth Associated with Selected Grass Species (1991)
  781. Minimum Input Techniques for Valley Oak Restocking (1991)
  782. Proceedings of the symposium on oak woodlands and hardwood rangeland management; October 31 - November 2, 1990; Davis, California (1991)
  783. Annosus Root Disease in Noble Fir Christmas Trees (1989)
  784. A Summary of Information Needs for the Management of Heterobasidion annosum in Coniferous Forests in Western United States (1989)
  785. Management of Annosus Root Disease Caused by Heterobasidion annosum in Coniferous Trees in Yosemite National Park (1989)
  786. Borax Stump Treatment for Control of Annosus Root Disease in the Eastside Pine Type Forests of Northeastern California (1989)
  787. Management Strategies for Annosus Root Disease in Pacific Northwest Coastal Western Hemlock (1989)
  788. Management of Westside Washington Conifer Stands Infected with Heterobasidion annosum (1989)
  789. Prescribing Control in Mixed Conifer Stands Affected by Annosus Root Disease (1989)
  790. Forest-Site Planning and Prescription for Control of Annosus Root Disease in Ponderosa Pine and Mixed Conifer Stands (1989)
  791. Simulation of Impacts of Annosus Root Disease with the Western Root Disease Model (1989)
  792. A Model for Estimating Current and Future Timber Volume Loss from Stem Decay Caused by Heterobasidion annosum and Other Fungi in Stands of True Fir (1989)
  793. The Lack of a Long-Term Growth Effect of Annosus Control in Southeastern United States (1989)
  794. Annosus Root Disease Hazard Rating, Detection, and Management Strategies in the Southeastern United States (1989)
  795. Interactions of Root Disease and Bark Beetles (1989)
  796. Is Heterobasidion annosum Poorly Adapted to Incite Disease in Cool, Wet Environments? (1989)
  797. Factors Affecting Infection of Precommercial Thinning Stumps by Heterobasidion annosum in Coastal British Columbia (1989)
  798. Impact of Precommercial Thinning on Development of Heterobasidion annosum in Western Hemlock  (1989)
  799. The Incidence and Impact of Heterobasidion annosum on Pine and Incense-Cedar in California Forests (1989)
  800. Annosus Root Disease in True Firs in Northern and Central California National Forests (1989)
  801. Losses Caused by Annosus Root Disease in Pacific Northwest Forests (1989)
  802. Heterobasidion (Fornes) Annosum Incidence in Pre-Commercially Thinned Coastal Washington Western Hemlock Stands (1989)
  803. Distribution and Impacts of Annosus Root Disease in Forests of the Northern Rocky Mountains (1989)
  804. Characteristics of Annosus Root Disease in the Pacific Southwest (1989)
  805. Diagnosis of Annosus Root Disease in Mixed Conifer Forests in the Northwestern United States (1989)
  806. Symptoms and Diagnosis of Annosus Root Disease in the Intermountain Western United States (1989)
  807. Biology, Ecology, and Epidemiology of Heterobasidion annosum (1989)
  808. Genetics and Population Structure of Heterobasidion annosum with Special Reference to Western North America (1989)
  809. History of Heterobasidion annosum in Western United States (1989)
  810. Annosus Root Disease in Europe and the Southeastern United States: Occurrence, Research, and Historical Perspective (1989)
  811. Proceedings of the symposium on research and management of annosus root disease (Heterobasidion annosum) in western North America; April 18-21, 1989; Monterey, CA. (1989)
  812. Experimental Study on Impact Load on a Dam Due to Debris Flow (1991)
  813. Poster Session (2007)
  814. Stand Dynamics of Coast Redwood/Tanoak Forests Following Tanoak Decline (2007)
  815. A Multiple Logistic Regression Model for Predicting the Development of Phytophthora ramorum symptoms in Tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus) (2007)
  816. Disease Ecology of Phytophtora ramorum in Redwood Forests in the California Coast Ranges (2007)
  817. The Relationship Between Wildlife Damage Feeding Behavior and Stand Management in Coastal Redwoods (Sequoia sempervirens) (2007)
  818. Simulation of Surface Erosion on a Logging Road in the Jackson Demonstration State Forest (2007)
  819. Statistical Analysis of Streambed Sediment Grain Size Distributions: Implications for Environmental Management and Regulatory Policy (2007)
  820. Sediment Yield From First-Order Streams in Managed Redwood Forests: Effects of Recent Harvests and Legacy Management Practices (2007)
  821. Using Scientific Information to Develop Management Strategies for Commercial Redwood Timberlands (2007)
  822. Tree Biomass Estimates on Forest Land in California's North Coast Region (2007)
  823. Upland Log Volumes and Conifer Establishment Patterns in Two Northern, Upland Old-Growth Redwood Forests, A Brief Synopsis (2007)
  824. The New Economies of the Redwood Region in the 21st Century (2007)
  825. Implementation of Uneven-Age Forest Management Under the Santa Cruz County/California Forest Practice Rules (2007)
  826. Forest Certification in the Redwood Region (2007)
  827. The Significance of Suspended Organic Sediments to Turbidity, Sediment Flux, and Fish-Feeding Behavior (2007)
  828. Mapping Prehistoric, Historic, and Channel Sediment Distribution, South Fork Noyo River: A Tool For Understanding Sources, Storage, and Transport (2007)
  829. Decision Support for Road Decommissioning and Restoration by Using Genetic Algorithms and Dynamic Programming (2007)
  830. Erosion Rates Over Millennial and Decadal Timescales at Caspar Creek and Redwood Creek, Northern California (2007)
  831. Predicting Debris-Slide Locations in Northwestern California (2007)
  832. Overview of the Ground and Its Movement in Part of Northwestern California (2007)
  833. Even-Aged Management and Landslide Inventory, Jackson Demonstration State Forest, Mendocino County, California (2007)
  834. Restoration of Old-Growth Redwood Structural Characteristics With Frequent Variable Silvicultural Entries (2007)
  835. Silvicultural Challenges for Coast Redwood Management  (2007)
  836. The Whiskey Springs Redwood Commercial Thinning Study: A 29-Year Status Report (1970 to 1999) (2007)
  837. Precommercial Stocking Control of Coast Redwood at Caspar Creek, Jackson Demonstration State Forest (2007)
  838. Restoring Complexity to Industrially Managed Timberlands: The Mill Creek Interim Management Recommendations and Early Restoration Thinning Treatments (2007)
  839. Managing Second-Growth Forests in the Redwood Region for Accelerated Development of Marbled Murrelet Nesting Habitat (2007)
  840. Holter Ridge Thinning Study, Redwood National Park: Preliminary Results of a 25-Year Retrospective (2007)
  841. Modeling Coast Redwood Variable Retention Management Regimes (2007)
  842. Amphibians as Indicators of Headwater Processes in Northern California Forests: What Are They Telling Us and Why Should We Listen? (2007)
  843. Salmonid Communities in the South Fork of Caspar Creek, 1967 to 1969 and 1993 to 2003 (2007)
  844. Fisher (Martes pennanti) Use of a Managed Forest in Coastal Northwest California (2007)
  845. The Relationship Between the Understory Shrub Component of Coastal Forests and the Conservation of Forest Carnivores (2007)
  846. Individual Legacy Trees Influence Vertebrate Wildlife Diversity in Commercial Forests (2007)
  847. Abundance and Habitat Associations of Dusky-Footed Woodrats in Managed Redwood and Douglas-fir Forests (2007)
  848. Progression and Behavior of the Canoe Fire in Coast Redwood (2007)
  849. Fire History in Coast Redwood Stands in San Mateo County Parks and Jasper Ridge, Santa Cruz Mountains (2007)
  850. What Was the Role of Fire in Coast Redwood Forests? (2007)
  851. Status of Vegetation Classification in Redwood Ecosystems (2007)
  852. Redwood Trees, Fog Water Subsidies, and the Hydrology of Redwood Forests (2007)
  853. Environmental Control of Microbial N Transformations in Redwood Forests (2007)
  854. Rare Plants of the Redwood Forest and Forest Management Effects (2007)
  855. The Conservation of Sensitive Plants on Private Redwood Timberlands in Northern California (2007)
  856. Structural Characteristics of an Old-Growth Coast Redwood Stand in Mendocino County, California (2007)
  857. Ecology and Management of Northern Spotted Owls on Commercial Timberlands in Coastal Northern California (2007)
  858. Using Site-Specific Habitat Information on Young to Late Successional Avifauna to Guide Use and Management of Coastal Redwood and Douglas-Fir Forest Lands (2007)
  859. Detecting the Upstream Extent of Fish in the Redwood Region of Northern California (2007)
  860. Watershed Analysis Results for Mendocino Redwood Company Lands in Coastal Mendocino and Sonoma Counties (2007)
  861. Use of Streambed Characteristics as Ecological Indicators of Long-Term Trends in Sediment Supply Associated With Forest Management on PALCO Lands (2007)
  862. Rates and Implications of Rainfall Interception in a Coastal Redwood Forest (2007)
  863. Trends in Streamflow and Suspended Sediment After Logging, North Fork Caspar Creek (2007)
  864. Effects of Timber Harvest on Fog Drip and Streamflow, Caspar Creek Experimental Watersheds, Mendocino County, California (2007)
  865. A Preliminary Study of Streamside Air Temperatures Within the Coast Redwood Zone 2001 to 2003 (2007)
  866. Clonal Spread in Second Growth Stands of Coast Redwood, Sequoia sempervirens (2007)
  867. Spatial Genetic Patterns in Four Old-Growth Populations of Coast Redwood  (2007)
  868. Planting?-What and Where? (2007)
  869. Applications of Redwood Genotyping by Using Microsatellite Markers (2007)
  870. The Effects of Large Wood on Stream Channel Morphology on Three Low-Gradient Stream Reaches in the Coastal Redwood Region (2007)
  871. Ecosystem Management Decision Support (EMDS) Applied to Watershed Assessment on California's North Coast (2007)
  872. Development of a Mechanistically Based, Basin-Scale Stream Temperature Model: Applications to Cumulative Effects Modeling (2007)
  873. Author Index and Index (1997)
  874. The New California (1997)
  875. Poster Abstracts (1997)
  876. Poster Papers (1997)
  877. Estimating Value Contribution of Tree and Stand Condition (1997)
  878. Management of California Oak Woodlands: Uncertainties and Modeling  (1995)
  879. Factors Contributing to Land-Use Change in the Hardwood Rangelands of Two Central Sierra Nevadan Counties (1997)
  880. An Ecosystem-Based Approach to Valley Oak Mitigation (1997)
  881. The Integrated Hardwood Range Management Program: Education and Research as a Conservation Strategy (1997)
  882. Section Overview—Economics, Policy, and Planning (1997)
  883. Wildfire and Oak Regeneration at the Urban Fringe  (1997)
  884. The Effect of Low Oxygen Stress on Phytophthora cinnamomi Infection and Disease of Cork Oak Roots  (1997)
  885. The California Oak Disease and Arthropod (CODA) Database  (1997)
  886. Section Overview—Damaging Agents and Oak Ecology: Management Implications  (1997)
  887. Improved Methods to Evaluate the Impact of Subdivisions on Wildlife in Oak-Dominated Woodlands in California  (1997)
  888. Managing Development in CaliforniaÂ’s Oak Woodlands (1997)
  889. Monitoring Survival and Vigor of Specimen Valley Oaks Influenced by Urban Development Sites (1997)
  890. A Development in Harmony with Nature? (1997)
  891. Using Population Distribution Forecasts and GIS Technology to Assess Potential Hardwood Loss in the Northern Sacramento Valley  (1997)
  892. Section Overview—California Oaks in the Urbanizing Forest Ecosystem  (1997)
  893. A Literature Review of California Domestic Cork Production  (1997)
  894. Tree Volume Equations for 10 Urban Species in California  (1997)
  895. California Black Oak—From Firewood to Lumber, the Lumber Recovery Story  (1997)
  896. An Examination of the Oak Woodland as a Potential Resource for Higher-Value Wood Products  (1997)
  897. Section Overview—Wood Utilization  (1997)
  898. Design Recommendations for Point Counts of Birds in California Oak-Pine Woodlands: Power, Sample Size, and Count Stations Versus Visits  (1997)
  899. Contribution of Downed Woody Material by Blue, Valley, and Coast Live Oaks in Central California  (1997)
  900. A Post-Hoc Assessment of the Impacts to Wildlife Habitat from Wood Cutting in Blue Oak Woodlands in the Northern Sacramento Valley  (1997)
  901. Developing a Conservation Strategy for Southern California Forests and Woodlands  (1997)
  902. Relative Abundance and Habitat Associations of Vertebrates in Oak Woodlands in Coastal-Central California  (1997)
  903. Bird Communities in Grazed and Ungrazed Oak-Pine Woodlands at the San Joaquin Experimental Range  (1997)
  904. Small Nocturnal Mammals in Oak Woodlands: Some Considerations for Assessing Presence and Abundance  (1997)
  905. Characteristics of Red-tailed Hawk Nest Sites in Oak Woodlands of Central California (1997)
  906. Characteristics of California Spotted Owl Nest Sites in Foothill Riparian and Oak Woodlands of the Southern Sierra Nevada, California  (1997)
  907. Section Overview—Wildlife Habitat Relations and Habitat Fragmentation in CaliforniaÂ’s Hardwood Rangelands  (1997)
  908. Influence of Supplemental Feeding Sites on Use of Hardwood Rangeland Riparian Areas by Cattle  (1997)
  909. Livestock Grazing and Riparian Habitat Water Quality: An Examination of Oak Woodland Springs in the Sierra Foothills of California  (1997)
  910. Preliminary Results from the Evaluation of Different Seasons and Intensities of Grazing on the Erosion of Intermittent Streams at the San Joaquin Experimental Range  (1997)
  911. The Influence of Cattle Grazing on California Ground Squirrels in a Blue Oak Savanna  (1997)
  912. Effects of Blue Oak Canopy on Annual Forage Production  (1997)
  913. Effects of Livestock Grazing on Blue Oak Saplings  (1997)
  914. Effects of Cultural Inputs on Survival and Growth of Direct Seeded and Naturally Occurring Valley Oak Seedlings on Hardwood Rangeland  (1997)
  915. Section Overview—Range and Livestock Relations  (1997)
  916. Evaluation of Techniques and Costs for Valley Oak Riparian Forest Restoration on the Sacramento River  (1997)
  917. A California Black Oak Restoration Project in Yosemite Valley, Yosemite National Park, California  (1997)
  918. Restoration Management of Northern Oak Woodlands  (1997)
  919. Rehabilitation of a Blue Oak Restoration Project  (1997)
  920. Status of Transplanted Coast Live Oaks (Quercus agrifolia) in Southern California (1997)
  921. Sunshine Canyon Mitigation Oaks—A Success Story  (1997)
  922. Effects of Seedling Protectors and Weed Control on Blue Oak Growth and Survival (1997)
  923. An Evaluation of Coast Live Oak Regeneration Techniques  (1997)
  924. Constraints on Germination and Emergence of Emory Oak  (1997)
  925. Oak Seedling Establishment by Artificial Regeneration on California Rangelands  (1997)
  926. Section Overview—Restoration of Oak Woodlands (1997)
  927. Efficacy of Herbicide Application Methods Used to Control Tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus) in an Uneven-Aged Coast Redwood Management Context (1997)
  928. Fire History of a Mixed Oak-Pine Forest in the Foothills of the Sierra Nevada, El Dorado County, California (1997)
  929. Understory-Canopy Relationships in Oak Woodlands and Savannas  (1997)
  930. Blue Oak Regeneration in Southern Sierra Nevada Foothills (1997)
  931. Growth of Blue Oak on CaliforniaÂ’s Hardwood Rangelands  (1997)
  932. Factors Affecting Blue Oak Sapling Recruitment (1997)
  933. Stand-Level Status of Blue Oak Sapling Recruitment and Regeneration  (1997)
  934. Effects of Shade and Clipping on Coast Live and Blue Oak Seedling Mortality and Growth in California Annual Grasslands  (1997)
  935. Gene Flow Among Populations of Three California Evergreen Oaks (1997)
  936. Genetic Variation in Shoot Growth, Phenology, and Mineral Accumulation of Northern and Central Sierra Nevada Foothill Populations of Blue Oak (1997)
  937. Patterns and Processes of Adaptation in Blue Oak Seedlings (1997)
  938. Patterns of Geographic Synchrony in Growth and Reproduction of Oaks Within California and Beyond (1997)
  939. Rooting Responses of Three Oak Species to Low Oxygen Stress  (1997)
  940. Woody Root Biomass of 40- to 90-Year-Old Blue Oaks (Quercus douglasii) in Western Sierra Nevada Foothills (1997)
  941. The Influence of Epiphytic Lichens on the Nutrient Cycling of a Blue Oak Woodland (1997)
  942. Soil Characteristics of Blue Oak and Coast Live Oak Ecosystems  (1997)
  943. Section Overview—Challenges of Inventorying and Monitoring Oak Woodlands  (1997)
  944. Section Overview—Progress on the Ecology and Silviculture of California Oaks During the Past 17 Years (1997)
  945. Oak Research Needs  (1997)
  946. Hardwood Protection Needs to Come from Leadership, Not Regulation  (1997)
  947. CCA History and Policy for Hardwood Range Management (1997)
  948. Ecosystem-Based Planning on a Watershed Approach (1997)
  949. Management of Oaks Within the Pacific Southwest Region (1997)
  950. The Role of the California Department of Fish and Game in the Conservation of CaliforniaÂ’s Oak Woodlands (1997)
  951. Oak Woodland Management in the Bureau of Land Management (1997)
  952. Why the System Does Not Work, and How to Fix It (1997)
  953. Wake Up, California! (1997)
  954. The Network Solution (1997)
  955. Resolving Oak Woodland Issues in California (1997)
  956. A California CattlemanÂ’s Perspective on the Oak Hardwood Issue (1997)
  957. International Issues: Report of Futuring Group 9 (1987)
  958. Fire Occurrence and Behavior Analysis: Report of Futuring Group 8 (1987)
  959. Beneficial Use of Fire: Report of Futuring Group 7 (1987)
  960. The Role of Prescribed Fire: Report of Futuring Group 6 (1987)
  961. Tactics and Equipment: Report of Futuring Group 5 (1987)
  962. Using High Technology in Fire Management: Report of Futuring Group 4 (1987)
  963. Fire Organization and Administration: Report of Futuring Group 3 (1987)
  964. Anticipated Effects of Urbanization on Fire Protection in California's Wildlands: Report of Futuring Group 2 (1987)
  965. Education and Training--Research and Development: Report of Futuring Group 1 (1987)
  966. The Futuring Process (1987)
  967. Foam as a Fire Suppressant: An Evaluation (1987)
  968. An Expert System for Designing Fire Prescriptions (1987)
  969. Videodisc/Microcomputer Technology in Wildland Fire Behavior Training (1987)
  970. CFES--California Fire Economics Simulator: A Computerized System for Wildland Fire Protection Planning (1987)
  971. Concepts for Future Large Fire Modeling (1987)
  972. Evaluation of National Fire Management System's Escaped Fire Situation Analysis (1987)
  973. An International Perspective of Wildland Fire 2000 (1987)
  974. Wildland Fire Prevention: Today, Intuition--Tomorrow, Management (1987)
  975. Laser Ignition Device and Its Application to Forestry, Fire and Land Management (1987)
  976. Prescribed Fire and Fire Suppression Training in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the Year 2010 (1987)
  977. Wildfires and Forest Development in Tropical and Subtropical Asia: Outlook for the Year 2000 (1987)
  978. International Wildfire Emergencies: Management in the 21st Century (1987)
  979. Fire Behavior System for the Full Range of Fire Management Needs (1987)
  980. Fire Effects, Education, and Expert Systems (1987)
  981. Artificial Intelligence Applications to Fire Management (1987)
  982. The Fire Effects Information System (1987)
  983. Assessing Subjective Preferences for Future Fire Research (1987)
  984. Forest Fire Research--Hindsight and Foresight (1987)
  985. Forecasting, Forecasting (1987)
  986. Smoke and Air Resource Management-Peering Through the Haze (1987)
  987. Prescribed Fire Versus Air Quality in 2000 in the Pacific Northwest (1987)
  988. Forest Fire Advanced System Technology (FFAST): A Conceptual Design for Detection and Mapping (1987)
  989. The Great Basin: Wildland Fire Management in the Year 2000 (1987)
  990. Very Portable Remote Automatic Weather Stations (1987)
  991. Managing Research for Success (1987)
  992. Fire Danger Rating: The next 20 Years (1987)
  993. Planning the Fire Program for the Third Millennium (1987)
  994. Shared Resources (1987)
  995. The Wildland/Urban Interface in 2025 (1987)
  996. Local Planning Considerations for the Wildland-Structural Intermix in the Year 2000 (1987)
  997. Visual Impacts of Prescribed Burning on Mixed Conifer and Giant Sequoia Forests (1987)
  998. What Will the Western Wildlands Be Like in the Year 2000...Future Perfect or Future Imperfect? (1987)
  999. Urban-Wildland Fire Defense Strategy, Precision Prescribed Fire: The Los Angeles County Approach (1987)
  1000. The Intrusion of Human Population into Forest and Range Lands of California (1987)
  1001. Community Fragmentation: Implications for Future Wild Fire Management (1987)
  1002. CaliforniaÂ’s Oak Woodlands: Where We Have Been, Where We Are, Where We Need to Go (1997)
  1003. Proceedings of a symposium on oak woodlands: ecology, management, and urban interface issues; 19–22 March 1996; San Luis Obispo, CA (1997)
  1004. Summary of Round Table Session and Appendixes (1992)
  1005. Outdoor Recreation Participation: Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, and Asians in Illinois (1992 )
  1006. Building a Commitment to Partnerships in the Coachella Valley: The Santa Rosa Mountains-A Case Study (1992)
  1007. Partnerships in Sustainable Tourism Development: The Case of Canmore, Alberta, Canada (1992)
  1008. Place of Residence and Hiker-Horse Conflict in the Sierras (1992)
  1009. Mountain Bicycling in the Urban-Wildland Interface (1992)
  1010. Impacts of Land Use Changes on Recreation and Open Space in the New York-New Jersey Highlands Region (1992)
  1011. Management Decisions and the "Dred" Hills (1992)
  1012. Social Interaction in Adventure Recreation Participation (1992)
  1013. Computer-Assisted Promotion of Recreational Opportunities in Natural Resource Areas: A Demonstration and Case Example (1992)
  1014. Using an Interactive Computer Program to Communicate With the Wilderness Visitor (1992)
  1015. Summary of Simulated Field Trip Session (1992)
  1016. Summary of Educational Poster Session (1992)
  1017. Facilitating Backcountry Use of Bureau of Land Management Wildlands (1992)
  1018. The Indicator Performance Estimate (IPE) Approach to Defining Acceptable Conditions in Wilderness (1992)
  1019. Urban Perceptions of the Natural Landscape: Implications for Public Awareness of Wilderness as a Distinct Resource (1992)
  1020. Comparing the Preferences of Black, Asian, Hispanic, and White Fishermen at Moraine Hills State Park, Illinois (1992)
  1021. Identifying Service Delivery Strategies for Ethnically Diverse Users of a Wildland-Urban Recreation Site (1992)
  1022. Conflicting Values: Spirituality and Wilderness at Mt. Shasta (1992)
  1023. Native Cultures and Language: Challenges for Land Managers in Alaska (1992)
  1024. Land Ethics for Bureau of Land Management Employees (1992)
  1025. Social Structural Characteristics of Hispanic Recreationists on the Angeles and San Bernardino National Forests (1992)
  1026. Leisure Service Delivery Systems: Are They Adequate (1992)
  1027. Fostering Cultural Diversity: Problems of Access and Ethnic Boundary Maintenance (1992)
  1028. Fire Risk and Residential Development: A GIS Analysis (1992)
  1029. A Qualitative Study of Factors Influencing Racial Diversity in Environmental Education: Preliminary Results (1992)
  1030. The Camping Experience Among Families Who Have a Child With a Disability (1992)
  1031. Improving Access to America's Great Outdoors Through Partnerships and Volunteers: A Call for Involvement (1992 )
  1032. Access to Public Recreation Facilities and Universal Design (1992)
  1033. National Research, Technology and Training: Implementing Recreation Design Concepts (1992)
  1034. Proceedings of the Symposium on Social Aspects and Recreation Research, February 19-22, 1992, Ontario, California (1992)
  1035. Author Index (1989)
  1036. Appendix: Riparian Conference Advisory Committee (1989)
  1037. Formation of the Arizona Riparian Council: An Example of Lasting Public Interest in Riparian Resources (1989)
  1038. Riparian Protection Rules for Oregon Forests (1989)
  1039. Integrated Riparian Area Management on the Tule Lake Allotment, Lassen County (1989)
  1040. Riparian Area Management: Principles, Politics, and Practices (1989)
  1041. Conflicts in River Management: A Conservationist's Perspective on Sacramento River Riparian Habitats—Impacts, Threats, Remedies, Opportunities, and Consensus (1989)
  1042. Introduction (1989)
  1043. Arroyo Management Plan (Alameda County): A Plan for Implementing Access and Restoring Riparian Habitats (1989)
  1044. Public Participation and Natural Habitat Preservation Along Arcade Creek, Del Paso Regional Park, Sacramento, California (1989)
  1045. Innovations in Stream Restoration and Flood Control Design Meeting Flood Capacity and Environmental Goals on San Luis Obispo Creek (1989)
  1046. Redesign of a Flood Control Project by Citizen Initiative (1989)
  1047. Riparian and Related Values Associated with Flood Control Project Alternatives at Wildcat and San Pablo Creeks (1989)
  1048. The Wildcat-San Pablo Creek Flood Control Project and Its Implications for the Design of Environmentally Sensitive Flood Management Plans (1989)
  1049. Introduction (1989)
  1050. Air-Earth Interface Model for Restoring Riparian Habitats (1989)
  1051. Initial Development of Riparian and Marsh Vegetation on Dredged-material Islands in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, California (1989)
  1052. Creating Habitat for the Yellow-Billed Cuckoo (Coccyzus americana) (1989)
  1053. A Restoration Design for Least Bell's Vireo Habitat in San Diego County (1989)
  1054. The Crescent Bypass: A Riparian Restoration Project on the Kings River (Fresno County) (1989)
  1055. Revegetation Along Coyote Creek (Santa Clara County) at Two Freeway Bridges (1989)
  1056. Coyote Creek (Santa Clara County) Pilot Revegetation Project (1989)
  1057. Revegetation of Riparian Trees and Shrubs on Alluvial Soils Along the Upper Sacramento River, 1987-1988 (1989)
  1058. Watershed Restoration in the Northern Sierra Nevada: A Biotechnical Approach (1989)
  1059. Reestablishment of Native Riparian Species at an Altered High Elevation Site (1989)
  1060. A Low Cost Brush Deflection System for Bank Stabilization and Revegetation (1989)
  1061. Juniper for Streambank Stabilization in Eastern Oregon (1989)
  1062. Research as an Integral Part of Revegetation Projects (1989)
  1063. Introduction (1989)
  1064. The Effect of Water Management and Land Use Practices on the Restoration of Lee Vining and Rush Creeks (1989)
  1065. Early Recovery of an Eastern Sierra Nevada Riparian System After 40 Years of Stream Diversion (1989)
