USDA Forest Service

Research & Development Treesearch

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All Publications For: PNW Publications

  1. Harvest, employment, exports, and prices in Pacific Northwest forests, 1965-2007 (2008)
  2. Caring for our natural assets: an ecosystem services perspective. (2007)
  3. Conservation of biological diversity: all things considered. (2008)
  4. Incidence of insects, diseases, and other damaging agents in Oregon forests. (2008)
  5. A management study template for learning about postwildfire management. (2008)
  6. Factors influencing line officersÂ’ decisions about National Environmental Policy Act project design and development. (2008)
  7. A key for predicting postfire successional trajectories in black spruce stands of interior Alaska. (2008)
  8. OregonÂ’s forest resources, 2001–2005: five-year Forest Inventory and Analysis report. (2008)
  9. CaliforniaÂ’s forest resources, 2001–2005: five-year Forest Inventory and Analysis Report.  (2008)
  10. Understanding the social and economic transitions of forest communities. (2008)
  11. Powell Butte Research Natural Area: guidebook supplement 38. (2008)
  12. Growing trees where trees grow best: short-term research sheds light on long-term productivity. (2008)
  13. Horse Ridge Research Natural Area: guidebook supplement 37.  (2008)
  14. Northwest Forest Plan–the first 10 years (1994–2003): socioeconomic monitoring of the Klamath National Forest and three local communities. (2008)
  15. A field guide to predict delayed mortality of fire-damaged ponderosa pine: application and validation of the Malheur model. (2008)
  16. Projection-viewer for microscale aerial photography  (1972)
  17. Fuel reduction and forest restoration treatments: once is not enough. (2008)
  18. Timber Products Output and Timber Harvests in Alaska: An Addendum (2008)
  19. The Island Research Natural Area: guidebook supplement 35. (2008)
  20. A guide to LIDAR data acquisition and processing for the forests of the Pacific Northwest.  (2008)
  21. Log sampling methods and software for stand and landscape analyses. (2008)
  22. Long-term ecological reflections: writers, philosophers, and scientists meet in the forest. (2008)
  23. Assessment of timber availability from forest restoration within the Blue Mountains of Oregon. (2008)
  24. Birds of the major mainland rivers of southeast Alaska. (2008)
  25. Interactive controls of herbivory and fluvial dynamics on landscape vegetation patterns on the Tanana River floodplain, interior Alaska. (2007)
  26. Putting conservation to work: Map and compass. (1965)
  27. Estimating past diameters of Douglas-fir trees. (1955)
  28. The Pacific Northwest Research Station. (1937)
  29. Changing with the climate (2008)
  30. Paying our way: Thinking strategically to offset the cost of reducing fire hazard in western forests. (2008)
  31. Wildlife habitats in managed rangelands — The Great Basin of southeastern Oregon. (1983)
  32. Mixed-effects models for estimating stand volume by means of small footprint airborne laser scanner data. (2008)
  33. Bark factors for Douglas-fir. (1966)
  34. Vegetative propogation of 11 common Alaska woody plants. (1979)
  35. Northwest Forest Plan—the first 10 years (1994–2003): Socioeconomic monitoring of the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest and five local communities. (2008)
  36. Long-term effects of stump removal to control root rot on forest soil bulk density, soil carbon and nitrogen content. (2008)
  37. National forest visitor spending averages and the influence of trip-type and recreation activity. (2008)
  38. Hydraulic redistribution of water from Pinus ponderosa trees to seedlings: evidence for an ectomycorrhizal pathway. (2008)
  39. Comparison of terrestrial invertebrate biomass and richness in young mixed red alder-conifer, young conifer, and old conifer stands of Southeast Alaska. (2008)
  40. Does harvest in west slope Douglas-fir increase peak flow in small forest streams? (1973)
  41. Individual tree growth response to variable-density thinning in coastal Pacific Northwest forests. (2008)
  42. Alaska biological control program directed at amber-marked birch leaf miner. (2008)
  43. Spatial models for inferring topographic controls on historical low-severity fire in the eastern Cascade Range of Washington, USA. (2008)
  44. Soil C and N minimum detectable changes and treatment differences in a multi-treatment forest experiment. (2008)
  45. Keeping your forest soils healthy and productive. (2008)
  46. Elements and rationale for a common approach to assess and report soil disturbance. (2008)
  47. Pyrogenic carbon emission from a large wildfire in Oregon, United States. (2007)
  48. Visitor preferences for managing wilderness recreation after wildfire. (2008)
  49. Developmental decline in height growth in Douglas-fir. (2007)
  50. Flow velocity and the hydrologic behavior of streams during baseflow. (2007)
  51. National forests on the edge: development pressures on America's National Forest system. (2007)
  52. Adaptive environmental management of tourism in the province of Siena, Italy using the ecological footprint. (2007)
  53. Big Huckleberry abundance as related to environment and associated vegetation near Mount Adams, Washington. (1978)
  54. Influence of four tree shelter types on microclimate and seedling performance of Oregon white oak and western redcedar. (2008)
  55. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, all quarters of 2007. (2008)
  56. Calibration and modification for the Pacific Northwest of the New Zealand Douglas-fir silvicultural growth model. (2008)
  57. Agency capacity for recreation science and management: the case of the U.S. Forest Service. (2008)
  58. Effects of a western spruce budworm outbreak on private lands in eastern Oregon, 1980-1994. (2008)
  59. Volume and taper tables for red alder. (1968)
  60. United States trade in wood products, 1978–2005. (2008)
  61. Stumpage prices and volumes sold for individual western national forests: 1984–2007. (2008)
  62. Incorporating understanding of informal economic activity in natural resource and economic development policy. (2008)
  63. A closer look at forests on the edge: future development on private forests in three states. (2008)
  64. A synthesis of biomass utilization for bioenergy production in the Western United States. (2008)
  65. Effects of forest practices on peak flows and consequent channel response: a state-of-science report for western Oregon and Washington. (2008)
  66. Place-based planning: innovations and applications from four western forests.  (2008)
  67. Assessing the influence of flight parameters, interferometric processing, slope and canopy density on the accuracy of X-band IFSAR-derived forest canopy height models. (2008)
  68. Soils under fire: soils research and the Joint Fire Science Program. (2008)
  69. Traditional and local ecological knowledge about forest biodiversity in the Pacific Northwest. (2008)
  70. User guide for HCR Estimator 2.0: software to calculate cost and revenue thresholds for harvesting small-diameter ponderosa pine.  (2008)
  71. Understanding concepts of place in recreation research and management.  (2008)
  72. A protocol using coho salmon to monitor Tongass National Forest Land and Resource Management Plan standards and guidelines for fish habitat. (2008)
  73. Preliminary study of the effects of headwater riparian reserves with upslope thinning on stream habitats and amphibians in western Oregon. (2007)
  74. Status and trends in demography of northern spotted owls, 1985-2003. (2006)
  75. Bordered pit structure and function determine spatial patterns of air-seeding thresholds in xylem of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii; Pinaceae) trees. (2006)
  76. Burn and they will come! The western regional birds and burns study examines bird responses to prescribed fire. (2008)
  77. Chemistry of burning the forest floor during the FROSTFIRE experimental burn, interior Alaska, 1999. (2004)
  78. Effects of variable-density thinning on understory diversity and heterogeneity in young Douglas-fir forests. (2008)
  79. True fir spacing trials—10-year results. (2008)
  80. Emergent lessons from a century of experience with Pacific Northwest timber markets. (2008)
  81. Evaluation of landscape alternatives for managing oak at Tenalquot Prairie, Washington. (2008)
  82. Forests at risk: integrating risk science into fuel management strategies. (2008)
  83. Prediction of growth and mortality of Oregon White Oak in the Pacific Northwest. (2008)
  84. Long-term basal area and diameter growth responses of western hemlock-sitka spruce stands in southeast Alaska to a range of thinning intensities. (2008)
  85. Potential change in lodgepole pine site index and distribution under climatic change in Alberta. (2008)
  86. Biophysical constraints on leaf expansion in a tall conifer. (2008)
  87. The Northwest Forest Plan as a model for broad-scale ecosystem management: a social perspective. (2006)
  88. Debris dams and the relief of headwater streams. (2005)
  89. Spatio-temporal scaling of channels in braided streams. (2005)
  90. Posteruption arthropod succession on the Mount St. Helens volcano: the ground-dwelling beetle fauna (Coleoptera). (2005)
  91. Interpretation of forest characteristics from computer-generated images. (2006)
  92. Optimizing efficiency of height modeling for extensive forest inventories. (2006)
  93. Nutrient availability constrains the hydraulic architecture and water relations of savannah trees. (2006)
  94. Fates of live trees retained in forest cutting units, western Cascade Range, Oregon. (2006)
  95. Overstory and understory development in thinned and underplanted Oregon Coast Range Douglas-fir stands. (2006)
  96. Five-year growth responses of Douglas-fir, western hemlock, and western redcedar seedlings to manipulated levels of overstory and understory competition. (2006)
  97. Spatial, spectral and temporal patterns of tropical forest cover change as observed with multiple scales of optical satellite data. (2006)
  98. Influence of volcanic history on groundwater patterns on the west slope of the Oregon High Cascades. (2006)
  99. Managing forest structure and fire hazard—a tool for planners. (2006)
  100. Genetic variation in basic density and modulus of elasticity of coastal Douglas-fir. (2006)
  101. Tree species diversity and distribution patterns in tropical forests of Garo Hills. (2006)
  102. The spatial influence of Pseudotsuga menziesii retention trees on ectomycorrhiza diversity. (2006)
  103. Characterizing species at risk. II: Using Bayesian belief networks as decision support tools to determine species conservation categories under the Northwest Forest Plan. (2006)
  104. Guidelines for developing and updating Bayesian belief networks applied to ecological modeling and conservation. (2006)
  105. Bayesian belief networks: applications in ecology and natural resource management. (2006)
  106. Associations of the Van DykeÂ’s salamander (Plethodon vandykei) with geomorphic conditions in headwall seeps of the Cascade Range, Washington State. (2006)
  107. Fuel mass and stand structure after post-fire logging of a severely burned ponderosa pine forest in northeastern Oregon. (2006)
  108. Integrating models to predict regional haze from wildland fire. (2006)
  109. A Bayesian approach to evaluating habitat for woodland caribou in north-central British Columbia. (2006)
  110. Using Bayesian belief networks in adaptive management. (2006)
  111. Ensatina eschscholtzii nests at a managed forest site in Oregon. (2006)
  112. Tourism and climate change: two-way street, or vicious/virtuous circle? (2006)
  113. Hydraulic architecture and photosynthetic capacity as constraints on release from suppression in Douglas-fir and western hemlock. (2006)
  114. Effects of release from suppression on wood functional characteristics in young Douglas-fir and western hemlock. (2006)
  115. Computer-aided decision making. (2006)
  116. EMDS 3.0: A modeling framework for coping with complexity in environmental assessment and planning. (2006)
  117. Hydraulic redistribution of soil water in two old-growth coniferous forests: quantifying patterns and controls. (2006)
  118. Influence of natural amenities on residential property values in a rural setting. (2007)
  119. Projections of forestland and developed land areas in western Washington. (2007)
  120. Integrating concerns about wood production and sustainable forest management in the United States. (2007)
  121. Adaptive management of forest ecosystems: did some rubber hit the road? (2007)
  122. NetMap: a new tool in support of watershed science and resource management. (2007)
  123. Salmon influences on dissolved organic matter in a coastal temperate brown-water stream: an application of fluorescence spectroscopy. (2007)
  124. Compensatory dynamics are rare in natural ecological communities. (2007)
  125. Seed shatter dates of antelope bitterbrush in Oregon. (2007)
  126. In situ gene conservation of six conifers in western Washington and Oregon. (2007)
  127. A method for estimating vulnerability of Douglas-fir growth to climate change in the Northwestern U.S. (2005)
  128. A comparison of daily water use estimates derived from constant-heat sap-flow probe values and gravimetric measurements in pot-grown saplings. (2007)
  129. Species-specific partitioning of soil water resources in an old-growth Douglas-fir/western hemlock forest. (2007)
  130. Influence of environment, disturbance, and ownership on forest vegetation of coastal Oregon. (2007)
  131. Vertebrate assemblages associated with headwater hydrology in western Oregon managed forests. (2007)
  132. Biodiversity management approaches for stream-riparian areas: perspectives for Pacific Northwest headwater forests, microclimates, and amphibians. (2007)
  133. Ponderosa pine growth response to soil strength in the volcanic ash soils of central Oregon. (2007)
  134. Occurrence of the amphibian pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in the Pacific Northwest. (2007)
  135. Historic anthropogenically maintained bear grass savannas of the southeastern Olympic Peninsula. (2006)
  136. Plant functional group responses to fire frequency and tree canopy cover gradients in oak savannas and woodlands. (2007)
  137. Why does heterogeneity matter? (2007)
  138. Foraging ecology of pileated woodpeckers in coastal forests of Washington. (2006)
  139. Removal of nutrient limitations by long-term fertilization decreases nocturnal water loss in savanna trees. (2007)
  140. Biophysical properties and functional significance of stem water storage tissues in Neotropical savanna trees. (2007)
  141. Analyzing key ecological functions for transsboundary subbasin assessments. (2007)
  142. Options for biodiversity conservation in managed forest landscapes of multiple ownerships in Oregon and Washington, USA. (2007)
  143. Clavulina lilliputiana, a dimunitive new species from Tasmania. (2007)
  144. Development of a hybrid modeling approach for predicting intensively managed Douglas-fir growth at multiple scales. (2007)
  145. Modeling crown structural responses to competing vegetation control, thinning, fertilization, and Swiss needle cast in coastal Douglas-fir of the Pacific Northwest, USA. (2007)
  146. Simulating riparian vegetation and aquatic habitat dynamics in response to natural and anthropogenic disturbance regimes in the upper Grande Ronde River, Oregon, USA. (2007)
  147. Impacts of tree height on leaf hydraulic architecture and stomatal control in Douglas-fir. (2007)
  148. Overstory response to alternative thinning treatments in young Douglas-fir forests of Western Oregon. (2007)
  149. Regional height-diameter equations for major tree species of southwest Oregon. (2006)
  150. Reburn severity in managed and unmanaged vegetation in a large wildfire. (2007)
  151. Cumulative ecological and socioeconomic effects of forest policies in coastal Oregon. (2007)
  152. Potential effects of forest policies on terrestrial biodiversity in a multiownership province. (2007)
  153. Survival and growth of larval coastal giant salamanders (Dicamptodon tenebrosus) in streams in the Oregon Coast Range. (2007)
  154. Headwater riparian forest-floor invertebrate communities associated with alternative forest management practices. (2007)
  155. Influence of headwater site conditions and riparian buffers on terrestrial salamander response to forest thinning. (2007)
  156. Wolverine conservation and management. (2007)
  157. Satellite-based peatland mapping: potential of the MODIS sensor. (2006)
  158. Beyond "more is better": ecological footprint accounting for tourism and consumption in Val di Merse, Italy. (2007)
  159. The economic value of ecosystem services from and for wilderness. (2007)
  160. Changes in wood product proportions in the Douglas-fir region with respect to size, age, and time. (2007)
  161. Effects of forest cover, topography, and sampling extent on the measured density of shallow, translational landslides. (2007)
  162. Conserving forest biodiversity across multiple land ownerships: lessons from the Northwest Forest Plan and the Southeast Queensland Regional Forests Agreement (Australia). (2007)
  163. Biodiversity and the lexicon zoo. (2007)
  164. The quandaries and promise of risk management: a scientist's perspective on integration of science and management. (2007)
  165. Unique songs of African wood-owls (Strix woodfordii) in the Democratic Republic of Congo. (2007)
  166. Comparing the costs of agency and contract fire crews. (2007)
  167. Wildfire risk and housing prices: a case study from Colorado Springs. (2007)
  168. Measuring the efficacy of a wildfire education program in Colorado Springs. (2007)
  169. Dynamic variation in sapwood specific conductivity in six woody species. (2007)
  170. Release of Oregon white oak from overtopping Douglas-fir: effects on soil water and microclimate. (2007)
  171. Influence of harvest residues and vegetation on microsite soil and air temperatures in a young conifer plantation. (2007)
  172. Post-planting treatments increase growth of Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana Dougl. ex Hook.) seedlings. (2007)
  173. Changes in Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana Dougl. ex Hook) following release from overtopping conifers. (2006)
  174. Apical dominance and apical control in multiple flushing of temperate woody species. (2007)
  175. Helicopter logging productivity on harvesting operations in southeast Alaska, using ecologically based silvicultural prescriptions. (2007)
  176. Comparing riparian and catchment influences on stream habitat in a forested, montane landscape. (2006)
  177. Distribution of salmon-habitat potential relative to landscape characteristics and implications for conservation. (2007)
  178. Streamside policies for headwater channels: an example considering debris flows in the Oregon coastal province. (2007)
  179. Riparian buffer and density management influences on microclimate of young headwater forests of Western Oregon. (2007)
  180. Forest inventory-based estimation of carbon stocks and flux in California forests in 1990. (2008)
  181. A review of the literature on seed fate in whitebark pine and the life history traits of ClarkÂ’s nutcracker and pine squirrels. (2008)
  182. A United States view on changes in land use and land values affecting sustainable forest management. (2007)
  183. Coho salmon dependence on intermittent streams. (2006)
  184. Spatial patterns and processes for shifting cultivation landscape in Garo Hills, India. (2006)
  185. On debris flows, river networks, and the spatial structure of channel morphology.  (2007)
  186. Using object-oriented classification and high-resolution imagery to map fuel types in a Mediterranean region. (2006)
  187. A diagnostic carbon flux model to monitor the effects of disturbance and interannual variation in climate on regional NEP. (2006)
  188. Comparison of digital elevation models for aquatic data development. (2003)
  189. Historical and current forest and range landscapes in the interior Columbia River basin and portions of the Klamath and Great Basins. Part 1: Linking vegetation patterns and landscape vulnerability to potential insect and pathogen disturbances. (1999)
  190. Use of arboreal nests of tree voles (Arborimus spp.) by amphibians. (2007)
  191. Analysis and comparison of nonlinear tree height prediction strategies for Douglas-fir forest. (2008)
  192. Temporal dynamics of stem expansion and contraction in savanna trees: withdrawal and recharge of stored water. (2008)
  193. Variation in Saltgrass growth and time of fall dormancy related to geographical and climatic factors. (2008)
  194. Conserving biodiversity using risk management: hoax or hope? (2008)
  195. Water economy of neotropical savanna trees: six paradigms revisited. (2008)
  196. Emissions from forest fires near Mexico City. (2007)
  197. The Entiat Experimental Forest: A unique opportunity to examine hydrologic response to wildfire. (2007)
  198. Flow velocity and the hydrologic behavior of streams during baseflow. (2007)
  199. Research, monitoring and evaluation of Fish and Wildlife Restoration projects in the Columbia River Basin: Lessons learned and suggestions for large-scale monitoring programs. (2007)
  200. Alpine treeline of western North America and global climate change: linking organism-to-landscape dynamics. (2007)
  201. Nutrient resorption and patterns of litter production and decomposition in a Neotropical savanna. (2007)
  202. Responses of litter-dwelling spiders and carabid beetles to varying levels and patterns of green-tree retention. (2008)
  203. Deploying wildland fire suppression resources with a scenario-based standard response model. (2007)
  204. Structural lumber from suppressed-growth ponderosa pine from northern Arizona. (2007)
  205. Oak woodland restoration: understory response to removal of encroaching conifers. (2007)
  206. The role of watersheds in reconciling fisheries with conservation. (2007)
  207. Reconciling fisheries with conservation in watersheds: tools for informed decisions. (2007)
  208. Counting all that matters: recognizing the value of ecosystem services. (2008)
  209. A landslide is a landslide is a landslideÂ… Or is it? Defining landslide potential across large landscapes. (2008)
  210. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, all quarters 2006. (2008)
  211. Lichen bioindication of biodiversity, air quality, and climate: baseline results from monitoring in Washington, Oregon, and California. (2008)
  212. Juvenile tree growth on some volcanic ash soils disturbed by prior forest harvest. (2008)
  213. The status of whitebark pine along the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail on the Umpqua National Forest. (2002)
  214. Timber resource statistics for eastern Washington, 1995. (1995)
  215. Timber resource statistics for western Washington. (1992)
  216. The hardwoods of California's timberlands, woodlands, and savannas. (1988)
  217. Jointly optimizing selection of fuel treatments and siting of forest biomass-based energy production facilities for landscape-scale fire hazard reduction. (2007)
  218. An overview of the fuel characteristic classification system—quantifying, classifying, and creating fuelbeds for resource planning. (2007)
  219. Connecting people with ecosystems in the 21st century: an assessment of our nation's urban forests. (2000)
  220. Huckleberry and ecology management research in the Pacific Northwest. (1979)
  221. Mapping fuels at multiple scales: landscape application of the fuel characteristic classification system. (2007)
  222. Reformulation of Rothermel's wildland fire behaviour model for heterogeneous fuelbeds. (2007)
  223. A conceptual framework for ranking crown fire potential in wildland fuelbeds. (2007)
  224. The fuelbed: a key element of the fuel characteristic classification system. (2007)
  225. Integrated restoration of forested ecosystems to achieve multiresource benefits: proceedings of the 2007 national silviculture workshop. (2008)
  226. Evaluating selected demographic factors related to consumer preferences for furniture from commercial and from underutilized species. (2007)
  227. Advancing the fundamental sciences: proceedings of the Forest Service National Earth Sciences Conference, San Diego, CA, 18-22 October 2004. (2007)
  228. Does variable-density thinning increase wind damage in conifer stands on the Olympic Peninsula? (2007)
  229. Analysis of biomass dynamics derived from spectral trajectories. (2007)
  230. Integrated analysis of landscape management scenarios using state and transition models in the upper Grande Ronde River dubbasin, Oregon, USA. (2007)
  231. Variation in responses of late-seral herbs to disturbance and environmental stress. (2007)
  232. Statistical properties of mean stand biomass estimators in a LIDAR-based double sampling forest survey design. (2007)
  233. Application of two regression-based methods to estimate the effects of partial harvest on forest structure using Landsat data. (2006)
  234. Efficiency of including first-generation information in second-generation ranking and selection: results of computer simulation. (2006)
  235. Conservation of forest genetic resources in the United States. (2007)
  236. Soil CO2 dynamics and fluxes as affected by tree harvest in an experimental sand ecosystem. (2006)
  237. Intensive management influence on Douglas-fir stem form, branch characteristics, and simulated product recovery. (2006)
  238. Response of branch growth and mortality to silvicultural treatments in coastal Douglas-fir plantations: implications for predicting tree growth. (2007)
  239. Annualized diameter and height growth equations for Pacific Northwest plantation-grown Douglas-fir, western hemlock, and red alder. (2007)
  240. Development effects on private forest management: a critical look at the evidence. (2007)
  241. Decision support for sustainable forestry: enhancing the basic rational model. (2007)
  242. Farmed Atlantic salmon: potential invader in the Pacific Northwest? (2008)
  243. Biomass removal, soil compaction, and vegetation control effects on five-year growth of Douglas-fir in coastal Washington. (2007)
  244. Spawning and movement behavior of migratory coastal cutthroat trout on the western Copper River delta, Alaska. (2007)