  1066. Riparian Communities of the Sierra Nevada and their Environmental Relationships (1989)
  1067. Riparian Vegetation Base-line Analysis and Monitoring Along Bishop Creek, California (1989)
  1068. Interpreting Physiological Data from Riparian Vegetation: Cautions and Complications (1989)
  1069. Water Relations of White Alder (1989)
  1070. A Riparian Vegetation Ecophysiological Response Model (1989)
  1071. Riparian Plant Water Relations Along the North Fork Kings River, California (1989)
  1072. Water Relations of Obligate Riparian Plants as a Function of Streamflow Diversion on the Bishop Creek Watershed (1989)
  1073. Stream-Groundwater Interactions Along Streams of the Eastern Sierra Nevada, California: Implications for Assessing Potential Impacts of Flow Diversions (1989)
  1074. Hydrology of Bishop Creek, California: An Isotopic Analysis (1989)
  1075. Introduction (1989)
  1076. Activities and Ecological Role of Adult Aquatic Insects in the Riparian Zone of Streams (1989)
  1077. The Upper Santa Ynez River as Habitat for a Diverse Riparian Flora and Fauna (1989)
  1078. Bird Use of Natural and Recently Revegetated Cottonwood-Willow Habitats on the Kern River (1989)
  1079. Status Changes of Bird Species Using Revegetated Riparian Habitats on the Lower Colorado River from 1977 to 1984 (1989)
  1080. Wildlife Monitoring of a Riparian Mitigation Site (1989)
  1081. Avifauna and Riparian Vegetation in Carmel Valley, Monterey County, California (1989)
  1082. A Test of the California Wildlife-Habitat Relationship System for Breeding Birds in Valley-Foothill Riparian Habitat (1989)
  1083. Introduction (1989)
  1084. Use of Non-Riparian Habitats by Least Bell's Vireos (1989)
  1085. Maintaining Site Integrity for Breeding Least Bell's Vireos (1989)
  1086. Description of Nesting Habitat for Least Bell's Vireo in San Diego County (1989)
  1087. Characteristics of the Least Bell's Vireo Nest Sites Along the Santa Ynez River, Santa Barbara County (1989)
  1088. A Proposed Habitat Management Plan for Yellow-Billed Cuckoos in California (1989)
  1089. Population Trends and Management of the Bank Swallow (Riparia riparia) on the Sacramento River, California (1989)
  1090. Montane Riparian Habitat and Willow Flycatchers: Threats to a Sensitive Environment and Species (1989)
  1091. Geomorphic and Riparian Influences on the Distribution and Abundance of Salmonids in a Cascade Mountain Stream (1989)
  1092. How Tight is the Linkage Between Trees and Trout? (1989)
  1093. Practical Techniques for Valley Elderberry Longhorn Beetle Mitigation (1989)
  1094. Habitat and Populations of the Valley Elderberry Longhorn Beetle Along the Sacramento River (1989)
  1095. Stonefly (Plecoptera) Feeding Modes: Variation Along a California River Continuum (1989)
  1096. Introduction (1989)
  1097. Techniques for Minimizing and Monitoring the Impact of Pipeline Construction on Coastal Streams (1989)
  1098. Giant Reed (Arundo donax): A Climax Community of the Riparian Zone (1989)
  1099. Recovery of Riparian Vegetation on an Intermittent Stream Following Removal of Cattle (1989)
  1100. Restoring and Maintaining Riparian Habitat on Private Pastureland (1989)
  1101. Riparian Restoration and Watershed Management: Some Examples from the California Coast (1989)
  1102. Recovery of the Chaparral Riparian Zone After Wildfire (1989)
  1103. Alluvial Scrub Vegetation in Coastal Southern California (1989)
  1104. Introduction (1989)
  1105. Stabilization of Landslides for the Improvement of Aquatic Habitat (1989)
  1106. Riparian Systems and Forest Management—Changes in Harvesting Techniques and their Effects on Decomposed Granitic Soils (1989)
  1107. Pacific Yew: A Facultative Riparian Conifer with an Uncertain Future (1989)
  1108. Coarse Woody Debris Ecology in a Second-Growth Sequoia sempervirens Forest Stream (1989)
  1109. Predicting Stream Temperature After Riparian Vegetation Removal (1989)
  1110. Introduction (1989)
  1111. Coyote Creek (San Diego County) Management and Restoration at Anza-Borrego Desert State Park (1989)
  1112. The Riparianness of a Desert Herpetofauna (1989)
  1113. Relative Nature of Wetlands: Riparian and Vegetational Considerations (1989)
  1114. Southwestern Woody Riparian Vegetation and Succession: An Evolutionary Approach (1989)
  1115. Clark Canyon (Mono County) Riparian Demonstration Area (1989)
  1116. Use of Supplemental Feeding Locations to Manage Cattle Use on Riparian Areas of Hardwood Rangelands (1989)
  1117. Evidence for an Alternative Landscape Potential in California Annual Rangelands (1989)
  1118. The Fallacy of Structures and the Fortitude of Vegetation (1989)
  1119. An Application of BLM's Riparian Inventory Procedure to Rangeland Riparian Resources in the Kern and Kaweah River Watersheds (1989)
  1120. Ten Years of Change in Sierran Stringer Meadows: An Evaluation of Range Condition Models (1989)
  1121. Using Stream Classification to Prioritize Riparian Rehabilitation After Extreme Events (1989)
  1122. Rangeland Riparian Systems (1989)
  1123. Introduction (1989)
  1124. Developing Management Plans for California Riparian Systems (1989)
  1125. Middle Sacramento River Refuge: A Feasibility Study (1989)
  1126. San Joaquin River Riparian Habitat Below Friant Dam: Preservation and Restoration (1989)
  1127. Plant Community Development, Site Quality Analysis and River Dynamics in the Design of Riparian Preserves on the Middle Sacramento River, California (1989)
  1128. Great Valley Riparian Habitats and the National Registry of Natural Landmarks (1989)
  1129. Feasibility of Mapping Riparian Habitats Under Natural Conditions in California (1989)
  1130. Introduction (1989)
  1131. Meanderbelt Dynamics of the Sacramento River, California (1989)
  1132. Post-Fire Interactions Between Riparian Vegetation and Channel Morphology and the Implications for Stream Channel Rehabilitation Choices (1989)
  1133. Effects of Bank Revetment on Sacramento River, California (1989)
  1134. A New Approach to Flood Protection Design and Riparian Management (1989)
  1135. Influence of Channel Geomorphology on Retention of Dissolved and Particulate Matter in a Cascade Mountain Stream (1989)
  1136. The Middle Sacramento River: Human Impacts on Physical and Ecological Processes Along a Meandering River (1989)
  1137. Alder Establishment and Channel Dynamics in a Tributary of the South Fork Eel River, Mendocino County, California (1989)
  1138. Channel-Dynamic Control on the Establishment of Riparian Trees After Large Floods in Northwestern California (1989)
  1139. Influence of Valley Floor Landforms on Stream Ecosystems (1989)
  1140. Introduction (1989)
  1141. Proceedings of the California Riparian Systems Conference: protection, management, and restoration for the 1990s; 1988 September 22-24; Davis, CA. (1989)
  1142. Chapter 1: Ecology and Conservation of the Marbled Murrelet in North America: An Overview (1995)
  1143. Appendices (1995)
  1144. References (1995)
  1145. Chapter 37: Population Trends of the Marbled Murrelet Projected From Demographic Analyses (1995)
  1146. Chapter 36: Status of Forest Habitat of the Marbled Murrelet (1995)
  1147. Chapter 35: Productivity of Marbled Murrelets in California from Observations of Young at Sea (1995)
  1148. Chapter 34: Offshore Occurrence Patterns of Marbled Murrelets in Central California (1995)
  1149. Chapter 33: Offshore Population Estimates of Marbled Murrelets in California (1995)
  1150. Chapter 32: Distribution and Population Estimates of Marbled Murrelets at Sea in Oregon During the Summers of 1992 and 1993 (1995)
  1151. Chapter 31: Abundance and Distribution of Marbled Murrelets in Oregon and Washington Based on Aerial Surveys (1995)
  1152. Chapter 30: Marbled Murrelet Populations of Washington — Marine Habitat Preferences and Variability of Occurrence (1995)
  1153. Chapter 29: Marine Distribution, Abundance, and Habitats of Marbled Murrelets in British Columbia (1995)
  1154. Chapter 28: Abundance, Distribution, and Population Status of Marbled Murrelets in Alaska (1995)
  1155. Chapter 27: Mortality of Marbled Murrelets in Gill Nets in North America (1995)
  1156. Chapter 26: Mortality of Marbled Murrelets Due to Oil Pollution in North America (1995)
  1157. Chapter 25: Pollution and Fishing Threats to Marbled Murrelets (1995)
  1158. Chapter 24: Monospecific and Mixed Species Foraging Associations of Marbled Murrelets (1995)
  1159. Chapter 23: Marbled Murrelet At-Sea and Foraging Behavior (1995)
  1160. Chapter 22: Marbled Murrelet Food Habits and Prey Ecology (1995)
  1161. Chapter 21: Oceanographic Processes and Marine Productivity in Waters Offshore of Marbled Murrelet Breeding Habitat (1995)
  1162. Chapter 20: Relationship of Marbled Murrelets with Habitat Characteristics at Inland Sites in California (1995)
  1163. Chapter 19: Marbled Murrelet Habitat Associations in Oregon (1995)
  1164. Chapter 18: A Landscape-Level Analysis of Marbled Murrelet Habitat in Western Washington (1995)
  1165. Chapter 17: Inland Habitat Associations of Marbled Murrelets in Western Washington (1995)
  1166. Chapter 16: Inland Habitat Associations of Marbled Murrelets in British Columbia (1995)
  1167. Chapter 15: Inland Habitat Suitability for the Marbled Murrelet in Southcentral Alaska (1995)
  1168. Chapter 14: A Review of the Effects of Station Placement and Observer Bias in Detections of Marbled Murrelets in Forest Stands (1995)
  1169. Chapter 13: Interannual Differences in Detections of Marbled Murrelets in Some Inland California Stands (1995)
  1170. Chapter 12: Daily Patterns of Marbled Murrelet Activity at Inland Sites (1995)
  1171. Chapter 11: Patterns of Seasonal Variation of Activity of Marbled Murrelets in Forested Stands (1995)
  1172. Chapter 10: Marbled Murrelet Inland Patterns of Activity: Defining Detections and Behavior (1995)
  1173. Chapter 9: Molts and Plumages in the Annual Cycle of the Marbled Murrelet  (1995)
  1174. Chapter 8: Nest Success and the Effects of Predation on Marbled Murrelets (1995)
  1175. Chapter 7: Breeding and Natal Dispersal, Nest Habitat Loss and Implications for Marbled Murrelet Populations (1995)
  1176. Chapter 6: Characteristics of Marbled Murrelet Nest Trees and Nesting Stands (1995)
  1177. Chapter 5: Nesting Biology and Behavior of the Marbled Murrelet (1995)
  1178. Chapter 4: Nesting Chronology of the Marbled Murrelet  (1995)
  1179. Chapter 3: Comparative Reproductive Ecology of the Auks (Family Alcidae) with Emphasis on the Marbled Murrelet (1995)
  1180. Chapter 2: The Asian Race of the Marbled Murrelet (1995)
  1181. Workshop Participants (1992)
  1182. References (1992)
  1183. Systematics Research (1992)
  1184. Novel Bark Beetle Research Possible with New Genetic Techniques (1992)
  1185. Population Genetics of Spruce Bark Beetle Ips typographus (Col., Scolytidae) and Related Ips Species (1992)
  1186. Genetic Basis of Semiochemically Mediated Bark Beetle-Predator Coevolution: Implications for Developing Mass-Trapping Technologies (1992)
  1187. Current Status and Critical Research Needs in Scolytid Genetics (1992)
  1188. Bark Beetle Genetics-An Overview (1992)
  1189. Cuticular Hydrocarbon Research (1992)
  1190. Genetic Characters for Bark Beetle Phylogenies  (1992)
  1191. The Status of Scolytid Genetics-A Reductionist's View (1992)
  1192. Biosystematics of Ips mexicanus and Ips plastographus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) and Their Fungal Symbionts (1992)
  1193. Isozyme Studies of Bark Beetle Population Genetics and Systematics (1992)
  1194. Bark Beetle Genetics (1992)
  1195. Spatial Analysis in Bark Beetle Research (1992)
  1196. Biochemical Indicators of Population Status of Pine Bark Beetles (1992)
  1197. Qualitative Genetics of Mountain Pine Beetle in Central Oregon  (1992)
  1198. An (Ecologically Biased) View of the Current Status of Bark Beetle Genetics and Future Research Needs (1992)
  1199. Proceedings of a workshop on bark beetle genetics: current status of research. May 17-18, 1992, Berkeley, California (1992)
  1200. Ecology and conservation of the Marbled Murrelet (1995)
  1201. Discussion  (1991)
  1202. How Do We Advise the Pest Control Industry in the Post-Organochlorine Era? (1991)
  1203. Population Suppression of Subterranean Termites by Slow-Acting Toxicants (1991)
  1204. Baiting Techniques for Control of Coptotermes Species Within Existing Buildings in Australia (1991)
  1205. Behavioral Ecology of Subterranean Termites and Implications for Control (1991)
  1206. Direct Colony Baiting of Termite Colonies: A Tool for Ecological Studies (1991)
  1207. The Potential of Using Acoustical Emission to Detect Termites Within Wood  (1991)
  1208. Factors Affecting the Tunneling Behavior of the Western Subterranean Termite, Reticulitermes Hesperus Banks (1991)
  1209. An Assessment of the Potential Uses of Agonistic Behaviors in Termite Control (1991)
  1210. Cuticular Hydrocarbons: Species and Population-Level Discrimination in Termites (1991)
  1211. Termites and Forest Management in Australia (1991)
  1212. Need for Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) in the Detection of Decay in Structures (1991)
  1213. New Developments in Wood-Destroying Organisms from the International Research Group on Wood Preservation  (1991)
  1214. Current Research on Wood Decay in the USDA Forest Service (1991)
  1215. Proceedings of the symposium on current research on wood-destroying organisms and future prospects for protecting wood in use; September 13, 1989; Bend, OR. (1991)
  1216. Proceedings of the Redwood Region Forest Science Symposium: what does the future hold? (2007)
  1217. Proceedings of the Symposium on Wildland Fire 2000, April 27-30, 1987, South Lake Tahoe, California (1987)
  1218. The energy crisis and the American landscape (1979)
  1219. Research needs for our national landscapes (1979)
  1220. Human habitat at the fringe of the forest: the character of the place (1979)
  1221. People, planners and policy: is there an interface? (1979)
  1222. Designing future landscapes from principles of form and function (1979)
  1223. Visual resource management of the sea (1979)
  1224. Potential future impacts on visual air quality for Class I areas (1979)
  1225. Wildlands management for wildlife viewing (1979)
  1226. Visual quality testimony in an adversary setting (1979)
  1227. Landscape values in public decisions (1979)
  1228. The interface of legal and esthetic considerations (1979)
  1229. Litigation and landscape esthetics (1979)
  1230. Soil conservation service landscape resource management (1979)
  1231. The bureau of land management and visual resource management—an overview (1979)
  1232. The visual management system of the Forest Service, USDA (1979)
  1233. A technique for the assessment of the visual impact of nearshore confined dredged materials and other built islands (1979)
  1234. Visual impact assessment in British oil and gas developments (1979)
  1235. Visual simulation of offshore liquefied natural gas (lng) terminals in a decision-making context (1979)
  1236. Managing the visual effects of outer continental shelf and other petroleum-related coastal development (1979)
  1237. VIEWIT uses on the wild and scenic upper Missouri River (1979)
  1238. Combining computer and manual overlays—Willamette River Greenway Study (1979)
  1239. Predicting the visual quality impacts of development: a simulation of alternative policies for implementing the Massachusetts Scenic and Recreational Rivers Act (1979)
  1240. A visual resource management study of alternative dams, reservoirs and highway and transmission line corridors near Copper Creek, Washington (1979)
  1241. Management of the Lower St. Croix riverway: the application of cognitive visual mapping and social and resource assessment methods (1979)
  1242. Landscape preference assessment of Louisiana river landscapes: a methodological study (1979)
  1243. Project visual analysis for the Allegheny National Forest (1979)
  1244. A system to program projects to meet visual quality objectives (1979)
  1245. The role of the landscape architect in applied forest landscape management: a case study on process (1979)
  1246. Visual management system and timber management application (1979)
  1247. Identification of scenically preferred forest landscapes (1979)
  1248. The semantic differential in landscape research (1979)
  1249. Scenic beauty estimation model: predicting perceived beauty of forest landscapes (1979)
  1250. Classification of the visual landscape for transmission planning (1979)
  1251. Visual sensitivity of river recreation to power plants (1979)
  1252. Evolution of a visual impact model to evaluate nuclear plant siting and design option (1979)
  1253. Simulation of the visual effects of power plant plumes (1979)
  1254. Aesthetic impact of a proposed power plant on an historic wilderness landscape (1979)
  1255. Northwest Montana/North Idaho transmission corridor study: a computer-assisted corridor location and impact evaluation assessment (1979)
  1256. Toward a state landscape policy: incremental planning and management in Vermont (1979)
  1257. Visual resources of the New Jersey Pine Barrens: integrating visual resources into the planning process (1979)
  1258. Managing for naturalness in wildland and agricultural landscapes (1979)
  1259. The use of computer graphics in the visual analysis of the proposed Sunshine Ski Area expansion (1979)
  1260. Visual resource inventory and Imnaha Valley study: Hells Canyon National Recreation Area (1979)
  1261. Projecting the visual carrying capacity of recreation areas (1979)
  1262. Assessment of visual resources desirable for tourism and recreational uses along the site of Lake Choon-Chon in Korea (1979)
  1263. Landscape assessment for tourism (1979)
  1264. Does the public notice visual resource problems on the federal estate? (1979)
  1265. A method for improved visual landscape compatibility of mobile home park  (1979)
  1266. Highway attitudes and levels of roadside maintenance (1979)
  1267. A comprehensive approach to visual resource management for highway agencies (1979)
  1268. Measuring the impact of urbanization on scenic quality: land use change in the northeast (1979)
  1269. Assessing the visual resource and visual development suitability values in metropolitanizing landscapes (1979)
  1270. A case study: Death Valley National Monument California-Nevada (1979)
  1271. Visual Analysis as a design and decision-making tool in the development of a quarry (1979)
  1272. Opportunities for visual resource management in the Southern Appalachian Coal Basin (1979)
  1273. Computer-aided visual assessment in mine planning and design (1979)
  1274. Texas lignite and the visual resource: an objective approach to visual resource evaluation and management (1979)
  1275. The generation of criteria for selecting analytical tools for landscape management (1979)
  1276. Evaluation and recommendations concerning the visual resource inventory and evaluation systems used within the forest service and the bureau of land management (1979)
  1277. Appraising the reliability of visual impact assessment methods (1979)
  1278. Visual perception of landscape: sex and personality differences (1979)
  1279. The derivation of scenic utility functions and surfaces and their role in landscape management (1979)
  1280. Numerical modeling of eastern connecticut's visual resources (1979)
  1281. Dimensions of landscape preferences from pairwise comparisons (1979)
  1282. The social value of English landscapes (1979)
  1283. Perception and landscape: conceptions and misconceptions (1979)
  1284. Complexity and valued landscapes (1979)
  1285. The Q-Sort method: use in landscape assessment research and landscape planning (1979)
  1286. Measuring familiarity for natural environments through visual images (1979)
  1287. Visual resources and the public: an empirical approach (1979)
  1288. The use of VIEWIT and perspective plot to assist in determining the landscape's visual absorption capability (1979)
  1289. A systematic approach for locating optimum sites (1979)
  1290. Visual management support system (1979)
  1291. The visual information system (1979)
  1292. A proposed biophysical approach to Visual absorption capability (VAC) (1979)
  1293. Visual Absorption Capability (1979)
  1294. Analysis of landscape character for visual resource management (1979)
  1295. A computerized system for portrayal of landscape alterations (1979)
  1296. Policy capturing as a method of quantifying the determinants of landscape preference (1979)
  1297. Landscape maps as an aid to management of scenic mountain areas (1979)
  1298. The Mt. Mitchell scenery assessment (1979)
  1299. Enviroplan—a summary methodology for comprehensive environmental planning and design (1979)
  1300. Visual unit analysis: a descriptive approach to landscape assessment (1979)
  1301. Conducting a wildland visual resources inventory (1979)
  1302. Seeing desert as wilderness and as landscape—an exercise in visual thinking approaches (1979)
  1303. Setting technical standards for visual assessment procedures (1979)
  1304. Computers and the landscape (1979)
  1305. Descriptive approaches to landscape analysis (1979)
  1306. The off-road recreation vehicle—visual impacts (1979)
  1307. Dams and water developments (1979)
  1308. A simulated field trip: "The visual aspects of power plant sitings" (1979)
  1309. Range management visual impacts (1979)
  1310. Linear utility corridors—a simulated visual field trip (1979)
  1311. The countryside visual resource (1979)
  1312. Highway development (1979)
  1313. Timber management simulated field trip (1979)
  1314. Simulated field trip on ski area development (1979)
  1315. Visual impacts in the urban-wildland interface (1979)
  1316. Surface mining (1979)
  1317. Proceedings of our national landscape: a conference on applied techniques for analysis and management of the visual resource [Incline Village, Nev., April 23-25, 1979] (1979)
  1318. A methodology for decisionmaking in project evaluation in land management planning (1978)
  1319. Nutzwertanalyse (1978)
  1320. Analytical aids in land management planning (1978)
  1321. Timber management planning with timber ram and goal programming (1978)
  1322. A two-phase method for timber supply analysis  (1978)
  1323. Forest management planning for timber production: a sequential approach (1978)
  1324. Large-scale budget applications of mathematical programming in the Forest Service (1978)
  1325. Optimal control of raw timber production processes (1978)
  1326. Wood transportation systems-a spin-off of a computerized information and mapping technique (1978)
  1327. Operations Research techniques in the management of large-scale reforestation programs (1978)
  1328. Techniques of Australian forest planning (1978)
  1329. A computerized tree growth projection system for forest resource evaluation in the lake states (1978)
  1330. Theoretical and computational foundations of management class simulation (1978)
  1331. A method of forest management for the planned introduction of intensive husbandry in virgin forest stands (1978)
  1332. Operational forest management planning methods: proceedings, meeting of steering systems project group, International Union of Forestry Research Organizations, Bucharest, Romania, June 18-24, 1978 (1978)
  1333. California wildlife and their habitats: western Sierra Nevada (1980)
  1334. Management of Giant Sequoia at Calaveras Big Trees State Park (1986)
  1335. Management of Giant Sequoia at Blodgett Forest Research Station (1986)
  1336. Management of Giant Sequoia in the national forests of the Sierra Nevada, California (1986)
  1337. Management of Giant Sequoia on Mountain Home Demonstration State Forest (1986)
  1338. Management of Giant Sequoia in the national parks of the Sierra Nevada, California (1986)
  1339. Recommendations from the Sierra Club for managing Giant Sequoia (1986)
  1340. Wood of Giant Sequoia: properties and unique characteristics (1986)
  1341. Genetic variation and early performance of Giant Sequoia in plantations (1986)
  1342. Growth and yield of Giant Sequoia (1986)
  1343. Diseases and insects of Giant Sequoia (1986)
  1344. Silvics of Giant Sequoia (1986)
  1345. Evolution and history of Giant Sequoia (1986)
  1346. Proceedings of the workshop on management of giant sequoia; May 24-25, 1985; Reedley, California (1986)
  1347. Status of Sandalwood resources in Vanuatu (1990)
  1348. The status of Sandalwood (S. macgregorii) in Papua New Guinea (1990)
  1349. Growing Sandalwood in Nepal—Potential silvicultural methods and research priorities (1990)
  1350. Status and cultivation of Sandalwood in India (1990)
  1351. Distribution and status of Sandalwood in Hawai'i (1990)
  1352. Sandalwood: current interest and activity by the Hawaii Division of Forestry and Wildlife (1990)
  1353. The History of human impact on the genus Santalum in Hawai'i (1990)
  1354. Propagation of Santalum, Sandalwood tree (1990)
  1355. Sandalwood—the myth and the reality (1990)
  1356. The Sandalwood industry in Australia: a history (1990)
  1357. Status of management and silviculture research on sandalwood in Western Australia and Indonesia (1990)
  1358. Managing Sandalwood for conservation in North Queensland, Australia  (1990)
  1359. Sandalwood in the Pacific: A state-of-knowledge synthesis and summary from the April 1990 Symposium (1990)
  1360. Starch gel electrophoresis of conifer seeds: a laboratory manual (1982)
  1361. Applying isozyme analyses in tree-breeding programs (1981)
  1362. An analysis of genetic architecture in populations of Ponderosa Pine (1981)
  1363. Analyses of gene diversity in some species of conifers (1981)
  1364. Genetic structure of populations and differentiation in forest trees  (1981)
  1365. Levels of genetic variation in trees: influence of life history characteristics (1981)
  1366. Associations between heterozygosity and growth rate variables in three western forest trees (1981)
  1367. Isozyme studies of forest insect populations (1981)
  1368. Analysis of mating system parameters and population structure in Douglas-fir using single-locus and multilocus methods (1981)
  1369. Isozyme variation and linkage in six conifer species (1981)
  1370. Isozymes and the genetic resources of forest trees (1981)
  1371. Proceedings of the symposium on isozymes of North American forest trees and forest insects, July 27, 1979, Berkeley, California (1981)
  1372. Realized gain from breeding Eucalyptus grandis in Florida (1983)
  1373. Eucalypt Improvement for California: Progress and Plans  (1983)
  1374. Clonal propagation on Eucalyptus by cuttings in France  (1983)
  1375. Micropropagation of frost-resistant Eucalyptus (1983)
  1376. Propagation and planting of containerized Eucalyptus seedlings in Hawaii (1983)
  1377. Harvesting to get a Eucalyptus coppice crop (1983)