  245. Modeling potential outcomes of fire and fuel management scenarios on the structure of forested habitats in northeast Oregon, USA. (2007)
  246. Overstory tree mortality resulting from reintroducing fire to long-unburned longleaf poine forests: the importance of duff moisture. (2007)
  247. Science-based strategic planning for hazardous fuel treatment. (2007)
  248. Wildland-urban interface housing growth during the 1990s in California, Oregon, and Washington. (2007)
  249. Does the presence of barred owls suppress the calling behavior of spotted owls? (2006)
  250. National visitor use monitoring implementation in Alaska. (2008)
  251. Water and people: challenges at the interface of symbolic and utilitarian values. (2008)
  252. 2007 Science Accomplishments Report of the Pacific Northwest Research Station. (2008)
  253. Northwest Forest Plan—the first 10 years (1994–2003): first-decade results of the Northwest Forest Plan. (2008)
  254. Forest fire and climate change in western North America: insights from sediment charcoal records. (2007)
  255. Social science constructs in ecosystem assessments: revisiting community capacity and community resiliency. (2007)
  256. Stream systems. (2006)
  257. Fire potential rating for wildland fuelbeds using the fuel characteristic classification system. (2007)
  258. Quantifying physical characteristics of wildland fuels using the fuel characteristic classification system. (2007)
  259. Using web-based technology to deliver scientific knowledge: the Southern Forest Encyclopedia Network. (2007)
  260. Saving streams at their source: managing for amphibian diversity in headwater forests. (2008)
  261. AIMing for healthy forests: active, intentional management for multiple values. (2007)
  262. Growth of Douglas-fir near equipment trails used for commercial thinning in the Oregon Coast Range. (2007)
  263. Move over, Douglas-fir: Oregon white oaks need room to grow. (2007)
  264. Invertebrates of The H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Western Cascade Range, Oregon. V: An Annotated List of Insects and Other Arthropods. (1991)
  265. Taper equation and volume tables for plantation-grown red alder. (2007)
  266. Sociocultural effects of tourism in Hoonah, Alaska. (2007)
  267. Little Sink Research Natural Area: guidebook supplement 31. (2007)
  268. Invasive plant species and the Joint Fire Science Program. (2007)
  269. Running dry: Where will the West get its water? (2007)
  270. National forests on the edge: development pressures on America's national forests and grasslands. (2007)
  271. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, all quarters 2005. (2007)
  272. Visitor diversity on national forests-how should managers respond? (2007)
  273. Changes in streamflow following timber harvest in southwestern Oregon. (1979)
  274. Grass Mountain Research Natural Area: guidebook supplement 32. (2007)
  275. Saddle Bag Mountain Research Natural Area: guidebook supplement 34. (2007)
  276. Forest Peak Research Natural Area: guidebook supplement 33. (2007)
  277. Green-tree retention in harvest units: Boon or bust for biodiversity? (2007)
  278. Forest communities and the Northwest Forest Plan: what socioeconomic monitoring can tell us. (2007)
  279. Ponderosa promise: a history of U.S. Forest Service research in central Oregon. (2007)
  280. Be careful what you wish for: the legacy of Smokey Bear. (2007)
  281. A synthesis of the literature on the biology, ecology, and management of western hemlock dwarf mistletoe. (2007)
  282. Proceedings: international conference on transfer of forest science knowledge and technology. (2007)
  283. Rangeland exclosures of northeastern Oregon: stories they tell (1936–2004). (2007)
  284. Stratifying repellent-treated pine seed. (1960)
  285. Production of Oleoresin from southern pine trees. (1969)
  286. Loblolly seedling survival after hardwood control by 2,4,5-T. (1956)
  287. Area-specific recreation use estimation using the national visitor use monitoring program data. (2007)
  288. Making fire and fire surrogate science available: a summary of regional workshops with clients. (2007)
  289. Ozone injury in west coast forests: 6 years of monitoring. (2007)
  290. Northwest Forest Plan—the first 10 years (1994–2003): socioeconomic monitoring of the Mount Hood National Forest and three local communities. (2007)
  291. Forest resources of the Umatilla National Forest. (2007)
  292. Meeting the challenge: invasive plants in Pacific Northwest ecosystems. (2007)
  293. Silvicultural research and the evolution of forest practices in the Douglas-fir region. (2007)
  294. Proceedings: national workshop on recreation research and management.  (2007)
  295. Potential vegetation hierarchy for the Blue Mountains section of northeastern Oregon, southeastern Washington, and west-central Idaho. (2007)
  296. Stand dynamics after variable-retention harvesting in mature Douglas-fir forests of Western North America. (2006)
  297. Mountain meadows—here today, gone tomorrow? Meadow science and restoration. (2007)
  298. Large-scale silviculture experiments of western Oregon and Washington. (2007)
  299. Projecting other public inventories for the 2005 RPA timber assessment update.  (2007)
  300. Riparian and aquatic habitats of the Pacific Northwest and southeast Alaska: ecology, management history, and potential management strategies. (2007)
  301. Regional population monitoring of the marbled murrelet: field and analytical methods. (2007)
  302. Citizen-agency interactions in planning and decisionmaking after large wildfires. (2007)
  303. The utility strategic surveys for rare and little-known species under the Northwest Forest Plan. (2007)
  304. Guide to fuel treatments in dry forests of the Western United States: assessing forest structure and fire hazard. (2007)
  305. Necessary work: discovering old forests, new outlooks, and community on the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, 1948-2000. (2007)
  306. Biodiversity informatics: challenges and opportunities for applying biodiversity information to management and conservation (2006)
  307. Monitoring biological diversity: strategies, tools, limitations, and challenges. (2006)
  308. Habitat modeling for biodiversity conservation. (2006)
  309. Invasive species in the northwestern United States: threats to wildlife, and Defenders of Wildlife's recommendation for prevention policies. (2006)
  310. AIMing to restore forests: evaluation with SER critera. (2006)
  311. Active and passive forest management for multiple values. (2006)
  312. The Pacific Northwest Research Station biodiversity initiative: scooping out the challenges in managing for biodiversity. (2006)
  313. Genetic structure of Dendroctonus mexicanus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in the trans-Mexican volcanic belt. (2006)
  314. Changes in stand structure and composition after restoration treatments in low elevation dry forests of northeastern Oregon. (2006)
  315. Effect of morphology and discharge on hyporheic exchange flows in two small streams in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon, USA. (2006)
  316. Understanding ungulate herbivory—episodic disturbance effects on vegetation dynamics: knowledge gaps and management needs. (2006)
  317. Estimating emissions from fires in North America for air quality modeling. (2006)
  318. Native grass seeding and forb planting establishment in a degraded oak savanna plant community in the Coast Range foothills of western Oregon. (2006)
  319. Evaluation of MODIS NPP and GPP products across multiple biomes. (2006)
  320. Australasian sequestrate fungi 17: the genus Hydnoplicata (Ascomycota, Pezizaceae) resurrected. (2006)
  321. Application of chloropicrin to Douglas-fir stumps to control laminated root rot does not affect infection or growth of regeneration 16 growing seasons after treatment. (2006)
  322. Operational experiments for sustainably managing forests (Grossflächige Feldversuche für die nachhaltige Waldnutzung). (2006)
  323. Reflections on measuring recreation and travel spending. (2006)
  324. Conserving old-growth forest diversity in disturbance-prone landscapes. (2006)
  325. Gymnomyces xerophilus sp. nov. (sequestrate Russulaceae), an ectomycorrhizal associate of Quercus in California. (2006)
  326. Large-scale, long-term silvicultural experiments in the United States: historical overview and contemporary examples. (2006)
  327. Radiometric correction of multi-temporal Landsat data for characterization of early successional forest patterns in western Oregon. (2006)
  328. The role of forests in reducing hydrogeomorphic hazards. (2006)
  329. The aquatic conservation strategy of the Northwest Forest Plan. (2006)
  330. Predicting lodgepole pine site index from climatic parameters in Alberta. (2006)
  331. Dynamics of water transport and storage in conifers studied with deuterium and heat tracing techniques. (2006)
  332. Soil disturbance and hill-slope sediment transport after logging of a severely burned site in northeastern Oregon. (2006)
  333. Co-occurring species differ in tree-ring δ18O trends.  (2006)
  334. Global warming and extinctions of endemic species from biodiversity hotspots. (2006)
  335. The response of vegetation distribution, ecosystem productivity, and fire in California to future climate scenarios simulated by the MC1 dynamic vegetation dynamic. (2006)
  336. Bushy-tailed woodrat abundance in dry forests of eastern Washington. (2006)
  337. Demography of northern flying squirrels informs ecosystem management of western interior forests. (2006)
  338. Predicting climate-induced range shifts: model differences and model reliability. (2006)
  339. Chapter 9: Carbon fluxes across regions. (2006)
  340. Map misclassifications can cause large errors in landscape pattern indices: examples from habitat fragmentation. (2006)
  341. Quality of life attributes spur growth in high amenity communities. (2006)
  342. Season and severity of prescribed burn in ponderosa pine forests: implications for understory native and exotic plants. (2006)
  343. A method to efficiently apply a biogeochemical model to a landscape. (2006)
  344. Using chemical markers to detect root disease in stressed ponderosa pine stands with a low incidence of disease in eastern Oregon. (2006)
  345. Tree harvest in an experimental sand ecosystem: plant effects on nutrient dynamics and solute generation. (2006)
  346. Evaluation of vaginal implant transmitters in elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni). (2006)
  347. Antelope bitterbrush reestablishment: a case study of plant size and browse protection effects. (2006)
  348. Evaluation of fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation products for different canopy radiation transfer regimes: methodology and results using Joint Research Center products derived from SeaWiFS against ground-based estimations. (2006)
  349. Is long primary growth associated with stem sinuosity in Douglas-fir? (2006)
  350. Managing forest disturbances and community responses: lessons from the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. (2006)
  351. Key issues in making and using satellite-based maps in ecology: a primer. (2006)
  352. Socioeconomic change in planning provinces of the Northwest Forest Plan region. (2006)
  353. Evaluation of soil saturation, soil chemistry, and early spring soil and air temperatures as risk factors in yellow-cedar decline. (2006)
  354. MODIS land cover and LAI collection 4 product quality across nine states in the western hemisphere. (2006)
  355. Hormonal control of second flushing in Douglas-fir shoots. (2006)
  356. Response of nutrients, biofilm, and benthic insects to salmon carcass addition. (2006)
  357. The Northwest Forest Plan as a model for broad-scale ecosystem management: a social perspective. (2006)
  358. Sexual differences in the ecology and habitat selection of western toads (Bufo boreas) in northeastern Oregon. (2006)
  359. Sudden oak death in California: what is the potential? (2006)
  360. Forest carbon dynamics in the Pacific Northwest (USA) and the St. Petersburg region of Russia: comparisons and policy implications. (2006)
  361. Forest environmental investments and implications for climate change mitigation. (2006)
  362. Two decades of stability and change in old-growth forest at Mount Rainier National Park. (2006)
  363. Market segmentation and analysis of Japan's residential post and beam construction market. (2005)
  364. How does species name affect consumer choice? An analysis and implications for cabinet door marketers. (2005)
  365. A simple method for estimating potential relative radiation (PRR) for landscape-vegetation analysis. (2005)
  366. Evolving views of public land values and management of natural resources. (2005)
  367. Natural and land-use history of the Northwest mountain ecoregions (USA) in relation to patterns of plant invasions. (2005)
  368. Morphological, molecular and ecological aspects of the South American hypogeous fungi Alpova austroalnicola sp. nov. (2005)
  369. Multiscale detection of sulfur cinquefoil using aerial photography. (2005)
  370. Forest fuel treatments in western North America: merging silvicultural and fire management. (2005)
  371. Physical hydrology and the effects of forest harvesting in the Pacific Northwest: a review. (2005)
  372. Growth and yield of all-aged Douglas-fir—western hemlock forest stands: a matrix model with stand diversity effects. (2005)
  373. Wildlife habitat fragmentation. (2005)
  374. Estimates of forest canopy height and aboveground biomass using ICESat. (2005)
  375. What the soil reveals: potential total ecosystem C stores of the Pacific Northwest region, USA. (2005)
  376. Foliar and fungal 15N: 14N ratios reflect development of mycorrhizae and nitrogen supply during primary succession: testing analytical models. (2005)
  377. Phylogenetic studies of Terfezia pfeilii and Choiromyces echinulatus (Pezizales) support new genera for southern African truffles: Kalaharituber and Eremiomyces. (2005)
  378. Root system morphology of Oregon white oak on a glacial outwash soil. (2005)
  379. Progress towards more uniform assessment and reporting of soil disturbance for operations, research, and sustainability protocols. (2005)
  380. Evaluating public participation in environmental decision-making: EPA's superfund community involvement program. (2005)
  381. From nature tourism to ecotourism? The case of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania. (2005)
  382. Abundance and production of riparian trees in the lowland floodplain of the Queets River, Washington. (2005)
  383. Ground-based forest harvesting effects on soil physical properties and Douglas-fir growth. (2005)
  384. Patterns in stream longitudinal profiles and implications for hyporheic exchange flow at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon, USA. (2005)
  385. Costs and regional impacts of restoration thinning programs on the national forests in eastern Oregon. (2005)
  386. Habitat and host associations of Craterellus tubaeformis in northwestern Oregon. (2004)
  387. Disturbance and climate effects on carbon stocks and fluxes across western Oregon USA. (2004)
  388. Carbon stores, sinks, and sources in forests of northwestern Russia: can we reconcile forest inventories with remote sensing results? (2004)
  389. Modeling biomass burning emissions for Amazon forest and pastures in Rondônia, Brazil. (2004)
  390. NATS truffle and truffle-like fungi 10: Pachyphloeus thysellii sp. nov. (Pezizaceae, Pezizomycotina). (2004)
  391. Landsat's role in ecological applications of remote sensing. (2004)
  392. The mysterious demise of an ice-age relic: exposing the cause of yellow-cedar decline. (2007)
  393. Comparative drought resistance of five conifers and foliage moisture content as a viability index. (1966)
  394. Bringing climate change into natural resource management: proceedings. (2007)
  395. Simulating the consequences of land management. (2007)
  396. An assessment of frameworks useful for public land recreation planning. (2007)
  397. Ecology and management of morels harvested from the forests of western North America. (2007)
  398. The 2005 RPA timber assessment update. (2007)
  399. A pilot experiment of forest fertilization during an outbreak of the western spruce budworm in northeastern Oregon. (1998)
  400. Soil compaction after yarding of small-diameter Douglas-fir with a small tractor in southwest Oregon. (1997)
  401. Dispersal of the spruce beetle, Dendroctonus rufipennis, and the engraver beetle, Ips perturbatus, in Alaska. (1997)
  402. A climate-change scenario for the Columbia River Basin. (1997)
  403. Tailed frogs: distribution, ecology, and association with timber harvest in northeastern Oregon. (1996)
  404. Soil compaction and organic matter affect conifer seedling nonmycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal root tip abundance and diversity. (1996)
  405. Old growth in northwestern California national forests. (1996)
  406. Ammonium nitrate, urea, and biuret fertilizers increase volume growth of 57-year-old Douglas-fir trees within a gradient of nitrogen deficiency. (1996)
  407. Predicting the effect of fire on large-scale vegetation patterns in North America. (1996)
  408. Levels-of-growing-stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir: report no. 13—The Francis Study, 1963-90. (1996)
  409. Competition for national forest timber in the Northern, Pacific Southwest, and Pacific Northwest regions. (1980)
  410. Effects of manganese and manganese-nitrogen applications on growth and nutrition of Douglas-fir seedlings. (1979)
  411. Regeneration in mixed conifer shelterwood cuttings in the Cascade Range of eastern Oregon. (1979)
  412. Natural regeneration of Douglas-fir and associated species using modified clear-cutting systems in the Oregon Cascades. (1963)
  413. Lumber yield and log values of Shasta red fir. (1963)
  414. Eradicating European pine shoot moth in commercial nurseries with methyl bromide. (1963)
  415. Inventory and value of old-growth in the Douglas-fir region. (1986)
  416. Are seed and cone pathogens causing significant losses in Pacific Northwest seed orchards? (1986)
  417. A stockability equation for forest land in Siskiyou County, California. (1985)
  418. Soil compaction and initial height growth of planted ponderosa pine. (1985)
  419. Occurrence of insect and disease pests on young-growth Sitka spruce and western hemlock in southeastern Alaska. (1985)
  420. A dynamic simulation model for analyzing the importance of forest resources in Alaska. (1985)
  421. Transport of bedload sediment and channel morphology of a southeast Alaska stream. (1985)
  422. A ponderosa pine-grand fir spacing study in central Oregon: results after 10 years. (1985)
  423. Maintaining cultures of wood-rotting fungi. (1985)
  424. Comparison of a degree-day computer and a recording thermograph in a forest environment. (1985)
  425. How to identify brooms in Douglas-fir caused by dwarf mistletoe. (1985)
  426. Tree basal area as an index of thermal cover for elk. (1985)
  427. Site index, height growth, normal yields and stocking levels for larch in Oregon and Washington. (1985)
  428. Early wide spacing in red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.): effects on stem form and stem growth. (1985)
  429. Cruise design for a 5-year period of the 50-year timber sales in Alaska. (1985)
  430. A portable vacuum for collecting arthropods from drop cloths. (1985)
  431. Cubic-foot tree volume equations and tables for western juniper. (1984)
  432. Should ponderosa pine be planted on lodgepole pine sites? (1984)
  433. Effects of ash leachates on growth and development of Armillaria mellea in culture. (1984)
  434. Estimating cubic volume of small diameter tree-length logs from ponderosa and lodgepole pine. (1984)
  435. Fourwing saltbrush establishment in the Keating Uniform Shrub Garden—first year results. (1984)
  436. Biomass estimators for thinned second-growth ponderosa pine trees. (1984)
  437. Equations for total, wood, and saw-log volume for thirteen California hardwoods. (1984)
  438. Environment and forest regeneration in the Illinois Valley area of southwestern Oregon. (1984)
  439. Foliar nitrogen content and tree growth after prescribed fire in ponderosa pine. (1984)
  440. Effect of lauricidin and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid on growth of nine hymenomycetous fungi. (1984)
  441. A western larch-engelmann spruce spacing study in eastern Oregon: results after 10 years. (1984)
  442. Day-to-day survival of late-instar western spruce budworm larvae and pupae. (1984)
  443. Evaluation of blown down Alaska spruce and hemlock trees for pulp. (1983)
  444. Tree shaking machine aids cone collection in a Douglas-fir seed orchard. (1983)
  445. Water quality and streamflow in the Caribou-Poker Creeks Research Watershed, central Alaska, 1978. (1983)
  446. Growth of suppressed grand fir and Shasta red fir in central Oregon after release and thinning—10-year results. (1983)
  447. A recirculating stream aquarium for ecological studies. (1983)
  448. Invertebrates of the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, western Cascades, Oregon II. an annotated checklist of caddisflies (Trichoptera) (1982)
  449. Predicting wildfire behavior in black spruce forests in Alaska. (1982)
  450. Environment, vegetation, and regeneration after timber harvest in the Hungry-Pickett area of southwest Oregon. (1982)
  451. Environment, vegetation, and regeneration after timber harvest in the Applegate area of southwestern Oregon. (1982)
  452. Growth and yield of western larch: 15-year results of a levels-of-growing-stock study. (1982)
  453. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, fourth quarter 1996. (1997)
  454. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, third quarter 1996. (1997)
  455. Timber resource statistics for the Talkeetna block, Susitna River basin multiresource inventory unit, Alaska, 1979. (1984)
  456. Timber resource statistics for the Willow block, Susitna River Basin multiresource inventory unit, Alaska, 1978. (1984)
  457. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, first quarter 1984. (1984)
  458. Timber resources in areas developed for nonforest use in western Washington. (1984)
  459. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, fourth quarter 1983. (1984)
  460. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, third quarter 1983. (1984)
  461. Timber resource statistics for the Tanana inventory unit, Alaska, 1971-75. (1984)
  462. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, second quarter 1983. (1983)
  463. Timber resource statistics for the Wood-Salcha Block, Tanana inventory unit, Alaska, 1975. (1983)
  464. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, first quarter 1983. (1983)
  465. Timber resource statistics for the Yakutat inventory unit, Alaska, 1975. (1984)
  466. Timber resource statistics for eastern Washington. (1983)
  467. Timber resource statistics for the Prince of Wales inventory unit, Alaska, 1973. (1983)
  468. Timber resource statistics for the Petersburg/Wrangell inventory unit, Alaska, 1972. (1983)
  469. Timber resource statistics for the Sitka inventory unit, Alaska, 1971. (1983)
  470. Timber resource statistics for the upper Tanana block, Tanana inventory unit, Alaska, 1974. (1983)
  471. The privately owned timber resources of western Oregon. (1983)
  472. Timber resource statistics for the Juneau inventory unit, Alaska, 1970. (1983)
  473. Timber resource statistics for the Kantishna block, Tanana inventory unit, Alaska, 1973. (1982)
  474. Forest statistics for eastern Oregon, 1977. (1982)
  475. Timber resource statistics for the Olympic Peninsula, Washington. (1961)
  476. Timber resources of the Puget Sound area, Washington. (1971)
  477. California's forest industries—prospects for the future. (1970)
  478. 1969 Washington timber harvest. (1970)
  479. 1969 Oregon timber harvest. (1970)
  480. Forest resources of the Susitna Valley, Alaska. (1970)
  481. The timber resources of the Olympic Peninsula, Washington. (1969)
  482. 1968 Washington timber harvest. (1969)
  483. 1968 Oregon timber harvest. (1969)
  484. Animal damage to conifers on national forests in the Pacific Northwest region. (1969)
  485. 1967 Oregon timber harvest. (1968)
  486. The timber resources of Humboldt County, California. (1968)
  487. 1967 Washington timber harvest. (1968)
  488. Timber resource statistics for central Oregon. (1968)
  489. Preliminary timber resource statistics for Humboldt County, California, January 1, 1967. (1968)
  490. 1966 Oregon timber harvest. (1967)
  491. 1966 Washington timber harvest. (1967)
  492. Alaska's forest resource. (1968)
  493. 1965 Washington timber harvest. (1966)
  494. Forest industries of eastern Washington. (1966)
  495. 1965 Oregon timber harvest. (1966)
  496. Timber resource statistics for southwest Washington. (1965)
  497. 1964 Washington timber harvest. (1965)
  498. 1964 Oregon log production. (1965)
  499. The timber situation and outlook for northwest Oregon. (1965)
  500. Hardwood timber resources of the Douglas-fir subregion. (1965)
  501. Forest statistics for west central Oregon. (1965)
  502. Timber resource statistics for the Pacific Northwest as of January 1, 1963. (1965)
  503. Forest statistics for southwest Oregon. (1964)
  504. Forest statistics for northwest Oregon. (1964)
  505. 1962 Washington log production. (1963)
  506. Forest statistics for Chelan and Douglas Counties, Washington, 1959-60. (1963)
  507. Forest statistics for northeast Washington. (1963)
  508. ...Toward complete use of eastern Oregon's forest resources. (1963)
  509. 1962 Oregon log production. (1963)
  510. 1961 Washington log production. (1963)
  511. Fire-danger rating in the future. (1967)
  512. Particle sizes in slash fire smoke. (1975)
  513. Foliar mineral content of forest and nursery-grown Douglas-fir seedlings. (1967)
  514. Using fire-weather forecasts and local weather observations in predicting burning index for individual fire-danger stations. (1958)
  515. Periodic variation in physical and chemical properties of two central Washington soils. (1970)
  516. Variation in shrub and herb cover and production on ungrazed pine and sagebrush sites in eastern Oregon: a 27-year photomonitoring study. (2007)
  517. Vegetation and small vertebrates of oak woodlands at low and high risk for sudden oak death in San Luis Obispo County, California. (2006)
  518. Evaluating forest land development effects on private forestry in eastern Oregon. (2007)
  519. Market opportunities for kitchen cabinets made from Alaska hardwoods: a synthesis and review of recent research. (2007)
  520. Sagebrush in western North America: habitats and species in jeopardy. (2007)
  521. Monitoring of natural outbreaks of Phytophthora ramorum in the United Kingdom. (2006)
  522. Natural regeneration of lodgepole pine in south-central Oregon (1973)
  523. A 31-day battery-operated recording weather station. (1972)
  524. Volume of logging residues in Oregon, Washington, and California—initial results from a 1969-70 study. (1971)
  525. Effect of ponderosa pine needle litter on grass seedling survival. (1971)
  526. Early effects of forest fire on streamflow characteristics. (1971)
  527. Relationship of needle surface area to needle volume in ponderosa pine and lodgepole pine. (1970)
  528. Increases in maximum stream temperatures after slash burning in a small experimental watershed. (1969)
  529. National fire-danger rating system fine-fuel moisture content tables—an Alaskan adaptation. (1969)
  530. A digital indicator for maximum windspeeds. (1969)
  531. Charts for determining sampling rate and number in sample. (1969)
  532. Can thinning slash cause a nitrogen deficiency in pumice soils of central Oregon? (1968)
  533. Aerial photo interpretation of understories in two Oregon oak stands. (1967)
  534. Variation in vegetation following slash fires near Oakridge, Oregon. (1965)
  535. Relation between moisture content of fine fuels and relative humidity. (1963)
  536. Economics and policy environments for forest regeneration. (1970)
  537. Publications of the Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. (1965)
  538. Relationship of log production in Oregon and Washington to economic conditions. (1972)
  539. Forest-site relationships within an outbreak of lodgepole needle miner in central Oregon. (1972)
  540. Direct solar radiation on various slopes from 0 to 60 degrees north latitude. (1972)
  541. Questionnaires for research: an annotated bibliography on design, construction, and use. (1972)
  542. Change in area and ownership of private timberland in western Oregon between 1961-1962 and 1973-1976. (1981)
  543. Timber resource statistics for southwest Washington. (1981)
  544. Opportunities for silvicultural treatment in western Oregon. (1980)
  545. California forests: trends, problems, and opportunities. (1980)
  546. Timber resource statistics for the Tuxedni Bay inventory unit, Alaska, 1971. (1979)
  547. Timber resources of the Kuskokwim flood plain and adjacent upland. (1979)
  548. Mass movement response to forest management in the central Oregon coast ranges. (1979)
  549. Forests and timber resources of California's central coast. (1979)
  550. Timber resources of northwest Oregon. (1979)
  551. Potential impact of easing the log export restriction on the Tongass National Forest. (1978)
  552. Timber resources of west-central Oregon. (1978)
  553. Forest area and timber resources of the San Joaquin area, California. (1978)
  554. Prospects for sawtimber output in California's north coast, 1975-2000. (1978)
  555. Timber resources of the Sacramento area, California, 1972. (1978)
  556. Timber resource statistics for the central coast resource area of California. (1996)
  557. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, second quarter 1996. (1996)
  558. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, first quarter 1996. (1996)
  559. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, fourth quarter 1995. (1996)
  560. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, third quarter 1995. (1996)
  561. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, second quarter 1995. (1996)
  562. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, first quarter 1995. (1995)
  563. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, fourth quarter 1994. (1995)
  564. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, third quarter 1994. (1995)
  565. California's forest products industry: 1992. (1995)
  566. 1977 Washington timber harvest. (1979)
  567. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, second quarter 1994. (1995)
  568. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, first quarter 1994. (1994)
  569. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, fourth quarter 1993. (1994)
  570. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, third quarter 1993. (1994)
  571. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, second quarter 1993. (1994)
  572. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, first quarter 1993. (1993)
  573. 1976 Washington timber harvest. (1978)
  574. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, fourth quarter 1992. (1993)
  575. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, third quarter 1992. (1993)
  576. 1976 Oregon timber harvest. (1978)
  577. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, second quarter 1992. (1992)
  578. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, first quarter 1992. (1992)
  579. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, fourth quarter 1991. (1992)
  580. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, third quarter 1991. (1992)
  581. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, second quarter 1991. (1991)
  582. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, first quarter 1991. (1991)
  583. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, fourth quarter 1990. (1991)
  584. Oregon's forest products industry: 1988. (1991)
  585. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, third quarter 1990. (1990)
  586. Timber resources of southwest Oregon. (1979)
  587. The Vale rangeland rehabilitation program: the desert repaired in southeastern Oregon. (1977)
  588. Timber supply and use in the Haines-Skagway area, Alaska. (1976)
  589. Timber resources of Douglas County, Oregon. (1976)
  590. Timber resources of northern interior California, 1970. (1976)
  591. Economic availability of logging residue in the Douglas-fir region. (1976)
  592. Two projections of timber supply in the Pacific coast states. (1975)
  593. Timber resource statistics for the Fairbanks block, Tanana inventory unit, Alaska, 1970. (1975)
  594. Timber resources and the timber economy of Okanogan County, Washington. (1975)
  595. The timber resources of the Blue Mountain area, Oregon. (1975)
  596. Timber resource statistics for Oregon, January 1, 1973. (1974)
  597. 1975 Washington timber harvest. (1977)
  598. 1975 Oregon timber harvest. (1976)
  599. 1974 Washington timber harvest. (1976)
  600. Timber products output and timber harvests in Alaska: projections for 1989-2010. (1990)
  601. Stereo photo series for quantifying forest residues in the Douglas-Fir-Hemlock type of the Willamette National Forest. (1990)
  602. 1974 Oregon timber harvest. (1976)
  603. Specifications for structural range improvements. (1990)
  604. Timber resource statistics for the Copper River inventory unit, Alaska, 1968. (1975)
  605. Northeastern Oregon bark beetle control project 1910-11. (1990)
  606. Climatic summaries and documentation for the primary meteorological station, H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, 1972 To 1984. (1989)
  607. 1973 Washington timber harvest. (1974)
  608. United States trade in forest products, 1978 To 1987. (1989)
  609. Managing interior Northwest rangelands: the Oregon Range Evaluation Project. (1989)
  610. Integrated management of timber and deer: interior forests of western North America. (1989)
  611. Invertebrates of The H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Western Cascade Mountains, Oregon: IV. The Oribatid Mites (Acari: Cryptostigmata). (1988)
  612. A catalog of viral diseases of insects, mites, and ticks. (1986)
  613. Users guide for seeds of western trees and shrubs. (1986)
  614. 1973 Oregon timber harvest. (1974)
  615. 1972 Oregon timber harvest. (1973)
  616. 1972 Washington timber harvest. (1973)
  617. The timber resources of central Washington. (1973)
  618. 1971 Oregon timber harvest. (1972)
  619. Log production in Washington and Oregon: an historical perspective. (1972)
  620. 1971 Washington timber harvest. (1972)
  621. 1970 Oregon timber harvest. (1971)
  622. 1970 Washington timber harvest. (1971)
  623. Photo plot bias. (1972)
  624. Economics of thinning stagnated ponderosa pine sapling stands in the pine-grass areas of central Washington. (1972)
  625. The wild huckleberries of Oregon and Washington—a dwindling resource. (1972)
  626. Twenty-one-year development of Douglas-fir stands repeatedly thinned at varying intervals. (1972)
  627. The recording quizboard: a device for evaluating interpretive services. (1972)
  628. A method of estimating log weights. (1972)
  629. Accelerated roadbuilding on the north umpqua—an economic analysis. (1972)
  630. Arasin in endrin treatments to protect Douglas-fir seed from deer mice. (1972)
  631. Germination and early growth of coastal tree species on organic seed beds. (1972)
  632. Lumber yield from sitka spruce in southeastern Alaska. (1972)
  633. Decay in white fir top-killed by Douglas-fir tussock moth. (1972)
  634. Grading sugar pine saw logs in trees. (1972)
  635. Lumber recovery from Douglas-fir thinnings at a bandmill and two chipping canters. (1972)
  636. Levels-of-growing-stock cooperative study on Douglas-fir: report no. 02—The Hoskins Study, 1963-1970. (1972)
  637. A classification of forest environments in the south Umpqua Basin. (1972)
  638. Soil bark as a soil amendment. (1971)
  639. Growth and soil moisture in thinned lodgepole pine. (1971)
  640. Habitat characteristics of the Silver Lake mule deer range. (1971)
  641. Partial cutting of western hemlock and sitka spruce in southeast Alaska. (1971)
  642. Primary productivity of a young Tsuga heterophylla stand and some speculations about biomass of forest communities on the Oregon coast. (1971)
  643. Orchardgrass responses to fertilization of seven surface soils from the central Blue Mountains of Oregon. (1971)
  644. Guidelines for estimating volume, biomass, and smoke production for piled slash. (1998)
  645. Forested plant associations of the Colville National Forest. (1996)
  646. The Interior Columbia River Basin: patterns of population, employment, and income change. (1996)
  647. SBexpert users guide (version 1.0): a knowledge-based decision-support system for spruce beetle management. (1994)
  648. Techniques for inventorying manmade impacts in roadway environments. (1971)
  649. An analysis of running skyline load path. (1971)
  650. Water temperature in the steamboat drainage. (1971)
  651. Timber value—a matter of choice: a study of how end use assumptions affect timber values. (1971)
  652. Initial thinning effects in 70- to 150-year-old Douglas-fir--western Oregon and Washington. (1971)
  653. Decay of Engelmann spruce in the Blue Mountains of Oregon and Washington. (1971)
  654. Logging residues on Douglas-fir region clearcuts—weights and volumes. (1971)
  655. Influence of endrin on soil microbial populations and their activity. (1971)
  656. California's forest industry, 1976. (1978)
  657. Oregon's forest products industry: 1976. (1976)
  658. National forest economic clusters: a new model for assessing national-forest-based natural resources products and services. (2007)
  659. Forest statistics for the upper Koyukuk River, Alaska, 1971. (1974)
  660. Timber resource statistics for Washington, January 1, 1973. (1974)
  661. California forest industry wood consumption and characteristics, 1972. (1972)
  662. Checklist of vertebrate animals of the Cascade Head Experimental Forest. (1974)
  663. The timber resources of the Inland Empire area, Washington. (1974)
  664. Logging residue in Washington, Oregon, California: volume and characteristics. (1973)
  665. Timber resources of Mendocino and Sonoma Counties, California. (1972)
  666. Flows of mill residues to pulp and board manufacturers, Washington, Oregon, and California, 1968. (1972)
  667. Natural vegetation of Oregon and Washington. (1973)
  668. Integration of lidar and Landsat ETM+ data for estimating and mapping forest canopy height. (2002)
  669. Linking land-use projections and forest fragmentation analysis. (2007)
  670. Managing for wildlife habitat in Westside production forests. (2007)
  671. Considering communities in forest management planning in western Oregon. (2007)
  672. Invasive perennial grasses in Quercus garryana meadows of southwestern British Columbia: prospects for restoration (2002)
  673. Normal yield tables for red alder. (1960)
  674. Northwest range-plant symbols adapted to automatic data processing. (1960)
  675. Occurrence of shrubs and herbaceous vegetation after clear cutting old-growth Douglas-fir in the Oregon Cascades. (1960)
  676. The Wind River Arboretum 1912-1956. (1959)
  677. Yarding and loading costs for salvaging in old-growth Douglas-fir with a mobile high-lead yarder. (1959)
  678. The balsam woolly aphid problem in Oregon and Washington. (1957)
  679. Mountain hemlock: a bibliography with abstracts. (1962)
  680. Procedures and equipment for fumigating European pine shoot moth on ornamental pines. (1962)
  681. Constructing aerial photo volume tables. (1962)
  682. Veneer grade yield from pruned Douglas-fir. (1962)
  683. Eradicating European pine shoot moth on ornamental pines with methyl bromide. (1962)
  684. Noble fir: a bibliography with abstracts. (1962)
  685. Estimating Douglas-fir site quality from aerial photographs. (1961)
  686. Growth after partial cutting of ponderosa pine on permanent sample plots in eastern Oregon. (1961)
  687. Toxicity of herbicides on three northwestern conifers. (1961)
  688. Predicting moisture content: fuel moisture indicator sticks in the Pacific Northwest. (1961)
  689. Vegetation and soil condition changes on a subalpine grassland in eastern Oregon. (1961)
  690. Chemical control of brush in ponderosa pine forests of central Oregon. (1961)
  691. Growth and development of red alder compared with conifers in 30-year-old stands. (1961)
  692. The economic significance of mortality in old-growth Douglas-fir. (1961)
  693. Effects of herbicides on some important brush species in southwestern Oregon. (1959)
  694. Lodgepole pine in the Blue Mountains of northeastern Oregon. (1958)
  695. Influence of slash burning on regeneration, other plant cover, and fire hazard in the Douglas-fir region (a progress report). (1958)
  696. Survival and growth of thirteen tree species in coastal Oregon. (1958)
  697. A successful direct seeding of sugar pine. (1957)
  698. Frequency of dry east winds over northwest Oregon and southwest Washington. (1957)
  699. Veneer recovery from Douglas-fir logs. (1957)
  700. Test of wind predictions for peak fire-danger stations in Oregon and Washington. (1957)
  701. Ten-year history of an Oregon coastal plantation. (1957)
  702. Some effects of logging and slash burning on physical soil properties in the Corvallis Watershed. (1957)
  703. A comparison of two rodent repellents in broadcast seeding Douglas-fir. (1957)
  704. Plantation survival and growth in two brush-threat areas in coastal Oregon. (1956)
  705. Place of partial cutting in old-growth stands of the Douglas-fir region. (1956)
  706. Economic considerations in Douglas-fir stand establishment. (1955)
  707. Gross yield and mortality tables for fully stocked stands of Douglas-fir. (1955)
  708. Brush control on forest lands with emphasis on promising methods for the Pacific Northwest: a review of selected references. (1955)
  709. A 4-year record of sitka spruce and western hemlock seed fall on the Cascade Head Experimental Forest. (1955)
  710. An analysis of production and costs in high-lead yarding. (1955)
  711. Deterioration of beetle-killed Douglas-fir in Oregon and Washington: a summary of findings to date. (1954)
  712. Direct seeding experiments on the 1951 Forks Burn. (1953)
  713. Soil moisture and the distribution of lodgepole and ponderosa pine: a review of the literature. (1953)
  714. Reducing wind damage in the forests of the Oregon Coast range. (1953)
  715. Utilization of mill residues in the timber products mills of the Lakeview Working Circle. (1953)
  716. Thinning ponderosa pine in the Pacific Northwest: a summary of present information. (1953)
  717. The Fall River Long-Term Site Productivity study in coastal Washington: site characteristics, methods, and biomass and carbon and nitrogen stores before and after harvest. (2007)
  718. A consumer guide: tools to manage vegetation and fuels. (2007)
  719. Growth of bear-damaged trees in a mixed plantation of Douglas-fir and red alder. (2007)
  720. Active remote sensing. (2006)
  721. A rigorous assessment of tree height measurements obtained using airborne LIDAR and conventional field methods. (2006)
  722. Stewardship and fireshed assessment: a process for designing a landscape fuel treatment strategy. (2007)
  723. Fuels planning: science synthesis and integration. (2007)
  724. Self-fertility of a central Oregon source of ponderosa pine. (1970)
  725. Slash fire atmospheric pollution. (1970)
  726. Two keys for appraising forest fire fuels. (1970)
  727. The effect of asphalt and wax emulsions on moisture changes in slash. (1969)
  728. Fire hazard from precommercial thinning of ponderosa pine. (1968)
  729. Palau's forest resources, 2003. (2007)
  730. Applied forest management in the Douglas-fir region. (1950)
  731. Tree species to grow in the south umpqua drainage. (1962)
  732. Cow and calf weight trends on mountain summer range. (1962)
  733. A 20-year growth record for three stands of red alder. (1962)
  734. Grass seeding as a control for roadbank erosion. (1962)
  735. Use of herbicides on forest lands in southwestern Oregon. (1961)
  736. Number of trees by diameter class in the forests of eastern Oregon. (1961)
  737. Cost of thinning 5-year-old Douglas-fir for pulpwood at Voight Creek Experimental Forest. (1961)
  738. Aerial photo volume tables for Douglas-fir in the Pacific Northwest. (1961)
  739. Soil moisture depletion in three lodgepole pine stands in northeastern Oregon. (1961)
  740. An evaluation of lithographed forest stereograms. (1961)
  741. Ponderosa pine lumber recovery in north-central Washington. (1961)
  742. Seed production of Douglas-fir increased by thinning. (1961)
  743. The secret life of marbled murrelets: monitoring populations and habitats. (2007)
  744. Seasoning and surfacing degrade in kiln-drying Douglas-fir in eastern Washington. (1961)
  745. Response of individual Douglas-fir trees to release. (1961)
  746. Seasoning and surfacing degrade in kiln-drying western hemlock in western Oregon. (1961)
  747. Response of 55-year-old lodgepole pine to thinning. (1961)
  748. Seasoning and surfacing degrade in kiln-drying ponderosa pine in eastern Washington. (1961)
  749. Notes on some rooting characteristics of antelope bitterbrush. (1961)
  750. Effect of a transpiration retardant on survival of planted ponderosa pine. (1961)
  751. Tree damage resulting from thinning in young-growth Douglas-fir and western hemlock. (1961)
  752. Standard error of estimated average timber volume per acre under point sampling when trees are measured for volume on a subsample of all points. (1961)
  753. Forest fire weather in eastern Oregon and central Washington in 1960. (1961)
  754. The densiometer for measurement of crown intercept above a line transect. (1960)
  755. Behavior of ground vegetation under a partially cut stand of Douglas-fir. (1960)
  756. Planting sitka spruce and Douglas-fir on decayed wood in coastal Oregon. (1960)
  757. Heart-rot hazard is low in Abies amabilis reproduction injured by logging. (1960)
  758. Harvesting minor forest products in the Pacific Northwest. (1960)
  759. Effect of thinning on form of young-growth Douglas-fir trees. (1960)
  760. Forest fire weather and computed fire occurrence in western Oregon and western Washington in 1960. (1960)
  761. Chemical control of bigleaf maple trees and stump sprouts. (1960)
  762. Lumber grade recovery from old-growth Douglas-fir at a northwestern Oregon sawmill. (1960)
  763. Long-suppressed ponderosa pine seedlings respond to release. (1960)
  764. Growth after thinning in 110-year old Douglas-fir. (1960)
  765. Productivity of a mature Douglas-fir stand. (1960)
  766. Effect of gibberellic acid and cold treatments on the germination of bitterbrush seed. (1960)
  767. Estimating d.b.h. from stump diameter in the Pacific Northwest. (1960)
  768. It's time to look at yarding problems on steep slopes. (1960)
  769. Merchantable height of trees in Oregon—a comparison of current logging practice and volume table specifications. (1960)
  770. A parallax-factor alignment chart. (1960)
  771. Drought effects on conifers in the Pacific Northwest, 1958-59. (1960)
  772. Estimating past diameters of several species in the ponderosa pine subregion of Oregon and Washington. (1960)
  773. Use of the densiometer to estimate density of forest canopy on permanent sample plots. (1959)
  774. Release of sugar pine seedlings and saplings by harvest cutting. (1959)
  775. Growth and survival of a sitka spruce plantation in coastal Oregon. (1959)
  776. Sprinkling to prevent decay in decked western hemlock logs. (1959)
  777. Forest fire weather and computed fire occurrence in western Oregon and western Washington. (1959)
  778. Relation of number and size of fires to fire-season weather indexes in western Washington and western Oregon. (1959)
  779. Weighting factors for computing the relation between tree volume and d.b.h. in the Pacific Northwest. (1959)
  780. Seasoning and surfacing degrade in kiln-drying Douglas-fir in western Oregon. (1959)
  781. Phytophthora lateralis on Port-Orford-cedar. (1959)
  782. Effect of weathering on accuracy of fuel-moisture-indicator sticks in the Pacific Northwest. (1959)
  783. Cubic volume tables for red alder and sitka spruce. (1959)
  784. 1958 bibliography of Pacific Northwest forest soils publications. (1959)
  785. Diameter growth of plantation-grown Douglas-fir trees under varying degrees of release. (1959)
  786. Some recent developments in the Wind River Douglas-fir plantation spacing tests. (1959)
  787. Some estimates of growth and mortality from the Malheur National Forest in eastern Oregon. (1959)
  788. A test planting of 2-0 and 3-0 Douglas-fir trees on a steep south slope. (1958)
  789. Port-Orford-cedar plantations in the Pacific Northwest. (1958)
  790. Forest fire weather in western Oregon and western Washington in 1958. (1958)
  791. Site curves for red alder. (1958)
  792. Site index charts for Douglas-fir in the Pacific Northwest. (1958)
  793. Occurrence of mycorrhizae after logging and slash burning in the Douglas-fir forest type. (1958)
  794. The extent of blister rust mycelia beyond bark discolorations on sugar pine. (1958)
  795. 1957 bibliography of Pacific Northwest forest soils publications. (1958)
  796. Microbiological soil properties after logging and slash burning. (1957)
  797. Soil moisture conditions after chemically killing manzanita brush in central Oregon. (1957)
  798. A test of grafting ponderosa pine. (1957)
  799. Forest fire weather in western Oregon and western Washington in 1957. (1957)
  800. Snow interception, accumulation, accumulation, and melt in lodgepole pine forests in the Blue Mountains of eastern Oregon. (1957)
  801. Veneer recovery from peeler-grade Douglas-fir logs in western Washington. (1957)
  802. Eliminating blister rust cankers from sugar pine by pruning. (1957)
  803. Climate and growth rate as related to an outbreak of silver fir beetles. (1957)
  804. Visual aids for aerial observers on forest insect surveys. (1957)
  805. Veneer recovery from peeler-grade Douglas-fir logs in northwestern Oregon. (1957)
  806. Ponderosa pine needle blight in eastern Oregon during 1955 and 1956. (1957)
  807. Early effect of two successive thinnings in western hemlock. (1957)
  808. Experience with basal area estimation by prisms in lodgepole pine. (1957)
  809. Veneer recovery from peeler-grade Douglas-fir logs in southwestern Oregon. (1957)
  810. Western redcedar lumber recovery from a western Washington sawmill. (1957)
  811. Timing of aerial surveys for the balsam woolly aphid. (1957)
  812. White fur lumber recovery at a western Washington sawmill. (1957)
  813. Western hemlock lumber recovery at a western Washington sawmill. (1957)
  814. Port-Orford-cedar—a poor risk for reforestation. (1957)
  815. Skidding with horses to thin young stands in western Washington. (1957)
  816. Some economic considerations in thinning Douglas-fir. (1957)
  817. Seasoning degrade in kiln drying ponderosa pine in south central Oregon. (1957)
  818. 1956 bibliography of Pacific Northwest forest soils publications. (1957)
  819. Forest fire weather in western Oregon and western Washington in 1956. (1956)
  820. Processing mill scale study data on a type 650 electronic machine. (1956)
  821. Pruning and occurrence of heart rot in young Douglas-fir. (1956)
  822. Public and private forest landownership in the Pacific northwest shows stability. (1956)
  823. Bibliography of Pacific Northwest forest soils publications through 1955. (1956)
  824. Damage to western Washington forests from November 1955 cold wave. (1956)
  825. Chemical basal treatment to control red alder. (1956)
  826. Selection thinning in young-growth Douglas-fir (a 6-year progress report). (1956)
  827. Use of a bark thickness—tree diameter relationship for estimating past diameters of ponderosa pine trees. (1956)
  828. Lumber grades from old-growth Douglas-fir sawmill logs. (1956)
  829. Ponderosa pine lumber recovery in Lakeview, Oregon area. (1955)
  830. 1955 forest fire weather in western Oregon and Washington. (1955)
  831. Tentative guides for the selection of plus trees and superior stands in Douglas-fir. (1955)
  832. Lumber-grade recovery from 110-year-old Douglas-fir thinnings. (1955)
  833. Dimension lumber grades from white fir in Lakeview area. (1955)
  834. Seedling distribution on a spruce-hemlock clearcut. (1955)
  835. Preliminary recommendations for seedspotting sugar pine in southwest Oregon. (1955)
  836. Growth after precommercial thinning in two stands of Douglas-fir. (1955)
  837. Synopsis of present information concerning Poria weirii root rot in Douglas-fir. (1955)
  838. Growth of Douglas-fir seedlings after slash burning. (1955)