  1378. Managing a Coastal Bluegum (Eucalyptus globules) forest (1983)
  1379. Fertilization and irrigation of Eucalyptus in southern California  (1983)
  1380. Establishing a Eucalyptus energy plantation on the central coast of California (1983)
  1381. Spacing trials using the Nelder Wheel (1983)
  1382. Vegetation management in Eucalyptus (1983)
  1383. Yields in high density, short rotation intensive culture (SRIC) — plantations of Eucalyptus and Other Hardwood Species (1983)
  1384. Industrial planting of E. viminalis in Mendocino County (1983)
  1385. Growth and yield in Eucalyptus globulus (1983)
  1386. Evaluating trees as energy crops in Napa County (1983)
  1387. Growth and yield of some Eucalypts of interest to California  (1983)
  1388. Economic evaluation of Eucalypt energy plantations (1983)
  1389. Large-scale Eucalyptus energy farms and power cogeneration (1983)
  1390. California wood energy program  (1983)
  1391. Using Eucalypts in manufacturing (1983)
  1392. Creating a database on Eucalyptus for California (1983)
  1393. Eucalyptus as a landscape tree (1983)
  1394. Quality assurance, training, and certification in ozone air pollution studies (1996)
  1395. Data management and analysis of ozone injury to pines (1996)
  1396. Establishment of monitoring plots and evaluation of trees injured by ozone (1996)
  1397. Statistical considerations for plot design, sampling procedures, analysis, and quality assurance of ozone injury studies (1996)
  1398. Government agenciesÂ’ need for data on ozone injury to western pines (1996)
  1399. History of ozone injury monitoring methods and the development of a recommended protocol (1996)
  1400. Symptomology of ozone injury to pine foliage (1996)
  1401. Extent of ozone injury to trees in the western United States (1996)
  1402. Evaluating ozone air pollution effects on pines in the western United States (1996)
  1403. Poster Session (1995)
  1404. A balanced approach: Dr. BiswellÂ’s solution to fire issues in urban interface and wildland ecosystems (1995)
  1405. Structural wildland intermix (1995)
  1406. The role of fire in ecosystem management (1995)
  1407. FloridaÂ’s solution to liability issues (1995)
  1408. Comprehensive fire prevention legislation enacted by the California legislature in 1992 after the East Bay firestorm (1995)
  1409. Working to make the Clean Air Act and prescribed burning compatible (1995)
  1410. Social and environmental issues in developing vegetation and fire management plans  (1995)
  1411. The bay area wildfire forum (1995)
  1412. East bay fire chiefs' consortium (1995)
  1413. The East Bay Vegetation Management Consortium: a subregional approach to resource management and planning (1995)
  1414. ModeratorÂ’s comments (1995)
  1415. Conflicts between natural resources and structural protection (1995)
  1416. Neighborhood organization activities: evacuation drills, clusters, and fire safety awareness (1995)
  1417. Strategies for and barriers to public adoption of fire safe behavior (1995)
  1418. Use of class a foams on structures and wildlands (1995)
  1419. Panel discussion: prescribed burning in the 21st century  (1995)
  1420. Ecosystem management issues  (1995)
  1421. Funding fuels management in the national park service: costs and benefits (1995)
  1422. FARSITE: a fire area simulator for fire managers (1995)
  1423. Interagency wilderness fire management (1995)
  1424. Fire in Wildland ecosystems—opening comments (1995)
  1425. Federal disaster assistance programs (1995)
  1426. Legal barriers (1995)
  1427. Organizational barriers (1995)
  1428. Cooperative Efforts in Fuels Management (1995)
  1429. A synopsis of large or disastrous wildland fires (1995)
  1430. Institutionalizing fire safety in making land use and development decisions (1995)
  1431. Local, state, and national perspectives (1995)
  1432. Fire history of the local wildland-urban interface (1995)
  1433. “What do we do now, Ollie?” (1995)
  1434. Dr. BiswellÂ’s influence on the development of prescribed burning in California (1995)
  1435. The Oakland-Berkeley Hills fire of 1991 (1995)
  1436. The Biswell symposium: fire issues and solutions in urban interface and wildland ecosystems; February 15-17, 1994; Walnut Creek, California (1995)
  1437. Indigenous agroforestry in American Samoa (1993)
  1438. Agroforestry in Palau (1993)
  1439. Agroforestry programs and issues in the northern Marianas Islands (1993)
  1440. Potentials of integrating spice crops with forestry in the Pacific Islands (1993)
  1441. Knowledge systems in agroforestry (1993)
  1442. Documentation of indigenous Pacific agroforestry systems: a review of methodologies (1993)
  1443. General considerations in testing and evaluating crop varieties for agroforestry systems (1993)
  1444. Design and analysis of mixed cropping experiments for indigenous Pacific Islands (1993)
  1445. Yapese land classification and use in relation to agroforests (1993)
  1446. An indigenous Pacific Island agroforestry system: Pohnpei Island (1993)
  1447. Micronesian agroforestry: evidence from the past, implications for the future (1993)
  1448. A review of traditional agroforestry in Micronesia (1993)
  1449. Future networking and cooperation summary of discussion (1993)
  1450. Economics and agroforestry (1993)
  1451. Socio-cultural studies of indigenous agricultural systems: the case for applied research (1993)
  1452. Statistical considerations for agroforestry studies  (1993)
  1453. Permanent field plot methodology and equipment (1993)
  1454. Analysis of an agroforest: the variable radius quadrat method  (1993)
  1455. Needs and priorities in agroforestry research in the Pacific  (1993)
  1456. Proceedings of the workshop on research methodologies and applications for Pacific Island agroforestry; July 16-20, 1990; Kolonia, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia (1993)
  1457. Soil conservation service tests of Eucalyptus species for windbreaks (1983)
  1458. Southern California trial plantings of Eucalyptus (1983)
  1459. Adaptability of some Eucalyptus species in southwest Oregon (1983)
  1460. Eucalyptus helped solve a timber problem: 1853-1880 (1983)
  1461. Proceedings of a work-shop on Eucalyptus in California, June 14-16, 1983, Sacramento, California (1983)
  1462. Research of wind erosion intensity in the region of Subotica-Horgos sands (1991)
  1463. Snow-cover condition in Japan and damage of the Sugi (Cryptomeria Japonica D. Don) (1991)
  1464. Sediment dynamics of a high gradient stream in the Oi river basin of Japan (1991)
  1465. Study on shearing force and impact force of a volcanic mud flow on Mt. Sakurajima  (1991)
  1466. Morphological study on the prediction of the site of surface slides (1991)
  1467. High-speed high-stress ring shear tests on granular sods and clayey soils (1991)
  1468. Surrounding the consequences of watershed disasters in the periphery of the Indian triangle (1991)
  1469. Watershed concerns and recent policy formulations in Sri Lanka and Australia  (1991)
  1470. Priority setting for government investment in forestry conservation schemes-an example from New Zealand  (1991)
  1471. Severe snow loads on mountain afforestation in Japan (1991)
  1472. Proceedings of the IUFRO technical session on geomorphic hazards in managed forests: 5-11 August 1990: Montreal, Canada (1991)
  1473. Short-rotation management of Eucalyptus: guidelines for plantations in Hawaii (1992)
  1474. California's hardwood resource: history and reasons for lack of a sustained hardwood industry (1992)
  1475. Experimental forests and ranges. Field research facilities of the Pacific Southwest Research Station. (1990)
  1476. Monitoring environmental change with color slides (1989)
  1477. Common shrubs of chaparral and associated ecosystems of southern California (1987)
  1478. Meadows in the Sierra Nevada of California: state of knowledge (1985)
  1479. Five southern California oaks: identification and postfire management (1983)
  1480. Proceedings of the Symposium on Sandalwood in the Pacific April 9-11, 1990, Honolulu, Hawaii (1990)
  1481. Production rates for crews using hand tools on firelines (1982)
  1482. Solar radiation as a forest management tool: a primer of principles and application (1979)
  1483. Wildland resource information system: user's guide (1975)
  1484. The national fire-danger rating system: basic equations (1985)
  1485. Risk-rating systems for mature red fir and white fir in northern California (1980)
  1486. California's hardwood resource: managing for wildlife, water, pleasing scenery, and wood products (1995)
  1487. Competing vegetation in ponderosa pine plantations: ecology and control (1989)
  1488. Performance in wild ungulates: measuring population density and condition of individuals (1988)
  1489. Forest fire laboratory at Riverside and fire research in California: past, present, and future (1988)
  1490. Management of western dwarf mistletoe in ponderosa and Jeffrey pines in forest recreation areas (1988)
  1491. Ecological type classification for California: the Forest Service approach (1987)
  1492. International directory of forestry and forest products libraries (1987)
  1493. California oaks: a bibliography (1987)
  1494. Guide to testing insecticides on coniferous forest defoliators (1985)
  1495. A guide to selected non-timber forest products of the Hayfork Adaptive Management Area, Shasta-Trinity and Six Rivers National Forests, California (1997)
  1496. Upland forests of the American/Pacific Islands: research opportunities in Micronesia and American Samoa (1993)
  1497. Mangroves of the Pacific Islands: research opportunities (1990)
  1498. Coast redwood ecological types of southern Monterey County, California (1988)
  1499. A system of vegetation classification applied to Hawaii (1984)
  1500. VIEWIT: computation of seen areas, slope, and aspect for land-use planning (1975)
  1501. Some wood of Hawaii... properties and uses of 16 commercial species (1974)
  1502. Lessons learned on 50,000 acres of plantation in northern California (2005)
  1503. Three studies on ponderosa pine management on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation: stocking control in uneven-aged stands, forest products from fire-damage trees, and fuels reduction (2005)
  1504. Reintroducing fire into the Blacks Mountain Research Natural Area: effects on fire hazard (2005)
  1505. Bugs in the system: development of tools to minimize ponderosa pine losses from western pine beetle infestations (2005)
  1506. Diseases as agents of disturbance in ponderosa pine (2005)
  1507. Fire ecology of ponderosa pine and the rebuilding of fire-resilient ponderosa pine ecosystems (2005)
  1508. Woodpecker-snag interactions: an overview of current knowledge in ponderosa pine systems (2005)
  1509. Effects of site on the demographics of standing dead trees in eastside pine forests (2005)
  1510. A comparison of bird species composition and abundance between late- and mid-seral ponderosa pine forests (2005)
  1511. Ungulate ecology of ponderosa pine ecosystems in the northwest (2005)
  1512. Management of ponderosa pine nutrition through fertilization (2005)
  1513. Managing ponderosa pine forests in central Oregon: who will speak for the soil? (2005)
  1514. Postive seedling-shrub relationships in natural regeneration of ponderosa pine (2005)
  1515. Accelerating development of late-successional features in second-growth pine stands of the Goosenest Adaptive Management Area (2005)
  1516. The west-wide ponderosa pine levels-of-growing-stock study at age 40 (2005)
  1517. Multiaged silviculture of ponderosa pine (2005)
  1518. Silvicultural systems for managing ponderosa pine (2005)
  1519. An overview of key silvicultural information for ponderosa pine (2005)
  1520. Proceedings of the Symposium on Ponderosa Pine: Issues, Trends, and Management, 2004 October 18-21, Klamath Falls, OR (2005)
  1521. Monitoring visitor use in backcountry and wilderness: a review of methods (1992)
  1522. Measuring soil and tree temperatures during prescribed fires with thermocouple probes (1992)
  1523. Direct control of western pine beetle (Dendroctonus brevicomis LeConte): review and assessment (1990)
  1524. Ten-year risk-rating systems for California red fir and white fir: development and use (1989)
  1525. MIX: a computer program to evaluate interaction between chemicals (1989)
  1526. The USDA Forest Service in Hawaii: the first 20 years (1957-1977) (1989)
  1527. Pest management in Douglas-fir seed orchards: a microcomputer decision method (1988)
  1528. Verbenone interrupts attraction to host volatiles and reduces attack on Pinus tabuliformis (Pinaceae) by Dendroctonus valens (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in the People's Republic of China (2003)
  1529. Responses of Conophthorus spp. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) to behavioral chemicals in field trials: a transcontinental perspective (2000)
  1530. Regression methods for spatially correlated data: an example using beetle attacks in a seed orchard (1997)
  1531. Estimating effect of Megastigmus spermotrophus (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) on Douglas-fir seed production: the new paradigm (1993)
  1532. Pityophthorus orarius Bright (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in a northern California Douglas-fir seed orchard: effect of clone, tree vigor, and cone crop on rate of attack (1994)
  1533. Resource use and clonal differences in attack rate by the Douglas-fir seed chalcid, Megastigmus spermotrophus Wachtl (Hymenoptera: Torymidae), in France (1991)
  1534. Critical path method applied to research project planning: Fire Economics Evaluation System (FEES) (1986)
  1535. KRISSY: user's guide to modeling three-dimensional wind flow in complex terrain (1986)
  1536. Chaparral and associated ecosystems management: a 5-year research and development program (1986)
  1537. Estimating fire behavior with FIRECAST: user's manual (1986)
  1538. Computer prediction of insecticide efficacy for western spruce budworm and Douglas-fir tussock moth (1986)
  1539. Using challenge cost-share partnerships to communicate with ethnically diverse recreation users in southern California (1995)
  1540. A field critique of the 3-year pilot test for the CUSTOMER recreation visitor survey (1995)
  1541. ACCESS America's great outdoors: public lands are for everyone! (1995)
  1542. Getting Alice through the door: social science research and natural resource management (1995)
  1543. Educational poster session (1995)
  1544. Seeking common ground: establishing interpark partnerships (1995)
  1545. A content analysis of USDA Forest Service recreation partnerships (1995)
  1546. Partnerships in natural resource agencies: a conceptual framework (1995)
  1547. Is Alaska really different? A review of CUSTOMER recreation visitor survey data (1995)
  1548. Accessibility benchmarks: interpretive programs and services in north central California (1995)
  1549. Ecology is a white man's problem (1995)
  1550. Environmental values, ethics, and depreciative behavior in wildland settings (1995)
  1551. A preliminary analysis of environmental dilemmas and environmental ethical reasoning among Hispanic and non-Hispanic forest visitors (1995)
  1552. Development and testing of a cultural identity construct for recreation and tourism studies (1995)
  1553. Ethnic use of the Tonto: geographic extension of the recreation knowledge base (1995)
  1554. Differences in behavioral conventions: a comparison of United States-born and Mexico-born Hispanics, and Anglo Americans (1995)
  1555. To be or not to be a park: that is the question (1995)
  1556. Technology transfer for ecosystem management (1995)
  1557. Human dimensions in ecosystem management: a USDA Forest Service perspective (1995)
  1558. Total quality management: managing the human dimension in natural resource agencies (1995)
  1559. Community based research for an urban recreation application of benefits-based management (1995)
  1560. The potential impacts of the homeless on public lands (1995)
  1561. What's a walk on the wildside worth? (1995)
  1562. Coordinated fee structure for developed recreation sites on the Ashley, Uinta, and Wasatch-Cache National Forests (1995)
  1563. Protecting Oregon old-growth forests from fires: how much is it worth? (1995)
  1564. Marketing a national forest: the resource manager's dilemma (1995)
  1565. Conflicting goals of wilderness management: natural conditions vs. natural experiences (1995)
  1566. The urban wilderness park: an oxymoron? (1995)
  1567. Conflicts and issues related to mountain biking in the National Forests: a multimethodological approach (1995)
  1568. Transforming controversy into consensus: the Steens Mountain initiative (1995)
  1569. Proceedings of the second symposium on social aspects and recreation research, February 23-25, 1994, San Diego, California (1995)
  1570. Atmospheric and biospheric interactions of gases and energy in the Pacific region of the United States, Mexico, and Brazil (1997)
  1571. Developing fire management mixes for fire program planning (1986)
  1572. Evaluating statistical validity of research reports: a guide for managers, planners, and researchers (1986)
  1573. Decline of Ohia (Metrosideros polymorpha) in Hawaii: a review (1986)
  1574. Growth classification systems for red fir and white fir in northern California (1983)
  1575. Surveys for California red-legged frog and arroyo toad on the Los Padres National Forest (2005)
  1576. Atmospheric nitrogen deposition and habitat alteration in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in southern California: implications for threatened and endangered species (2005)
  1577. Bee diversity associated with Limnanthes floral patches in California vernal pool habitats (2005)
  1578. Habitat ephemerality and hatching fractions of a diapausing anostracan (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) (2005)
  1579. Spatial and temporal variation in ephemeral pool crustacean communities (2005)
  1580. Fire management in some California ecosystems: a cautionary note (2005)
  1581. Monitoring the effects of natural and anthropogenic habitat disturbance on the ecology and behavior of the San Diego coast horned lizard (Phrynosoma coronatum blainvillei) (2005)
  1582. Patterns and processes of arthropod community succession after a fire (2005)
  1583. Diptera community composition and succession following habitat disturbance by wildfire (2005)
  1584. The Santa Margarita River Arundo donax control project: development of methods and plant community response (2005)
  1585. Bats in the south coast ecoregion: status, conservation issues, and research needs (2005)
  1586. The spotted owl in southern California: ecology and special concerns for maintaining a forest-dwelling species in a human-dominated desert landscape (2005)
  1587. Sensitive species of snakes, frogs, and salamanders in southern California conifer forest areas: status and management (2005)
  1588. Air pollution impacts in the mixed conifer forests of southern California (2005)
  1589. Air pollution and vegetation change in southern California coastal sage scrub: a comparison with chaparral and coniferous forest (2005)
  1590. Assessing estuarine biota in southern California (2005)
  1591. Planning for biodiversity: bringing research and management together; Proceedings of a Symposium for the South Coast Ecoregion (2005)
  1592. Regeneration of Douglas-fir in the Klamath Mountains region, California and Oregon (1984)
  1593. Risk in fire management decisionmaking: techniques and criteria (1984)
  1594. DOSESCREEN: a computer program to aid dose placement (1984)
  1595. Potential fire behavior in California: an atlas and guide for forest and brushland managers (1984)
  1596. Economic efficiency in forest service program development (1984)
  1597. Physical characteristics of some northern California brush fuels (1982)
  1598. Photo series for quantifying natural forest residues: southern Cascades, northern Sierra Nevada (1981)
  1599. POLO2: a user's guide to multiple Probit Or LOgit analysis (1981)
  1600. SCANIT: centralized digitizing of forest resource maps or photographs (1981)
  1601. Returns on investments in Management Sciences: six case studies (1981)
  1602. FOCUS: a fire management planning system -- final report (1981)
  1603. International directory of documentation services concerning forestry and forest products (1981)
  1604. Water repellent soils: a state-of-the-art (1981)
  1605. Economic data for wildland planning and management in the western United States: a source guide (1980)
  1606. Predicting events in the development of a coal surface mine in the west (1980)
  1607. Systems analysis in land-use planning... a conceptual development (1973)
  1608. Photosynthetically active radiation measurements in pure pine and mixed pine forests in Poland (1998)
  1609. Remote sensing applied to resource management (1998)
  1610. Response of Scots pine stand vitality to changes in environmental factors in Poland, 1991-1995 (1998)
  1611. Forest health status in Hungary (1998)
  1612. Forest condition in Latvia (1998)
  1613. Dynamics of forest health status in Slovakia from 1987 to 1994 (1998)
  1614. Forest health monitoring indicators and their interpretability: a Lithuanian case study (1998)
  1615. Air pollution and forest health studies along a south-north transect in Poland (1998)
  1616. Forest health monitoring and forestry implications in the Czech Republic (1998)
  1617. Air pollution and climate change effects on health of the Ukrainian forests: monitoring and evalution (1998)
  1618. Assessment of forest quality in southwestern Poland with the use of remotely sensed data (1998)
  1619. Forest health status in Russia (1998)
  1620. Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis of ecosystem response to industrial pollution in the Niepolomice Forest in southern Poland (1998)
  1621. Seasonal influences on ozone uptake and foliar injury to ponderosa and Jeffrey pines at a southern California site (1998)
  1622. Herb layer diversity and phytoindicative evaluation of habitat conditions of forest permanent plots in Poland (1998)
  1623. Geographical differentiation of the floristic composition and structure of the herb layer of forest permanent plots in East Germany, Poland, and Belarus (1998)
  1624. Mature ponderosa pine nutrient use and allocation responses to air pollution (1998)
  1625. Ectomycorrhizae of young and mature Scots pine trees in industrial regions in Poland (1998)
  1626. Effect of ozone exposure on seasonal gas exchange of five western conifers (1998)
  1627. Chemical composition of needles and cambial activity of stems of Scots pine trees affected by air pollutants in Polish forests (1998)
  1628. Spatial and vertical distribution of soil physico-chemical properties and the content of heavy metals in the pedosphere in Poland (1998)
  1629. Impact of urban environmental pollution on growth, leaf damage, and chemical constituents of Warsaw urban trees (1998)
  1630. Transect studies on pine litter organic matter: decomposition and chemical properties of upper soil layers in Polish forests (1998)
  1631. Transect studies on pine forests along parallel 52° north, 12-32° east and along a pollution gradient in Poland: general assumptions (1998)
  1632. Bulgarian Rila mountain forest ecosystems study site: site description and SO42-, NO3- deposition (1998)
  1633. Ozone in the Upper Silesia region -- concentration and effects on plants (1998)
  1634. Ozone and modeled stomatal conductance at a high elevation subalpine site in southeastern Wyoming (1998)
  1635. Nutrient fluxes in forests of the eastern Sierra Nevada: comparisons with humid forest systems (1998)
  1636. Indicators of nitrogen status in California forests (1998)
  1637. Ozone concentrations at the Bulgarian Govedartsi ecosystem site in early summer of 1994 and 1995 (1998)
  1638. Fire in Siberian boreal forests -- implications for global climate and air quality (1998)
  1639. Concentrations and deposition of nitrogenous air pollutants in a ponderosa/Jeffrey pine canopy (1998)
  1640. Ozone air pollution in the Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains and Kiev region (1998)
  1641. Ozone monitoring in the Krakow Province, southern Poland (1998)
  1642. Predicting nitrogen flux along a vertical canopy gradient in a mixed conifer forest stand of the San Bernardino Mountains in California (1998)
  1643. Nitrogen deposition effects on coastal sage vegetation of southern California (1998)
  1644. Biochemical reactions of ozone in plants (1998)
  1645. Ozone injury responses of ponderosa and Jeffrey pine in the Sierra Nevada and San Bernardino Mountains in California (1998)
  1646. The use of plants as bioindicators of ozone (1998)
  1647. Oxidant induced alteration of carbohydrate production and allocation in plants (1998)
  1648. State of Polish mountain forests: past, present, and future (1998)
  1649. Cost-effective fire management for southern California's chaparral wilderness: an analytical procedure (1989)
  1650. Coding hazardous tree failures for a data management system (1978)
  1651. California condors: status of the recovery effort (1978)
  1652. Computing arrival times of firefighting resources for initial attack (1978)
  1653. National Forest System working circles: a question of size and ownership composition (1976)
  1654. Wildland planning glossary (1976)
  1655. RAMP: a computer system for mapping regional areas (1975)
  1656. An algorithm to help design fire simulation and other data base work (1974)
  1657. Vertebrate fauna of the San Joaquin Experimental Range, California: a checklist (1973)
  1658. Emergency burn rehabilitation: cost, risk, effectiveness (1989)
  1659. The effects of fire on watersheds: a summary (1989)
  1660. Maximizing vegetation response on management burns by identifying fire regimes (1989)
  1661. Effects of fire retardant on water quality (1989)
  1662. Stream shading, summer streamflow and maximum water temperature following intense wildfire in headwater streams (1989)
  1663. Application of SAC88 to estimating hydrologic effects of fire on a watersheds (1989)
  1664. Frequency of floods from a burned chaparral watershed (1989)
  1665. Soil hydraulic characteristics of a small southwest Oregon watershed following high-intensity wildfires (1989)
  1666. Effects of fire on chaparral soils in Arizona and California and postfire management implications (1989)
  1667. Synthesis and summary: land use decisions and fire risk (1989)
  1668. Controlled burns on the urban fringe, Mount Tamalpais, Marin County, California (1989)
  1669. The effects of prescribed burning on fire hazard in the chaparral: toward a new conceptual synthesis (1989)
  1670. Use of prescribed fire to reduce wildfire potential (1989)
  1671. Rehabilitation and recovery following wildfires: a synthesis (1989)
  1672. Compatability of timber salvage operations with watershed values (1989)
  1673. Watershed response and recovery from the Will Fire: ten years of observations (1989)
  1674. Rationale for seeding grass on the Stanislaus Complex Burnt (1989)
  1675. Wildfire, ryegrass seeding, and watershed rehabilitation (1989)
  1676. Wildfire in the Pacific West: a brief history and implications for the future (1989)
  1677. Emergency watershed treatments on burned lands in southwestern Oregon (1989)
  1678. Emergency watershed protection measures in highly unstable terrain on the Blake Fire, Six Rivers National Forest, 1987 (1989)
  1679. Evaluating long-term cumulative hydrologic effects of forest management: a conceptual approach (1992)
  1680. Management of tropical forests for products and energy (1992)
  1681. The South Pacific Forestry Development Programme (1992)
  1682. Management and utilization of forest resources in Papua New Guinea (1992)
  1683. Role of decaying logs and other organic seedbeds in natural regeneration of Hawaiian forest species on abandoned montane pasture (1992)
  1684. Forest biological diversity interactions with resource utilization (1992)
  1685. Fire management in central America (1992)
  1686. People and forests in East Kalimantan (1992)
  1687. Soil Taxonomy and land evaluation for forest establishment (1992)
  1688. Cuticular hydrocarbons for species determination of tropical termites (1992)
  1689. Culture and resource management: factors affecting forests (1992)
  1690. Polycyclic selection system for the tropical rainforests of northern Australia (1992)
  1691. Tropical forestry research at the USDA Forest Service's Institute of Pacific Island Forestry (1992)
  1692. Forestry research in Asia and Pacific (1992)
  1693. Holistic forest and wildlife management in Hawaii -- is it possible? (1992)
  1694. Lethal soil temperatures during burning of masticated forest residues (2005)
  1695. Ectomycorrhizal formation in herbicide-treated soils of differing clay and organic matter content (2004)
  1696. Glyphosate toxicity and the effects of long-term vegetation control on soil microbial communities (2001)
  1697. Lake Tahoe watershed assessment: volume II. (2000)
  1698. Does stand density affect mating system and population genetic structure in coast live oak? (2006)
  1699. Eradication of Phytophthora ramorum in Oregon forests--status after 3 years (2006)
  1700. Ecological evidence of intensive cultivation of oaks by California Indians: implications for the treatment of sudden oak death (2006)
  1701. Extended abstract on the potential for Phytophthora ramorum to infest finished compost (2006)
  1702. Understanding the disposal and utilization options for Phytophthora ramorum infested wood (2006)
  1703. Who pays for sudden oak death? An econometric investigation of the impact of an emerging pathogen on California nurseries (2006)
  1704. Converting biology into regulations: U.S. Phytophthora ramorum quarantine as a case study (2006)
  1705. Epidemiology of Phytophthora ramorum infecting rhododendrons under simulated nursery conditions (2006)
  1706. The current situation with Phytophthora ramorum in England and Wales (2006)
  1707. Relationships between Phytophthora ramorum canker (sudden oak death) and failure potential in coast live oak (2006)
  1708. Chemical ecology of sudden oak death/ambrosia beetle interactions (2006)
  1709. The response of saprotrophic beetles to coast live oaks infected with Phytophthora ramorum (2006)
  1710. Surveying and monitoring sudden oak death in southwest Oregon forests (2006)
  1711. Disease risk factors and disease progress in coast live oak and tanoak affected by Phytophthora ramorum canker (sudden oak death) (2006)
  1712. Sudden oak death disease progression in oaks and tanoaks (2006)
  1713. Pre-epidemic mortality rates for common Phytophthora ramorum host tree species in California (2006)
  1714. Phytophthora ramorum experience and approach in the Netherlands (2006)
  1715. Phytophthora ramorum detection surveys for forests in the United States (2006)
  1716. Early detection monitoring of Phytophthora ramorum in high-risk forests of California (2006)
  1717. Aerial and ground surveys for mapping the distribution of Phytophthora ramorum in California (2006)
  1718. Modeling risk for SOD nationwide: what are the effects of model choice on risk prediction? (2006)
  1719. Climate-host mapping of Phytophthora ramorum, causal agent of sudden oak death (2006)
  1720. Potential effects of sudden oak death on birds in coastal oak woodlands (2007)
  1721. Survival of Phytophthora species and other pathogens in soilless media components or soil and their eradication with aerated steam (2006)
  1722. Pathways of infection for Phytophthora ramorum in rhododendron (2006)
  1723. Phytophthora ramorum disease transmission from artificially infested potting media (2006)
  1724. Introduction of filtration systems in container nurseries for nonchemical elimination of Phytophthora spp. from irrigation water (2006)
  1725. Thwarting Phytophthora ramorum: a proposed disease cycle with mitigation measures (2006)
  1726. Effect of sanitary measures on the survival of Phytophthora ramorum in soil (2006)
  1727. Phytophthora ramorum infection in coast live oaks and Shreve's oaks treated with insecticide to prevent beetle colonization (2006)
  1728. Chemical control of Phytophthora ramorum causing foliar disease in hardy nursery stock in the United Kingdom (2006)
  1729. Evaluation of fungicides for the control of Phytophthora ramorum infecting Rhododendron, Camellia, Viburnum, and Pieris (2006)
  1730. Evaluation of chemical and biological agents for control of Phytophthora species on intact plants or detached leaves of rhododendron and lilac (2006)
  1731. Effect of phosphate treatments on sudden oak death in tanoak and Shreve's oak (2006)
  1732. Effects of phosphate treatments on the growth of Phytophthora ramorum in tanoak stems (2006)
  1733. Fungicide control of Phytophthora ramorum on rhododendron (2006)
  1734. Effectiveness of fungicides in protecting Douglas-fir shoots from infection by Phytophthora ramorum (2006)
  1735. Potential effects of sudden oak death on small mammals and herpetofauna in coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia woodlands (2006)
  1736. Potential effects of sudden oak death on the oak woodland bird community of coastal California (2006)
  1737. Patterns of tanoak acorn production in Phytophthora ramorum infested and uninfested stands in Big Sur, California, with insights from girdled tanoaks (2006)
  1738. SOD-induced changes in foraging and nesting behavior of insectivorous, cavity-nesting birds (2006)
  1739. Residual tree response to tanoak decline in California (2006)
  1740. A spatial analysis of Phytophthora ramorum symptom spread using second-order point pattern and GIS-based analyses (2006)
  1741. Progress report on the evaluation of the susceptibility of the holm oak (Quercus ilex) forest ecosystem to Phytophthora ramorum (2006)
  1742. Etiology and evidence of systemic acidification in SOD-affected forests of California (2006)
  1743. Forecasting the future of coast live oak forests in the face of sudden oak death (2006)
  1744. Examining the relationship between fire history and sudden oak death patterns: a case study in Sonoma County (2006)
  1745. Summer survival of Phytophthora ramorum in forest soils (2006)
  1746. The importance of humans in the dispersal and spread of Phytophthora ramorum at local, landscape, and regional scales (2006)
  1747. Genome sequence of Phytophthora ramorum: implications for management (2006)
  1748. Molecular markers for identification of P. ramorum and other Phytophthora species from diseased tissue (2006)
  1749. AFLP analysis of Phytophthora nemorosa and P. pseudosyringae genetic structure in North America (2006)
  1750. Single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis of ribosomal DNA for detection of Phytophthora ramorum directly from plant tissues (2006)
  1751. Use of microsatellite markers derived from whole genome sequence data for identifying polymorphism in Phytophthora ramorum (2006)
  1752. Application of rapid onsite PCR (TaqMan) for Phytophthora ramorum under U.S. conditions (2006)
  1753. Using single strand conformational polymorphisms (SSCP) to identify Phytophthora species in Oregon forests affected by sudden oak death (2006)
  1754. Molecular detection of Phytophthora ramorum by real-time PCR using Taqman, SYBR Green and molecular beacons with three genes (2006)
  1755. Molecular identification and detection of Phytophthora ramorum (2006)
  1756. Phenotypic variation among Phytophthora ramorum isolates from California and Oregon (2006)
  1757. Potential for sexual reproduction of Phytophthora ramorum in Washington state nurseries (2006)
  1758. Seasonal trends in response to inoculation of coast live oak with Phytophthora ramorum (2006)
  1759. Genetic hitch-hiking extends the range of coast live oak (2006)
  1760. The search for the origin of Phytophthora ramorum: a first look in Yunnan Province, People's Republic of China (2006)
  1761. Comparative host range and aggressiveness of Phytophthora ramorum and Phytophthora kernoviae sp. nov. on North American and European trees (2006)
  1762. Distribution and etiology of aerial stem infections of Phytophthora ramorum and Phytophthora kernoviae at three woodland sites in the U.K. (2006)
  1763. Adaptive differences between Phytophthora ramorum isolates from Europe and North America: evidence for separate subspecies? (2006)
  1764. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of oak trees infected with Phytophthora ramorum to determine potential avenues of infection in bark (2006)
  1765. Variation in susceptibility of Umbellularia californica (Bay Laurel) to Phytophthora ramorum (2006)
  1766. Variation in phenotype for resistance to Phytophthora ramorum in a range of species and cultivars of the genus Viburnum (2006)
  1767. Susceptibility levels of Rhododendron species and hybrids to Phytophthora ramorum (2006)
  1768. Susceptibility of conifer shoots to infection by Phytophthora ramorum (2006)
  1769. Ecology of Phytophthora nemorosa and Phytophthora pseudosyringae in mixed-evergreen forests (2006)
  1770. Incidence of Phytophthora ramorum, P. nemorosa and P. pseudosyringae in three coastal California forest communities (2006)
  1771. Isolation and characterization of phytotoxins secreted by Phytophthora ramorum (2006)
  1772. Phytophthora species from oak and tanoak forests in California and Oregon (2006)
  1773. The effects of girdling on the ectomycorrhizal fungal community associated with tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus) (2006)
  1774. Phytophthora species associated with forest soils in central and eastern U.S. oak ecosystems (2006)
  1775. Update on European Union and United Kingdom legislation for Phytophthora ramorum (2006)
  1776. Update on diagnostics for Phytophthora ramorum (2006)
  1777. APHIS Phytophthora ramorum regulatory strategy for nurseries (2006)
  1778. Phytophthora ramorum--economic impacts and challenges for the nursery industry (2006)
  1779. Review of Phytophthora ramorum in European and North American nurseries (2006)
  1780. Sudden oak death: recent developments on trees in Europe (2006)
  1781. Epidemiology of Phytophthora ramorum in Oregon (2006)
  1782. Research on the epidemiology, ecology and management of Phytophthora ramorum in California forests (2006)
  1783. History and background of the California Oak Mortality Task Force (COMTF) (2006)
  1784. Understanding sudden oak death: a model of partnership and collaboration (2006)
  1785. USDA Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station Sudden Oak Death Research Program: 2001-2005 (2006)
  1786. Keynote address second sudden oak death science symposium Monterey California, January 19, 2005 (2006)
  1787. Proceedings of the sudden oak death second science symposium: the state of our knowledge (2006)
  1788. Sierra Nevada Science Symposium: policy and institutions synthesis (2004)
  1789. The future of biodiversity in the Sierra Nevada through the Lake Tahoe Basin Looking Glass (2004)
  1790. A framework for setting land conservation priorities in the Sierra Nevada (2004)
  1791. The status and conservation of mesocarnivores in the Sierra Nevada (2004)
  1792. Invasive exotic plant species in Sierra Nevada ecosystems (2004)
  1793. Biodiversity in the Sierra Nevada (2004)
  1794. Turning stumbling blocks into stepping stones in the analysis of cumulative impacts (2004)
  1795. Assessing cumulative watershed effects in the central Sierra Nevada: hillslope measurements and catchment-scale modeling (2004)
  1796. Nutrient and sediment transport in streams of the Lake Tahoe basin: a 30-year retrospective (2004)
  1797. Establishing reference conditions for streams and measuring ecological responses to management actions using aquatic invertebrate biological assessments (2004)
  1798. Non-native fish introductions and the reversibility of amphibian declines in the Sierra Nevada (2004)
  1799. Aquatic systems and watersheds (2004)
  1800. Forest structure and development: implications for forest management (2004)
  1801. Sierra Nevada grasslands: interactions between livestock grazing and ecosystem structure and function (2004)
  1802. Nutrient cycling in the Sierra Nevada: the roles of fire and water at Little Valley, Nevada (2004)
  1803. Landscape pattern and ecological process in the Sierra Nevada (2004)
  1804. Biosphere and atmosphere interactions in Sierra Nevada forests (2004)
  1805. Session overview: forest ecosystems (2004)
  1806. Linking vegetation patterns to potential smoke production and fire hazard (2004)
  1807. Effectiveness of thinning and prescribed fire in reducing wildfire severity (2004)
  1808. Fire and fire surrogate study in the Sierra Nevada: evaluating restoration treatments at Blodgett Forest and Sequoia National Park (2004)
  1809. Fire and landscapes: patterns and processes (2004)
  1810. Fire in the Sierra Nevada (2004)
  1811. Mountains, fire, fire suppression, and the carbon cycle in the western United States (2004)
  1812. Climate change in wildland management: taking the long view (2004)
  1813. Response of Sierra Nevada vegetation and fire regimes to past climate changes (2004)
  1814. Recent projections of 21st-century climate change and watershed responses in the Sierra Nevada (2004)
  1815. Regional changes and global connections: monitoring climate variability and change in the western United States (2004)
  1816. Interannual-scale to century-scale (2004)
  1817. Session overview: climate and landscape change over time (2004)
  1818. Confronting the implications of wicked problems: changes needed in Sierra Nevada National Forest planning and problem solving (2004)
  1819. Achieving a nexus of science, management, and policy in the Sierra Nevada (2004)
  1820. Proceedings of the Sierra Nevada Science Symposium (2004)
  1821. References (2004)
  1822. Appendix 1—California plant community types represented in Forest Service research natural areas (2004)
  1823. 86. Sugar Creek (Keeler-Wolf 1984d, 1989f, Sawyer and Thornburgh 1971) (2004)
  1824. 55. Mayfield (Imper 1991b) (2004)
  1825. 28. Fern Canyon (Meier 1979) (2004)
  1826. 1. Adorni (Cheng 1997a, Sawyer 1981a) (2004)
  1827. Forest Service research natural areas in California (2004)
  1828. 69. Red Butte-Red Fir Ridge (Shasta Red Fir) (Imper 1988b, Cheng 1996d) (2004)
  1829. 43. Indian Creek (Keeler-Wolf 1986c, 1990d) (2004)
  1830. Forest Service research natural areas in California (2004)
  1831. The oak woodland bird conservation plan: a strategy for protecting and managing oak woodland habitats and associated birds in California (2002)
  1832. Forty years of land use and land ownership change in central Sierra Nevada oak woodlands (2002)
  1833. Rehabilitation of an oak planting project on cleared rangeland using treeshelters and grazing: a ten-year saga (2002)
  1834. Oak restoration trials: Santa Catalina Island (2002)
  1835. Modeling the effectiveness of tree planting to mitigate habitat loss in blue oak woodlands (2002)
  1836. Utilization implications for hardwoods susceptible to sudden oak death (2002)
  1837. North coast oak woodland conservation research on a landscape scale (2002)
  1838. Multi-scale data to assess and monitor sudden oak death (2002)
  1839. The status of island scrub oak (Quercus pacifica on Catalina Island, California (2002)
  1840. Examining effects of vineyard development on bird populations of California's oak woodlands--use of GIS and power analysis to select study sites (2002)
  1841. Likeliness to pay for oak woodlands by the residents of San Luis Obispo county (2002)
  1842. Distribution of Quercus agrifolia mycorrhizae deep within weathered bedrock: a potential mechanism for transport of stored water (2002)
  1843. Phytophthora ramorum and sudden oak death in California: IV. preliminary studies on chemical control (2002)
  1844. Monitoring sudden oak death in California using high-resolution imagery (2002)
  1845. Evaluation of stem water potential and other tree and stand variables as risk factors for Phytophthora ramorum canker development in coast live oak (2002)
  1846. Population diversity and evidence of introgression among the black oaks of California (2002)
  1847. Phytophthora ramorum and sudden oak death in California: III. preliminary studies in pathogen genetics (2002)
  1848. Sudden oak death: disease trends in Marin county plots after one year (2002)
  1849. Phytophthora ramorum and sudden oak death in California: II. transmission and survival (2002)
  1850. Phytophthora ramorum and sudden oak death in California: I. host relationships (2002)
  1851. Leaf area index, leaf mass density, and allometric relationships derived from harvest of blue oaks in a California oak savanna (2002)
  1852. Northwest California oak woodlands: environment, species composition, and ecological status (2002)
  1853. Plant diversity and invasives in blue oak savannas of the southern Sierra Nevada (2002)
  1854. Coast live oak long-term thinning study--twelve-year results (2002)
  1855. Age structure and growth of California black oak (Quercus kelloggii) in the central Sierra Nevada, California (2002)
  1856. Historical oak woodland detected through Armillaria mellea damage in fruit orchards (2002)
  1857. Monitoring conservation success in a large oak woodland landscape (2002)
  1858. Inventory of oaks on California's national forest lands (2002)
  1859. Collaborative monitoring in Walnut Creek, California (2002)
  1860. Monitoring California's hardwood rangelands using remotely sensed data (2002)
  1861. Value of oak woodlands and open space on private property values in southern California (2002)
  1862. Ten years of oak restoration in city of Walnut Creek open spaces (2002)
  1863. Stump sprouting of blue oaks ten years after harvest (2002)
  1864. Factors limiting recruitment in valley and coast live oak (2002)
  1865. Soil moisture availability as a factor affecting valley oak (Quercus lobata Neé) seedling establishment and survival in a riparian habitat, Cosumnes River Preserve, Sacramento County, California (2002)
  1866. Riparian valley oak (Quercus lobata) forest restoration on the middle Sacramento River, California (2002)
  1867. A comparison of the history and management of oak woodlands in Britain and California (2002)
  1868. Working woodlands: public demand, owner management, and government intervention in conserving mediterranean ranches and dehesas (2002)
  1869. Oak woodland economics: a contingent valuation of conversion alternatives (2002)
  1870. When oak ordinances fail: unaddressed issues of oak conservation (2002)
  1871. Inconsistent application of environmental laws and policies to California's oak woodlands (2002)
  1872. Oak management by county jurisdictions in the central Sierra Nevada, California (2002)
  1873. The potential impacts of development on wildlands in El Dorado County, California (2002)
  1874. Mating patterns in a savanna population of valley oak (Quercus labata Neé) (2002)
  1875. Genetic differentiation of two California red oak species, Quercus parvula var. shreveii and Q. wislizeni, based on AFLP genetic markers (2002)
  1876. Geographic patterns of variation in biomass production of California blue oak seedlings as a response to water availability (2002)
  1877. Using midday stem water potential to assess irrigation needs of landscape valley oaks (2002)
  1878. The influence of treeshelters and irrigation on shoot and root growth of three California oak species (2002)
  1879. Supersonic air jets preserve tree roots in underground pipeline installation (2002)
  1880. Post-fire monitoring of coast live oaks (Quercus agrifolia) burned in the 1993 Old Topanga Fire (2002)
  1881. Effects of residential development and landscape composition on the breeding birds of Placer county's foothill oak woodlands (2002)
  1882. Cavity-nesting bird use of nest boxes in vineyards of central-coast California (2002)
  1883. Purple martins in oak woodlands (2002)
  1884. Factors affecting the abundance and distribution of European starlings at the San Joaquin Experimental Range (2002)
  1885. Development and fire trends in oak woodlands of the northwestern Sierra Nevada foothills (2002)
  1886. Effects of fire and browsing on regeneration of blue oak (2002)
  1887. Numerical response of small vertebrates to prescribed fire in a California oak woodland (2002)
  1888. Effects of wildfire on blue oak in the northern Sacramento Valley (2002)
  1889. Effects of fire on naturally occurring blue oak (Quercus douglasii) saplings (2002)
  1890. To prune or not to prune: responses of coast live oaks (Quercus agrifolia to canopy retention during transplanting (2002)
  1891. Effects of a prescribed fire on oak woodland stand structure (2002)
  1892. Rooting and foraging effects of wild pigs on tree regeneration and acorn survival in California's oak woodland ecosystems (2002)
  1893. Insect-oak interactions with coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) and Engelmann oak (Q. engelmannii) at the acorn and seedling stage (2002)
  1894. Arboreal seed removal and insect damage in three California oaks (2002)
  1895. Environmental relationships of native Garry oak (Quercus garryana) communities at their northern migration (2002)
  1896. Does habitat matter in an urbanized landscape? The birds of the Garry oak (Quercus garryana) ecosystem of southeastern Vancouver Island (2002)
  1897. Biodiversity of mycorrhizas on Garry oak (Quercus garryana) in a southern Oregon savanna (2002)
  1898. Historical jigsaw puzzles: piecing together the understory of Garry Oak (Quercus garryana) ecosystems and the implications for restoration (2002)
  1899. Factors influencing soil-surface bulk density on oak savanna rangeland in the southern Sierra Nevada foothills (2002)
  1900. Nitrogen dynamics of spring-fed wetland ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada foothills oak woodland (2002)
  1901. Turbidity and total suspended solid concentration dynamics in streamflow from California oak woodland watersheds (2002)
  1902. Seasonal and site effects on oak fine root production and ectomycorrhizal colonization in California oak woodland (2002)
  1903. Long-term residual dry matter mapping for monitoring California hardwood rangelands (2002)
  1904. Change in soil quality due to grazing and oak tree removal in California blue oak woodlands (2002)
  1905. Sediment dynamics and sources in a grazed hardwood rangeland watershed (2002)
  1906. The effect of topography, vegetation, and weather on cattle distribution at the San Joaquin Experimental Range, California (2002)
  1907. The importance of federal grazing allotments to central Sierran oak woodland permittees: a first approximation (2002)
  1908. Emerging tools and institutions to conserve oak woodlands: integrating public trust and private benefits, or can we ever get paid for doing the right thing? (2002)
  1909. Perspectives on cultural values of California oaks (2002)
  1910. The oak (Quercus) biodiversity of California and adjacent regions (2002)
  1911. Fisher research and the Kings River Sustainable Forest Ecosystem Project: current results and future efforts (2002)
  1912. Small mammal populations and ecology in the Kings River Sustainable Forest Ecosystems Project area (2002)
  1913. Abundance and productivity of birds over an elevational gradient (2002)
  1914. Environmental factors associated with spotted owl reproduction (2002)
  1915. Demography of the California spotted owl in the Sierra National Forest and Sequoia/Kings Canyon National Parks (2002)
  1916. Diets of California spotted owls in the Sierra National Forest (2002)
  1917. Seasonality and abundance of truffles from oak woodlands to red fir forests (2002)
  1918. Current investigations of fungal ectomycorrhizal communities in the Sierra Nevada Forest (2002)
  1919. Effects of soil disturbance on the fundamental, sustainable productivity of managed forests (2002)
  1920. Watershed analysis (2002)
  1921. The Teakettle experiment (2002)
  1922. Prescribed burning in the Kings River Ecosystem Project Area: lessons learned (2002)
  1923. Fire-return intervals in mixed-conifer forests of the Kings River Sustainable Forest Ecosystems Project area (2002)
  1924. An uneven-aged management strategy: lessons learned (2002)
  1925. A landscape analysis plan (2002)
  1926. The Kings River Sustainable Forest Ecosystems Project: inception, objectives, and progress (2002)
  1927. Individual-based model formulation for cutthroat trout, Little Jones Creek, California (2001)
  1928. Ecological research at the Goosenest Adaptive Management Area in northeastern California (2005)
  1929. A field guide to insects and diseases of California oaks (2006)
  1930. Midwest community tree guide: benefits, costs, and strategic planting (2006)
  1931. Piedmont community tree guide: benefits, costs, and strategic planting (2006)
  1932. Coastal plain community tree guide: benefits, costs, and strategic planning (2006)
  1933. The effect of mechanical fuel reduction treatments in the wildland-urban interface on the amount and distribution of bark beetle-caused tree mortality (2007)
  1934. Soil responses to the fire and fire surrogate study in the Sierra Nevada (2007)
  1935. Effect of burn residue proximity on growth of 5 planted mixed-conifer species after 6 years (2007)
  1936. Thinning and underburning effects on productivity and mensurational characteristics of Jeffrey Pine (2007)
  1937. Thinning and underburning effects on ground fuels in Jeffrey pine (2007)