  839. Needle blight of ponderosa pine. (1955)
  840. Bear damage to young Douglas-fir. (1955)
  841. Estimating past diameters of Douglas-fir trees. (1955)
  842. A comparison of conifers planted on the Hemlock Experimental Forest. (1955)
  843. Increment and mortality in a virgin Douglas-fir forest. (1955)
  844. Chemical brush control on central Oregon ponderosa pine lands. (1955)
  845. 1954 midsummer fuel moistures in Oregon and Washington national forests compared with other years. (1955)
  846. Seed production on the Voight Creek Experimental Forest, 1950-1953. (1954)
  847. 1954 forest fire weather in western Oregon and Washington. (1954)
  848. Soil reaction and germination of Douglas-fir seed. (1954)
  849. Some results of chemical debarking on sitka spruce, western hemlock, and red alder. (1954)
  850. Estimating stand age for Douglas-fir. (1954)
  851. Effect of slash burning on soil pH. (1954)
  852. Growth of a pole-size ponderosa on cutover land in relation to selection of trees for pruning. (1954)
  853. Natural reproduction of shasta red fir from a single good cone crop. (1954)
  854. A preliminary study of the deterioration of alder and Douglas-fir chips in outdoor piles. (1954)
  855. Douglas-fir site as a basis for selecting Christmas tree lands. (1954)
  856. Two commercial thinnings in century-old Douglas-fir. (1954)
  857. 1953 midsummer fuel moistures in Oregon and Washington national forests compared with other years. (1954)
  858. Cold weather damages promising species in the Wind River Arboretum. (1954)
  859. Forest fire danger in western Oregon and Washington during 1953. (1953)
  860. Survival and growth of fresh and stored planting stock. (1953)
  861. An estimate of the amount of road in the staggered-setting system of clearcutting. (1953)
  862. Pine dwarfmistletoe on the Pringle Falls Experimental Forest. (1953)
  863. Effect of heat on soil color and pH of two forest soils. (1953)
  864. Effects of tetramine used for rodent control in direct seeding of Douglas-fir. (1953)
  865. Lumber grade recovery from young ponderosa pine. (1953)
  866. Better marking means cheaper pruning. (1953)
  867. Fire weather in western Oregon and western Washington in 1952 compared with other years. (1953)
  868. 1952 midsummer fuel moistures in Oregon and Washington national forests compared with other years. (1953)
  869. Reproduction following small group cuttings in virgin Douglas-fir. (1953)
  870. Lumber grades from Douglas-fir peeler logs. (1952)
  871. Total height volume tables for western hemlock, sitka spruce and young-growth Douglas-fir (based on 32-foot logs and an 8-inch top). (1952)
  872. Timing of slash burning with the seed crop—a case history. (1952)
  873. Service life of treated and untreated fence posts on the Pringle Falls Experimental Forest. (1952)
  874. Lumber grades from young-growth Douglas-fir. (1952)
  875. The formula Scribner log rule. (1952)
  876. 1951 midsummer fuel moistures in Oregon and Washington national forests compared with other years. (1952)
  877. Comparative ratings of 1951 forest fire weather in western Oregon. (1951)
  878. A progress report on suspended sediment in several western Oregon and western Washington streams. (1951)
  879. Further observations on soil freezing in the Pacific Northwest. (1951)
  880. Seed crop prospects for 1951. (1950)
  881. Suggestions for getting more forestry in the logging plan. (1950)
  882. Fall Creek second-growth Douglas-fir thinning study. (1950)
  883. Contents of a cord of eight-foot pulpwood. (1950)
  884. Interpreting long-term trends in Blue Mountain ecosystems from repeat photography. (1995)
  885. Invertebrates of The H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Western Cascade Range, Oregon. V: An Annotated List of Insects and Other Arthropods (1991)
  886. Silvicultural approaches to animal damage management in Pacific Northwest forests. (1992)
  887. Hardwood supply in the Pacific Northwest-a policy perspective. (1995)
  888. Plant biomass in the Tanana River Basin, Alaska. (1995)
  889. Levels-of-growing-stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir: report no. 12—The Iron Creek Study, 1966-89. (1994)
  890. Production of lumber, lath, and shingles in Washington and Oregon 1869-1936. (1938)
  891. Forest research notes, Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station, No. 23, November 27, 1937. (1937)
  892. Timber volume and type acreage on the national forests of the north Pacific region. (1937)
  893. Highlights of Douglas fir natural regeneration. (1937)
  894. Ten-year development of Douglas-fir and associated vegetation after different site preparation on coast range clearcuts. (1995)
  895. Forest growth in the Douglas fir region. (1936)
  896. Glare-reducing goggles for lookouts. (1936)
  897. Population dynamics of the major North American needle-eating budworms. (1993)
  898. Forest research notes, Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station, No. 18, March 25, 1936. (1936)
  899. Pulpwood resources of western Oregon and western Washington (from inventory and growth phase of forest survey). (1935)
  900. Community type classification of forest vegetation in young, mixed stands, interior Alaska. (1993)
  901. Levels-of-growing-stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir: report no. 10—The Hoskins Study, 1963-83. (1992)
  902. National forest timber supply and stumpage markets in the western United States. (1991)
  903. Forest products issue. (1935)
  904. Fire research issue. (1934)
  905. Pacific Rim log trade: determinants and trends. (1991)
  906. Forest insurance number. (1934)
  907. Cost and productivity of new technology for harvesting and in-woods processing small-diameter trees. (1990)
  908. Sport fishing: a comparison of three indirect methods for estimating benefits. (1988)
  909. Forest research notes, Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station, No. 12, January 16, 1934. (1934)
  910. The effect on vegetation and soil temperature of logging flood-plain white spruce. (1988)
  911. Forest research notes, Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station, No. 11, May 5, 1933. (1933)
  912. A preliminary report, giving some of the results obtained in a study of lightning storm occurrence and behavior on the national forests of Oregon and Washington. (1932)
  913. The production and consumption of minor timber products in Oregon and Washington, 1930. (1932)
  914. Forest research notes, Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station, No. 08, December 11, 1931. (1931)
  915. Forest research notes, Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station, No. 07, August 13, 1931. (1931)
  916. Preliminary alinement charts for determining growth in selectively cut stands of western yellow pine. (1931)
  917. Two important publications on Douglas fir yields. (1931)
  918. Forest research notes, Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station, No. 04, June 27, 1930. (1930)
  919. Forest research notes, Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station, No. 03, October 30, 1929. (1929)
  920. Forest research notes, Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station, No. 02, March 11, 1929. (1929)
  921. Forest research notes, Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station, No. 01, November 1, 1928. (1928)
  922. Forest statistics for eastern Oregon and eastern Washington. (1938)
  923. Plant succession on a cut-over, burned, and grazed Douglas fir area. (1938)
  924. Forest research notes, Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station, No. 27, May 1, 1939. (1939)
  925. Volume distribution in saw-timber types in the ponderosa pine region. (1939)
  926. Forest research notes, Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station, No. 30, June 21, 1940. (1940)
  927. Forest research notes, Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station, No. 31, November 30, 1940. (1940)
  928. Forest research notes, Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station, No. 33, January 24, 1945. (1945)
  929. Forest research notes, Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station, No. 34, August 15, 1946. (1946)
  930. Crew size affects fire fighting efficiency: A progress report on time studies of the fire fighting job. (1940)
  931. Growth of ponderosa pine by keen tree class. (1943)
  932. Comparative growth of hybrid poplars and native northern black cottonwoods. (1947)
  933. First forest soil survey gives significant results. (1947)
  934. High yields from young-growth ponderosa pine. (1947)
  935. Effect of pruning on growth of ponderosa pine. (1947)
  936. Growth of ten regional races of ponderosa pine in six plantations. (1947)
  937. What is the time between ignition and discovery of lightning fires? (1947)
  938. Predicting stocking improvement in reproduction stands of Douglas-fir. (1948)
  939. Advantages of a detailed pre-sale layout and logging plan. (1948)
  940. Light thinning in century-old Douglas-fir. (1948)
  941. Use of dominant tree heights in determining site index for Douglas-fir. (1948)
  942. Selection cutting reduces ponderosa pine losses at Pringle Falls. (1948)
  943. The yield of Douglas-fir in the Pacific Northwest measured by international 1/4-inch kerf log rule. (1948)
  944. Summer moisture of forest fire fuels in Oregon and Washington in 1948 and previous years. (1948)
  945. The role of organic matter as a source of nitrogen in Douglas-fir forest soils. (1948)
  946. Practical guides for seeding grass on skid roads, trails, and landings, following logging on east-side forests of Washington and Oregon. (1949)
  947. Site classification for even-aged stands of western hemlock. (1949)
  948. Taper tables for western hemlock. (1949)
  949. Cordwood volume tables for second-growth Douglas-fir. (1949)
  950. Results of preliminary tests of pelletized crested wheatgrass seed. (1949)
  951. Preliminary guides for the management of lodgepole pine in Oregon and Washington. (1949)
  952. Volume tables for red alder. (1949)
  953. Can we save the seed crop? (1949)
  954. How long do ponderosa pine snags stand? (1949)
  955. Comparison of 1949 summer forest fuel moisture in Oregon and Washington with other years. (1949)
  956. Minor forest products of the Pacific Northwest. (1949)
  957. A program of forest soils research for the Pacific Northwest. (1949)
  958. Statistical control in hydrologic forecasting. (1950)
  959. First-year effects of logging on forage production. (1950)
  960. Some references on watershed management. (1950)
  961. The brushland plow. (1950)
  962. The effect of manzanita and snowbrush competition on ponderosa pine reproduction. (1950)
  963. Some observations on soil freezing in forest and range lands of the Pacific Northwest. (1950)
  964. Converting standard seeding rates for grasses to actual seeding rates per acre. (1950)
  965. Reseeding tarweed-infested ranges. (1950)
  966. Timber harvest in interior Alaska. (2006)
  967. Development of annualized diameter and height growth equations for red alder: preliminary results. (2006)
  968. Prediction of delayed mortality of fire-damaged ponderosa pine following prescribed fires in eastern Oregon, USA. (2006)
  969. Formation of social acceptability judgments and their implications for management of rare and little-known species. (2006)
  970. NHD, riverspill, and the development of the incident command tool for drinking water protection. (2006)
  971. Conservation of the marbled murrelet under the northwest forest plan. (2006)
  972. Statistical methods for analysing responses of wildlife to human disturbance. (2006)
  973. Protecting rare, old-growth, forest-associated species under the Survey and Manage program guidelines of the northwest forest plan. (2006)
  974. Using neutral models to identify constraints on low-severity fire regimes. (2006)
  975. Estimating variation in a landscape simulation of forest structure. (2006)
  976. Changes in the character of stream water dissolved organic carbon during flushing in three small watersheds, Oregon. (2006)
  977. Spatial and temporal variability in forest growth in the Olympic Mountains, Washington: sensitivity to climatic variability. (2006)
  978. Relations between red alder composition and understory vegetation in young mixed forests of southeast Alaska. (2006)
  979. Volume growth trends in a Douglas-fir levels-of-growing-stock study. (2006)
  980. Summary and synthesis: past and future changes in the Alaskan Boreal Forest. (2006)
  981. An assessment of educational needs in the Alaskan forest products industry. (2005)
  982. Season of prescribed burn in ponderosa pine forests in eastern Oregon: impact on pine mortality. (2005)
  983. Vegetation-environment relationships in zero-order basins in coastal Oregon. (2005)
  984. Light detection and ranging (LIDAR): an emerging tool for multiple resource inventory. (2005)
  985. The influence of ungulates on non-native plant invasions in forests and rangelands: a review. (2005)
  986. Historical range of variability in landscape structure: a simulation study in Oregon, USA. (2005)
  987. Does water transport scale universally with tree size? (2005)
  988. Patterns of conifer tree regeneration following an autumn wildfire event in the western Oregon Cascade Range, USA. (2005)
  989. Do remnant old-growth trees accelerate rates of succession in mature Douglas-fir forests? (2005)
  990. Douglas-fir ectomycorrhizae in 40- and 400-year-old stands: mycobiont availability to late successional western hemlock. (2005)
  991. Evidence and implications of recent climate change in northern Alaska and other arctic regions. (2005)
  992. A modelling study of hyporheic exchange pattern and the sequence, size, and spacing of stream bedforms in mountain stream networks, Oregon, USA. (2005)
  993. Structure-function relationships in sapwood water transport and storage. (2005)
  994. Plant succession on the Mount St. Helens debris-avalanche deposit. (2005)
  995. Ecological responses to the 1980 eruptions of Mount St. Helens: forward and preface. (2005)
  996. An adaptive management process for forest soil conservation. (2005)
  997. Causes and consequences of herbivory on prairie lupine (Lupinus lepidus) in early primary succession (2005)
  998. Taxonomic relationships among Phenacomys voles as inferred by cytochrome b. (2005)
  999. Quantifying sources of variation in the frequency of fungi associated with spruce beetles: implications for hypothesis testing and sampling methodology in bark beetle-symbiont relationships. (2005)
  1000. Simulating fuel reduction scenarios on a wildland-urban interface in northeastern Oregon. (2005)
  1001. Pacific Northwest forest tree seed zones: a template for native plants? (2004)
  1002. Common families across test series—how many do we need? (2004)
  1003. Diets and foraging behavior of northern spotted owls in Oregon. (2004)
  1004. Roger Lake research natural area: guidebook supplement 29. (2006)
  1005. Distribution and abundance of red tree voles in Oregon based on occurrence in pellets of northern spotted owls. (2004)
  1006. Mitigation, adaptation, and climate change: results from recent research on US timber markets. (2000)
  1007. Competitiveness of biomass-fueled electrical power plants. (2000)
  1008. Effects of global climate change on the US forest sector: response functions derived from a dynamic resource and market simulator. (2000)
  1009. Predicting future forestland area: a comparison of econometric approaches. (2000)
  1010. Fire and forest meterology. (2005)
  1011. Return to the river: strategies for salmon restoration in the Columbia River Basin. (2006)
  1012. Lumber attributes, characteristics, and species preferences as indicated by secondary wood products firms in the continental United States. (2006)
  1013. Length polymorphism scanning is an efficient approach for revealing chloroplast DNA variation. (2006)
  1014. Comparison of five canopy cover estimation techniques in the western Oregon Cascades. (2006)
  1015. Evolutionary relationships among Pinus (Pinaceae) subsections inferred from multiple low-copy nuclear loci. (2005)
  1016. Genetic characterization of three varieties of Astragalus lentiginosus (Fabaceae). (2005)
  1017. Accuracy of an IFSAR-derived digital terrain model under a conifer forest canopy. (2005)
  1018. Distributions and habitat models of epiphytic physconia in north-central California. (2003)
  1019. Biodiversity conservation—a place holder: introduction to papers in this issue. (2006)
  1020. Wildfire smoke conditions: interior Alaska. (1974)
  1021. Stream chemistry following a forest fire and urea fertilization in north-central Washington. (1973)
  1022. Summary of climatic data for the Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest, interior Alaska. (1973)
  1023. Fire season climatic zones of mainland Alaska. (1971)
  1024. A "battery saver" for event recorders. (1971)
  1025. Selected 1966-69 interior Alaska wildfire statistics with long-term comparisons. (1971)
  1026. Adjustment of relative humidity and temperature for differences in elevation. (1961)
  1027. Evaluation of EIS alternatives by the science integration team, volume I. (1997)
  1028. Fifty years of research progress: a historical document on the Starkey Experimental Forest and Range. (1991)
  1029. Techniques for monitoring pileated woodpeckers. (1990)
  1030. Age structure and age-related performance of sulfur cinquefoil (Potentilla recta). (2006)
  1031. Evaluation of a stream channel-type system for southeast Alaska. (1991)
  1032. An analysis of the timber situation in Alaska: 1970-2010. (1990)
  1033. Effects of historical climate change, habitat connectivity, and vicariance on genetic structure and diversity across the range of the red tree vole (Phenacomys longicaudus) in the Pacific Northwestern United States. (2006)
  1034. State-of-the-art methodology of forest inventory: a symposium proceedings. (1990)
  1035. DNA analysis of hair and scat collected along snow tracks to document the presence of Canada Lynx. (2006)
  1036. Transpiration-induced axial and radial tension gradients in trunks of Douglas-fir trees. (2006)
  1037. Diurnal and seasonal variation in root xylem embolism in neotropical savanna woody species: impact on stomatal control of plant water status. (2006)
  1038. Red alder stand development and dynamics. (2006)
  1039. Hydraulic redistribution in a Douglas-fir forest: lessons from system manipulations. (2006)
  1040. Genecology of Douglas fir in western Oregon and Washington. (2005)
  1041. An explicit microphysics thunderstorm model. (2005)
  1042. Mount St. Helens: biological responses following the 1980 eruptions — an indexed bibliography and research abstracts (1980 - 93). (1994)
  1043. Levels-of-growing-stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir: report no. 09—Some comparisons of DFSIM estimates with growth in the levels-of-growing-stock study. (1987)
  1044. Annotated Bibliography of Chamaecypans nootkatensis. (1997)
  1045. Special forest products: an east-side perspective. (1997)
  1046. Smoke exposure among wildland firefighters: a review and discussion of current literature. (1997)
  1047. Provisional tree seed zones and transfer guidelines for Alaska. (1991)
  1048. County portraits of Washington State. (1997)
  1049. Forest science research and scientific communities in Alaska: a history of the origins and evolution of USDA Forest Service research in Juneau, Fairbanks, and Anchorage. (1998)
  1050. Status of the interior Columbia Basin: summary of scientific findings. (1996)
  1051. Disturbance and Forest Health in Oregon and Washington. (1996)
  1052. County portraits of Oregon and Northern California. (1996)
  1053. National proceedings: forest and conservation nursery associations—1995. (1995)
  1054. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, fourth quarter 1997. (1999)
  1055. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, third quarter 1997. (1998)
  1056. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, second quarter 1997. (1998)
  1057. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, first quarter 1997. (1997)
  1058. Northwest plant names and symbols for ecosystem inventory and analysis. (1976)
  1059. Forest residues in hemlock-spruce forests of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska: a state-of-knowledge review with recommendations for residue management. (1975)
  1060. Research natural area needs in the Pacific Northwest. (1975)
  1061. Forest residues management guidelines for the Pacific Northwest. (1975)
  1062. The forest ecosystem of southeast Alaska: 7. Forest ecology and timber management. (1974)
  1063. Red alder kitchen cabinets—How does application of commercial stains influence customer choice? (2007)
  1064. Environmental effects of forest residues management in the Pacific Northwest: a state-of-knowledge compendium. (1974)
  1065. A pioneer exotic tree search for the Douglas-fir region. (1992)
  1066. Levels-of-growing-stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir: report no. 08—The LOGS Study, 20-year results. (1986)
  1067. Estimators and characteristics of logging residue in California. (1986)
  1068. Regeneration outlook on BLM Lands in the Siskiyou Mountains. (1986)
  1069. Classification, description, and dynamics of plant communities after fire in the taiga of interior Alaska. (1983)
  1070. Regeneration outlook on BLM lands in the Southern Oregon Cascades. (1981)
  1071. The Standley allotment: a history of range recovery. (1980)
  1072. Green fescue grassland: 40 years of secondary succession. (1980)
  1073. Dead western white pine: characteristics, product recovery, and problems associated with utilization. (1980)
  1074. Volume and average stumpage price of selected species on the national forests of the Pacific Northwest region, 1973 to 1984. (1986)
  1075. Forest and range soils research in Oregon and Washington: a bibliography with abstracts from 1969 through 1974. (1976)
  1076. U.S. forest products trade policies: what are the options. (1975)
  1077. A catalog of viral diseases of insects and mites. (1975)
  1078. Silvicultural use of herbicides in Pacific Northwest forests. (1975)
  1079. The forest ecosystem of southeast Alaska: 9. Timber inventory, harvesting, marketing, and trends. (1975)
  1080. Status of timber utilization on the Pacific Coast. (1974)
  1081. The forest ecosystem of southeast Alaska: 8. Water. (1974)
  1082. Sensitivity of allowable cuts to intensive management. (1974)
  1083. The forest ecosystem of southeast Alaska: 6. Forest diseases. (1974)
  1084. Slope stability problems associated with timber harvesting in mountainous regions of the western United States. (1974)
  1085. The forest ecosystem of southeast Alaska: 5. Soil mass movement. (1974)
  1086. The forest ecosystem of Southeast Alaska: 4. Wildlife habitats. (1974)
  1087. The forest ecosystem of southeast Alaska: 3. Fish habitats. (1974)
  1088. The forest ecosystem of southeast Alaska: 2. Forest insects. (1974)
  1089. The forest ecosystem of southeast Alaska: 1. The setting. (1974)
  1090. User's manual for a computer program for simulating intensively managed allowable cut. (1972)
  1091. The growing importance of retirement income in timber-dependent areas. (1986)
  1092. The eastern larch beetle in Alaska. (1986)
  1093. Kentucky's forest products industry: performance and contribution to the state's economy, 1970 to 1980. (1986)
  1094. Changes in product recovery between live and dead lodgepole pine: a compendium. (1986)
  1095. Sitka spruce and western hemlock beach logs in southeast Alaska: suitability for lumber, pulp, and energy. (1986)
  1096. South Carolina's forest products industry: performance and contribution to the state's economy, 1970 to 1980. (1986)
  1097. Economic impacts of interregional competition in the forest products industry during the 1970's: the South and the Pacific Northwest. (1986)
  1098. Germination, survival and early growth of conifer seedlings in two habitat types. (1986)
  1099. Wood density-moisture profiles in old-growth Douglas-fir and western hemlock. (1986)
  1100. Response of Douglas-fir seedlings to nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus fertilizers. (1985)
  1101. Tree form quotients as variables in volume estimation. (1985)
  1102. Growth response of suppressed true fir and mountain hemlock after release. (1985)
  1103. Defining an economics research program to describe and evaluate ecosystem services. (2007)
  1104. Financial analysis of fuel treatments on national forests in the Western United States. (2006)
  1105. Export chip prices as a proxy for nonsawtimber prices in the Pacific Northwest. (2006)
  1106. North Carolina's forest products industry: performance and contribution to the state's economy, 1970 to 1980. (1985)
  1107. Soil and air temperatures for different habitats in Mount Rainier National Park. (1985)
  1108. Height growth and site index curves for Douglas-fir on dry sites in the Willamette National Forest. (1985)
  1109. Air drying of softwood lumber, Fairbanks, Alaska. (1985)
  1110. Response of a poor-site western redcedar stand to precommercial thinning and fertilization. (1985)
  1111. The influence of residue removal and prescribed fire on distributions of forest nutrients. (1985)
  1112. Comparison of logging residue from lump sum and log scale timber sales. (1985)
  1113. Land ownership patterns in the Tanana River basin, Alaska, 1984. (1985)
  1114. Lumber recovery from ponderosa pine in northern California. (1985)
  1115. Georgia's forest products industry: performance and contribution to the state's economy, 1970 to 1980. (1985)
  1116. Response of dwarf mistletoe-infested ponderosa pine to thinning: 2. Dwarf mistletoe propagation. (1985)
  1117. Estimating the weight of crown segments for old-growth Douglas-fir and western hemlock. (1985)
  1118. Lumber recovery from ponderosa pine in the Black Hills, South Dakota. (1985)
  1119. CLIMACS: a computer model of forest stand development for western Oregon and Washington. (1984)
  1120. Growth and yield of sitka spruce and western hemlock at Cascade Head Experimental Forest, Oregon. (1984)
  1121. Levels-of-growing-stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir: report no. 07—Preliminary results, Stampede Creek, and some comparisons with Iron Creek and Hoskins. (1984)
  1122. Estimating tree bole and log weights from green densities measured with the Bergstrom Xylodensimeter. (1984)