  1938. Putting out fire with gasoline: pitfalls in the silvicultural treatment of canopy fuels (2007)
  1939. Riparian and upland vegetation on the Kings River Experimental Watershed, Sierra Nevada, California (2007)
  1940. Integrating stand density management with fuel reduction (2007)
  1941. Fire performance in traditional silvicultural and fire and fire surrogate treatments in Sierran mixed-conifer forests: a brief summary (2007)
  1942. Effects of alternative treatments on canopy fuel characteristics in five conifer stands (2007)
  1943. Gap-based silviculture in a sierran mixed-conifer forest: effects of gap size on early survival and 7-year seedling growth (2007)
  1944. Reintroducing fire to the oak forests of Pennsylvania: response of striped maple (2007)
  1945. Silviculture and forest management under a rapidly changing climate (2007)
  1946. Forest changes since Euro-American settlement and ecosystem restoration in the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA (2007)
  1947. Keynote address: the role of silviculture in restoring fire-adapted ecosystems (2007)
  1948. Restoring fire-adapted ecosystems: proceedings of the 2005 national silviculture workshop (2007)
  1949. Forest Fire History... A Computer Method of Data Analysis (1973)
  1950. Decline of Ohia Lehua Forests in Hawaii (1972)
  1951. Wilderness Management... A Computerized System for Summarizing Permit Information (1972)
  1952. Xylem Resin in the Resistance of the Pinaceae to Bark Beetles (1972)
  1953. Multiscale habitat relationships of stream amphibians in the Klamath-Siskiyou region of California and Oregon (2002)
  1954. Determining sex and life stage of Del Norte salamanders from external cues (2003)
  1955. Oviposition site of the southern torrent salamander (Rhyacotriton variegatus) in northwestern California (2005)
  1956. Sub-alpine amphibian distributions related to species palatability to non-native salmonids in the Klamath mountains of northern California (2006)
  1957. On the ecological role of salamanders (2004)
  1958. Long-term impacts of even-aged timber management on abundance and body condition of terrestrial amphibians in Northwestern California (2006)
  1959. Garter snake population dynamics from a 16-year study: considerations for ecological monitoring (2005)
  1960. Evidence of continued effects from timber harvesting on lotic amphibians in redwood forests of northwestern California (2006)
  1961. Evidence of a new niche for a North American salamander: Aneides vagrans residing in the canopy of old-growth redwood forest (2006)
  1962. Ecogeography of the herpetofauna of a nothern California watershed: linking species patterns to landscape processes (2005)
  1963. Dicamptodon tenebrosus larvae within hyporheic zones of intermittent streams in California (2005)
  1964. Developing and applying habitat models using forest inventory data: an example using a terrestrial salamander (2004)
  1965. Diversity and distribution of Frankia strains symbiotic with Ceanothus in California (2004)
  1966. Developmental mechanisms regulating secondary growth in woody plants (2006)
  1967. Association of weather and nest-site structure with reproductive success in California spotted owls (2000)
  1968. Testing a ground-based canopy model using the wind river canopy crane (1999)
  1969. Analyzing canopy structure in Pacific Northwest old-growth forests with a stand-scale crown model (1996)
  1970. Initial response to understory plant diversity and overstory tree diameter growth to a green tree retention harvest (1996)
  1971. Microhabitat analysis using radiotelemetry locations and polytomous logistic regression (1996)
  1972. Microevolution of the photosynthetic temperature optimum in relation to the elevational complex gradient (1972)
  1973. Testing transferability of willingness to pay for forest fire prevention among three states of California, Florida and Montana (2005)
  1974. After biocontrol: assessing indirect effects of insect releases (2005)
  1975. Exotic plants as ecosystem dominants (2004)
  1976. Summary of air pollution impacts on forests in the Mexico City air basin (2002)
  1977. Nitrogen and sulfur deposition and forest nutrient status in the Valley of Mexico (1999)
  1978. Summer throughfall and winter deposition in the San Bernardino mountains in southern California (1997)
  1979. Gene and enhancer trap tagging of vascular-expressed genes in poplar trees (2004)
  1980. Forest stand structure and pattern of old-growth western hemlock/Douglas-fir and mixed-conifer forests (2004)
  1981. Introduction to the special issue on Sierran mixed-conifer research (2005)
  1982. Soil respiration response to experimental disturbances over 3 years (2006)
  1983. Soil respiration response to prescribed burning and thinning in mixed-conifer and hardwood forests (2005)
  1984. Short-term effects of experimental burning and thinning on soil respiration in an old-growth, mixed-conifer forest (2004)
  1985. Patterns of mortality in an old-growth mixed-conifer forest of the Southern Sierra Nevada, California (2005)
  1986. Truffle abundance in riparian and upland mixed-conifer forest of California's southern Sierra Nevada (2005)
  1987. Hypogeous ectomycorrhizal fungal species on roots and in small mammal diet in a mixed-conifer forest (2005)
  1988. Fungi in the diets of northern flying squirrels and lodgepole chipmunks in the Sierra Nevada (2005)
  1989. Nest trees of northern flying squirrels in the Sierra Nevada (2005)
  1990. Stand conditions associated with truffle abundance in western hemlock/Douglas-fir forests (1998)
  1991. Standing crop and animal consumption of fungal sporocarps in Pacific Northwest forests (1997)
  1992. Spatial distribution and succession of epiphytes on Tsuga heterophylla (western hemlock) in an old-growth Douglas-fir forest (2000)
  1993. Influence of fire and El Niño on tree recruitment by Sierran mixed conifer (2005)
  1994. Short-term effects of fire and forest thinning on truffle abundance and consumption by Neotamias speciosus in the Sierra Nevada of California (2005)
  1995. What genes make a tree a tree? (2005)
  1996. IAA8 expression during vascular cell differentiation (2003)
  1997. Phyllotactic pattern and stem cell fate are determined by the Arabidopsis homeobox gene BELLRINGER (2003)
  1998. Identification of quantitative trait loci influencing wood specific gravity in an outbred pedigree of loblolly pine (1994)
  1999. Post-fire epicormic branching in Sierra Nevada Abies concolor (white fir) (2006)
  2000. Insertional mutagenesis in Populus: relevance and feasibility (2005)
  2001. Nitrogen deposition in California forests: a review (1996)
  2002. Seedling architecture and life history evolution in pines (1985)
  2003. Influences of the vegetation mosaic on riparian and stream environments in a mixed forest-grassland landscape in "Mediterranean" northwestern California (2005)
  2004. Status of biological control in vegetation management in forestry (1993)
  2005. Adapting a tourism crime typology: classifying outdoor recreation crime (2006)
  2006. Law enforcement officers in the USDA forest service (2006)
  2007. Connecting southern Californians with nature (2006)
  2008. Latinos and public lands in California (2005)
  2009. Natural areas and urban populations: communication and environmental education challenges and actions in outdoor recreation (2005)
  2010. Assessing national forest visitors' comprehension of international symbols for communicating outdoor recreation messages (2004)
  2011. Wilderness visitors in the 21st century: diversity, day use, perceptions and preferences (2000)
  2012. Invite, include, and involve: racial groups, ethnic groups, and leisure (2000)
  2013. The conservation of forest genetic resources: case histories from Canada, Mexico, and the United States (1998)
  2014. Dry deposition of nitrogen and sulfur to ponderosa and jeffrey pine in the San Bernardino National Forest in southern California (1993)
  2015. Human impacts on genetic diversity in forest ecosystems (1992)
  2016. Increased site fertility and litter decomposition rate in high-pollution sites in the San Bernardino Mountains (1991)
  2017. Litter decomposition across an air-pollution gradient in the San Bernardino Mountains (1989)
  2018. Provenance and progeny variation in pitch pine from the Atlantic Coastal Plain (1987)
  2019. Provenance variation in Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. in California (1987)
  2020. Studies on the in vitro and in vivo antifungal activity of fosetyl-al and phosphorous acid (1984)
  2021. Heritability and genetic correlations for volume, foxtails, and other characteristics of Caribbean pine in Puerto Rico (1981)
  2022. The influence of silvicultural practices on genetic improvement: height growth and weevil resistance in eastern white pine (1981)
  2023. Episodic growth and relative shoot:root balance in loblolly pine seedlings (1980)
  2024. Photosynthesis in black and red spruce and their hybrid derivatives: ecological isolation and hybrid adaptive inferiority (1979)
  2025. An analysis of methods for the selection of trees from wild stands (1976)
  2026. Maintenance and constructive respiration, photosynthesis, and net assimilation rate in seedlings of pitch pine (Pinus rigida Mill.) (1976)
  2027. N saturation symptoms in chaparral catchments are not reversed by prescribed fire (2006)
  2028. Nutrient status and plant growth effects of forest soils in the Basin of Mexico (2006)
  2029. Status of soil acidification in North America (2006)
  2030. A two-generation analysis of pollen pool genetic structure in flowering dogwood Cornus florida (Cornaceae), in the Missouri Ozarks (2005)
  2031. Genetic diversity, genetic structure, and mating system of brewer spruce (Pinaceae), a relict of the acto-tertiary forest (2005)
  2032. Autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria contribute minimally to nitrification in a nitrogen-impacted forested ecosystem (2005)
  2033. Nitrogen mineralization and nitrification in a mixed-conifer forest in southern California: controlling factors, fluxes, and nitrogen fertilization response at a high and low nitrogen deposition site (2005)
  2034. Genetic consequences of forest population dynamics influenced by historic climatic variability in the western USA (2004)
  2035. Relationships among the spruces (Picea, Pinaceae) of southwestern North America (2004)
  2036. Tracing atmospheric nitrate deposition in a complex semiarid ecosystem using Δ17O (2004)
  2037. Influence of ozone and nitrogen deposition on bark beetle activity under drought conditions (2004)
  2038. Monitoring nitrogen deposition in throughfall using ion exchange resin columns: a field test in the San Bernardino Mountains (2004)
  2039. Nitrogen emissions, deposition, and monitoring in the western United States (2003)
  2040. Ecological effects of nitrogen deposition in the western United States (2003)
  2041. Genetic variation at allozyme and RAPD markers in Pinus longaeva (Pinaceae) of the White Mountains, California (2002)
  2042. Genetic diversity, mating system, and conservation of a Mexican subalpine relict, Picea mexicana Martínez (2002)
  2043. A throughfall collection method using mixed bed ion exchange resin columns (2002)
  2044. Genetic diversity and the mating system of a rare Mexican Piñon, Pinus pinceana, and a comparison with Pinus maximartinezii (Pinaceae) (2001)
  2045. A case study of nitrogen saturation in western U.S. forests (2001)
  2046. Effects of climate on growth traits of river red gum are determined by respiration parameters (2000)
  2047. The mating system and genic diversity in Martínez spruce, an extremely rare endemic of MéxicoÂ’s Sierra Madre Oriental: an example of facultative selfing and survival in interglacial refugia (2000)
  2048. Founder effects and the genetic structure of coulter pine (2000)
  2049. Throughfall and fog deposition of nitrogen and sulfur at an N-limited and N-saturated site in the San Bernardino Mountains, southern California (2000)
  2050. Fine-scale genetic structure of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) associations with watershed and growth form (1999)
  2051. Evolution and biogeography of Pinus radiata, with a proposed revision of its quaternary history (1999)
  2052. Sierra Nevada forests: Where did they come from? Where are they going? What does it mean? (1999)
  2053. The role of climate change in interpreting historical variability (1999)
  2054. Genic diversity, genetic structure, and biogeography of Pinus sabiniana Dougl. (1999)
  2055. Evidence for an extreme bottleneck in a rare Mexican pinyon: genetic diversity, disequilibrium, and the mating system in Pinus maxamartinezii (1999)
  2056. Nitrogen and sulfur desposition and forest nutrient status in the valley of Mexico (1999)
  2057. Temporal and spatial trends in streamwater nitrate concentrations in the San Bernardino mountains, southern California (1999)
  2058. Reconsidering the conservation of monterey pine (1998)
  2059. Nitrogen excess in North American ecosystems: predisposing factors, ecosystem responses, and management strategies (1998)
  2060. Recent evolution and divergence among populations of a rare Mexican endemic, Chihuahua spruce, following holocene climatic warming (1997)
  2061. Summar throughfall and winter depostion in the San Bernardino mountains in southern California (1997)
  2062. Evidence for nitrogen saturation in the San Bernardino Mountains in southern California (1996)
  2063. Nitrogen diposition in Calfornian forests: a review (1996)
  2064. Impact of the eocene on the evolution of Pinus L. (1993)
  2065. Conservation of biodiversity in sugar pine: effects of the blister rust epidemic on genetic diversity (1992)
  2066. Genetic strategies for reforestation in the face of global climate change (1992)
  2067. Reducing pressure on natural forests through high-yield forestry (1990)
  2068. Conservation of diversity in forest ecosystems (1990)
  2069. The conservation of diversity in forest trees (1988)
  2070. The fitness consequences of multiple-locus heterozygosity: the relationship between heterozygosity and growth rate in pitch pine (Pinus rigida Mill.) (1987)
  2071. Conservation strategies for forest gene resources (1986)
  2072. Seedling architechture and life history evolution in pines (1985)
  2073. A steep cline in Pinus muricata (1983)
  2074. The relation of growth to heterozygosity in pitch pine (1983)
  2075. Gene diversity and genetic structure in a narrow endemic, torrey pine (Pinus torreyana Parry ex Carr.) (1983)
  2076. Adaptation of sugar maple populations along altitudinal gradients: photosynthesis, respiration, and specific leaf weight (1983)
  2077. Genetic diversity and populations structure in pitch pine (Pinus rigida Mill.) (1982)
  2078. Seasonal patterns of CO2 exchange in the shoot and root of loblolly pine seedlings (1981)
  2079. The effects of temperature treatment on photosynthesis of pitch pine from northern and southern latitudes (1977)
  2080. A pocket of variability in Pinus rigida (1971)
  2081. The distribution of dry matter growth between shoot and roots in loblolly pine (1970)
  2082. A discriminant analysis of introgression between Quercus prinus L. and Quercus alba L. (1969)
  2083. Fisher and marten (2003)
  2084. Small and mid-sized carnivores (2003)
  2085. Using forest inventory data to assess fisher resting habitat suitability in California. (2006)
  2086. Evaluating reserves for species richness and representation in northern California (2006)
  2087. Marten habitat preferences in the northern Sierra Nevada (1983)
  2088. Competition and coexistence in mustelid communities (1983)
  2089. Historical harvest and incidental capture of fishers in California (1996)
  2090. Current distribution of the american marten, Martes americana, in California (1996)
  2091. Use by bats of old-growth redwood hollows on the north coast of California (1996)
  2092. Detection surveys for fishers and american martens in California, 1989-1994: summary and interpertations (1997)
  2093. Monitoring Martes populations in California: survey design and power analysis (1996)
  2094. Bat use of remnant old-growth redwood stands (1999)
  2095. Current distribution of the fisher, Martes pennanti, in California (1995)
  2096. Distinguishing tracks of marten and fisher at track-plate stations (1995)
  2097. The influence of daily variation in foraging cost on the activity of small carnivores (1988)
  2098. Relating marten scat contents to prey consumed (1986)
  2099. Historical and contemporary distributions of carnivores in forests of the Sierra Nevada, California, USA (2005)
  2100. DESIGN: a program to create data entry programs (1994)
  2101. Proceedings of the symposium on management of western bark beetles with pheromones: research and development; June 22-25, 1992; Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. (1994)
  2102. User's guide for SYSTUM-1 (Version 2.0): A simulator of growth trends in young stands under management in California and Oregon (1993)
  2103. Screening Douglas-fir for rapid early growth in common-garden tests in Spain (1993)
  2104. Improving planting stock quality—the Humboldt experience (1993)
  2105. Predicting the occurrence of rare mollusks in northern California forests (2004)
  2106. Native and introduced earthworms from selected chaparral, woodland, and riparian zones in southern California (1993)
  2107. Blue oak plant communities of southern San Luis Obispo and northern Santa Barbara Counties, California (1993)
  2108. Guidelines for evaluating air pollution impacts on class I wilderness areas in California (1992)
  2109. Proceedings of the session on tropical forestry for people of the Pacific, XVII Pacific Science Congress; May 27-28, 1991 (1992)
  2110. Land-use planning may reduce fire damage in the urban-wildland intermix (1991)
  2111. Ecological surveys of Forest Service research natural areas in California (1990)
  2112. Mulches aid in regenerating California and Oregon forests: past, present, and future (1990)
  2113. The San Dimas experimental forest: 50 years of research (1988)
  2114. Methods for assessing the impact of fire on forest recreation (1984)
  2115. Clearcutting and natural regeneration: management implications for the northern Sierra Nevada (1983)
  2116. Economic cost of initial attack and large-fire suppression (1983)
  2117. Probability model for analyzing fire management alternatives: theory and structure (1982)
  2118. FEES: design of a Fire Economics Evaluation System (1982)
  2119. A vegetation classification system for use in California: its conceptual basis (1982)
  2120. A meadow site classification for the Sierra Nevada, California (1982)
  2121. Using goats to control brush regrowth on fuelbreaks (1982)
  2122. Proceedings of the symposium on dynamics and management of Mediterranean-type ecosystems, June 22-26 (1982)
  2123. Resource values in analyzing fire management programs for economic efficiency (1982)
  2124. Oak management in California (1981)
  2125. Burning by prescription in chaparral (1981)
  2126. A vegetation classification system applied to southern California (1980)
  2127. Proceedings of the symposium on the ecology, management, and utilization of California oaks, June 26-28 (1980)
  2128. Proceedings of the symposium on effects of air pollutants on Mediterranean and temperate forest ecosystems, June 22-27 (1980)
  2129. FIRESCOPE: a new concept in multiagency fire suppression coordination (1980)
  2130. POLO: a user's guide to Probit Or LOgit analysis. (1980)
  2131. Measuring moisture content in living chaparral: a field user's manual (1979)
  2132. Directory of selected forestry-related bibliographic data bases (1979)
  2133. Proceedings of the symposium on dwarf mistletoe control through forest management, April 11-13 (1978)
  2134. Mystic mountain: an educational alternative futures wildland planning game (1978)
  2135. Seen areas and the distribution of fires about a lookout (1978)
  2136. Simulating forest pictures by impact printers (1978)
  2137. Tree failures and accidents in recreation areas: a guide to data management for hazard control (1978)
  2138. Fifty years of forestry research: annotated bibliography of the Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, 1926-1975 (1977)
  2139. Tanoak: a bibliography for a promising species (1977)
  2140. 1976 Inter-university symposium on renewable resource assessment and programming: executive summary (1977)
  2141. State-of-the-art methods for research, planning, and determining the benefits of outdoor recreation (1977)
  2142. Computer evaluation of existing and proposed fire lookouts (1976)
  2143. Forests and water: effects of forest management on floods, sedimentation, and water supply (1976)
  2144. Vandalism and outdoor recreation: symposium proceedings (1976)
  2145. Pesticide spray application, behavior, and assessment: workshop proceedings (1976)
  2146. Lindane in forestry: a continuing controversy (1976)
  2147. Response of birds to fire in the American Southwest (2005)
  2148. California's hardwood resource: status of the industry and an ecosystem management perspective (1994)
  2149. Forest landscape description and inventories - a basis for landplanning and design (1968)
  2150. A vertical perspective of Santa Ana winds in a canyon (1969)
  2151. Informap... a computerized information system for fire planning and fire control (1969)
  2152. Local and regional variation in the monoterpenes of ponderosa pine wood oleoresin (1969)
  2153. Impact of douglas-fir tussock moth... color aerial phtography evaluates mortality (1970)
  2154. Timber Ram... a long-range planning method for commercial timber lands under multiple-use management (1971)
  2155. Western spruce budworm as related to stand characteristics in the bitterroot national forest (1971)
  2156. Low-level wind maxima in the 1969 San Mateo and Walker fires (1971)
  2157. Logging slash: its breakdown and decay at two forests in northern California (1972)
  2158. Growth after thinning ponderosa and jeffrey pine pole stands in Northeastern California (1972)
  2159. Fire prevention film spots for television ... narrator influence on knowledge and attitude changes (1973)
  2160. Predicting traffic load impact of alternative recreation developments (1973)
  2161. Stand and tree characteristics influencing density of fir engraver beetle attack scars in white fir (1973)
  2162. Changing fire regimes and the avifauna of California oak woodlands (2006)
  2163. Design considerations for examining trends in avian abundance using point counts: examples from oak woodlands (2005)
  2164. Abundance and productivity of warbling vireos across an elevational gradient in the Sierra Nevada (2006)
  2165. Factors Affecting the Abundance and Distribution of European Starlings at the San Joaquin Experimental Range (2002)
  2166. Evaluating the Effectiveness Of Postfire Rehabilitation Treatments (2000)
  2167. Vegetation classification system for California: user's guide (1986)
  2168. The Effects of Repeated Prescribed Burning on Pinus ponderosa Growth (1994)
  2169. The Science of Prescribed Fire: to Enable a Different Kind of Control (1998)
  2170. The quest for all-purpose plants (1995)
  2171. Two Case Histories For Using Prescribed Fire to Restore Ponderosa Pine Ecosystems in Northern Arizona (1998)
  2172. Use of ryegrass seeding as an emergency revegetation measure in chaparral ecosystems (1987)
  2173. Restoring Ecosystem Health in Ponderosa Pine Forests of the Southwest (1997)
  2174. Proceedings of the Symposium on Fire and Watershed Management (1989)
  2175. Modeling Tree Mortality Following Wildfire in Pinus ponderosa Forests in the Central Sierra Nevada of California (1993)
  2176. Native and Introduced from Forest Service Selected Chaparral, Woodland, and Riparian Zones in Southern California  (1993)
  2177. Proceedings of the Symposium on Multiple-Use Managementof California's Hardwood Resources November 12-14, 1986, San Luis Obispo, California (1987)
  2178. Effects of wind velocity and slope on flame properties (1996)
  2179. Effect of Periodic Burning on Soil Nitrogen Concentrations in Ponderosa Pine (1986)
  2180. Comparative Plant Water Relations and Soil Water Depletion Patterns of Three Seral Shrub Species on Forest Sites in Southwestern Oregon (1997)
  2181. Coast Live Oak Thinning Study in the Central Coast of California (1987)
  2182. Characteristics of Coastal Sage Scrub in Relation to Fire History and Use by California Gnatcatchers (1995)
  2183. Chamise Chaparral Dead Fuel Fraction Is Not Reliably Predicted by Age (1990)
  2184. Burning California Chaparral - An Exploratory Study of Some Common Shrubs and Their Combustion Characteristics (1991)
  2185. Assessing Live Fuel Moisture For Fire Management Applications (1998)
  2186. A simulation study of hardwood rootstock populations in young loblolly pine plantations (1988)
  2187. A Qualitative Comparison of Fire Spread Models Incorporating Wind and Slope Effects (1997)
  2188. Helping Youth in Underserved Communities Envision Possible Futures: A Youth Development Approach in Practice (2004)
  2189. Considering Ethnic Groups in Recreation Provision Decisions (2004)
  2190. Community Impacts from the 2003 Fires in Southern California (2004)
  2191. Soccer Participation and Self-Concept in the Lives of Girls of Color (2004)
  2192. Recreation in Federal Lands in Central and Northern California: A Comparison of Forest-Proximate and Distant Residents (2004)
  2193. Leisure Travel, Vacations, Constraints and Visitation to Natural Area Attractions: A Comparison of Residents of Barcelona, Glasgow, Los Angeles and Morelia, Mexico (2004)
  2194. The Relationship between Wildfires and Tourist Behaviors in Florida: An Exploratory Study (2004)
  2195. Information Needs and Communication Theory at Mono Basin Visitor Center (2004)
  2196. Community Trust in Natural Resource Agencies: Case Studies from Illinois (2004)
  2197. Constraints to Outdoor Recreation among Ethnic and Racial Groups (2004)
  2198. Ethnicity and Urban Park Use: A Cross-Cultural Examination of Recreation Characteristics Among Six Population Subgroups (2004)
  2199. An Interpretive Analysis of the Relationship between Sense of Place and Perceptions of Landscape Change in a Gateway Community (2004)
  2200. Effects of Trail Information on Physical Activity Enjoyment (2004)
  2201. An Analysis of Participation in Bird Watching in the United States (2004)
  2202. Using BAER Reports to Investigate Recreation Impacts of Fire Events (2004)
  2203. Introduction and Welcome Address (2004)
  2204. Linking People to the Outdoors: Connections for Healthy Lands, People and Communities (2004)
  2205. Recreation Connections at the Regional Level: Public Access along the Sacramento River as a Multi-agency Effort (2004)
  2206. A Successful Replication of the River Visitor Inventory and Monitoring Process for Capacity Management (2004)
  2207. Linking Outdoor Recreation and Economic Development: A Feasibility Assessment of the Obed Wild and Scenic River, Tennessee (2004)
  2208. The Utah Trails Initiative: Partnerships, Research, and Action (2004)
  2209. Understanding Great Salt Lake Bird Festival Visitors: Applying the Recreational Specialization Framework (2004)
  2210. Seeing Eye-to-Eye on Natural Resource Management: Trust, Value Similarity, and Action Consistency / Justification (2004)
  2211. Building Connections among Lands, People and Communities: A Case Study of Benefits-Based Management Plan Development for the Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area (2004)
  2212. An Analysis of the Motivations of Oregon's Ranchers to Diversify into Agritourism (2004)
  2213. Learning to Live with Off-Highway Vehicles: Lessons Learned from the Dixie National Forest (2004)
  2214. Visitors' Characteristics, Preferences and Perception of the Impacts of Public Use at Salto Morato Natural Reserve (2004)
  2215. Applying Recreation Survey Results to Recreation Planning for Water-Based Recreation Areas in California (2004)
  2216. The Meaning Associated with the Experience of a Sea Kayaking Adventure among Adults with Visual Impairment (2004)
  2217. An Active Living Perspective on Recreation Research: Examples of Urban Trail Use and Suggestions for Further Involvement (2004)
  2218. Proceedings of the Fourth Social Aspects and Recreation Research Symposium: February 4-6, 2004, San Francisco, California (2004)
  2219. Estimation of crown cover in interior ponderosa pine stands: Effects of thinning and prescribed fire (2005)
  2220. The Charring of Wood During Exposure to Thermal Radiation; Correlation Analysis for Semi-Finite Solids (1956)
  2221. Foraging behavior of bark-foraging birds in the Sierra Nevada (1987)
  2222. Abundance and rates of brood parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds over an elevational gradient in the southern Sierra Nevada (1999)
  2223. Monitoring trends in bird populations: addressing background levels of annual variability in counts (1996)
  2224. A comparison of the breeding ecology of birds nesting in boxes and tree cavities (1997)
  2225. Fluctuating populations of house wrens and Bewick's wrens in foothills of the western Sierra Nevada of California (1999)
  2227. Sex ratios of fledgling and recaptured subadult spotted owls in the southern Sierra Nevada (1995)
  2228. Characteristics of nest trees and nest sites of California spotted owls in coniferous forests of the southern Sierra Nevada (1997)
  2229. Return rates of banded granivores in relation to band color and number of bands worn (1998)
  2230. Nest predators of open and cavity nesting birds in oak woodlands (1999)
  2231. Evaluating avian-habitat relationships models in mixed-conifer forests of the Sierra Nevada (1992)
  2232. Density and Reproductive Success of California Towhees (1998)
  2236. Candidate old-growth on national forest system administered lands in California since the initiation of national forest management. (1985)
  2237. Predicting Effects of Habitat Patchiness and Fragmentation- The Manager's Viewpoint (1986)
  2239. Coordinating timber management activities with raptor nesting habitat requirements (1989)
  2244. California Scenery: The Sierra Nevada Part I (1997)
  2245. Effects of Prescribed Fire on Live Trees and Snags in Eastside Pine Forests in California (1997)
  2247. A Prospectus on Restoring Late Successional Forest Structure to Eastside Pine Ecosystems Through Large-Scale, Interdisciplinary Research (1999)
  2248. Are house counts reliable estimators of dusky-footed woodrat population size? (1999)
  2249. The Reading Railroad (1989)
  2251. A list of Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals of California (1983)
  2252. DYNAST: Simulating Wildlife Responses to Forest-Management Strategies (1986)
  2254. Bendir's Thrasher (1993)
  2255. The California Wildlife/Fish Habitat Relationship System (1982)
  2257. Implications of plantations on wildlife: How can habitat be enhanced? (1997)
  2258. Dead and dying trees: part of a healthy forest (1998)
  2260. Foraging ecology of Nuttall's Woodpecker (1991)
  2261. The termites (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae, Rhinotermitidae, Termitidae) of the British Virgin Islands: Distribution, moisture requirements, and cuticular hydrocarbons. (1997)
  2262. Identification of termite species by the hydrocarbons in their feces. (2005)
  2263. Phylogenetic analyses of mtDNA sequences corroborate taxonomic designations based on cuticular hydrocarbons in subterranean termites. (2005)
  2264. Surface and subsurface sensor performance in acoustically detecting western drywood termites in naturally infested boards. (2005)
  2265. Reticulitermes species in Arizona. (2004)
  2266. William L. Nutting (1922-1992). (2004)
  2267. Subterranean termites. (2003)
  2268. Drywood termites. (2003)
  2269. Giant termite. (2003)
  2270. Dampwood termite. (2003)
  2271. False powderpost or auger beetles. (2003)
  2272. True powderpost beetles. (2003)
  2273. Flight phenology of sympatric populations of Reticulitermes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in northern California: Disparate flight intervals indicate reproductive isolation among cuticular hydrocarbon phenotypes. (2003)
  2274. Agonistic behavior between individual worker termites from three cuticular hydrocarbon phenotypes of Reticulitermes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) from northern California. (2003)
  2275. William L. Nutting (obituary). (2002)
  2276. Longevity of kings and queens and first time of production of fertile progeny in dampwood termite (Isoptera; Termopsidae; Zootermopsis) colonies with different reproductive strategies. (2002)
  2277. Odorant-binding proteins from a primitive termite. (2002)
  2278. An investigation of the insect fauna associated with coarse woody debris of Pinus ponderosa and Aibes concolor in northeastern California. (2002)
  2279. Cuticular hydrocarbons suggest three lineages in Reticulitermes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) from North America. (2002)
  2280. Correspondence of soldier defense secretion mixtures with cuticular hydrocarbon phenotypes for chemotaxonomy of the termite genus Reticulitermes in North America. (2001)
  2281. The role of toilet paper in studies of desert subterranean termites (Isoptera) in Arizona, USA: (2000)
  2282. Lethal effects of electrical shock treatments to the western drywood termite (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) and resulting damage to wooden test boards. (2000)
  2283. Response of Reticulitermes spp. (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in northern California to baiting with Sentricon Termite Colony Elimination System. (2000)
  2284. Agonistic behavior between recently collected and laboratory cultured Reticulitermes spp. (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) from northern California. (2000)
  2285. Modification of cuticular hydrocarbons of Cryptotermes brevis (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) in response to temperature and relative humidity. (2000)
  2286. Laboratory evaluation of microwaves for control of the western drywood termite (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae). (2000)
  2287. Correlation of mitochondrial haplotypes with cuticular hydrocarbon phenotypes of sympatric Reticulitermes species (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) from the southeastern United States. (2000)
  2288. Nest growth and survivorship in three species of Neotropical Nasutitermes (Isoptera: Termitidae). (2000)
  2289. Cuticular hydrocarbons of the termites of the Hawaiian Islands. (2000)
  2290. Size and dispersion of colonies of Reticulitermes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in a wildland and a residential location in northern California. (2000)
  2291. Seasonal foraging and feeding behavior of Reticulitermes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in a wildland and a residential location in northern California. (1999)
  2292. Interfacing basic biology of Reticulitermes spp. and the Sentricon(tm) Termite Colony Elimination System in northern California. (1999)
  2293. Seasonal foraging behavior of Reticulitermes spp. (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in northern California. (1999)
  2294. New cuticular hydrocarbon phenotypes of Reticulitermes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) from the United States. (1999)
  2295. Agonistic behavior and cuticular hydrocarbon phenotypes of colonies of Reticulitermes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) from northern California. (1999)
  2296. Monitoring station for studying populations of Reticulitermes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in California. (1998)
  2297. Consumption of sound and decayed ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir by Reticulitermes spp. (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) from northern California. (1998)
  2298. Insects and ecosystem management. (1997)
  2299. Cuticular hydrocarbons of Reticulitermes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) from northern California indicate undescribed species. (1997)
  2300. Cuticular hydrocarbons of the termites of the British Virgin Islands (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae, Rhinotermitidae, Termitidae). (1997)
  2301. Field comparison of sand or insecticide barriers for control of Reticulitermes spp. (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) infestations in homes in northern California. (1996)
  2302. An assessment of the taxonomy of Reticulitermes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) from the southeastern United States based on cuticular hydrocarbons. (1996)
  2303. Long-awaited nonchemical alternatives to drywood termite control study completed. (1996)
  2304. Hydrocarbons of Nasutitermes acajutlae and a comparison of methodologies for sampling cuticular hydrocarbons of Carribean termites for taxonomic and ecological studies. (1996)
  2305. Metasystox-R applied in Mauget injectors ineffective for protection of individual ponderosa pines from western pine beetles. (1996)
  2306. Evaluation of six techniques for control of the western drywood termite (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) in structures. J. Econ. Entomol. 89: 922-934. (1996)
  2307. Associations between termites and bromeliads in two dry tropical habitats. Biotropica 28: 781-785. (1996)
  2308. Intercaste, intercolony, and temporal variation in cuticular hydrocarbons of Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). (1996)
  2309. Antillean termite named for a locality in Central America: (1996)
  2310. Wood-boring beetles concern climbs with damage level. (1994)
  2311. Taxonomy and biogeography of Nasutitermes acajutlae and N. nigriceps (Isoptera: Termitidae) in the Caribbean and Central America. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 87: 762-770. (1994)
  2312. Efficacy of esfenvalerate for control of insects harmful to seed production in disease-resistant western white pines. (1994)
  2313. Distribution and biogeography of the North American termite Genus Zooterpmopsis (Isoptera: Termopsidae). (1993)
  2314. Cuticular hydrocarbons for species determination of tropical termites (1992)
  2315. A review of intercolony, intraspecific and interspecific agonism in termites. (1991)
  2316. Preliminary investigations of the cuticular hydrocarbons of Reticulitermes and Coptotermes (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) for chemosystematic studies. (1991)
  2317. Experience with insecticides for control of Mindarus victoria Essig: (1991)
  2318. Allozymic relationships among cuticular hydrocarbon phenotypes of Zootermopsis species (Isoptera: Termopsidae). (1991)
  2319. Proceedings of the Symposium on Current Research on Wood-destroying Organisms and Future Prospects for Protecting Wood in Use (1991)
  2320. An assessment of the potential uses of agonistic behaviors in termite control. (1991)
  2321. Cuticular hydrocarbons: (1991)
  2322. Agonistic behavior among colonies of the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), from Florida and Hawaii: (1991)
  2323. Insecticides effectively control an aphid pest of white fir seedlings. (1990)
  2324. Surface hydrocarbon components of two species of Nasutitermes from Trinidad. (1990)
  2325. Cuticular hydrocarbons as chemotaxonomic characters for bark beetles: (1990)
  2326. Cuticular hydrocarbons of four populations of Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki in the United States. (1990)
  2327. Cuticular hydrocarbons of eight species of North American cone beetles, Conophthorus Hopkins. (1990)
  2328. Concentration-dependent presoldier induction and feeding deterrency: (1989)
  2329. Value of cuticular hydrocarbons for identifying morphologically similar species of pine cone beetles. (1989)
  2330. Agonistic behavior correlated with hydrocarbon phenotypes in dampwood termites, Zootermopsis (Isoptera: Termopsidae). (1989)
  2331. Accurate identification of Zootermopsis species (Isoptera: Termopsidae) based on a mandible character of nonsoldier castes. (1989)
  2332. Insecticide residues on pine bark: (1989)
  2333. Influence of host genotype on Douglas-fir seed losses to Contarinia oregonensis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) and Megastigmus spermotrophus (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) in western Oregon. (1989)
  2334. Douglas-fir seed orchard management: (1988)
  2335. Protection of disease-resistant western white pine seed crops from insect damage. (1988)
  2336. Cuticular hydrocarbons of the dampwood termites, Zootermopsis: (1988)
  2337. Characterization of slow-acting insecticides for the remedial control of the Formosan subterranean termite (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). (1987)
  2338. Physical and chemical alteration of soil by two subterranean termite species in a Sonoran desert grassland. (1986)
  2339. Response of Douglas-fir cone gall midge and Douglas-fir seed chalcid to host genotype. (1986)
  2340. Impact and monitoring methodology for insects in western white pine seed orchards. (1986)
  2341. Protection of blister rust-resistant western white pine cones from insect damage with permethrin and fenvalerate. (1986)
  2342. Single and multiple applications of fenvalerate to protect western white pine from Dioryctria abietivorella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). (1986)
  2343. Order Isoptera--Termites. (1985)
  2344. Effects of three insect growth regulators, feeding substrates, and colony origin, on survival and presoldier production in laboratory experimental groups of the Formosan subterranean termite (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). (1985)
  2345. Cone and seed insects in Douglas-fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco, seed orchards in the western United States: Distribution and relative impact. Can. (1985)
  2346. Residual activity of carbaryl protected lodgepole pine against mountain pine beetle, Dillon, Colorado, 1982 and 1983. (1985)
  2347. Effective residual life of carbaryl for protecting ponderosa pine from attack by western pine beetle. (1985)
  2348. Effectiveness of fenitrothion and permethrin for protecting ponderosa pine trees from attack by the western pine beetle. (1984)
  2349. Foraging behavior of the Formosan subterranean termite. (1984)
  2350. Time trends in mortality of Conophthorus ponderosae Hopkins exposed to insecticide residues. (1984)
  2351. Cones of blister rust-resistant western white pine protected from Conophthorus ponderosae Hopkins (= C. monticolae Hopkins). (1984)
  2352. Estimation of cumulative change of state with the Weibull function. (1983)
  2353. A dye, Sudan Red 7B, as a marking material for foraging studies with the Formosan subterranean termite. (1983)
  2354. Drift and worker exposure resulting from two methods of applying insecticides to pine bark. (1983)
  2355. Estimation of rates and times of application for selected insect growth regulator formulations applied to western spruce budworm. (1982)
  2356. The effectiveness of carbaryl and chlorpyrifos for protecting ponderosa pine trees from attack by western pine beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). (1982)
  2357. Laboratory evaluation of within-species, between-species, and parthenogenetic reproduction in Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) and R. virginicus (Banks). (1982)
  2358. The effect of behavior in the evaluation of insecticides for prevention of or remedial control of the Formosan subterranean termite. (1982)
  2359. Sensitivity of selected nontarget insects to the carrier of Dipel 4L in the laboratory. (1982)
  2360. Laboratory bioassays for selecting candidate insecticides and application rates for field tests on western spruce budworm. (1982)
  2361. Comparative toxicity of three formulations of phosmet to western spruce budworm, 1980. (1982)
  2362. Seasonal variation in caste proportions of field colonies of Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar). (1981)
  2363. Multiphase laboratory bioassays to select chemicals for field-testing on the western spruce budworm. (1981)
  2364. Residual toxicity of eleven insecticide formulations to the mountain pine cone beetle, Conophthorus monticolae Hopkins. (1981)
  2365. Reproductives in mature colonies of Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar): (1981)
  2366. Production of soldiers and maintenance of soldier proportions in laboratory experimental groups of Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) and R. virginicus (Banks). (1981)
  2367. Comparative toxicity of technical Orthene and Orthene 75S to western spruce budworm and Douglas-fir tussock moth, 1979. (1981)
  2368. Insects injurious to unfinished and finished wood products. (1979)
  2369. Termites and juvenile hormone analogues: (1979)
  2370. Selection of tunnelling substrates for laboratory studies with three subterranean termite species. (1979)
  2371. Effects of insect growth regulators on subterranean termites: (1979)
  2372. Comparison of feeding substrates for evaluating effects of insect growth regulators on subterranean termites. (1979)
  2373. Soldier production and maintenance of soldier proportions in laboratory experimental groups of Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki. (1979)
  2374. Defaunation, mortality and soldier differentiation: (1978)
  2375. Termite swarming and local weather patterns: (1977)
  2376. The proportion of soldiers in termite colonies: (1977)
  2377. You can protect your home from termites. (1977)
  2378. Environmental factors correlated with foraging behavior of a desert subterranean termite, Gnathamitermes perplexus (Banks) (Isoptera:Termitidae). (1976)
  2379. Seasonal production of alates by five species of termites in an Arizona desert grassland. (1976)
  2380. Termites. (1976)
  2381. A comparison of two techniques for determining abundance of subterranean termites in an Arizona desert grassland. (1976)
  2382. Environmental factors affecting the geographical distribution of two ecologically equivalent termite species in Arizona. (1976)
  2383. A simulation of wood consumption by the subterranean termite, Heterotermes aureus (Snyder), in an Arizona desert grassland. (1975)
  2384. Natural wood preferences of desert termites. (1975)
  2385. Density, dispersion, and composition of desert termite foraging populations and their relationship to superficial dead wood. (1975)
  2386. Density of colonies and spatial distribution of foraging territories of the desert subterranean termite, Heterotermes aureus (Snyder). (1975)
  2387. Seasonal activity and environmental control of foraging of the subterranean termite, Heterotermes aureus (Snyder), in a desert grassland. (1974)
  2388. Natural wood-consumption rates and survival of a dry-wood and a subterranean termite at constant temperatures. (1974)
  2389. High temperature tolerance in two species of subterranean termites in the Sonoran Desert in Arizona. (1973)
  2390. Desert subterranean termites: (1973)
  2391. Foraging behavior of two species of subterranean termites in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona. (1973)
  2392. Circadian sensitivity and dosage rate response to X-irradiation in the pink bollworm. (1970)
  2393. Rainbow trout responses to water temperature and dissolved oxygen stress in two southern California stream pools (1997)
  2394. Eradication of non-native fish from a small mountain lake: gill netting as a non-toxic alternative to the use of rotenone.  (1998)
  2395. Effects of stream channel morphology on golden trout spawning habitat and recruitment. (1998)
  2396. A telemetric study of the movement patterns and habitat use of Rana muscosa, the mountain yellow-legged frog, in a high-elevation basin in Kings Canyon National Park, California (1999)
  2397. Non-native fish introductions and the decline of the mountain yellow-legged frog from within protected areas (2000)
  2398. Movement ecology and seasonal distribution of mountain yellow-legged frogs, Rana muscosa, in a high-elevation Sierra Nevada basin. (2001)
  2399. Resistance and resilience of alpine lake fauna to fish introductions (2001)
  2400. Effects of non-native trout on Pacific treefrogs (Hyla regilla) in the Sierra Nevada. (2001)
  2401. Garter snakes distributions in high elevation aquatic ecosystems: Is there a link with declining amphibian populations and nonnative trout introductions? (2002)
  2402. Developing probabilistic models to predict amphibian site occupancy in a patchy landscape (2003)
  2403. The response of Rana muscosa, the mountain yellow-legged frog, to short distance translocations. (2003)
  2404. Logging effects on soil moisture losses (1978)
  2405. A statistical approach to instrument calibration (1978)
  2406. Current status of experimental paired-watershed research in the USDA Forest Service (2000)
  2407. What have we learned, and what is new in watershed science? (1997)
  2408. Erosion and sedimentation control on roads and construction sites in the Federated States of Micronesia (1991)
  2409. Evaluating sediment production by activities related to forest uses--a northwest perspective (1993)
  2410. Chapter 3. Hydrology (1998)
  2411. "Streamflow and sediment response to logging, California, USA" (1998)
  2412. Hydrologic consequences of logging second-growth redwood watersheds (1996)
  2413. Caspar Creek study (1966)
  2414. Effects of logging on streamflow, sedimentation, fish life, and fish habitat in the north coast redwood-Douglas-fir type - Jackson State Forest, Fort Bragg, California (1965)
  2415. Chapter Seven. Forestry and anadromous fish (1991)
  2416. Measuring soil moisture near soil surface ... minor differences due to neutron source type (1967)
  2417. Subsurface pipeflow dynamics of north-coastal California swale systems (1987)
  2418. Drosera regia (1980)
  2419. Watershed assessment-watershed analysis: What are the limits and what must be considered (2000)
  2420. Stormflow response to roadbuilding and partial cutting in small streams of northern California (1981)
  2421. Caspar Creek (2001)
  2422. Scale considerations for linking hillslopes to aquatic habitats (2004)
  2423. Translocation of 14-C in ponderosa pine seedlings (1971)
  2424. Some personal observations on cultivating the Heliamphora (1979)
  2425. Soil moisture and groundwater recharge under a mixed conifer forest (1978)
  2426. The role of vegetation in the stability of forested slopes (1981)
  2427. Some scale considerations for watercourse restoration and rehabilitation (1999)
  2428. Soil erosion and management activities on forested slopes (1986)
  2429. Logging upon forested areas of high recreational value (1958)
  2430. Root (Botany) (1981)
  2431. Carnivorous plants in Micronesia (1988)
  2432. An apparatus to measure the crosscut shearing strength of roots (1978)
  2433. Chapter 6. Temporal and spatial scales (1997)
  2434. Evaporation and transpiration (1979)
  2435. In search of Drosera anglica (1973)
  2436. Effect of logging on streamflow, sedimentation, and fish habitat (1968)
  2437. Response of progressive hillslope deformation to precipitation (1984)
  2438. Preface (1998)
  2439. Summer evapotranspiration trends as related to time after logging of forests in Sierra Nevada (1964)
  2440. Summer evapotranspiration trends as related to time following logging of high elevation forest stands in Sierra Nevada (1963)
  2441. Watershed rehabilitation: a process view (1981)
  2442. Flooding and stormflows (1998)
  2443. "Keynote address, Theme 4, Management of steepland erosion: an overview" (1981)
  2444. Soil moisture depletion patterns around scattered trees (1968)
  2445. Monitoring watersheds and streams (1998)
  2446. Measurement of soil creep by inclinometer (1977)
  2447. Water yields from forests: an agnostic view (1987)
  2448. Some field observations of Darlingtonia and Pinguicula (1973)
  2449. 25. Cumulative effects assessment impact thresholds: myths and realities (1994)
  2450. "Hydrologic effects of forest harvest in northwestern California, USA" (2000)
  2451. Mass erosion and forest management (1982)
  2452. Root strength changes after logging in southeast Alaska (1977)
  2453. Tracking rainfall impulses through progressively larger drainage basins in steep forested terrain (1990)
  2454. Modeling the cumulative watershed effects of forest management strategies (1991)
  2455. Long-term sedimentation effects of different patterns of timber harvesting (1991)
  2456. The Caspar Creek watersheds: a case study of cumulative effects in a small coastal basin in northern California (1991)
  2457. An approach to evaluating the long-term effects of land use on landslides, erosion, and stream channels (1991)
  2458. The Caspar Creek Watersheds--a case study (1990)
  2459. Influence of rainfall on hillslope movement (1984)
  2460. Effect of logging on subsurface pipeflow and erosion: coastal northern California, USA (1992)
  2461. Roots and the stability of forested slopes (1981)
  2462. Logging effects on streamflow: storm runoff at Caspar Creek in northwestern California (1990)
  2463. Changes in storm hydrographs after roadbuilding and selective logging on a coastal watershed in northern California (1985)
  2464. Hydrologic properties of one major and two minor soil series of the Coast Ranges of northern California (1981)
  2465. Managing forests on unstable lands (1978)
  2466. Effects of an introduced piscivorous fish on native benthic fishes in a coastal river (2001)