  1123. Estimators and characteristics of logging residue in Montana. (1984)
  1124. Lumber recovery from insect-killed lodgepole pine in the northern Rocky Mountains. (1984)
  1125. The value of roaded, multiple-use areas as recreation sites in three national forests of the Pacific Northwest. (1984)
  1126. Characteristics of residues in a cable-logged area of old-growth Douglas-fir. (1984)
  1127. Some effects of predaceous birds and ants on the western spruce budworm on conifer seedlings. (1984)
  1128. Sustainable forestry in theory and practice: recent advances in inventory and monitoring, statistics and modeling, information and knowledge management, and policy science. (2006)
  1129. LTER network data access policy revision: report and recommendations. (2004)
  1130. Geology and geomorphology of the Lower Deschutes River Canyon, Oregon. (2002)
  1131. The ecological and cultural functions of invertebrates in the Congo River basin. (2005)
  1132. Tree and understory responses to variable-density thinning in western Washington. (2005)
  1133. Determining average yarding distance. (1979)
  1134. Baseline climatic and hydrologic relationships for the high ridge evaluation area. (1980)
  1135. Seasonal changes in chemical composition and nutritive value of native forages in a spruce-hemlock forest, southeastern Alaska. (1983)
  1136. Ecological effects of the Wickersham Dome fire near Fairbanks, Alaska. (1979)
  1137. Regeneration in United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service mixed conifer partial cuttings in the Blue Mountains of Oregon and Washington. (1983)
  1138. Avifauna associated with early growth vegetation on clearcuts in the Oregon coast ranges. (1983)
  1139. Logging damage in thinned, young-growth true fir stands in California and recommendations for prevention. (1983)
  1140. Product Recovery From Hemlock "Pulpwood" From Alaska. (1983)
  1141. Management of western Hemlock-sitka spruce forests for timber production. (1979)
  1142. Growth-simulation model for lodgepole pine in central Oregon. (1983)
  1143. Identifying and evaluating environmental impacts associated with timber harvest scheduling policies. (1979)
  1144. Influence of forest and rangeland management on anadromous fish habitat in Western North America: habitat requirements of anadromous salmonids. (1979)
  1145. Comparative autecological characteristics of northwestern tree species—a literature review. (1979)
  1146. Western hemlock as a veneer resource. (1982)
  1147. Operational test of the prototype peewee yarder. (1979)
  1148. Relative density: the key to stocking assessment in regional analysis—a forest survey viewpoint. (1979)
  1149. Wood for energy in the Pacific Northwest: an overview. (1979)
  1150. Documentation of the Douglas-fir tussock moth outbreak-population model. (1979)
  1151. Douglas-fir tussock moth: an annotated bibliography. (1978)
  1152. Documentation of meteorological data from the coniferous forest biome primary station in Oregon. (1978)
  1153. Plotting landscape perspectives of clearcut units. (1978)
  1154. Physical consequences of large organic debris in Pacific Northwest streams. (1978)
  1155. Public participation in wilderness and backcountry litter control: a review of research and management experience. (1978)
  1156. The Dead Indian Plateau: a historical summary of forestry observations and research in a severe southwestern Oregon environment. (1978)
  1157. Planning for prescribed burning in the inland northwest. (1978)
  1158. Herbicides for shrub and weed tree control in western Oregon. (1978)
  1159. Proceedings of the western juniper ecology and management workshop. (1977)
  1160. High Peak/Moon Creek Research Natural Area: guidebook supplement 30. (2006)
  1161. Utilization and management of alder. (1978)
  1162. The forest ecosystem of southeast Alaska: 10. Outdoor recreation and scenic resources. (1978)
  1163. Selection, management and utilization of biosphere reserves. (1979)
  1164. Programs for road network planning. (1978)
  1165. Monitoring forests from space: quantifying forest change by using satellite data. (2006)
  1166. Timber resource statistics for forest land in eastern Washington, January 2002. (2006)
  1167. Laminated root rot in a western Washington plantation: 8-year mortality and growth of Douglas-fir as related to infected stumps, tree density, and fertilization. (2006)
  1168. Assessment of the risk of invasion of national forest streams in the Pacific Northwest by farmed Atlantic salmon. (2006)
  1169. Applicability of four regional volume tables for estimating growth response to thinning in Douglas-fir. (1982)
  1170. Interactions between domestic and export markets for softwood lumber and plywood: tests of six hypotheses. (1981)
  1171. Estimating value and volume of ponderosa pine trees by equations. (1981)
  1172. Projections of the demand for national forest stumpage by region: 1980-2030. (1981)
  1173. Stages of growth theory and money flows from commercial banks in timber-dependent communities. (1980)
  1174. The impact of the export and import of raw logs on domestic timber supplies and prices. (1980)
  1175. The outlook for housing in Japan to the year 2000. (1980)
  1176. Larval densities and trends of insect species associated with spruce budworms in buds and shoots in Oregon and Washington. (1980)
  1177. Plastic cages to protect Douglas-fir seedlings from animal damage in western Oregon. (1980)
  1178. Case history of population change in a Bacillus thuringiensis-treated vs. an untreated outbreak of the western spruce budworm. (1996)
  1179. Projecting population change in the interior Columbia River Basin. (1996)
  1180. Reducing stand densities in immature and mature stands, Applegate Watershed, Southwest Oregon. (1996)
  1181. Modeling the population dynamics of Pacific yew. (1995)
  1182. Suggested stocking levels for forest stands in northeastern Oregon and southeastern Washington. (1993)
  1183. Instar development of the Douglas-fir tussock moth in relation to field temperatures. (1993)
  1184. A spruce budworm sampling program for HUSKY HUNTER field data recorders. (1992)
  1185. Stocking levels and underlying assumptions for uneven-aged Ponderosa Pine stands. (1992)
  1186. Application of a hierarchical habitat unit classification system: stream habitat and salmonid distribution in Ward Creek, southeast Alaska. (1992)
  1187. Persistence of western hemlock and western redcedar trees 38 years after girdling at Cat Island in southeast Alaska. (1991)
  1188. Control of Western Dwarf Mistletoe with the plant-growth regulator Ethephon. (1991)
  1189. Development of western spruce budworm on Douglas-fir callus tissue.  (1991)
  1190. Sensitivity of TRIM projections to management, harvest, yield, and stocking adjustment assumptions. (1991)
  1191. Response of thinned White fir stands to fertilization with nitrogen plus sulphur. (1991)
  1192. Fertilization and spacing effects on growth of planted ponderosa pine. (1991)
  1193. Stratification period and germination of Douglas-fir seed from Oregon seed orchards: two case studies. (1991)
  1194. Mammoth lakes revisited—50 years after a Douglas-fir tussock moth outbreak. (1990)
  1195. Sampling western spruce budworm larvae by frequency of occurrence on lower crown branches. (1990)
  1196. Soil water use by Ceanothus velutinus and two grasses. (1990)
  1197. Field performance in southeast Alaska of sitka spruce seedlings produced at two nurseries. (1990)
  1198. Stratification requirements for germination of western larch (Larix occidentalis Nutt.) seed. (1990)
  1199. An Introduction To PC-TRIM. (1989)
  1200. Estimating carrying capacity with simultaneous nutritional constraints. (1989)
  1201. Estimating load weights with Huber's Cubic Volume formula: a field trial. (1989)
  1202. New method for measuring water seepage through salmon spawning gravel. (1988)
  1203. Seasonal variation of degree-day accumulation in relation to phenology of western spruce budworm, Douglas-fir tussock moth, and host trees in northeastern Oregon. (1988)
  1204. An anchoring system for fish habitat structures: field technique, evaluation, and application. (1988)
  1205. Energy values for whole trees and crowns of selected species. (1988)
  1206. Effects of log defects on lumber recovery. (1989)
  1207. Tables and equations for estimating volumes of trees in the Susitna River Basin, Alaska. (1988)
  1208. Tree growth in thinned and unthinned White fir stands 20 years after a Douglas-fir tussock moth outbreak. (1988)
  1209. Yarding-method and slash-treatment effects on compaction, humus, and variation in plantation soils. (1988)
  1210. Growth and yield of a managed 30-year-old noble fir plantation. (1988)
  1211. Breeding biology of the pileated woodpecker—management implications. (1988)
  1212. Price projections for selected grades of Douglas-fir lumber. (1988)
  1213. Effects of recent national legislation on ownership of timberland resources in southeast Alaska. (1987)
  1214. Incidence of decay fungi in stumps of two thinned western larch stands in northeastern Oregon. (1987)
  1215. Illustrating harvest effects on site microclimate in a high-elevation forest stand. (1987)
  1216. Rooting sitka spruce from southeast Alaska. (1987)
  1217. Variation in damage from growing-season frosts among open-pollinated families of red alder. (1987)
  1218. Water quality and streamflow in the Caribou-Poker Creeks Research Watershed, central Alaska, 1979. (1987)
  1219. Fungi from foliage of Arctostaphylospatula, Castanopsis chrysophylla, and Ceanothus velutinus. (1987)
  1220. Bud characteristics of unrooted stem cuttings affect establishment success of cottonwood. (1987)
  1221. Seven chemicals fail to protect Ponderosa pine from Armillaria root disease in central Washington. (1987)
  1222. Influence of overstory on snow depth and density in hemlock-spruce stands: implications for management of deer habitat in Southeastern Alaska. (1987)
  1223. Fifteen-year results from a Grand fir-Shasta red fir spacing study. (1987)
  1224. Pecky rot in incense-cedar: evaluation of five scaling methods. (1987)
  1225. Madrone duff and the natural regeneration of Douglas-fir. (1987)
  1226. Effects of Arceuthobium americanum on twig growth of Pinus contorts. (1986)
  1227. Drying firewood in a temporary solar kiln: a case study. (1986)
  1228. An improved method of chemical analysis for low levels of nitrogen in forest streams or in rainwater. (1986)
  1229. Early lessons from commercial thinning in a 30-year-old Sitka Spruce-Western Hemlock forest. (1986)
  1230. Interim definitions for old growth Douglas-fir and mixed-conifer forests in the Pacific Northwest and California. (1986)
  1231. Effect of operational fertilization on foliar nutritent content and growth of young Douglas-fir and Pacific silver fir. (1986)
  1232. Resource partitioning among woodpeckers in northeastern Oregon. (1986)
  1233. Invertebrates of The H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Western Cascades, Oregon: III. The Orthoptera (Grasshoppers and Crickets). (1986)
  1234. A method for estimating the preharvest potential for seeding height growth on cutover forest land in southwestern Oregon. (1986)
  1235. New and modified techniques for studying nitrogen-fixing bacteria in small mammal droppings. (1986)
  1236. Growth of White fir after Douglas-fir tussock moth outbreaks: long-term records in the Sierra Nevada. (1986)
  1237. Use of curlleaf mountain-mahogany by mule deer on a transition range. (1986)
  1238. Effect of jellyrolling and acclimatization on survival and height growth of conifer seedlings. (1986)
  1239. The future role of chemicals in forestry. (1973)
  1240. Aerial spray adjuvants for herbicidal drift control. (1973)
  1241. Lodgepole pine: regeneration and management. (1983)
  1242. Wildlife habitats in managed rangelands—the Great Basin of southeastern Oregon: plant communities and their importance to wildlife. (1981)
  1243. Forest regeneration at high latitudes. (1980)
  1244. Compatible forest management: background and context. (2003)
  1245. Chapter 17: the search for compatibility: what have we learned? (2003)
  1246. Are self-thinning constraints needed in a tree-specific mortality model? (2005)
  1247. Deep canyon and subalpine riparian and wetland plant associations of the Malheur, Umatilla, and Wallowa-Whitman National Forests. (2006)
  1248. Growth, nitrogen fixation and mineral acquisition of Alnus sieboldiana after inoculation of Frankia together with Gigaspora margarita and Pseudomonas putida. (2005)
  1249. Vertical stratification of soil water storage and release dynamics in Pacific Northwest coniferous forests. (2005)
  1250. Geographic variation, genetic structure, and conservation unit designation in the Larch Mountain salamander (Plethodon larselli). (2005)
  1251. Livestock grazing and wildlife: developing compatabilities. (2005)
  1252. An assessment of ecosystem components in the interior Columbia basin and portions of the Klamath and Great Basins: volume 1. (1997)
  1253. Predicting internal lumber grade from log surface knots: actual and simulated results. (2005)
  1254. Early genetic testing of coastal Douglas-fir for Swiss needle cast tolerance. (2005)
  1255. Plantation productivity in the Douglas-fir region under intensive silvicultural practices: results from research and operations. (2005)
  1256. Density-dependent effects on physical condition and reproduction in North American elk: an experimental test. (2005)
  1257. The northern flying squirrel as an indicator species of temperate rain forest: test of an hypothesis. (2005)
  1258. Early impacts of forest restoration treatments on the ectomycorrhizal fungal community and fine root biomass in a mixed conifer forest. (2005)
  1259. Wood productivity of Pacific Northwest Douglas-fir: estimates from growth-and-yield models. (2005)
  1260. 25 years of ecological change at Mount St. Helens. (2005)
  1261. Efficiency of using first-generation information during second-generation selection: results of computer simulation. (2004)
  1262. Evaluation of the antiaggregation pheromone, 3-methylcyclohex-2-en-1-one (MCH), to protect live spruce from spruce beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) infestation in sourthern Utah. (2004)
  1263. Cooperative advanced-generation breeding and testing of coastal Douglas-fir and western hemlock—strategy and implementation. (2005)
  1264. How did prefire treatments affect the Biscuit Fire? (2005)
  1265. Broadening participation in biological monitoring: handbook for scientists and managers. (2006)
  1266. Spatial and population characteristics of dwarf mistletoe infected trees in an old-growth Douglas-fir - western hemlock forest. (2005)
  1267. Decision support for integrated landscape evaluation and restoration planning. (2005)
  1268. Defining a regional approach for invasive plant research and management. (2005)
  1269. Longer-term effects of selective thinning on microarthropod communities in a late-successional coniferous forest. (2005)
  1270. Application of spatial technologies in wildlife biology. (2005)
  1271. Newly discovered populations of salamanders from Siskiyou County California represent a species distinct from Plethodon Stormi. (2005)
  1272. Growth response of Douglas-fir seedlings to nitrogen fertilization: importance of Rubisco activation state and respiration rates. (2005)
  1273. Chapter 7. Additional studies using CFIRP treatments: Douglas-fir genetics and ambrosia beetle log colonization. (2005)
  1274. Establishment and growth of native hardwood and conifer seedlings underplanted in thinned Douglas-fir stands. (2005)
  1275. Estimation and application of a growth and yield model for uneven-aged mixed conifer stands in California. (2005)
  1276. Combining LIDAR estimates of aboveground biomass and Landsat estimates of stand age for spatially extensive validation of modeled forest productivity. (2005)
  1277. Using the spatial and spectral precision of satellite imagery to predict wildlife occurrence patterns. (2005)
  1278. Patterns of vegetative growth and gene flow in Rhizopogon vinicolor and R. vesiculosus (Boletales, Basidiomycota). (2005)
  1279. Landscape-level movements of North American elk (Cervus elaphus): effects of habitat patch structure and topography. (2005)
  1280. Dynamics of hardwood patches in a conifer matrix: 54 years of change in a forested landscape in Coastal Oregon, USA. (2005)
  1281. Genotype x shade effects for western hemlock. (2005)
  1282. Dry forests and wildland fires of the inland Northwest USA: contrasting the landscape ecology of the pre-settlement and modern eras. (2005)
  1283. Examining the recent climate through the lens of ecology: inferences from temporal pattern analysis. (2005)
  1284. The seed ecology of Iliamna logisepala (Torr.) Wiggins, an east Cascade endemic. (2005)
  1285. Effect of growth ring orientation and placement of earlywood and latewood on MOE and MOR of very-small clear Douglas-fir beams. (2005)
  1286. Landscape evaluation of female black bear habitat effectiveness and capability in the North Cascades, Washington. (2005)
  1287. Leaf functional traits of Neotropical savanna trees in relation to seasonal water deficit. (2005)
  1288. Effects of post-harvest treatments on high-elevation forests in the North Cascade Range, Washington. (2005)
  1289. Why 'a forest conscienceness'? (2005)
  1290. Mechanisms contributing to seasonal homeostasis of minimum leaf water potential and predawn disequilibrium between soil and plant water potential in Neotropical savanna trees. (2005)
  1291. Managing rangelands for wildlife. (2005)
  1292. Society's choices: land use changes, forest fragmentation, and conservation. (2006)
  1293. A model to estimate noble fir bough weight. (2005)
  1294. A historical forest management conundrum: do social and biophysical mix? (2005)
  1295. A hierarchical spatial framework for forest landscape planning. (2005)
  1296. Water uptake and transport in lianas and co-occurring trees of a seasonally dry tropical forest. (2005)
  1297. Estimating forest canopy fuel parameters using LIDAR data. (2005)
  1298. Phylogeny of the New World diploid cottons (Gossypium L., Malvaceae) based on sequences of three low-copy nuclear genes. (2005)
  1299. SOFRA and RPA: two views of the future of southern timber supply. (2005)
  1300. Cattle and elk responses to intensive timber harvest. (2004)
  1301. Overview of the Starkey Project: mule deer and elk research for management benefits. (2004)
  1302. Spatial partitioning by mule deer and elk in relation to traffic. (2004)
  1303. Effects of off-road recreation on mule deer and elk. (2004)
  1304. Lodgepole pine site index in relation to synoptic measures of climate, soil moisture and soil nutrients. (2004)
  1305. Incidental captures of birds in small mammal traps: a cautionary note for interdisciplinary studies. (2004)
  1306. Fire severity in intermittent stream drainages, Western Cascade Range, Oregon. (2004)
  1307. The role of ungulate herbivory and management on ecosystem patterns and processes: future direction of the Starkey project. (2004)
  1308. Pollination and seed production in Xerophyllum tenax (Melanthiaceae) in the Cascade Range of central Oregon. (2004)
  1309. Has the Starkey Project delivered on its commitments? (2004)
  1310. Long range lateral root activity by neo-tropical savanna trees. (2004)
  1311. Ecological correlates of flying squirrel microhabitat use and density in temperate rainforests of southeastern Alaska (2004)
  1312. Northwest Forest Plan—the first 10 years (1994-2003): synthesis of monitoring and research results. (2006)
  1313. Ecological setting of the Wind River old-growth forest. (2004)
  1314. Effects of roads on elk: implications for management in forested ecosystems. (2004)
  1315. The Starkey project: long-term research for long-term management solutions. (2004)
  1316. Microbial populations and activities in the rhizoplane of rock-weathering desert plants. II. growth promotion of cactus seedlings. (2004)
  1317. Microbial populations and activities in the rhizoplane of rock-weathering desert plants. I. root colonization and weathering of igneous rocks. (2004)
  1318. Influence of age of males and nutritional condition on short- and long-term reproductive success of elk. (2004)
  1319. Response of ectomycorrhizal fungus sporocarp production to varying levels and patterns of green-tree retention. (2004)
  1320. The dynamics of rainfall interception by a seasonal temperate rainforest. (2004)
  1321. Wildlife adaptations and management in eastside interior forests with mixed severity fire regimes. (2004)
  1322. Estimating photosynthetic 13C discrimination in terrestrial CO2 exchange from canopy to regional scales. (2004)
  1323. The Starkey databases: spatial-environmental relations of North American elk, mule deer, and cattle at the Starkey Experimental Forest and Range in northeastern Oregon. (2004)
  1324. Huckleberry abundance, stand conditions, and use in western Oregon: evaluating the role of forest management. (2004)
  1325. Issues of elk productivity for research and management. (2004)
  1326. Elk and mule deer responses to variation in hunting pressure. (2004)
  1327. On the road: workable solutions to the problems of roads and highways. (2004)
  1328. Learning to manage a complex ecosystem: adaptive management and the Northwest Forest Plan. (2006)
  1329. Carbon storage in coarse and fine fractions of Pacific Northwest old-growth forest soils. (2004)
  1330. Livestock forage conditioning: bluebunch wheatgrass, Idaho fescue, and bottlebrush squirreltail. (2004)
  1331. Diet composition, dry matter intake and diet overlap of mule deer, elk and cattle. (2004)
  1332. Nutrition and parturition date effects on elk: potential implications for research and management. (2004)
  1333. Thermal cover needs of large ungulates: a review of hypothesis tests. (2004)
  1334. Spatial and temporal interactions of elk, mule deer, and cattle. (2004)
  1335. Bureau of Land Management density management study. (2004)
  1336. Alaska birch crafts and gifts: marketing practices and demographics. (2004)
  1337. Landscape simulation of foraging by elk, mule deer, and cattle on summer range. (2004)
  1338. Movements and habitat use of rocky mountain elk and mule deer. (2004)
  1339. Compatible management of red alder-conifer ecosystems in southeastern Alaska. (2003)
  1340. New forest vegetation maps facilitate assessment of biodiversity indicators over large, multi-ownership regions. (2003)
  1341. Sediment transport and soil disturbance after postfire logging. (2003)
  1342. Effects of wood on debris flow runout in small mountain watersheds. (2003)
  1343. The importance of place: advances in science and application. (2003)
  1344. Landscape- vs gap-level controls on the abundance of a fire-sensitive, late-successional tree species. (2002)
  1345. Lidar remote sensing of above-ground biomass in three biomes. (2002)
  1346. Extinction risk in successional landscapes subject to catastrophic disturbances. (2002)
  1347. Maintenance of an obstruction-forced pool in a gravel-bed channel: streamflow, channel morphology, and sediment transport. (2005)
  1348. Does it work? Monitoring the effectiveness of stream management practices in Alaska. (2006)
  1349. A clear picture of smoke: Bluesky smoke forecasting. (2006)
  1350. Roads in landscape modeling: a case study of a road data layer and use in the interior northwest landscape analysis system. (2006)
  1351. Effects of vegetation control and organic matter removal on soil water content in a young Douglas-fir plantation. (2006)
  1352. Harvesting cost model for small trees in natural stands in the interior northwest. (2001)
  1353. Clearwood quality and softwood lumber prices: what's the real premium? (1999)
  1354. Potential for small-diameter sawtimber utilization by the current sawmill industry in western North America. (1998)
  1355. Effect of root strength and soil saturation on hillslope stability in forests with natural cedar decline in headwater regions of SE Alaska. (1998)
  1356. Deterioration of fire-killed timber in southern Oregon and northern California. (1996)
  1357. Nonlinear dynamics in ecosystem response to climatic change: case studies and policy implications. (2005)
  1358. Morphology and evolution of salmonid habitats in a recently deglaciated river basin, Washington state, USA. (1992)
  1359. Fuel to burn: economics of converting forest thinnings to energy using BioMax in southern Oregon. (2005)
  1360. The wildland-urban interface in the United States. (2005)
  1361. Modeling early forest succession following clear-cutting in western Oregon. (2005)
  1362. Temperature regulation of bud-burst phenology within and among years in a young Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) plantation in western Washington, USA. (2006)
  1363. Long-term research at the USDA Forest Service's experimental forests and ranges. (2006)
  1364. Modeling opportunities and feasibility of siting wood-fired electrical generating facilities to facilitate landscape-scale fuel treatment with FIA BioSum. (2005)
  1365. Predicting homeowners' approval of fuel management at the wild-urban interface using the theory of reasoned action. (2005)
  1366. Spatial variability in forest growth—climate relationships in the Olympic Mountains, Washington. (2006)
  1367. Fuel treatments alter the effects of wildfire in a mixed-evergreen forest, Oregon, USA. (2005)
  1368. Effects of thinning young forests on chanterelle mushroom production. (2006)
  1369. Silvicultural technology and applications for forest plantation establishment west of the Cascade crest. (2005)
  1370. Predicting the potential for historical coho, chinook and steelhead habitat in northern California. (2005)
  1371. Analysing initial attack on wildland fires using stochastic simulation. (2006)
  1372. The effect of model resolution in predicting meteorological parameters used in fire danger rating. (2004)
  1373. Response of understory vegetation important to the northern bobwhite following imazapyr and mechanical treatments. (2004)
  1374. Small mammal distributions relative to corridor edges within intensively managed southern pine plantations. (2005)
  1375. Federal and state approaches to salmon recovery at the millenium. (2006)
  1376. Effects of clearcutting with corridor retention on abundance, richness, and diversity of small mammals in the Coastal Plain of South Carolina, USA. (2004)