  2467. "Habitat separation of prickly sculpin, Cottus asper, and coastrange sculpin, Cottus aleuticus, in the mainstem Smith River, northwestern California" (1999)
  2468. Logging roads and aquatic habitat protection in the California redwoods (2002)
  2469. Caspar Creek, what have we learned, what can we learn from this project? (1981)
  2470. Caspar Creek watershed study--a current status report (1977)
  2471. A comparison of selection at list time and time-stratified sampling for estimating suspended sediment loads (1993)
  2472. A new model for bed load sampler calibration to replace the probability-matching method (1993)
  2473. An evaluation of flow-stratified sampling for estimating suspended sediment loads (1995)
  2474. Contamination of successive samples in portable pumping systems (1983)
  2475. "Problems in determining the return of a watershed to pretreatment conditions: techniques applied to a study at Caspar Creek, California" (1990)
  2476. Estimating total suspended sediment yield with probability sampling (1985)
  2477. Measuring suspended sediment in small mountain streams (1985)
  2478. Measuring sediment yields of storms using PSALT (1988)
  2479. Calibrating SALT: a sampling scheme to improve estimates of suspended sediment yield (1986)
  2480. Monitoring baseline suspended sediment in forested basins: the effects of sampling on suspended sediment rating curves (1988)
  2481. Systematic sampling for suspended sediment (1991)
  2482. Piecewise SALT sampling for estimating suspended sediment yields (1989)
  2483. Monitoring and sampling (1991)
  2484. “Artificial intelligence” at streamgaging stations (1985)
  2485. SALT - a better way of estimating suspended sediment (1984)
  2486. Constituent loads in small streams: the process and problems of estimating sediment flux (1989)
  2487. "Rate and mechanics of progressive hillslope failure in the Redwood Creek basin, northwestern California" (1995)
  2488. Mass failures and other processes of sediment production in Pacific northwest forest landscapes (1987)
  2489. Effects of forest harvesting on large organic debris in coastal streams (1996)
  2490. Stream channels: The link between forests and fishes (1987)
  2491. The influence of tree morphology on stemflow in a redwood region second-growth forest (2002)
  2492. Pilot monitoring program: geologic input for the hillslope component (includes a discussion of Caspar Creek geology and geomorphology) (1995)
  2493. Interactions between sediment storage and bed material transport: A field and flume study (2002)
  2494. Effects of timber harvesting on the lag time of Caspar Creek watershed (1985)
  2495. "Visit to Caspar Creek, northern California" (1989)
  2496. "Investigations of salmon and steelhead trout downstream migrations in Caspar Creek and Little River, Mendocino County, March-July, 1993" (1993)
  2497. Caspar Creek project stream ecology phase progress report, July 1, 1965 - June 30, 1966 (1966)
  2498. "Forest management effects on erosion, sediment, and runoff: Lessons from Caspar Creek and northwestern California" (2001)
  2499. Evaluating forest management effects on erosion, sediment, and runoff: Caspar Creek and northwestern California (2004)
  2500. A watershed's response to logging and roads: South Fork of Caspar Creek, California, 1967-1976 (1979)
  2501. A risk analysis approach for using discriminant functions to manage logging-related landslides on granitic terrain (1985)
  2502. Predicting landslides in clearcut patches (1982)
  2503. Estimating erosion risks associated with logging and forest roads in northwestern California (1991)
  2504. Summary and synthesis: Cumulative impacts (1987)
  2505. Where do we go from here? (1998)
  2506. Sediment delivery in the North Fork of Caspar Creek (1996)
  2507. Forest management to minimize landslide risk (1977)
  2508. Why Caspar Creek -- then and now? (1998)
  2509. Sedimentation in the chaparral: how do you handle unusual events? (1982)
  2510. Studies of two cumulative effects riddles (1989)
  2511. Slope stability effects of fuel management strategies -- inferences from Monte Carlo simulations (1982)
  2512. Cumulative effects of forest management activities: how might they occur? (1985)
  2513. Estimating sedimentation from an erosion-hazard rating (1977)
  2514. Erosional consequences of timber harvesting: An appraisal (1972)
  2515. Site conditions related to erosion on logging roads (1985)
  2516. Identifying unstable sites on logging roads (1986)
  2517. Potential streamflow changes from forest decline due to air pollution (1988)
  2518. The limits on the usefulness of erosion hazard ratings (1984)
  2519. "Erosion and soil displacement related to timber harvesting in northwestern California, U.S.A." (1984)
  2520. Erosion associated with cable and tractor logging in northwestern California (1981)
  2521. Using landslide risk analysis to protect fish habitat (1986)
  2522. "Social, technological, and research responses to potential erosion and sediment disasters in the western United States, with examples from California" (1985)
  2523. Reviews of Theme 3: Human impact on erosion and sediment yield in steeplands (1981)
  2524. Common and uncommon sense about erosional processes in mountain lands (1981)
  2525. The distribution of hillslope-channel interactions in a rangeland watershed (1998)
  2526. Cumulative watershed effects: Can they be measured? What have we learned from the Caspar Creek studies in northern California? (1991)
  2527. Cumulative impacts: current research and current opinions at PSW (1987)
  2528. 3. Evaluation of unstable lands for interagency watershed analysis (1994)
  2529. What a long strange trip it's been - or - who took the synthesis out of analysis? (1996)
  2530. Watershed analysis in the federal arena (1994)
  2531. Watershed analysis on federal lands of the Pacific northwest (1994)
  2532. 4. What do we need to know about roads? (1994)
  2533. 2. Evaluating the biological significance of intermittent streams (1994)
  2534. 5. Basin assessment and watershed analysis (1994)
  2535. Buffering the buffer (1998)
  2536. On the use of regional channel-based indicators for monitoring (1998)
  2537. Review of the Final EIS/EIR and HCP/SYP for the Headwaters Forest Project (1999)
  2538. Watershed analysis --- whatever that is (1994)
  2539. Evaluating and mapping sources and temporary storage areas of sediment (1982)
  2540. "So what, exactly, is a CWE?" (1991)
  2541. The Use of Flow Charts in Sediment Routing Analysis (1982)
  2542. 6. Monitoring and the Northwest Forest Plan (1994)
  2543. "Review of the Sustained Yield Plan / Habitat Conservation Plan for the properties of The Pacific Lumber Company, Scotia Pacific Holding Company, and Salmon Creek Corporation" (1998)
  2544. Chapter 19. Cumulative watershed effects and watershed analysis (1998)
  2545. "Time, space, and redwood trees" (1996)
  2546. Cumulative watershed effects: Then and now (2001)
  2547. Cumulative watershed effects: Caspar Creek and beyond (1998)
  2548. A brief overview of channel monitoring in land management: Five case studies. Case study #1 (1999)
  2549. Approaching messy problems: strategies for environmental analysis (1996)
  2550. Unpublished response to an inquiry from California State Senator Byron Sher (1998)
  2551. Review of: Methods to complete watershed analysis on Pacific Lumber lands in Northern California (1999)
  2552. Implications of the USGS analysis of slope stability at Sulphur Creek (1998)
  2553. Review of: An analysis of flooding in Elk River and Freshwater Creek watersheds, Humboldt County, California (prepared by The Pacific Lumber Company, Scotia, California) (1999)
  2554. Research and cumulative watershed effects (1993)
  2555. Forest Practice Rules and cumulative watershed impacts in California (1999)
  2556. Enabling interdisciplinary analysis (1996)
  2557. Forest roads, chronic turbidity, and salmon (1998)
  2558. Calculation of average landslide frequency using climatic records (1998)
  2559. Temperature-dependent interactions between juvenile steelhead and Sacramento pikeminnow in laboratory streams (2002)
  2560. Movement rules for individual-based models of stream fish (1999)
  2561. Population-level analysis and validation of an individual-based cutthroat trout model (2002)
  2562. Individual-based model formulation for cutthroat trout, Little Jones Creek, California (2001)
  2563. Analysis of habitat-selection rules using an individual-based model (2002)
  2564. New developments in ecological hydrology expand research opportunities (1998)
  2565. Winter food habits of coastal juvenile steelhead and coho salmon in Pudding Creek, northern California (1993)
  2566. Caspar Creek: discovering how watersheds respond to logging (1993)
  2567. North Fork Caspar Creek stream biology study (1991)
  2568. The importance of root strength and deterioration rates upon edaphic stability in steepland forests (1982)
  2569. Coarse woody debris ecology in a second-growth Sequoia sempervirens forest stream (1989)
  2570. Bankfull discharge and sediment transport in northwestern California (1987)
  2571. Thermally stratified pools and their use by steelhead in northern California streams (1994)
  2572. Estimating risk of debris slides after timber harvest in northwestern California (1990)
  2573. A history of logging in the Caspar Creek basin (1989)
  2574. Sediment transport and storage in North Fork Caspar Creek, Mendocino County, California: water years 1980-1988 (1996)
  2575. Persistence of historical logging impacts on channel form in mainstem North Fork Caspar Creek (1998)
  2576. Effects of timber harvest on aquatic vertebrates and habitat in the North Fork Caspar Creek (1998)
  2577. Characteristics of pools used by adult summer steelhead oversummering in the New River, California (1994)
  2578. Publications related to Caspar Creek (1998)
  2579. 2000 Effects of 1997 debris floods in two Klamath Mountain streams: A large woody debris mass-balance approach (2000)
  2580. Large wood recruitment and redistribution in headwater streams in the southern Oregon Coast Range, U.S.A. (2003)
  2581. Processes and rates of sediment and wood accumulation in the headwater streams of the Oregon Coast Range, U.S.A. (2003)
  2582. Debris flows through different forest age classes in the central Oregon Coast Range (2002)
  2583. Longitudinal variation in suspended sediment and turbidity of two undisturbed streams in northwestern California in relation to the monitoring of water quality above and below a land disturbance (1990)
  2584. Fine sediment in pools: An index of how sediment is affecting a stream channel (1991)
  2585. Channel processes and watershed function (1999)
  2586. Evolution of a sediment wave in an experimental channel (1997)
  2587. Variability of bed mobility in natural, gravel-bed channels and adjustments to sediment load at local and reach scales (2000)
  2588. Effects of recent logging on the main channel of North Fork Caspar Creek (1998)
  2589. Effects of sediment transport on survival of salmonid embryos in a natural stream: A simulation approach (1992)
  2590. Response of a channel with alternate bars to a decrease in supple of mixed-size bedload: A flume experiment (1993)
  2591. Formation of stationary alternate bars in a steep channel with mixed-size sediment: a flume experiment (1991)
  2592. Fine bed material in pools of natural gravel bed channels (1999)
  2593. The volume of fine sediment in pools: An index of sediment supply in gravel-bed streams (1992)
  2594. Methods to measure sedimentation of spawning gravels (1991)
  2595. The dominance of dispersion in the evolution of bed material waves in gravel-bed rivers (2001)
  2596. Sediment transfer-storage relations for degrading alluvial reservoirs (2001)
  2597. Sediment transport-storage relations for degrading, gravel bed channels (2002)
  2598. Sediment transport-storage functions for alluvial reservoirs (2000)
  2599. The fate of large sediment inputs in rivers: Implications for watershed and waterway management (2000)
  2600. The Eel River, northwestern California; high sediment yields from a dynamic landscape (1990)
  2601. Sediment transport and resulting deposition in spawning gravels, north coastal California (1989)
  2602. Effects of aggradation and degradation on riffle-pool morphology in natural gravel channels, northwestern California (1982)
  2603. Effects of woody debris on anadromous salmonid habitat, Prince of Wales Island, southeast Alaska (1986)
  2604. Channel recovery from recent large floods in north coastal California: rates and processes (1981)
  2605. Particle size variations between bed load and bed material in natural gravel bed channels (1995)
  2606. Channel-dynamic control on the establishment of riparian trees after large floods in northwestern California (1989)
  2607. Stabilization of a gravel channel by large streamside obstructions and bedrock bends, Jacoby Creek, northwestern California (1996)
  2608. Understanding the role of sediment waves and channel conditions over time and space (1997)
  2609. Effects of coarse woody debris and its removal on a channel affected by the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, Washington (1995)
  2610. The role of structure in the physical habitat of anadromous salmonids (1983)
  2611. A sorting mechanism for a riffle-pool sequence (1979)
  2612. Dynamic transport capacity in gravel-bed river systems (2003)
  2613. Response of bed mobility to sediment supply in natural gravel bed channels: A detailed examination and evaluation of mobility parameters (1998)
  2614. Spatial variation in armouring in a channel with high sediment supply (1992)
  2615. The Caspar Creek Experimental Watershed (1979)
  2616. How much dead wood in channels is enough? (2002)
  2617. Overview: Channel morphology and sediment transport in steepland streams (1987)
  2618. Recovery of aggraded stream channels at gauging stations in northern California and southern Oregon (1981)
  2619. Review of: "Hydrologic Change Module (HCM)for PALCO lands dated 12 August 1999, posted at “" (1999)
  2620. Impacts of logging on storm peak flows, flow volumes and suspended sediment loads in Caspar Creek, California (2001)
  2621. Turbidity threshold sampling program (TTS) (2002)
  2622. Research in the Caspar Creek Experimental Watersheds, Northern California (2000)
  2623. Turbidity-controlled suspended sediment sampling (1996)
  2624. Turbidity threshold sampling for suspended sediment load estimation (2001)
  2625. Automatic real-time control of suspended sediment based upon high frequency in situ measurements of nephelometric turbidity (1998)
  2626. Statistical package for improved analysis of hillslope monitoring data collected as part of the Board of Forestry's long-term monitoring program (1997)
  2627. Estimation of suspended sediment flux in streams using continuous turbidity and flow data coupled with laboratory concentrations (2002)
  2628. Changes in storm peak flows after clearcut logging (1997)
  2629. Stemflow estimation in a redwood forest using model-based stratified random sampling (2003)
  2630. The potential for error in sampling (2000)
  2631. Evaluating the impacts of logging activities on erosion and suspended sediment transport in the Caspar Creek watersheds (1998)
  2632. An improved bedload sampler (1991)
  2633. Turbidity-controlled suspended sediment sampling for runoff-event load estimation (1996)
  2634. Quantifying recent erosion and sediment delivery using probability sampling: A case study (2002)
  2635. Turbidity-controlled sampling for suspended sediment load estimation (2003)
  2636. Estimating erosion risk on forest lands using improved methods of discriminant analysis (1990)
  2637. A simulation model for the infiltration of heterogeneous sediment into a stream bed (1993)
  2638. Habitat utilization, density, and growth of steelhead trout, coho salmon, and Pacific giant salamander in relation to habitat types in a small coastal redwood stream (1994)
  2639. Road construction on Caspar Creek watersheds --- 10-year report on impact (1973)
  2640. Water quality of some logged and unlogged California streams (1971)
  2641. Status of natural resources in Redwood Creek basin, Redwood National Park (1975)
  2642. Changes in soil moisture and pore pressure after harvesting a forested hillslope in northern California (1994)
  2643. Logging effects on streamflow: water yields and summer flows at Caspar Creek in northwestern California (1990)
  2644. Effects of forest management on streamflow, sediment yield, and erosion, Caspar Creek Experimental Watersheds (2003)
  2645. Hillslope hydrology research at Caspar Creek (1991)
  2646. Subsurface drainage processes and management impacts (1998)
  2647. The effects of selective logging on low flows and water yield in a coastal stream in northern California (1986)
  2648. The summer flow and water yield response to timber harvest (1998)
  2649. Caspar Creek study completion report (1967)
  2650. First progress report, 1961-1962, cooperative watershed management in the lower conifer zone of California (1962)
  2651. Measuring the fraction of pool volume filled with fine sediment (1993)
  2652. The effects of logging road construction on insect drop into a small coastal stream (1969)
  2653. Caspar Creek Watershed Study--North Fork Phase, Jackson Demonstration State Forest, Status and Plans, 1983-1990 (1985)
  2654. Using global positioning system technology for watershed mapping in Caspar Creek (1991)
  2655. Overview of the Caspar Creek watershed study (1998)
  2656. New growth and yield data on Caspar third growth (1999)
  2657. Habitat relationships and larval drift of native and nonindigenous fishes in neighboring tributaries of a coastal California river (2002)
  2658. The influence of large woody debris and a bankfull flood on movement of adult resident coastal cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki) during fall and winter (1999)
  2659. Effects of steelhead density on growth of Coho salmon in a small coastal California stream (1996)
  2660. Habitat-dependent interactions between two size-classes of juvenile steelhead in a small stream (1997)
  2661. Diel and seasonal movements by adult Sacramento pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus grandis) in the Eel River, northwestern California (1999)
  2662. Scour of chinook salmon redds on suction dredge tailings (1999)
  2663. Effects of suction dredging on streams: a review and an evaluation strategy (1998)
  2664. The influence of large woody debris on retention, immigration, and growth of coastal cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki clarki) in stream pools (1998)
  2665. Effects of timber harvesting on the lag time of a Caspar Creek watershed...a study in progress (1982)
  2666. Forest roads: A synthesis of scientific information (2001)
  2667. Comparison of the yields of downstream migrant salmonids before and after logging and road construction on the South Fork Caspar Creek, Mendocino County (1970)
  2668. Effects of neutron source type on soil moisture measurement (1967)
  2669. Predicting landslides related to clearcut logging, northwestern California, U.S.A. (1983)
  2670. Simulation of partially saturated - saturated flow in the Caspar Creek E-road groundwater system (2000)
  2671. A one-dimensional model of subsurface hillslope flow (1997)
  2672. Turbidity threshold sampling: Methods and instrumentation (2001)
  2673. Turbidity Threshold sampling in watershed research (2003)
  2674. Continuous turbidity monitoring in streams of northwestern California (2002)
  2675. Evaluation of a depth proportional intake device for automatic pumping samplers (1983)
  2676. Means and method of sampling flow related variables from a waterway in an accurate manner using a programmable calculator (1987)
  2677. Controlling suspended sediment samplers by programmable calculator and interface circuitry (1985)
  2678. Controlling sediment collection with data loggers (1991)
  2679. Dispersion of kaolinite by dissolved organic matter from Douglas-fir roots (1984)
  2680. Landslides and the weathering of granitic rocks (1977)
  2681. Subsurface drainage erodes forested granitic terrane (1984)
  2682. Extinction risk assessment: integrating genetic information (1999)
  2683. Hydrologic responses of large drainage to clearcutting: a modeling perspective (1997)
  2684. Turbidity-threshold sampling in the Freshwater watershed (2002)
  2685. Construction of sediment budgets for drainage basins (1982)
  2686. Caspar Creek ecology project: annual report, 1967-68 (1968)
  2687. Preliminary report of progress on the stream ecology phase of the Caspar Creek project, June to December, 1965 (1965)
  2688. Annual report, 1966-67, stream ecology phase of the Caspar Creek project (1967)
  2689. Channel incision and suspended sediment delivery at Caspar Creek, Mendocino County, California (2003)
  2690. Gully development in tributaries to Caspar Creek, Northern California Coast Range (2002)
  2691. USDA Forest Service watershed analyses: A lesson in interdisciplinary natural resource management (1999)
  2692. DEBRIS: A computer program for analyzing channel cross sections (1988)
  2693. Sedimentation in Rio La Venta Canyon in Netzahualcoyotl Reservoir, Chiapas, Mexico (2000)
  2694. Effects of forest harvest on biogeochemical processes in the Caspar Creek watershed (1998)
  2695. Effects of forest harvest on stream-water quality and nitrogen cycling in the Caspar Creek watershed (1998)
  2696. Sediment pulses in mountain rivers. Part 2. Comparison between experiments and numerical predictions (2003)
  2697. Sediment pulses in mountain rivers. Part 1. Experiments (2003)
  2698. Experiments on sediment pulses in mountain rivers (1998)
  2699. Parlin Creek large woody debris placement project (1999)
  2700. Cumulative effects of logging road sediment on salmonid populations in the Clearwater River, Jefferson County, Washington (1981)
  2701. Impact of forest management on coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) populations of the Clearwater River, Washington: A project summary (1987)
  2702. The Caspar Creek Watershed Study Completes 40 Years of Research (2003)
  2703. Coho salmon and steelhead trout of JDSF (1989)
  2704. Logging impacts of the 1970's vs. the 1990's in the Caspar Creek watershed (1998)
  2705. Temperature regimes of small streams along the Mendocino coast (1990)
  2706. Update on the Caspar Creek watershed study (1987)
  2707. Graduate theses produced from research conducted on Jackson Demonstration State Forest (1990)
  2708. The North Fork of Caspar Creek: a cooperative venture between CDF and USFS (1984)
  2709. The carrying capacity for juvenile salmonids in some northern California streams (1971)
  2710. Spawning bed sedimentation studies in northern California streams (1970)
  2711. Some effects of logging and associated road construction on northern California streams (1972)
  2712. A summary of the Caspar Creek watershed study (1965)
  2713. An analysis of transient flow in upland watersheds: interactions between structure and process  (1995)
  2714. The effects of clearcut logging on stream biology of the North Fork of Caspar Creek, Jackson Demonstration State Forest, Fort Bragg, CA--1986 to 1994  (1996)
  2715. Soil moisture  (1971)
  2716. Yurok Redwood Experimental Forest  (1983)
  2717. Two new species of Chloroperlidae (Plecoptera) from California  (1997)
  2718. Caspar Creek ecology project, annual report, 1968-69 (1969)
  2719. Caspar Creek ecology project, annual report, 1969-70  (1970)
  2720. Hetten and Tompkins paired watershed study: turbidity and SSC from paired managed and unmanaged watersheds  (1996)
  2721. Timber harvest and logging plan for the South Fork of the Caspar Creek watershed  (1970)
  2722. Caspar Creek Phase II: Discovering how watersheds respond to logging (1993)
  2723. Caspar Creek: how a northwestern California watershed responds to logging (1988)
  2724. Evaporative loss from soil, native vegetation, and snow as affected by hexadecanol (1963)
  2725. Logging and forest roads related to increased debris slides in southwestern Oregon (1985)
  2726. Storm hydrograph comparisons of subsurface pipe and stream channel discharge in a small, forested watershed in northern California (1992)
  2727. Erosion and sedimentation concerns related to hardwood management in California (1989)
  2728. Effect of tree roots on a shear zone: modeling reinforced shear stress.  (1991)
  2729. Prediction method of sediment discharge from forested basin (2000)
  2730. VIII-9 Tree root effect in preventing landslide on the bottom and circumference  (1986)
  2731. Effect of date of cone collection and stratification period on germination and growth of Douglas-fir seeds and seedlings (1980)
  2732. Can Southern California Wildland Conflagrations be Stopped? (1974)
  2733. Social trust and the management of threatened and endangered species: A study of communities of interest and communities of place. (2002)
  2734. Ecology and manipulation of bearclover (Chamaebatia foliolosa) in northern and central California: The status of our knowledge. (2004)
  2735. Southern California Socioeconomic Assessment: Sociodemographic Conditions, Projections, and Quality of Life Indices (2003)
  2736. Effect of tree roots on shallow-seated landslides (1991)
  2737. Within-population spatial synchrony in mast seeding of North American oaks. (2004)
  2738. Dissecting components of population-level variation in seed production and the evolution of masting behavior. (2003)
  2739. Two-generation analysis of pollen flow across a landscape. V. A stepwise approach for extracting factors contributing to pollen structure. (2004)
  2740. Vegetation Trends in a 31-Year-Old Ponderosa Pine Plantation: Effect of Different Shrub Densities  (1997)
  2741. Mechanical and Chemical Release in a 12-Year-Old Ponderosa Pine Plantation (1997)
  2742. Treatment duration and time since disturbance affect vegetation development in a young California red fir plantation (1997)
  2743. Combining Silviculture and Landscape Architecture to Enhance the Roadside View (1998)
  2744. Cultural Diversity of Los Angeles County Residents Using Undeveloped Natural Areas (1998)
  2745. Effectiveness of Esfenvalerate, Cyfluthrin, and Carbaryl in Protecting Individual Lodgepole Pines and Ponderosa Pines from Attack by Dendroctonus spp. (1998)
  2746. Effect of Cattle Grazing, Seeded Grass, and an Herbicide on Ponderosa Pine Seedling Survival and Growth  (1999)
  2747. Road Construction on Caspar Creek Watersheds... 10-Year Report on Impact (1973)
  2748. Periodic Annual Diameter Increment After Overstory Removal in Mixed Conifer Stands (1998)
  2749. Diversity, density, and development of early vegetation in a small clear-cut environment (1999)