  1377. Greater sage-grouse as an umbrella species for sagebrush-associated vertebrates. (2006)
  1378. Habitat selection by the American marten in northeastern Oregon. (2005)
  1379. Site-level evaluation of satellite-based global terrestrial gross primary production and net primary production monitoring. (2005)
  1380. Seasonal leaf dynamics across a tree density gradient in a Brazilian savanna. (2005)
  1381. Changes in heartwood chemistry of dead yellow-cedar trees that remain standing for 80 years or more in southeast Alaska. (2005)
  1382. Fine-scale variability in growth-climate relationships of Douglas-fir, North Cascade Range, Washington. (2005)
  1383. Five-year operational trial of verbenone to deter mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae); Coleoptera: Scolytidae) attack of lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta). (2005)
  1384. Effect of small changes in sawpattern on lumber value in pruned Douglas fir logs: Steps toward greater value from pruned logs. (2006)
  1385. Public perspectives on the "wildfire problem." (2005)
  1386. Restoration of degraded lands in the interior Columbia River basin: passive vs. active approaches. (2001)
  1387. Forecasting regional to global plant migration in response to climate change. (2005)
  1388. Forest service large fire area burned and suppression expenditure trends, 1970-2002. (2005)
  1389. Time and distance to clear wood in pruned red alder saplings. (2006)
  1390. Biology and ecology of red alder. (2006)
  1391. Correlates of microhabitat use and density of Clethrionomys gapperi and Peromyscus keeni in temperate rain forests of Southeast Alaska. (2005)
  1392. Atmospheric moisture's influence on fire behavior: surface moisture and plume dynamics. (2006)
  1393. Locomotor performance and cost of transport in the northern flying squirrel Glaucomys sabrinus. (2006)
  1394. Recent history of large-scale ecosystem disturbances in North America derived from the AVHRR satellite record. (2005)
  1395. Downstream effects of the Pelton-Round Butte hydroelectric project on bedload, transport, channel morphology, and channel-bed texture, lower Deschutes River, Oregon. (2003)
  1396. Quaternary geology and geomorphology of the lower Deschutes River Canyon, Oregon. (2003)
  1397. Overview of geology, hydrology, geomorphology, and sediment budget of the Deschutes River Basin, Oregon. (2003)
  1398. Forage selection by mule deer: does niche breadth increase with population density. (2006)
  1399. Patterns of covariance between forest stand and canopy structure in the Pacific Northwest. (2005)
  1400. Conifer-Ceanothus interactions influence tree growth before and after shrub removal in a forest plantation in the western Cascade Mountains, USA. (2006)
  1401. Sediment transport and channel morphology of small, forested streams. (2005)
  1402. Riparian communities associated with pacific northwest headwater streams: assemblages, processes, and uniqueness. (2005)
  1403. Comparison of the sensitivity of landscape-fire-succession models to variation in terrain, fuel pattern, climate and weather. (2006)
  1404. Ecological support for rural land-use planning. (2005)
  1405. The influence of fall-spawning coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) on growth and production of juvenile coho salmon rearing in beaver ponds on the Copper River Delta, Alaska. (2006)
  1406. Plant competition, facilitation, and other overstory-understory interactions in longleaf pine ecosystems. (2006)
  1407. Potassium fertilizer applied immediately after planting had no impact on Douglas-fir seedling mortality caused by laminated root rot on a forested site in Washington State. (2006)
  1408. Future changes in biogenic isoprene emissions: how might they affect regional and global atmospheric chemistry? (2006)
  1409. Mapcurves: a quantitative method for comparing categorical maps. (2006)
  1410. Simulating the response of natural ecosystems and their fire regimes to climatic variability in Alaska. (2005)
  1411. Photo series for quantifying forest residues in the coastal Douglas-fir-hemlock type. (1976)
  1412. Regional cost information for private timberland conversion and management. (2006)
  1413. Economics of rural land-use change. (2004)
  1414. Canopy arthropod response to density and distribution of green trees retained after partial harvest. (2005)
  1415. Oregon's forest products industry and timber harvest, 2003. (2006)
  1416. Alaska's lumber-drying industry—impacts from a federal grant program. (2006)
  1417. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, all quarters 2004. (2006)
  1418. Federal research natural areas in Oregon and Washington: a guidebook for scientists and educators. (1972)
  1419. Air quality in California forests: current efforts to initiate biomonitoring with lichens. (2002)
  1420. Describing land use change in multidisciplinary analyses. (2006)
  1421. Determining the optimal mix of federal and contract fire crews: a case study from the Pacific Northwest. (2006)
  1422. Are self-thinning contraints needed in a tree-specific mortality model. (2005)
  1423. Our national concern about forestland development. (2005)
  1424. Forestland development and private forestry with examples from Oregon (USA). (2005)
  1425. Forest and farmland conservation effects of Oregon's (USA) land-use planning program. (2005)
  1426. Balancing conflicting values: ecosystem solutions in the Pacific Northwest of the United States and Canada. (2005)
  1427. A comparison of the costs of forest service and contract fire crews in the Pacific Northwest. (2005)
  1428. An alternative incentive structure for wildfire management on national forest land. (2005)
  1429. Land development under regulation: comparison between the east and the west sides of the Cascade Range in Oregon, Washington, and California. (2005)
  1430. Recovery from simulated sawn logs with sweep. (2004)
  1431. Forestland social values and open space preservation. (2004)
  1432. Forestland values. (2004)
  1433. Characterizing land use change in multidisciplinary landscape-level analyses. (2003)
  1434. Modeling the spatially dynamic distribution of humans in the Oregon (USA) coast range. (2003)
  1435. Tree planting in the south: what does the future hold. (2002)
  1436. Autopsy of forestry ballot initiative: characterizing voter support for Oregon's measure 64. (2001)
  1437. Integrating urbanization into landscape-level ecological assessments. (2001)
  1438. Fostering the production of nontimber services among forest owners with heterogeneous objectives. (2000)
  1439. Forest owner incentives to protect riparian habitat. (2000)
  1440. Comparing states with and without growth management analysis based on indicators with policy implications comment. (2000)
  1441. Does land use planning slow the conversion of forest and farm lands? (1999)
  1442. Minimum cost strategies for sequestering carbon in forests. (1999)
  1443. Impacts of incorporating land exchanges between forestry and agriculture in sector models. (1998)
  1444. Landowner's view of regulation. (1997)
  1445. Assessing effects of mitigation strategies for global climate change with an intertemporal model of the U.S. forest and agriculture sectors. (1997)
  1446. Productivity of nonindustrial private forests in western Washington: alternative futures. (1995)
  1447. Non-industria1 private forests: timber supply or an uncertain future. (1990)
  1448. Urban and built-up land area changes in the United States: an empirical investigation of determinants. (1987)
  1449. Econometric analysis of the factors influencing forest acreage trends in the southeast. (1986)
  1450. Economic analysis in support of broad scale land management strategies. (2003)
  1451. Estimating sawmill processing capacity for Tongass timber: 2003 and 2004 update. (2006)
  1452. Northwest Forest Plan—the first 10 years: socioeconomic monitoring of the Olympic National Forest and three local communities. (2006)
  1453. A review of double-diffusion wood preservation suitable for Alaska. (2006)
  1454. Northwest Forest Plan—the first 10 years (1994–2003): socioeconomic monitoring of Coos Bay District and three local communities. (2006)
  1455. Integrated research in natural resources: the key role of problem framing. (2006)
  1456. Public demand for preserving local open space. (2006)
  1457. Changes in land use, forest fragmentation, and policy responses. (2005)
  1458. Is forest fragmentation driven by the spatial configuration of land quality? The case of western Oregon. (2005)
  1459. Methods for projecting large-scale area changes for U.S. land uses and land covers: the past and the future. (2004)
  1460. Urbanization on the US landscape: looking ahead in the 21st century. (2004)
  1461. Future forestland area: impacts from population growth and other factors that affect land values. (2004)
  1462. Projecting large-scale area changes in land use and land cover for terrestrial carbon analyses. (2004)
  1463. Climate change impacts and adaptation in forestry: responses by trees and markets. (2004)
  1464. U.S. landowner behavior, land use and land cover changes, and climate change mitigation. (2003)
  1465. Private timberlands: growing demands, shrinking land base. (2002)
  1466. Private forest investment and long-run sustainable harvest volumes. (1999)
  1467. Friction angle measurements on a naturally formed gravel streambed: implications for critical boundary shear stress. (1992)
  1468. Prediction errors in wildland fire situation analyses. (2005)
  1469. Wildfire management in the U.S. Forest Service: a brief history. (2005)
  1470. Credit availability: a possible barrier to growth for the Alaska forest products industry? (2005)
  1471. Assessing the accuracy of wildland fire situation analysis (WFSA) fire size and suppression cost estimates. (2005)
  1472. Consumer willingness to pay a price premium for standing-dead Alaska yellow-cedar. (2004)
  1473. Consumer willingness to pay for a naturally decay-resistant wood product. (2004)
  1474. Consumer preferences and willingness to pay for character-marked cabinets from Alaska birch. (2003)
  1475. An integer programming model to optimize resource allocation for wildfire containment. (2003)
  1476. A reformulation of the Cost Plus Net Value Change (C+NVC) model of wildfire economics (2003)
  1477. Community socioeconomic information system. [CD–ROM]. (2006)
  1478. Alaska communities and forest environments: a problem analysis and research agenda. (2006)
  1479. WestProPlus: a stochastic spreadsheet program for the management of all-aged Douglas-fir–western hemlock forests in the Pacific Northwest. (2006)
  1480. Northwest Forest Plan—the first 10 years (1994-2003): status and trends of populations and nesting habitat for the marbled murrelet. (2006)
  1481. Seeing the bigger picture: landscape silviculture may offer compatible solutions to conflicting objectives. (2006)
  1482. Nontimber forest product opportunities in Alaska. (2006)
  1483. Knock on wood: Is wood production sustainable in the Pacific Northwest? (2006)
  1484. History, physical effects, and management implications of large organic debris in western Oregon streams. (1976)
  1485. Hydrology of small forest streams in western Oregon. (1976)
  1486. Aerial application equipment for herbicidal drift reduction. (1976)
  1487. Goal programming for land use planning. (1976)
  1488. Recreation and scenic resources in Alaska: an annotated bibliography. (1976)
  1489. Forest practices and stream flow in western Oregon. (1976)
  1490. Review of the logging residue problem and its reduction through marketing practices. (1976)
  1491. Soils research in Oregon and Washington: a bibliography with abstracts from 1969 through 1974. (1976)
  1492. A simulation-based approach for evaluating logging residue handling systems. (1976)
  1493. Estimating two indirect logging costs caused by accelerated erosion. (1976)
  1494. Selecting forest residue treatment alternatives using goal programming. (1976)
  1495. Climate and hydrology of the Entiat Experimental Forest watersheds under virgin forest cover. (1976)
  1496. Insect mycophagy: a preliminary bibliography. (1975)
  1497. Guidelines for roadless area campsite spacing to minimize impact of human-related noises. (1975)
  1498. Optimum insulation thickness in wood-framed homes. (1975)
  1499. Programs for skyline planning. (1975)
  1500. Automated analysis of timber access road alternatives. (1974)
  1501. Effects of log dumping and rafting on the marine environment of southeast Alaska. (1974)
  1502. Helicopters for logging: characteristics, operation, and safety considerations. (1974)
  1503. Behavior of pesticides in plants. (1974)
  1504. Energy and raw material potentials of wood residue in the Pacific Coast States: a summary of a preliminary feasibility investigation. (1974)
  1505. Wood and coal cofiring in interior Alaska: utilizing woody biomass from wildland defensible-space fire treatments and other sources. (2006)
  1506. If a tree falls in the woods, who will measure it? DecAID decayed wood advisor. (2006)
  1507. Herbicidal drift control: aerial spray equipment, formulations, and supervision. (1974)
  1508. Planning and processing multistage samples with a computer program—MUST. (1974)
  1509. An annotated bibliography of the effects of logging on fish of the Western United States and Canada. (1973)
  1510. Educational principles and techniques for interpreters. (1973)
  1511. Choosing forest residues management alternatives. (1973)
  1512. Major outbreaks of the Douglas-fir tussock moth in Oregon and California. (1973)
  1513. Human behavior aspects of fish and wildlife conservation: an annotated bibliography. (1973)
  1514. Research opportunities and needs in the taiga of Alaska. (1973)
  1515. California's forest products industry: 1988. (1991)
  1516. Preliminary timber resource statistics for the Puget Sound area, Washington. (1991)
  1517. Preliminary timber resource statistics for the Olympic Peninsula, Washington. (1991)
  1518. Preliminary timber resource statistics for southwest Washington. (1991)
  1519. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, second quarter 1990. (1990)
  1520. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, first quarter 1990. (1990)
  1521. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, fourth quarter 1989. (1990)
  1522. Red alder harvesting opportunities. (1990)
  1523. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, third quarter 1989. (1990)
  1524. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, second quarter 1989. (1990)
  1525. Changes in area and ownership of timberland in western Oregon: 1961-86. (1990)
  1526. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, first quarter 1989. (1989)
  1527. Forest statistics of the United States, 1987. (1989)
  1528. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, fourth quarter 1988. (1989)
  1529. California's western juniper and pinyon-juniper woodlands: area, stand characteristics, wood volume, and fenceposts. (1989)
  1530. Changes in land use in western Oregon between 1971-74 and 1982. (1989)
  1531. Timber resource statistics for all forest land, except national forests, in eastern Oregon. (1989)
  1532. Forest resources of Prince William Sound and Afognak Island, Alaska: their character and ownership, 1978. (1989)
  1533. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, third quarter 1988. (1989)
  1534. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, second quarter 1988. (1988)
  1535. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, first quarter 1988. (1988)
  1536. Public resource pricing: an analysis of range policy. (1988)
  1537. The Vale rangeland rehabilitation program: an evaluation. (1988)
  1538. The multiresource forest inventory for Oahu, Hawaii. (1988)
  1539. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, fourth quarter 1987. (1988)
  1540. Potential for forest products in interior Alaska. (1988)
  1541. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, third quarter 1987. (1988)
  1542. Production, consumption, and prices of softwood products in North America: regional time series data, 1950 to 1985. (1988)
  1543. California's forest products industry: 1985. (1988)
  1544. Oregon's forest products industry: 1985. (1988)
  1545. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, second quarter 1987. (1987)
  1546. Timber resource statistics for the Upper Yukon inventory unit, Alaska, 1980. (1987)
  1547. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, first quarter 1987. (1987)
  1548. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, fourth quarter 1986. (1987)
  1549. Timber resource statistics for non-Federal forest land in west-central Oregon. (1987)
  1550. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, third quarter 1986. (1987)
  1551. Timber resource statistics for the Porcupine inventory unit, Alaska, 1978. (1987)
  1552. Timber resource statistics for non-federal forest land in northwest Oregon. (1986)
  1553. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, second quarter 1986. (1986)
  1554. Timber resource statistics for non-Federal forest land in southwest Oregon. (1986)
  1555. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, first quarter 1986. (1986)
  1556. Multiresource forest statistics for Molokai, Hawaii. (1986)
  1557. Timber resource statistics of the northern interior resource area of California. (1986)
  1558. Timber resource statistics of the Sacramento resource area of California. (1986)
  1559. Timber resource statistics for the central coast resource area of California. (1986)
  1560. Timber resource statistics for the San Joaquin and southern California resource areas. (1986)
  1561. Timber resource statistics of the north coast resource area of California. (1986)
  1562. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, fourth quarter 1985. (1986)
  1563. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, third quarter 1985. (1986)
  1564. Analysis of change in timber volume on non-Federal timberlands in Washington. (1986)
  1565. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, second quarter 1985. (1985)
  1566. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, first quarter 1985. (1985)
  1567. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, fourth quarter 1984. (1985)
  1568. Timber resource statistics for the Yakataga inventory unit, Alaska, 1976. (1985)
  1569. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, third quarter 1984. (1985)
  1570. Timber resource statistics for the Upper Susitna block, Susitna River basin multiresource inventory unit, Alaska, 1980. (1985)
  1571. Timber resource statistics for the Beluga block, Susitna River basin multiresource inventory unit, Alaska, 1980. (1985)
  1572. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, second quarter 1984. (1984)
  1573. California's forest products industry: 1982. (1984)
  1574. Oregon's forest products industry: 1982. (1984)
  1575. Timber resource statistics for the Ketchikan inventory unit, Alaska, 1974. (1984)
  1576. The hardwood resource in western Oregon. (1984)
  1577. Evaluating the effects of varying levels and patterns of green-tree retention: experimental design of the DEMO study. (1999)
  1578. Northwest Forest Plan—the first 10 years (1994–2003): socioeconomic monitoring results. (2006)
  1579. Field survey of growth and colonization of nonnative trees on mainland Alaska. (2006)
  1580. Red alder: a state of knowledge. (2006)
  1581. Domestic market opportunities for Alaska lumber-species preferences by secondary wood products manufacturers in the continental United States. (2006)
  1582. The Pacific Northwest Research Station biodiversity initiative: collaborating for biodiversity management. (2006)
  1583. Searing the rhizosphere: belowground impacts of prescribed fires. (2006)
  1584. A social history of wild huckleberry harvesting in the Pacific Northwest. (2006)
  1585. Elk, deer, and cattle: the Starkey Project. (2006)
  1586. A practical guide to oak release.  (2006)
  1587. Users guide for FRCS: fuel reduction cost simulator software. (2006)
  1588. Prescribed fires are not created equal: fire season and severity effects in ponderosa pine forests of the southern Blue Mountains. (2006)
  1589. Regional variation in epiphytic macrolichen communities central California forests (2004)
  1590. Air-quality bioindication in the greater central valley of California, with epiphytic macrolichen communities. (2005)
  1591. Procurement contracting in the affected counties of the Northwest Forest Plan: 12 years of change. (2006)
  1592. Estimated timber harvest by U.S. region and ownership, 1950-2002. (2006)
  1593. My fuel treatment planner: a user guide. (2006)
  1594. Rocky to bullwinkle: understanding flying squirrels helps us restore dry forest ecosystems. (2006)
  1595. Highways and habitat: managing habitat connectivity and landscape permeability for wildlife. (2006)
  1596. Research publications of the Cascade Head Experimental Forest and Scenic Research Area, Oregon Coast Range, 1934 to 1990. (1991)
  1597. Financial analysis of fuel treatments. (2005)
  1598. Harry E. Burke and John M. Miller, pioneers in Western forest entomology. (2005)
  1599. Growth of Ponderosa pine poles thinned to different stocking levels in central Oregon. (1983)
  1600. Calculating moisture content for 1000-hour timelag fuels in western Washington and western Oregon. (1985)
  1601. Response of Sitka spruce and western hemlock to commercial thinning.  (1985)
  1602. Response of dwarf mistletoe-infested ponderosa pine to thinning: 1. Sapling growth. (1985)
  1603. Site index and height growth curves for unmanaged even-aged stands of western hemlock and Sitka spruce in southeast Alaska. (1984)
  1604. Development of young-growth western redcedar stands. (1984)
  1605. Losses associated with Douglas-fir and true fir tops killed by western spruce budworm in eastern Washington. (1984)
  1606. Wrenching Douglas-fir seedlings in August: immediate but no lasting effects. (1984)
  1607. Regeneration in mixed conifer and Douglas-fir shelterwood cuttings in the Cascade Range of Washington. (1983)
  1608. Influence of red alder on chemical properties of a clay loam soil in western Washington. (1983)
  1609. Wind adjustment factors for predicting fire behavior in three fuel types in Alaska. (1983)
  1610. Potential for economical recovery of fuel from land clearing residue in interior Alaska. (1983)
  1611. Considering departures from current timber harvesting policies: case studies of four communities in the Pacific Northwest. (1983)
  1612. Twenty-year growth of ponderosa pine saplings thinned to five spacings in central Oregon. (1982)
  1613. Lumber recovery from young-growth red and white fir in northern California. (1982)
  1614. Lumber recovery from ponderosa pine in western Montana. (1982)
  1615. Response to commercial thinning in a 110-year-old Douglas-fir stand. (1982)
  1616. Mount St. Helens ash and mud: Chemical properties and effects on germination and establishment of trees and browse plants. (1981)
  1617. Herbicide and conifer options for reforesting upper slopes in the Cascade Range. (1981)
  1618. Precipitation and streamwater chemistry in an undisturbed watershed in southeast Alaska. (1981)
  1619. Acceptance by black-tailed deer of foliage treated with herbicides. (1981)
  1620. Logging residue in the Pacific Northwest: characteristics affecting utilization. (1981)
  1621. Ratios for estimating logging residue in the Pacific Northwest. (1981)
  1622. Influence of light and soil moisture on Sierran mixed-conifer understory communities. (2005)
  1623. Stand conditions associated with tree regeneration in sierran mixed-conifer forests. (2005)
  1624. Sense of place in natural resource recreation and tourism: an evaluation and assessment of research findings. (2005)
  1625. Yellow-cedar decline in the North Coast Forest District of British Columbia. (2005)
  1626. Bystander intervention and litter control: Evaluation of an appeal-to-help program. (1981)
  1627. Twenty-year growth of thinned and unthinned ponderosa pine in the Methow Valley of northern Washington. (1981)
  1628. Peroral bioassay of nucleopolyhedrosis viruses in larvae of western spruce budworm. (1981)
  1629. Predicting crown weight of coast Douglas-fir and western hemlock. (1981)
  1630. Postplanting sprays of dalapon and atrazine to aid conifer establishment.  (1981)
  1631. Diameter and height growth of suppressed grand fir saplings after overstory removal. (1980)
  1632. Duff reduction by prescribed underburning in Douglas-fir. (1980)
  1633. Radial growth in grand fir and Douglas-fir related to defoliation by the Douglas-fir tussock moth in the Blue Mountains outbreak. (1980)
  1634. Streamflow after patch logging in small drainages within the Bull Run Municipal Watershed, Oregon. (1980)
  1635. Effects of different sources of fertilizer nitrogen on growth and nutrition of western hemlock seedlings. (1980)
  1636. Selected economic and demographic data for counties of the interior Columbia River Basin. (1996)
  1637. Board-foot and cubic-foot volume tables for western red cedar in southeast Alaska. (1996)
  1638. Board-Foot and cubic-foot volume tables for Alaska-cedar in southeast Alaska. (1996)
  1639. Operational experience at a "dog-hair" site. (1995)
  1640. Economic implications for management of structural retention on harvest units at the Blue River Ranger District, Willamette National Forest, Oregon. (1992)
  1641. In vitro fruiting of Armillaria species. (1991)
  1642. International board-foot volume tables for trees in the Susitna River Basin, Alaska. (1990)
  1643. Log exports by port, 1987. (1989)
  1644. A floating trap for sampling downstream migrant fishes. (1989)
  1645. Secondary resin production increases with vigor of Abies grandis inoculated with Trichosporium symbioticum in northeastern Oregon. (1989)
  1646. Sampling western spruce budworm by counting larvae on lower crown branches. (1989)
  1647. Weight distribution in the current annual twigs of barclay willow. (1988)
  1648. Recent changes in costs of shipping forest products by rail. (1988)
  1649. Growth of Douglas-fir in Southwestern Oregon after removal of competing vegetation. (1988)
  1650. Microbial and chemical properties of log ponds along the Oregon Coast. (1987)
  1651. Growth and yield of western larch in response to several density levels and two thinning methods: 15-year results. (1986)
  1652. Temperature changes in an initially frozen wood chip pile. (1987)
  1653. Northwest Forest Plan—the first 10 years (1994-2003): status and trend of late-successional and old-growth forest. (2005)
  1654. Conceptualizing and measuring demand for recreation on national forests: a review and synthesis. (2005)
  1655. Nontimber forest products management on national forests in the United States. (2005)
  1656. Northwest Forest Plan—the first 10 years (1994–2003): status and trends of northern spotted owl populations and habitat. (2005)
  1657. Northwest Forest Plan—the first 10 years (1994–2003): preliminary assessment of the condition of watersheds. (2005)
  1658. System analysis in forest resources: proceedings of the 2003 symposium. (2005)
  1659. Updated outdoor recreation use values on national forests and other public lands. (2005)
  1660. The western juniper resource of eastern Oregon, 1999. (2005)
  1661. Monitoring forests at the speed of light. (2005)
  1662. Acting on uncertainty in landscape management—options forestry. (2005)
  1663. What's it worth to you? Estimating the public's willingness to pay for biodiversity conservation. (2005)
  1664. Bunchgrass plant communities of the Blue and Ochoco Mountains: a guide for managers. (2005)
  1665. South-central Alaska forests: inventory highlights. (2005)
  1666. Adaptive management of natural resources: theory, concepts, and management institutions. (2005)
  1667. Social conditions and trends in southeast Alaska. (2005)
  1668. Productivity of Western forests: a forest products focus. (2005)
  1669. Commercial morel harvesters and buyers in western Montana: an exploratory study of the 2001 harvesting season. (2005)
  1670. Forest biodiversity policies: where are they leading us? Are we going where we expected to go? (2005)
  1671. Timber resource statistics for the San Joaquin and southern resource areas of California. (1997)
  1672. Timber resource statistics for the north interior resource area of California. (1997)
  1673. Timber resource statistics for the Sacramento resource area of California. (1997)
  1674. California's forest products industry: 1994. (1997)
  1675. Oregon's forest products industry: 1994. (1997)
  1676. Oregon's forest products industry: 1992. (1995)
  1677. Timber resource statistics for timberland outside National Forests in eastern Oregon. (1994)
  1678. Area of old-growth forests in California, Oregon, and Washington. (1993)
  1679. Timber resource statistics for the Chatham area of the Tongass National Forest, Alaska, 1982. (1991)
  1680. Timber resource statistics for the Stikine area of the Tongass National Forest, Alaska, 1984. (1991)
  1681. Timber resource statistics for the Ketchikan area of the Tongass National Forest, Alaska, 1985. (1991)
  1682. Initial and continued effects of a release spray in a coastal Oregon Douglas-fir plantation.  (1996)
  1683. Smoke emissions from prescribed burning of southern California chaparral. (1996)
  1684. Historical patterns of western spruce budworm and Douglas-fir tussock moth outbreaks in the northern Blue Mountains, Oregon, since A.D. 1700. (1995)
  1685. Growth and mortality of ponderosa pine poles thinned to various densities in the Blue Mountains of Oregon. (1995)
  1686. Stand characteristics of 65-year-old planted and naturally regenerated stands near Sequim, Washington. (1995)
  1687. Biomass and nutrient distributions in central Oregon second-growth ponderosa pine ecosystems. (1995)
  1688. Seed rain and seed bank of third- and fifth-order streams on the western slope of the Cascade Range.  (1991)
  1689. Using expert opinion to evaluate a habitat effectiveness model for elk in western Oregon and Washington. (1994)
  1690. The "great" price spike of '93: an analysis of lumber and stumpage prices in the Pacific Northwest. (1994)
  1691. In vitro colony interactions among species of Trichoderma with inference toward biological control. (1994)
  1692. Some simulation estimates of mean annual increment of Douglas-fir: results, limitations, and implications for management. (1994)
  1693. Hardwood price reporting. (1994)
  1694. New Lepidoptera records for the Blue Mountains of eastern Oregon. (1993)
  1695. Genetic variation and seed transfer guidelines for ponderosa pine in the Ochoco and Malheur National Forests of central Oregon. (1994)
  1696. Product recovery of ponderosa pine in Arizona and New Mexico. (1993)
  1697. Effectiveness of polyethylene sheeting in controlling spruce beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) in infested stacks of spruce firewood in Alaska. (1993)
  1698. Response of the engraver beetle, Ipsperturbatus, to semiochemicals in white spruce stands of interior Alaska. (1993)
  1699. Ecological impacts of using chloropicrin to control laminated root rot in Northwest conifer forests: growth and mycorrhiza formation of planted Douglas-fir seedlings after two growing seasons. (1993)
  1700. The export premium: why some logs are worth more abroad. (1993)
  1701. Genetic variation and seed zones of Douglas-fir in the Siskiyou National Forest. (1993)
  1702. Forecasting outbreaks of the Douglas-fir tussock moth from lower crown cocoon samples. (1993)
  1703. Variation in phenology and monoterpene patterns of defoliated and nondefoliated Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca). (1993)
  1704. British Columbia log export policy: historical review and analysis. (1993)
  1705. New perspectives in forest management: background, science issues, and research agenda. (1992)
  1706. Genotype * environment interaction: a case study for Douglas-fir in western Oregon. (1992)
  1707. Distribution of biomass and nutrients in lodgepole pine/bitterbrush ecosystems in central Oregon. (1992)
  1708. Genetic variation and seed transfer guidelines for lodgepole pine in central Oregon. (1992)
  1709. Downed woody material in southeast Alaska forest stands. (1992)
  1710. Early survival and height growth of Douglas-fir and lodgepole pine seedlings and variations in site factors following treatment of logging residues. (1992)
  1711. Production and assessment of red alder planting stock. (1992)
  1712. Financial analysis of pruning ponderosa pine. (1992)
  1713. Price projections for selected grades of Douglas-fir, coast hem-fir, inland hem-fir, and ponderosa pine lumber. (1992)
  1714. An analytical method to assess spruce beetle impacts on white spruce resources, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. (1992)
  1715. Effects of new export rules, a spotted owl plan, and recession on timber prices and shipments from the Douglas-fir region. (1992)
  1716. Geographic variation in speed of seed germination in central Oregon ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.). (1992)
  1717. Dispersal of white spruce seed on Willow Island in interior Alaska. (1992)
  1718. Levels-of-growing-stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir: report no. 11—Stampede Creek, a 20-year progress report. (1992)
  1719. Monitoring firefighter exposure to air toxins at prescribed burns of forest and range biomass. (1991)
  1720. Veneer recovery of Douglas-fir from the Coast and Cascade Ranges of Oregon and Washington. (1991)
  1721. Sugar pine utilization: a 30-year transition. (1991)
  1722. Lumber and veneer recovery from intensively managed young-growth Douglas-fir. (1991)
  1723. Monthly stumpage prices for the Pacific Northwest. (1991)
  1724. Damage by the Sitka spruce weevil (Pissodes strobi) and growth patterns for 10 spruce species and hybrids over 26 years in the Pacific Northwest. (1990)
  1725. Future Pacific Rim flows and prices of softwood logs, differentiated by grade. (1990)
  1726. Growth of site trees and stand structure in mixed stands of Pacific silver fir and western hemlock. (1990)
  1727. Effects of stratification and temperature on seed germination speed and uniformity in central Oregon ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.).  (1990)
  1728. The influence of weather variation on regional growth of Douglas-fir stands in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. (1991)
  1729. Response of Northwest Douglas-fir stands to urea: correlations with forest soil properties. (1984)
  1730. Regional variation in growth response of Coastal Douglas-fir to nitrogen fertilizer in the Pacific Northwest. (1990)
  1731. Design issues for evaluating seedling exposure studies. (1993)
  1732. Considerations for evaluating controlled exposure studies of tree seedlings. (1994)
  1733. Effects of site preparation on seedling, growth: a preliminary comparison of broadcast burning and pile burning. (1986)
  1734. Timber resource statistics of south-central Alaska, 2003. (2005)
  1735. Botanical reconnaissance of meeks table Research Natural Area, Washington. (1986)
  1736. An approach to effectiveness monitoring of floodplain channel aquatic habitat: channel condition assessment. (2005)
  1737. Trophic linkages between headwater forests and downstream fish habitats: implications for forest and fish management. (2005)
  1738. Predicting the effects of tropospheric ozone on regional productivity of ponderosa pine and white fir. (2005)
  1739. Extensive, strategic assessment of southeast Alaska's vegetative resources. (2005)
  1740. The challenges associated with developing science-based landscape scale management plans. (2005)
  1741. Evolutionary diversity and ecology of endemic small mammals of southeastern Alaska with implications for land management planning. (2005)
  1742. Spruce beetle (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) response to traps baited with selected semiochemicals in Utah. (2005)
  1743. Harvest residue and competing vegetation affect soil moisture, soil temperature, N availability, and Douglas-fir seedling growth. (2005)
  1744. Recent research on the management of hemlock-spruce forests in southeast Alaska for multiple values. (2005)
  1745. Community and landscape change in southeast Alaska. (2005)
  1746. Impact of the foliar pathogen Swiss needle cast on wood quality of Douglas-fir. (2005)
  1747. Potential management of young-growth stands for understory vegetation and wildlife habitat in southeastern Alaska. (2005)
  1748. Maintaining wildlife habitat in southeastern Alaska: implications of new knowledge for forest management and research. (2005)
  1749. Initial responses of forest understories to varying levels and patterns of green-tree retention. (2005)
  1750. Eight nonnative plants in western Oregon forests: associations with environment and management. (2005)
  1751. Repeatability and implementation of a forest vegetation indicator. (2005)
  1752. Pezizalean mycorrhizas and sporocarps in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) after prescribed fires in eastern Oregon, USA. (2005)
  1753. Southeast Alaska economics: a resource-abundant region competing in a global marketplace. (2005)
  1754. Predictive mapping for tree sizes and densities in southeast Alaska. (2005)
  1755. An approach to effectiveness monitoring of floodplain channel aquatic habitat: salmonid relationships. (2005)
  1756. An overview of science contributions to the management of the Tongass National Forest, Alaska. (2005)
  1757. Young-stand management options and their implications for wood quality and other values. (2005)
  1758. Tourism and its effects on southeast Alaska communities and resources: case studies from Haines, Craig, and Hoonah, Alaska. (2005)
  1759. Climate change and California: potential implications for vegetation, carbon, and fire. (2005)
  1760. Stand structure in eastside old-growth ponderosa pine forests of Oregon and northern California. (2004)
  1761. Entiat Experimental Forest: catchment-scale runoff data before and after a 1970 wildfire. (2004)
  1762. A multi-scale assessment of human and environmental constraints on forest land cover change on the Oregon (USA) coast range. (2004)
  1763. The relationship between Swiss needle cast symptom severity and level of Phaeocryptopus gaeumannii colonization in coastal Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii). (2004)
  1764. Short-term effects of seasonal prescribed burning on the ectomycorrhizal fungal community and fine root biomass in ponderosa pine stands in the Blue Mountains of Oregon. (2004)
  1765. Focused Science Delivery makes science make sense. (2004)
  1766. Leaf photosynthetic traits scale with hydraulic conductivity and wood density in Panamanian forest canopy trees. (2004)
  1767. Consumer preferences for kitchen cabinets made from red alder: a comparison to other hardwoods. (2004)
  1768. Equations for predicting uncompacted crown ratio based on compacted crown ratio and tree attributes. (2004)
  1769. Developing tools to sustain biological diversity. (2004)
  1770. Understory response to fuel reduction treatments in the Blue Mountains of northeastern Oregon. (2004)
  1771. Conserving old forest in landscapes shaped by fire. (2005)
  1772. Users guide for noble fir bough cruiser. (2005)
  1773. Ecology of the Columbia spotted frog in northeastern Oregon. (2005)
  1774. Dynamics of transpiration, sap flow and use of stored water in tropical forest canopy trees. (2004)
  1775. Converging patterns of uptake and hydraulic redistribution of soil water in contrasting woody vegetation types. (2004)
  1776. Integrated responses of hydraulic architecture, water and carbon relations of western hemlock to dwarf mistletoe infection. (2004)
  1777. DecAID advisor: a tool for managing snags, down wood and wood decay in PNW forests. (2004)
  1778. Truffle abundance and mycophagy by northern flying squirrels in eastern Washington forests. (2004)
  1779. Epiphytic lichen diversity and biomass in low-elevation forests of the eastern Washington Cascade range, USA. (2004)
  1780. Improving our understanding of recreation and tourism. (2004)
  1781. Population growth, urban expansion, and private forestry in western Oregon. (2004)
  1782. Forest cover changes in the Oregon Coast Range from 1939 to 1993. (2004)
  1783. Nursery practices influence seedling morphology, field performance, and cost efficiency of containerized cherrybark oak. (2004)
  1784. Columbia River flow and drought since 1750. (2004)
  1785. FIA BioSum: a tool to evaluate financial costs, opportunities and effectiveness of fuel treatments. (2004)
  1786. Landscape patterns of phenotypic variation and population structuring in a selfing grass, Elymus glaucus (blue wildrye). (2004)
  1787. Riparian influences on the biophysical characteristics of seston in headwater streams. (2004)
  1788. Sources of product information used by consumers when purchasing kitchen cabinets. (2004)
  1789. Transport of lead and diesel fuel through a peat soil near Juneau, AK: a pilot study. (2004)
  1790. Wood density of young-growth western hemlock: relation to ring age, radial growth, stand density, and site quality. (2004)
  1791. The sustainable wood production initiative. (2004)
  1792. Stand dynamics of mixed red alder-conifer forests of southeast Alaska. (2004)
  1793. Early warning system for Douglas-fir tussock moth outbreaks in the Western United States. (2004)
  1794. Processes preventing nocturnal equilibration between leaf and soil water potential in tropical savanna woody species. (2004)
  1795. Functional convergence in hydraulic architecture and water relations of tropical savanna trees: from leaf to whole plant. (2004)
  1796. A comparison of a technical and a participatory application of social impact assessment. (2004)
  1797. Performance of sampling methods to estimate log characteristics for wildlife. (2004)
  1798. Regional synchroneity in fire regimes of western Oregon and Washington, USA. (2003)
  1799. Scaling Gross Primary Production (GPP) over boreal and deciduous forest landscapes in support of MODIS GPP product validation. (2003)
  1800. High spatial resolution satellite observations for validation of MODIS land products: IKONOS observations acquired under the NASA scientific data purchase. (2003)
  1801. Hydraulic lift in a neotropical savanna. (2003)
  1802. A hierarchical linear model for tree height prediction. (2003)
  1803. The role of tree improvement programs for ex situ gene conservation of coastal Douglas-fir in the Pacific Northwest. (2003)
  1804. Microsatellite markers reveal the below ground distribution of genets in two species of Rhizopogon forming tuberculate ectomycorrhizas on Douglas-fir. (2003)
  1805. Taxonomy of the Rhizopogon vinicolor species complex based on analysis of ITS sequences and microsatellite loci. (2003)
  1806. Automated designation of tie-points for image-to-image coregistration. (2003)
  1807. Influence of Bravo fungicide applications on wood density and moisture content of Swiss needle cast affected Douglas-fir trees. (2003)
  1808. Coarse-scale population structure of pathogenic Armillaria species in a mixed-conifer forest in the Blue Mountains of northeast Oregon. (2003)
  1809. An improved strategy for regression of biophysical variables and Landsat ETM+ data. (2003)
  1810. "Place" as an integrating concept in natural resource politics: propositions for a social science research agenda. (2003)
  1811. Spatial relationship of biomass and species distribution in an old-growth Pseudotsuga Tsuga forest. (2003)
  1812. Declines in the breeding population of Vaux's Swifts in northeastern Oregon. (2003)
  1813. Vectors, viscin, and Viscaceae: mistletoes as parasites, mutualists, and resources. (2003)
  1814. Interactions among soil biology, nutrition, and performance of actinorhizal plant species in the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest of Oregon. (2002)
  1815. Influence of prescribed fire on carabid beetle (Carabidae) and spider (Araneae) assemblages in forest litter in southwestern Oregon. (2002)
  1816. Models for mapping potential habitat at landscape scales: an example using northern spotted owls. (2002)
  1817. Estimated migration rates under scenarios of global climate change. (2002)
  1818. Soil disturbance and 10-year growth response of coast Douglas-fir on nontilled and tilled skid trails in the Oregon Cascades. (2002)
  1819. Foliar moisture content of Pacific Northwest vegetation and its relation to wildland fire behavior. (2002)
  1820. Influences of environment and disturbance on forest patterns in coastal Oregon watersheds. (2001)
  1821. Survival, causes of mortality, and reproduction in American marten in northeastern Oregon. (2001)
  1822. Occurrence of Piloderma fallax in young, rotationage, and old-growth stands of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) in the Cascade Range of Oregon, U.S.A. (2000)
  1823. Soil carbon changes: comparing flux monitoring and mass balance in a box lysimeter experiment. (2000)
  1824. Landslide initiation, runout, and deposition within clearcuts and old-growth forests of Alaska. (2000)
  1825. Role of brown bears (Ursus arctos) in the flow of marine nitrogen into a terrestrial ecosystem. (1999)
  1826. The importance of meat, particularly salmon, to body size, population productivity, and conservation of North American brown bears. (1999)
  1827. The encroachment of exotic herbaceous plants into the Olympic National Forest. (1999)
  1828. Forests planted for ecosystem restoration or conservation. (1999)
  1829. Fertilization of terrestrial vegetation by spawning Pacific salmon: the role of flooding and predator activity. (1998)
  1830. Stochastic representation of fire behavior in a wildland fire protection planning model for California. (1998)
  1831. Respiration , nitrogen fixation, and mineralizable nitrogen spatial and temporal patterns within two Oregon Douglas-fir stands. (1997)
  1832. Productivity of Populus in monoclonal and polyclonal blocks at three spacings. (1997)
  1833. A rigorous test of the accuracy of USGS digital elevation models in forested areas of Oregon and Washington. (1997)
  1834. Uncertainty in countrywide forest biomass estimates. (1994)
  1835. Above- and below-ground characteristics associated with wind toppling in a young Populus plantation. (1996)
  1836. Biases of chamber methods for measuring soil CO2 efflux demonstrated with a laboratory apparatus. (1994)
  1837. Size of Douglas-fir trees in relation to distance from a mixed red alder - Douglas-fir stand (1993)
  1838. Variance in response of pole-size trees and seedlings of Douglas-fir and western hemlock to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. (1991)
  1839. Stockability: A major factor in productivity differences between Pinus taeda plantations in Hawaii and the Southeastern United States. (1989)
  1840. Nursery practices, seedling sizes, and field performance. (1988)
  1841. Effects of plantation and juvenile spacing on tree and stand development. (1986)
  1842. The common plants of the muskegs of southeast Alaska. (1985)
  1843. Long-term growth response of Douglas-fir to ammonium nitrate fertilizer. (1983)
  1844. Initial shock and long-term stand development following thinning in a Douglas-fir plantation. (1983)
  1845. Growth and cold hardiness of container-grown Douglas-fir, noble fir, and Sitka spruce seedlings in simulated greenhouse regimes. (1981)
  1846. Naturally developed seedling roots of five western conifers. (1978)
  1847. Food reserves and seasonal growth of Douglas-fir seedlings. (1967)
  1848. Some lessons in artificial regeneration from southwestern Oregon. (1955)
  1849. Use of large-scale silvicultural studies to evaluate management options in Pacific Northwest forests of the United States. (2004)
  1850. Development of silvicultural systems for maintaining old-growth conditions in the temperate rainforest of southeast Alaska. (2004)
  1851. Variable density management in riparian reserves: lessons learned from an operational study in managed forests of western Oregon, USA. (2004)
  1852. Fanning the flames: climate change stacks odds against fire suppression. (2005)
  1853. Comparative effects of urea fertilizer and red alder in a site III, coast Douglas-fir plantation in the Washington Cascade Range. (2005)
  1854. Predicted future forest- and farmland development in western Oregon with and without land use zoning in effect. (2005)
  1855. Timber resource statistics for nonnational forest land in western Washington, 2001. (2005)
  1856. Emigrant Creek cattle allotment: lessons from 30 years of photomonitoring. (2005)
  1857. Balancing ecosystem values: innovative experiments for sustainable forestry—proceedings of a conference. (2005)
  1858. Forests on the edge: housing development on AmericaÂ’s private forests. (2005)
  1859. Keeping it cool: unraveling the influences on stream temperature. (2005)
  1860. Software for calculating vegetation disturbance and recovery by using the equivalent clearcut area model. (2005)
  1861. The Kenai experience: communities and forest health. (2005)
  1862. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, all quarters 2003. (2005)
  1863. Permanent-plot procedures for silvicultural and yield research. (2005)
  1864. Is it hip? Identifying streams with high intrinsic potential to provide salmon and trout. (2005)
  1865. Spruce reproduction dynamics on Alaska's Kenai Peninsula, 1987-2000. (2005)
  1866. A users guide for SAMM: a prototype southeast Alaska multiresource model. (1991)
  1867. A method for assessing the silvicultural effects of releasing young trees from competition. (1986)
  1868. Radio telemetry methods for studying spotted owls in the Pacific Northwest. (1991)
  1869. Lumber recovery from dead ponderosa pine in the Colorado front range. (1990)
  1870. Financial analysis of early stand treatments in southwest Oregon. (1990)
  1871. Influence of family and nitrogen fertilizer on growth and nutrition of western hemlock seedlings. (1990)
  1872. Transportation costs for forest products from the Puget Sound area and Alaska to Pacific Rim markets. (1990)
  1873. Preliminary classification of forest vegetation of the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. (1990)
  1874. Height growth and site index curves for western white pine in the Cascade Range of Washington and Oregon. (1990)
  1875. Tradeoffs and interdependence in the Alaska cant and log markets. (1990)
  1876. Estimating decay in 40- to 90-year-old grand fir stands in the Clearwater region of northern Idaho. (1990)
  1877. Statistical estimators for monitoring spotted owls in Oregon and Washington in 1987. (1990)
  1878. Responses of herbage and browse production to six range management strategies. (1990)
  1879. Height-age and site index curves for Pacific silver fir in the Pacific Northwest. (1989)
  1880. The influence of cattle grazing and grass seeding on coniferous regeneration after shelterwood cutting in eastern Oregon. (1990)
  1881. Optimal sampling for radiotelemetry studies of spotted owl habitat and home range. (1989)
  1882. Effects of timber harvest on elk distribution in the Blue Mountains of Oregon. (1989)
  1883. Control of red alder by cutting. (1989)
  1884. Stream chemistry responses to four range management strategies in eastern Oregon. (1989)
  1885. Longrun supply and demand of new residential construction in the United States: 1986 to 2040. (1989)
  1886. Alaska midgrade logs: supply and offshore demand. (1989)
  1887. A ponderosa pine-lodgepole pine spacing study in central Oregon: results after 20 years. (1989)
  1888. Geographic variation in red alder. (1989)
  1889. TRIM timber projections: an evaluation based on forest inventory measurements. (1989)
  1890. Seed zones and breeding zones for white pine in the Cascade Range of Washington and Oregon. (1989)
  1891. Deriving local demand for stumpage from estimates of regional supply and demand. (1989)
  1892. A microhistological technique for analysis of food habits of mycophagous rodents. (1989)
  1893. Decay losses associated with wounds in commercially thinned true fir stands in northern California. (1989)
  1894. Implications of research on lodgepole pine introduction in interior Alaska. (1988)
  1895. Lumber recovery of Douglas-fir from the Coast and Cascade Ranges of Oregon and Washington. (1988)
  1896. Alternative supply specifications and estimates of regional supply and demand for stumpage. (1988)
  1897. Mississippi's forest products industry: performance and contribution to the State's economy, 1970 to 1980. (1988)
  1898. Florida's forest products industry: performance and contribution to the State's economy, 1970 to 1980. (1988)