  2750. Medida de los beneficios económicos de la integridad ecológica del Río Mameyes en Puerto Rico. (1999)
  2751. Measuring the economic benefit of maintaining the ecological integrity of the Río Mameyes in Puerto Rico. (1999)
  2752. Plant community development after 28 years in small group-selection openings (1999)
  2753. Recreation at the Redding Resource Area in California (2000)
  2754. Timing and Duration of Release Treatments Affect Vegetation Development in a Young California White Fir Plantation (2001)
  2755. Social Trust and the Management of Threatened and Endangered Species: A Study of Communities of Interest and Communities of Place (2002)
  2756. Development of a Mixed-Shrub-Planted Ponderosa Pine Communicty on a Poor Site After Site Preparation and Release (2003)
  2757. Economic value of big game habitat production from natural and prescribed fire (2003)
  2758. Estimating Sedimentation from an Erosion-Hazard Rating (1977)
  2759. Ash Leachate Can Reduce Surface Erosion (1979)
  2760. Organic Matter Content of Soil After Logging of Fir and Redwood Forests (1980)
  2761. Using "residual depths" to monitor pool depths independently of discharge (1987)
  2762. Response of young ponderosa pines, shrubs, and grasses to two release treatments (1996)
  2763. Metasystox-R, applied in Mauget injectors, ineffective in protecting individual ponderosa pines from western pine beetles (1996)
  2764. Recovery of a bearclover (Chamaebatia foliolosa) plant community after site preparation and planting of ponderosa pine seedlings  (1999)
  2765. Large woody debris volumes and accumulation rates in cleaned streams in redwood forest in southern Humboldt County, California (2004)
  2766. High Sierra Ecosystems: The Role of Fish Stocking in Amphibian Declines (2003)
  2767. Air pollution: worldwide effects on mountain forests (2004)
  2768. Photo Series for Quantifying Fuels and Assessing Fire Risk in Giant Sequoia Groves  (1997)
  2769. Nonmarket Economic Impacts of Forest Insect Pests: A Literature Review  (1997)
  2770. User's Guide to the Western Root Disease Model, Version 3.0  (1998)
  2771. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Air Pollution and Climate Change Effects on Forest Ecosystems, February 5-9, 1996. Riverside, CA (1998)
  2772. Forested Communities of the Upper Montane in the Central and Southern Sierra Nevada (1998)
  2773. Carbon dioxide reduction through urban forestry: guidelines for professional and volunteer tree planters (1999)
  2774. Southern California Mountains and Foothills Assessment: Habitat and Species Conservation Issues (1999)
  2775. A compendium of forest growth and yield simulators for the Pacific coast states (1999)
  2776. Lake Tahoe watershed assessment: volume I. (2000)
  2777. Xylem monoterpenes of pines: distribution, variation, genetics, function (2000)
  2778. Sierra Nevada Science Review (1998)
  2779. Imperata grassland rehabilitation using agroforestry and assisted natural regeneration (1999)
  2780. Proceedings of the California Forest Soils Council Conference on Forest Soils Biology and Forest Management, Feb. 23-24 (2000)
  2781. Ecological research at the Blacks Mountain Experimental Forest in northeastern California (2000)
  2782. Managing outdoor recreation in California: visitor contact studies (2001)
  2783. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Ecology and Management of Dead Wood in Western Forests (2002)
  2784. Proceedings of a Symposium on the Kings River Sustainable Forest Ecosystem Project: Progress and Current Status; January 26, 1998; Clovis, CA.  (2002)
  2785. Communicating Ecological Indicators to Decision Makers and the Public (2001)
  2786. The Mammoth-JuneEcosystem ManagementProject, Inyo National Forest (1996)
  2787. Tertiary vegetation history (1996)
  2788. Genetic diversity within species (1996)
  2789. Significant natural areas (1996)
  2790. Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project, Final Report to Congress, Vol. I, Assessment Summaries and Management Strategies, Centers for water and Wildland Resources, Report No. 36, University of California, Davis, California (1996)
  2791. Historical variability in ecosystem management (2000)
  2792. Integrating Quaternary science research in land management, restoration, and conservation (2001)
  2793. Impacts of Climate Change on Landscapes of the Eastern Sierra Nevada and Western Great Basin (2000)
  2794. Climate Change As An Ecosystem Architect: Implications To Rare Plant Ecology, Conservation, and Restoration (2003)
  2795. Climate change: detecting climate's imprint on California forests (2003)
  2796. Cool Water Formation and Trout Habitat Use in a Deep Pool in the Sierra Nevada, California (1994)
  2797. Livestock Grazing, Golden Trout, and Streams in the Golden Trout Wilderness, California: Impacts and Management Implications (1996)
  2798. Proceedings of the fifth symposium on oak woodlands: oaks in CaliforniaÂ’s changing landscape. 2001 October 22-25; San Diego, CA. (2002)
  2799. CaliforniaÂ’s Hardwood Resource: Seeds, Seedlings, and Sprouts of Three Important Forest-Zone Species (2002)
  2800. Vegetation and Ecological Characteristics of Mixed-Conifer and Red Fir Forests at the Teakettle Experimental Forest (2002)
  2801. Golden trout habitat selection and movement patterns in degraded and recovering sites within the Golden Trout Wilderness, California (1996)
  2802. Diel movement and habitat use of the golden trout Oncorhynchus mykiss aguabonita in their native habitat on the Golden Trout Wilderness, California (1996)
  2803. Influence of anuran prey on the condition and distribution of Rana muscosa in the Sierra Nevada (2002)
  2804. Testosterone and competitive ability in male house mice, Mus musculus: laboratory and field studies (1993)
  2805. Detection surveys for fishers and American martens in California, 1989-1994: summary and interpretations (1997)
  2806. Systematic surveys as a basis for the conservation of carnivores in California forests (2000)
  2807. Monitoring Martes populations in California: survey design and power analysis (1996)
  2808. Status of American martens in coastal forests of the Pacific states (2001)
  2809. Definition and distribution of sampling units (1995)
  2810. Current distribution of the fisher, Martes pennanti, in California (1995)
  2811. Introduction to detection and survey methods (1995)
  2812. American Marten, Fisher, Lynx, and Wolverine: Survey Methods for Their Detection (1995)
  2813. Diet of fishers (Martes pennanti) at the southernmost extent of their range (1999)
  2814. Weasels and martens - carnivores in northern latitudes (2000)
  2815. Monitoring mesocarnivore population status (1997)
  2816. Track plates (1995)
  2817. Plague in pine martens and the fleas associated with its occurrence (1984)
  2818. Food preferences of captive northern flying squirrels from the Lassen National Forest in northeastern California (1997)
  2819. Shift in red fox (Vulpes vulpes) mating system associated with El Niño in the Bering Sea (1989)
  2820. Home-range and habitat-use of California spotted owls in the Sierra Nevada (1992)
  2821. Demography of northern spotted owls in southwestern Oregon (1996)
  2822. A collaborative approach in adaptive management at a large-landscape scale (2002)
  2823. Influence of primary prey on home-range size and habitat-use patterns of northern spotted owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) (1995)
  2824. Patterns of habitat use by California spotted owls in logged forests of the northern Sierra Nevada (1992)
  2825. Coalition formation in a colony of prepubertal spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) (1992)
  2826. Reproductive behavior of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes): a longitudinal study of an island population (1986)
  2827. Diet of Mexican spotted owls in Chihuahua and Aguascalientes, Mexico (1997)
  2828. Scent marking (Pasting) in a colony of immature spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta): a developmental study (1991)
  2829. Covariance patterns among birds and vegetation in a California oak woodland (1991)
  2830. General biology of major prey species of the California spotted owl (1992)
  2831. Aneides ferreus (clouded salamander) reproduction (1995)
  2832. Aquatic ecosystems of the redwood region (2000)
  2833. A habitat-based design for sampling and monitoring stream amphibians with an illustration from Redwood National Park (1997)
  2834. Stream amphibians as indicators of ecosystem stress: a case study from California's redwoods (1998)
  2835. Comments on the PALCO HCP/SYP and EIS/EIR with regard to the maintenance of riparian, aquatic, and late seral ecosystems and their associated amphibian and reptile species (1998)
  2836. Evidence of lingual-luring by an aquatic snake (2000)
  2837. Habitat correlates of the southern torrent salamander, rhyacotriton variegatus (Caudata: Rhyacotritonidae), in northwestern California (1996)
  2838. Habitat correlates of the Del Norte salamander, Plethodon elongatus (Caudata: Plethodontidae) in northwestern California (1995)
  2839. The structure of the herpetofaunal assemblage in the Douglas-fir/hardwood forests of northwestern California and southwestern Oregon (1991)
  2840. A hierarchical strategy for sampling herpetofaunal assemblages along small streams in the western U.S., with an example from Northern California (1997)
  2841. Distribution of juvenile coho salmon in relation to water temperatures in tributaries of the Mattole River, California (2001)
  2842. A case for using plethodontid salamanders for monitoring biodiversity and ecosystem integrity of North American forests (2001)
  2843. Bioregions: an ecological and evolutionary perspective and a proposal for California (1994)
  2844. A hierarchical analysis of the niche relationships of four amphibians from forested habitats of northwestern California (1993)
  2845. Relictual amphibians and old-growth forest (1990)
  2846. Characteristics of fringed myotis day roosts in northern California (2001)
  2847. Assessment of foraging activity using anabat II: a cautionary note (1998)
  2848. Vegetation patterns and abundances of amphibians and small mammals along small streams in a northwestern California watershed (2001)
  2849. Abundances of small mammals in fir forests in northeastern California (1998)
  2850. Northern flying squirrel densities in fir forests of northeastern California (1995)
  2851. Lack of nest site limitation in a cavity-nesting bird community (1990)
  2852. The effects of thinning and broadcast burning on sporocarp production of hypogeous fungi (1994)
  2853. Northern flying squirrel mycophagy and truffle production in fir forests in northeastern California (2000)
  2854. Truffle production in old-growth and mature fir stands in northeastern California (1997)
  2855. Assessment of the current status of the California spotted owl, with recommendations for management (1992)
  2856. The California Spotted Owl: A Technical Assessment of its Current Status (1992)
  2857. Developing and managing sustainable forest ecosystems for spotted owls in the Sierra Nevada (1994)
  2858. Usefulness of spatially explicit population models in land management (1995)
  2859. A meta-analysis of regional variation in fisher morphology, demography, and habitat ecology in California (1998)
  2860. Characteristics of urban woodlands affecting breeding bird diversity and abundance (1987)
  2861. Managing redwoods (2000)
  2862. Spotted owl turnover and reproduction in managed forests of north-coastal California (2000)
  2863. Forest stand characteristics and reproduction of northern spotted owls in managed north-coastal California forest (1999)
  2864. Identification of mammal tracks from sooted track stations in the Pacific Northwest (1988)
  2865. Breeding distribution of vaux's swift in California (1996)
  2866. Incorporating detection uncertainty into presence-absence surveys for marbled murrelet (2002)
  2867. Ecology of American Martens in coastal northwestern California (2002)
  2868. Distribution and habitat ecology of American martens and Pacific fishers in southwestern Oregon (2001)
  2869. Hidden in the shrubs: rediscovery of the Humboldt marten?  (2001)
  2870. Discovery and observations of two tree nests of the marbled murrelet (1991)
  2871. Status and risk of extinction for westslope cutthroat trout in the Upper River Basin, Montana (1997)
  2872. Bat activity along intermittent streams in northwestern California (2001)
  2873. Between-habitat movement of dusky-footed woodrats and vulnerability to predation (1997)
  2874. Dusky-footed woodrat abundance in different-aged forests in northwestern California (1993)
  2875. Nest site characteristics of Hammond's and Pacific-slope flycatchers in northwest California (1991)
  2876. Variation in the foraging behaviors of two flycatchers: associations with stage of the breeding cycle (1990)
  2877. The variety and nutritional value of foods consumed by Hawaiian crow nestlings, an endangered species (1990)
  2878. Breeding biology and behavior of Hammond's and western flycatchers in northwestern California (1988)
  2879. Avian response to mechanical clearing of a native rainforest in Hawaii (1988)
  2880. Northern spotted owls: influence of prey base - a comment (1994)
  2881. The northern flying squirrel in the Pacific Northwest: implications for management of the greater Fundy ecosystem (1996)
  2882. Biological corridors: form, function, and efficacy (1998)
  2883. Towards a definition of biological corridor (1995)
  2884. Compensatory behavior of Ensatina eschscholtzii in biological corridors: a field experiment (1998)
  2885. Differences in trapping mortality rates of northern flying squirrels (1993)
  2886. Differences in Townsend's chipmunk populations between second- and old-growth forests in western Oregon (1993)
  2887. Characteristics of northern flying squirrel populations in second- and old-growth forest in western Oregon (1992)
  2888. An owl conservation strategy that works (1991)
  2889. Habitat use by western pond turtles in the Trinity River, California (1998)
  2890. Comparative demography of Clemmys marmorata populations in the Trinity River of California in the context of dam-induced alterations (1998)
  2891. Use of terrestrial habitat by western pond turtles (Clemmys marmorata): implications for management (1997)
  2892. Comparative demography and habitat use of western pond turtles in northern California: the effects of damming and related alterations (1996)
  2893. A simulation analysis of population dynamics of the northern spotted owl in relation to forest management alternatives (1994)
  2894. Use, interpretation, and implications of demographic analyses of northern spotted owl populations (1996)
  2895. Monitoring bird populations by point counts (1995)
  2896. Monitoring populations and demography of landbirds in riparian corridors of the coastal redwood zone (1996)
  2897. Habitat association patterns of breeding birds and small mammals in Douglas-fir/hardwood stands in northwestern California and southwestern Oregon (1991)
  2898. Methods for surveying marbled murrelets at inland forested sites (1992)
  2899. Offshore population estimates of marbled murrelets in California (1995)
  2900. Productivity of marbled murrelets in California from observation of young at sea (1995)
  2901. Ecology and conservation of the marbled murrelet in North America: an overview (1995)
  2902. Ecology and conservation of the marbled murrelet (1995)
  2903. Handbook of field methods for monitoring landbirds (1993)
  2904. Demography of an introduced red-billed Leiothrix population in Hawaii (1998)
  2905. Aspects of the life history and foraging of the endangered Akiapolaau (1996)
  2906. Demography and movements of Apapane and Iiwi in Hawaii (1995)
  2907. Timing of breeding and molting in six species of Hawaiian honeycreepers (1994)
  2908. Demography and movements of the Omao (Myadestes obscurus) (1994)
  2909. Monitoring landbirds in the Americas (1997)
  2910. The 10 biggest challenges in bird inventory and monitoring (2000)
  2911. Interannual differences in detections of marbled murrelets in some inland California stands. [Yurok] (1995)
  2912. Standard scientific procedures for implementing ecosystem management on public lands (1997)
  2913. Effects of radio tags on spotted owls (1991)
  2914. A mist net design for capturing marbled murrelets (1992)
  2915. Surveying marbled murrelets at inland forested sites: a guide (1990)
  2916. Use of an inland site in northwestern California by marbled murrelets (1992)
  2917. Distribution of the marbled murrelet at inland sites in California. [Yurok] (1990)
  2918. Distribution of cattle egret roosts in Hawaii with notes on the problems egrets pose to airports (1986)
  2919. Biology and Ecology of feral, free-roaming, and stray cats (1997)
  2920. Problems in determining the return of a watershed to pretreatment conditions: techniques applied to a study at Caspar Creek, California (1990)
  2921. Rate and mechanics of progressive hillslope failure in the Redwood Creek basin, northwestern California (1995)
  2922. Mass failures and other processes of sediment production in Pacific northwest forest landscapes. Chapter Two (1987)
  2923. Stream channels: The link between forests and fishes. Chapter Three (1987)
  2924. Erosion and soil displacement related to timber harvesting in northwestern California, U.S.A.  (1984)
  2925. Social, technological, and research responses to potential erosion and sediment disasters in the western United States, with examples from California (1985)
  2926. Cumulative watershed effects: a research perspective (1989)
  2927. Patterns of seasonal variation of activity of marbled murrelets in forested stands. [Yurok] (1995)
  2928. A review of the effects of the station placement and observer bias in detection of marbled murrelets in forest stands (1995)
  2929. Evidence of continuing worldwide declines in bird populations: insights from an international conference in New Zealand (1991)
  2930. Population models for passerine birds: structure, parameterization, and analysis (1992)
  2931. Management of the spotted owl: experiences in science, policy, politics, and litigation (1994)
  2932. Developing an analytical context for multispecies conservation planning (1997)
  2933. Estimates of demographic parameters and rates of population change (1992)
  2934. A common framework for conservation planning: linking individual and metapopulation models (1996)
  2935. Management of the spotted owl: a case history in conservation biology (1996)
  2936. Stability properties of the spotted owl metapopulation in southern California (1992)
  2937. Analytical considerations for study design (1990)
  2938. Mathematical demography of spotted owls in the Pacific Northwest (1990)
  2939. Review of "saving nature's legacy: protecting and restoring biodiversity" (1995)
  2940. Review of: wildlife habitat relationships: concepts and applications, by M.L. Morrison, B.G. Marcot, and R.W. Mannan (1993)
  2941. Daily patterns of the marbled murrelet activity at inland sites. [Yurok] (1995)
  2942. Integrating scientific methods with habitat conservation planning: reserve design for northern spotted owls (1992)
  2943. Exorcising ambiguity from the endangered species act: critical habitat as an example (1991)
  2944. Coping with uncertainty in wildlife biology (1991)
  2945. The strategy and design of the monitoring program for the Northwest Forest Plan (1999)
  2946. Relationship of marbled murrelets with habitat characteristics in redwood forest in northwestern California. [Yurok] (1996)
  2947. Relationship of marbled murrelets with habitat characteristics at inland sites in California. [Yurok] (1995)
  2948. The relationship of marbled murrelet activity levels and behaviors with habitat characteristics of forest stands in California. (Abstract). [Yurok] (1994)
  2949. Land and seascape patterns associated with marbled murrelet abundance offshore (2002)
  2950. Landscape and seascape patterns associated with marbled murrelet offshore abundance. (Abstract)  (2000)
  2951. Morphometric variation in Tundra swans: relationships among age and sex classes (1988)
  2952. Projected trends in owl habitat (1992)
  2953. An overview of fire in the Sierra Nevada (1996)
  2954. Conservation planning for species occupying fragmented landscapes: the case of the northern spotted owl (1993)
  2955. Random entry forestry: timber management in a time of species conservation (1994)
  2956. Historical perspectives on forests of the Sierra Nevada and the transverse ranges of southern California; forest conditions at the turn of the century (1992)
  2957. Twentieth-century fire patterns on forest service lands (1996)
  2958. Monitoring ecosystems in the Sierra Nevada: the conceptual model foundation (2000)
  2959. Development of an ecosystem monitoring plan for the Sierra Neveda (1998)
  2960. Red-billed Leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea) (1998)
  2961. Marbled murrelet effectiveness monitoring plan for the northwest forest plan (1997)
  2962. Dynamics of habitat use by shorebirds in estuarine and agricultural habitats in northwestern California (2001)
  2963. The effects of a dam on breeding habitat and egg survival of the foothill yellow-legged frog (Rana boylii) (1996)
  2964. Ontogenetic changes in the foraging behavior and habitat use of the Oregon garter snake, Thamnophis atratus hydrophilus (1994)
  2965. Thamnophis ordinoides (1990)
  2966. Predation by Thamnophis couchii on Dicamptodon ensatus (1990)
  2967. Ontogenetic changes in the foraging behavior, habitat use, and food habitat of the western aquatic garter snake, Thamnophis couchii, at Hurdygurdy Creek, Del Norte County, California (1990)
  2968. Historical harvest and incidental capture of fishers in California (1996)
  2969. Reserve design for territorial species: the effects of patch size and spacing on the viability of the northern spotted owl (1994)
  2970. A dynamic analysis of northern spotted owl viability in a fragmented forest landscape (1992)
  2971. The case of forest carnivores: small packages big worries (1995)
  2972. Current distribution of the American marten, Martes americana, in California (1995)
  2973. Photographic bait stations (1995)
  2974. Relations among fishers, snow, and martens in California: results from small-scale spatial comparisons (1997)
  2975. Marten use of successional forest stages during winter in north-central Washington (1990)
  2976. A tailed frog (Ascaphus truei) nest site in northwestern California (1997)
  2977. ASCAPHUS TRUEI (Tailed frog). PREDATION (2001)
  2978. Rhyacotriton variegatus (southern torrent salamander) nest site (1999)
  2979. Fire-management policies and programs (1996)
  2980. The contribution of federal and non-federal habitat to persistence of the northern spotted owl on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington: report of the Reanalysis Team (1995)
  2981. Mesocarnivores of northern California: biology, management, and survey techniques, workshop manual (1997)
  2982. Habitat relations of the California spotted owl (1992)
  2983. Social facilitation, affiliation, and dominance in the social life of spotted hyenas (1999)
  2984. Use by bats of old-growth redwood hollows on the North Coast of California (1996)
  2985. Form and process in developing channels (1988)
  2986. Implications of fish habitat improvement structures for other stream vertebrates (1992)
  2987. Demographic characteristics and trends of northern spotted owl populations in northwestern California (1996)
  2988. 'I'iwi (Vestiaria coccinea) (1998)
  2989. 'Apapane (Himatione sanguinea) (1997)
  2990. Spatially explicit population models: current forms and future uses (1995)
  2991. Terrestrial fauna of redwood forests (2000)
  2992. Mapping of species richness for conservation of biological diversity: conceptual and methodological issues (1996)
  2993. Using presence/absence data to build and test spatial habitat models for the fisher in the Klamath region, U.S.A.  (1999)
  2994. American marten (Martes americana) ecology and conservation (1997)
  2995. Spotted owl roost and nest site selection in northwestern California (1992)
  2996. Sexual dimorphism in northern spotted owls from northwest California (1990)
  2997. Distinctive features and definitions of young, mature, and old-growth Douglas-fir/hardwood forests (1991)
  2998. Canopy structure and tree condition of young, mature, and old-growth Douglas-fir/hardwood forests (1992)
  2999. The use of core areas in comprehensive mitigation strategies (1997)
  3000. Mitigation of habitat "Take": application to habitat conservation planning (1997)
  3001. The spotted owl (1990)
  3002. Seasonal movements of marbled murrelets: evidence from banded birds (1999)
  3003. Estimating the occupancy of spotted owl habitat areas by sampling and adjusting for bias (1990)
  3004. The Partners in Flight's Landbird Monitoring Strategy (1998)
  3005. Scientific standards for conducting viability assessments under the Nathional Forest Management Act: report and recoomendations of the NCRAS Working Group (2001)
  3006. The structure of avian communities along elevational gradients in the northwestern United States (1976)
  3007. String theory: reducing mortality of mammals in pitfall traps (2001)
  3008. Effects of 1997 Debris floods in two Klamath Mountain streams: A Large Woody Debris Mass-Balance Approach (2000)
  3009. Sierra Nevada Science Review. Report of the Science Review Team charged to synthesize new information of rangewide urgency to the national forests of the Sierra Nevada.  (1998)
  3010. Erosion on logging roads in northwestern California: How much is avoidable?  (1983)
  3011. Turbidity threshold sampling program (TTS). Software release TTS_3_0.csi.  (2000)
  3012. A simulation model for the infiltration of heterogeneous sediment into a stream bed (1993)
  3013. Habitat separation of prickly sculpin, Cottus asper, and coastrange sculpin, Cottus aleuticus, in the mainstem Smith River, northwestern California (1999)
  3014. Keynote address, Theme 4, Management of steepland erosion: an overview (1981)
  3015. Cumulative effects assessment impact thresholds: myths and realities (1994)
  3016. Proceedings of the conference on coastal watersheds: the Caspar Creek story. May 6, 1998, Ukiah, California (1998)
  3017. Hydrologic effects of forest harvest in northwestern California, USA (2000)
  3018. Streamflow and sediment response to logging, California, USA (1998)
  3019. Treatment duration and time since disturbance affect vegetation development in a young ponderosa pine plantation (1999)

USDA Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 9, 2009

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