  1899. Verification of aerial photo stand volume tables for southeast Alaska. (1988)
  1900. Invertebrates of Meadow Creek, Union County, Oregon, and their use as food by trout. (1988)
  1901. Lumber recovery from incense-cedar in central California. (1988)
  1902. Timber productivity of seven forest ecosystems in southeastern Alaska. (1988)
  1903. Financial analysis of pruning coast Douglas-fir. (1987)
  1904. Texas' forest products industry: performance and contribution to the State's economy, 1970 to 1980. (1987)
  1905. Changes in water quality and climate after forest harvest in central Washington state. (1988)
  1906. Results after 20 years from a western larch levels-of-growing-stock study. (1987)
  1907. Tennessee's forest products industry: performance and contribution to the State's economy, 1970 to 1980. (1987)
  1908. SPATS: a model for projecting softwood timber inventories in the Southern United States. (1987)
  1909. Highly stocked coniferous stands on the Olympic Peninsula: chemical composition and implications for harvest strategy. (1987)
  1910. Seed zones and breeding zones for sugar pine in southwestern Oregon. (1987)
  1911. Seasonal species composition of invertebrates in several Oregon streams. (1987)
  1912. Development over 25 years of Douglas-fir, western hemlock, and western redcedar planted at various spacings on a very good site in British Columbia. (1987)
  1913. Arkansas' forest products industry: perfnrmance and contribution to the State's economy, 1970 to 1980. (1987)
  1914. Hydrologic and climatic changes in three small watersheds after timber harvest. (1987)
  1915. Estimates of site index and height growth for Douglas-fir in high-elevation forests of the Oregon-Washington Cascade Range: curves and tables for field application. (1987)
  1916. Values and choices in outdoor recreation by male and female campers in dispersed recreation areas. (1987)
  1917. Oak woodlands and other hardwood forests of California, 1990s. (2005)
  1918. Spatial and regional analysis methods in forestry economics: an annotated bibliography. (1986)
  1919. Managing white and Lutz spruce stands in south-central Alaska for increased resistance to spruce beetle. (1985)
  1920. Influence of forest and rangeland management on anadromous fish habitat in Western North America: water transportation and storage of logs. (1985)
  1921. Environmental ramifications of various materials used in construction and manufacture in the United States. (1991)
  1922. PP prune users guide. (1992)
  1923. Integrated research to improve fire management decisionmaking. (2005)
  1924. Assessment and management of animal damage in Pacific Northwest forests: an annotated bibliography. (1990)
  1925. The battle against bark beetles in Crater Lake National Park: 1925-34 (1987)
  1926. An earth anchor system: installation and design guide. (1990)
  1927. Economic feasibility of longer management regimes in the Douglas-fir region. (2005)
  1928. Annotated bibliography on soil erosion and erosion control in subarctic and high-latitude regions of North America. (1989)
  1929. Rx for Abies: silvicultural options for diseased firs in Oregon and Washington. (1990)
  1930. New criteria for measuring range management activities. (1989)
  1931. Forest regeneration at northern latitudes close to timber line. Proceedings, 7th annual workshop on silviculture and management of northern forests: 1985 June 16-20; Lulea, Gallivare, and Ostersund, Sweden. (1989)
  1932. Relation between mountain goats and their habitat in southeastern Alaska.  (1989)
  1933. Identification of physical habitats limiting the production of coho salmon in western Oregon and Washington. (1989)
  1934. Wind in the forests of southeast Alaska and guides for reducing damage. (1999)
  1935. Sampling methods for bats. (1989)
  1936. The western spruce budworm model: structure and content. (1989)
  1937. Tree value system: description and assumptions. (1989)
  1938. Out, out, dam spot! The geomorphic response of rivers to dam removal. (2005)
  1939. Line officers' views on stated USDA Forest Service values and the agency reward system. (2005)
  1940. Timber products output and timber harvests in Alaska: projections for 1992-2010. (1994)
  1941. Estimates of the values of elk in the Blue Mountains of Oregon and Washington: evidence from existing literature. (1994)
  1942. Forestry sector analysis for developing countries: issues and methods. (1993)
  1943. Protocols for care and handling of deer and elk at the Starkey Experimental Forest and Range. (1993)
  1944. Forest health in the Blue Mountains: a management strategy for fire-adapted ecosystems. (1993)
  1945. The economic impact on the forest sector of critical habitat delineation for salmon in the Columbia and Snake River basins. (1992)
  1946. Defining wilderness quality: the role of standards in wilderness management—a workshop proceedings. (1992)
  1947. CONSUME: users guide. (1993)
  1948. DFPRUNE users guide. (1992)
  1949. Habitat management for red tree voles in Douglas-fir forests. (1992)
  1950. Guidelines for evaluating air pollution impacts on class I wilderness areas in the Pacific Northwest. (1992)
  1951. Installation and use of epoxy-grouted rock anchors for skyline logging in southeast Alaska. (1992)
  1952. Projections of timber harvest in western Oregon and Washington by county, owner, forest type, and age class. (2005)
  1953. Forest health in the Blue Mountains: social and economic perspectives. (1992)
  1954. Forest health in the Blue Mountains: the influence of insects and disease. (1992)
  1955. Proceedings: North American forest insect work conference. (1992)
  1956. Vandalism: research, prevention, and social policy. (1992)
  1957. Deterioration of fire-killed and fire-damaged timber in the Western United States. (1992)
  1958. Ethical questions for resource managers. (1992)
  1959. Native timber harvests in southeast Alaska. (1992)
  1960. Guidelines and sample protocol for sampling forest gaps. (1992)
  1961. The Copper River Delta pulse study: an interdisciplinary survey of aquatic habitats. (1991)
  1962. The aggregate timberland assessment system—ATLAS: a comprehensive timber projection model. (1992)
  1963. Long-term experiments on log decomposition at the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest. (1992)
  1964. Estimating body fat by using bioelectrical-impedance measurements: a preliminary assessment. (1991)
  1965. Methods for measuring populations of small, diurnal forest birds. (1991)
  1966. Estimating the weight of Douglas-fir tree boles and logs with an iterative computer model. (1987)
  1967. Behavior of mule deer on the Keating Winter Range. (1987)
  1968. Multivariate analysis of climate along the southern coast of Alaska—some forestry implications. (1987)
  1969. Louisiana's forest products industry: performance and contribution to the State's economy, 1970 to 1980. (1986)
  1970. Natural regeneration 10 years after a Douglas-fir tussock moth outbreak in northeastern Oregon. (1986)
  1971. Are federal sustained yield units equitable? A case study of the Grays Harbor unit. (1986)
  1972. Virgina's forest products industry: performance and contribution to the State's economy, 1970 to 1980. (1986)
  1973. Radial growth of grand fir and Douglas-fir 10 years after defoliation by the Douglas-fir tussock moth in the Blue Mountains outbreak. (1986)
  1974. Early survival and growth of planted Douglas-fir with red alder in four mixed regimes. (1986)
  1975. Growth and yield of western hemlock in the Pacific Northwest following thinning near the time of initial crown closure. (1986)
  1976. Potential Pacific Rim demand for construction-grade softwood logs. (1986)
  1977. Oklahoma's forest products industry: performance and contribution to the State's economy, 1970 to 1980. (1986)
  1978. Predicting duff consumption from prescribed burns on conifer clearcuts in western Oregon and western Washington. (1986)
  1979. Alabama's forest products industry: performance and contribution to the State's economy, 1970 to 1980. (1986)
  1980. A hypermedia reference system to the Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment team report and some related publications. (1995)
  1981. Management needs assessment for the Copper River Delta, Alaska. (1995)
  1982. Institutional barriers and incentives for ecosystem management: a problem analysis. (1996)
  1983. Strategies and recommendations for addressing forest health issues in the Blue Mountains of Oregon and Washington. (1995)
  1984. Biology and management of the western gray squirrel and Oregon white oak woodlands: with emphasis on the Puget Trough. (1995)
  1985. Research publications of the Pringle Falls Experimental Forest, central Oregon Cascade Range, 1930 to 1993. (1995)
  1986. Adaptive ecosystem management in the Pacific Northwest. (1994)
  1987. The biology of amphibians and reptiles in old-growth forests in the Pacific Northwest. (1995)
  1988. Fisher conservation in the Pacific States: field data meet genetics. (2005)
  1989. Alaska research natural areas: 2. Limestone jags. (1989)
  1990. Growth of historical Sitka spruce plantations at Unalaska Bay, Alaska. (1989)
  1991. User's guide to the weather model: a component of the western spruce budworm modeling system. (1989)
  1992. Managing structural and compositional diversity with silviculture. (2003)
  1993. Tree value system: users guide. (1989)
  1994. Short-term effects of fuel reduction on pileated woodpeckers in northeastern Oregon—a pilot study. (2005)
  1995. Innovation in the forest products industry: an analysis of companies in Alaska and Oregon. (2005)
  1996. Invasive plants in 21st Century landscapes. (2005)
  1997. The rise and fall of the Pacific Northwest log export market. (2005)
  1998. Alaska IPASS database preparation manual. (1989)
  1999. Alchemy and uncertainty: What good are models? (1989)
  2000. Forest habitats and the nutritional ecology of Sitka black-tailed deer: a research synthesis with implications for forest management. (1989)
  2001. Use of microcomputers for planning and managing silviculture habitat relationships. (1988)
  2002. Integrated management of timber and deer: coastal forests of British Columbia and Alaska. (1989)
  2003. Integrated management of timber-elk-cattle: interior forests of western North America. (1988)
  2004. Alaska research natural areas: 1. Mount Prindle. (1988)
  2005. Research publications of the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Cascade Range, Oregon: 1988 supplement. (1988)
  2006. Productivity of forests of the United States and its relation to soil and site factors and management practices: a review. (1989)
  2007. Volume growth and response to thinning and fertilizing of Douglas-fir stands in southwestern Oregon. (1987)
  2008. The RAPID technique: a new method for evaluating downstream effects of forest practices on riparian zones. (1988)
  2009. Proceedings of the Alaska forest soil productivity workshop. (1988)
  2010. ROUTES: a computer program for preliminary route location. (1988)
  2011. The SKYTOWER and SKYMOBILE programs for locating and designing skyline harvest units. (1988)
  2012. VISUAL and SLOPE: perspective and quantitative representation of digital terrain models. (1988)
  2013. Models that predict standing crop of stream fish from habitat variables: 1950-85. (1988)
  2014. Gravel pit ponds as habitat enhancement for juvenile coho salmon. (1988)
  2015. Soil bulk density and soil moisture calculated with a FORTRAN 77 program. (1988)
  2016. Modeling Japan-South Seas trade in forest products. (1987)
  2017. PRUNE—SIM users guide. (1987)
  2018. Log export restrictions of the Western states and British Columbia. (1987)
  2019. A key to arboreal spiders of Douglas-fir and true fir forests of the Pacific Northwest. (1987)
  2020. The HIGHLEAD program: locating and designing highlead harvest units by using digital terrain models. (1988)
  2021. SIMYAR: a cable-yarding simulation model. (1987)
  2022. REACTT: an algorithm for solving spatial equilibrium problems. (1987)
  2023. Ponderosa pine managed-yield simulator: PPSIM users guide. (1987)
  2024. The Timber Resource Inventory Model (TRIM): a projection model for timber supply and policy analysis. (1987)
  2025. Research publications of the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Cascade Range, Oregon: 1948 to 1986. (1987)
  2026. The MAP program: building the digital terrain model. (1987)
  2027. Preliminary logging analysis system (PLANS): overview. (1987)
  2028. Application of geotechnical data to resource planning in southeast Alaska. (1987)
  2029. Research natural areas in Oregon and Washington: past and current research and related literature. (1986)
  2030. Impacts of the Jones Act on the Alaska forest products trade. (1986)
  2031. The yield advantages of artificial regeneration at high latitudes. (1986)
  2032. Proceedings: linking healthy forests and communities—successful strategies and future directions. (2005)
  2033. Harvesting morels after wildfire in Alaska. (2005)
  2034. Understanding key issues of sustainable wood production in the Pacific Northwest. (2005)
  2035. A review of protocols for monitoring streams and juvenile fish in forested regions of the Pacific Northwest. (2005)
  2036. Mathematical model of a smoldering log. (2004)
  2037. Influence of precommercial thinning on snowshoe hares. (2005)
  2038. Developing an agenda to guide forest social science, economics, and utilization research. (2005)
  2039. Assessing the volume of wood products used to build and maintain recreational structures on the Tongass National Forest: potential opportunities for Alaska wood products substitution. (2004)
  2040. Crafting a competitive edge: white spruce regeneration in Alaska. (2005)
  2041. Ecology, pathology, and management of Port-Orford-Cedar (Chamaecyparis lawsoniana). (1982)
  2042. Log transfer and storage facilities in Southeast Alaska: a review. (1985)
  2043. I PASS: an interactive policy analysis simulation system. (1984)
  2044. Terms used in invertebrate pathology in five languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish. (1984)
  2045. Relationships between Sitka black-tailed deer and their habitat. (1984)
  2046. Deterioration rates of blowndown timber and potential problems associated with product recovery. (1984)
  2047. Organic debris in small streams, Prince of Wales Island, Southeast Alaska. (1984)
  2048. Costs of harvesting beetle-milled lodgepole pine in Eastern Oregon. (1984)
  2049. Methods and materials, for locating and studying spotted owls. (1983)
  2050. Red alder: A bibliography with abstracts (1983)
  2051. Fuels and fire in land-management planning: Part 3. Costs and losses for management options. (1983)
  2052. How to reduce injuries to residual trees during stand management activities. (1983)
  2053. Forest community classification of the Porcupine River drainage, interior Alaska, and its application to forest management. (1983)
  2054. BDEN: A timesaving computer program for calculating soil bulk density and water content. (1983)
  2055. Predicting crown weight and bole volume of five Western hardwoods. (1983)
  2056. Western redcedar—a literature review. (1983)
  2057. Economic assessment of using a mobile Micromill® for processing small-diameter ponderosa pine. (2004)
  2058. Duff reduction caused by prescribed fire on areas logged to different management intensities. (1982)
  2059. Control of depth to permafrost and soil temperature by the forest floor in black spruce/feathermoss communities. (1982)
  2060. Composition of root pressure exudate from conifers. (1981)
  2061. Creating snags with explosives. (1981)
  2062. Degree-day accumulation related to the phenology of Douglas-fir tussock moth and white fir during five seasons of monitoring in southern Oregon. (1981)
  2063. Evaluation of a passive flame-height sensor to estimate forest fire intensity. (1981)
  2064. Development of Sirococcus shoot blight following thinning in western hemlock regeneration. (1981)
  2065. Evaluation of a small diameter baffled culvert for passing juvenile salmonids. (1981)
  2066. Soil and air temperature and biomass after residue treatment. (1981)
  2067. Use of pre-fabricated Parshall flumes to measure streamflow in permafrost-dominated watersheds. (1981)
  2068. The occurrence of laminated root rot on non-federal timberland in northwest Oregon, 1976. (1981)
  2069. Estimating biomass of shrubs and forbs in central Washington Douglas-fir stands. (1981)
  2070. Notes on the distribution of Oregon bats. (1981)
  2071. Invertebrates of The H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Western Cascades, Oregon: I. An annotated checklist of fleas. (1981)
  2072. Recent (1977-1980) releases of imported larch casebearer parasites for biological control. (1981)
  2073. Selection and propagation of highly graft-compatible Douglas-fir rootstocks—a case history. (1981)
  2074. Checklist of the vascular plants of Steamboat Mountain Research Natural Area. (1981)
  2075. Average biomass of four Northwest shrubs by fuel size class and crown cover. (1981)
  2076. Seasonal variation of infiltration capacities of soils in western Oregon. (1981)
  2077. A method for sampling western spruce budworm pupae. (1981)
  2078. Effects on eastern larch beetle of its natural attractant and synthetic pheromones in Alaska. (1981)
  2079. Germination of red alder seed. (1981)
  2080. A new method for reporting and interpreting textural composition of spawning gravel. (1981)
  2081. Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers on deer browsing and growth of young Douglas-fir. (1981)
  2082. Stumpage price projections for selected Western species. (1980)
  2083. Growth of western larch after thinning from above and below to several density levels: 10-year results. (1980)
  2084. Preliminary lumber recovery for dead and live Engelmann spruce. (1980)
  2085. Estimates of the occurrence of dwarf mistletoe on the Deschutes National Forest. (1980)
  2086. Preliminary test of two stump surface protectants against Fomes annosus. (1980)
  2087. Population response of the northern red-backed vole (Clethrionomys rutilus) to differentially cut white spruce forest. (1980)
  2088. Soil water trends after clearcutting in the Blue Mountains of Oregon. (1980)
  2089. A guide for comparing height growth of advance reproduction and planted seedlings. (1980)
  2090. Laminated root rot damage in a young Douglas-fir stand. (1980)
  2091. Guidelines for developing or supplementing natural photo series. (1980)
  2092. Ectomycorrhizal inoculation of containerized Western conifer seedlings. (1980)
  2093. Biology and behavior of a larch bud moth, Zeiraphera sp., in Alaska. (1980)
  2094. Substitution and the USDA Forest Service log export restrictions. (1980)
  2095. A synthetic sex pheromone for the large aspen tortrix in Alaska. (1980)
  2096. Estimating merchantable volumes of second growth Douglas-fir stands from total cubic volume and associated stand characteristics. (1980)
  2097. Genetic variation in rootability of cuttings from one-year-old western hemlock seedlings. (1980)
  2098. Formation of ectomycorrhizae following inoculation of containerized Sitka spruce seedlings. (1980)
  2099. An improved tri-tube cryogenic gravel sampler. (1980)
  2100. Postseason hunting to reduce deer damage to Douglas-fir in western Oregon. (1980)
  2101. Managing logging residue under the timber sale contract. (1980)
  2102. Logging costs for a trial of intensive residue removal. (1980)
  2103. Effect of date of cone collection and stratification period on germination and growth of Douglas-fir seeds and seedlings. (1980)
  2104. An instrument to measure stream channel gradient and profiles. (1980)
  2105. Grass seeding and soil erosion in a steep, logged area in northeastern Oregon. (1979)
  2106. Employment:wood consumption ratios for the forest products industry in subareas of Oregon and Washington, 1976. (1979)
  2107. A checklist of the vascular plants in Abbott Creek Research Natural Area, Oregon. (1979)
  2108. Preliminary crown weight estimates for tanoak, black oak, and Pacific madrone. (1979)
  2109. Proceedings: Pacific Northwest forest and rangeland soil organism symposium; 1998 March 17-19; Corvallis, OR. (1999)
  2110. Proceedings: Western Juniper Forum '97: Proceedings of a meeting—1997 April 21, Bend, OR. (1998)
  2111. The importance and conservation of ectomycorrizal fungal diversity in forest ecosystems: lessons from Europe and the Pacific Northwest. (1998)
  2112. National proceedings: forest and conservation nursery associations—1997. (1997)
  2113. Ecology and management of the commercially harvested American matsutake. (1997)
  2114. SBexpert users guide (version 2.0): a knowledge-based decision-support system for spruce beetle management. (1997)
  2115. The economic impact of public resource supply constraints in northeast Oregon. (1977)
  2116. Hierarchical subdivisions of the Columbia Plateau and Blue Mountains ecoregions, Oregon and Washington. (1997)
  2117. Adaptive management areas: achieving the promise, avoiding the peril. (1997)
  2118. Karst landscapes and associated resources: a resource assessment. (1996)
  2119. Sustainability issues for resource managers. (1996)
  2120. The 1993 timber assessment market model: structure, projections, and policy simulations. (1996)
  2121. Stability and change in forest-based communities: a selected bibliography. (1996)
  2122. An English translation of Russian common names of agricultural and forest insects and mites.  (1985)
  2123. The role of the genus Ceanofhus in western forest ecosystems. (1985)
  2124. Influence of forest and rangeland management on anadromous fish habitat in Western North America: economic considerations. (1985)
  2125. Processing data from soil assessment surveys with the computer program SOILS. (1985)
  2126. Influences of recreation influence of forest and rangeland management on anadromous fish habitat in Western North America: influences of recreation. (1985)
  2127. Forest classification at high latitudes as an aid to regeneration. (1985)
  2128. Logging costs for management planning for young-growth coast Douglas-fir. (1984)
  2129. DFSIM with economics: A financial analysis option for the DFSIM Douglas-fir simulator. (1984)
  2130. Secondary succession following logging in the Sitka sprucewestern hemlock forests of southeast Alaska: Implications for wildlife management. (1984)
  2131. Measuring fuel moisture content in Alaska: standard methods and procedures. (1984)
  2132. Proceedings of a workshop on slope stability: problems and solutions in forest management; Seattle, Washington; February 6-8, 1984. (1985)
  2133. IUFRO Symposium on forest site and continuous productivity: Seattle, Washington, August 22-28, 1982. (1983)
  2134. Yield tables for managed stands of coast Douglas-fir. (1982)
  2135. Photo series for quantifying natural forest residues in common vegetation types of the Pacific Northwest. (1980)
  2136. Influence of forest and rangeland management on anadromous fish habitat in Western North America: effects of mining. (1981)
  2137. Fish passage at road crossings: an annotated bibliography. (1980)
  2138. Predictions of fire behavior and resistance to control: for use with photo series for the Douglas fir-hemlock type and the coastal Douglas-fir-hardwood type. (1981)
  2139. Predictions of fire behavior and resistance to control: for use with photo series for the ponderosa pine type, ponderosa pine and associated species type, and lodgepole pine type. (1981)
  2140. Predictions of fire behavior and resistance to control: for use with photo series for the sierra mixed conifer type and the sierra true fir type. (1981)
  2141. Influence of forest and rangeland management on anadromous fish habitat in Western North America: forest chemicals. (1983)
  2142. Competition for National Forest timber: effects on timber-dependent communities. (1983)
  2143. Predicting lumber volume and value of young-growth true firs: user's guide.  (1982)
  2144. Evaluating projects for improving fish and wildlife habitat on National Forests. (1982)
  2145. Indicators of cull in western Oregon conifers. (1982)
  2146. Programmable calculator programs to solve softwood volume and value equations. (1982)
  2147. A procedure for analysis of guyline tension. (1982)
  2148. Influence of forest and rangeland management on anadromous fish habitat in Western North America: rehabilitating and enhancing stream habitat—2. Field applications. (1982)
  2149. Guam's forest resources, 2002. (2004)
  2150. American Samoa's forest resources, 2001. (2004)
  2151. Influence of forest and rangeland management on anadromous fish habitat in Western North America: rehabilitating and enhancing stream habitat—1. Review and evaluation. (1982)
  2152. Nitrogen, corn, and forest genetics: the agricultural yield strategy-implications for Douglas-fir management. (1982)
  2153. Influence of forest and rangeland management on anadromous fish habitat in Western North America: timber harvest. (1982)
  2154. Influence of forest and rangeland management on anadromous fish habitat in Western North America: silvicultural treatments. (1982)
  2155. Forest regeneration at high latitudes: experience from northern Sweden. (1981)
  2156. Fuels and fire in land-management planning. Part 1. Forest-fuel classification.  (1981)
  2157. Influence of forest and rangeland management on anadromous fish habitat in Western North America: processing mills and camps. (1980)
  2158. Wetwood in trees: a timber resource problem. (1980)
  2159. Dwarf mistletoe and host tree interactions in managed forests of the Pacific Northwest. (1980)
  2160. Planners guide for estimating cost per user-day of proposed recreational facilities. (1980)
  2161. Influence of forest and rangeland management on anadromous fish habitat in Western North America: planning forest roads to protect salmonid habitat. (1980)
  2162. Computer assisted yarding cost analysis. (1980)
  2163. A preliminary classification system for vegetation of Alaska. (1980)
  2164. Influence of forest and rangeland management on anadromous fish habitat in Western North America: impacts of natural events. (1980)
  2165. Handbook for predicting residue weights of Pacific Northwest conifers. (1980)
  2166. A technique for identifying treatment opportunities from western Oregon and Washington forest survey plots. (1980)
  2167. Evolution of large, organic debris after timber harvest: Maybeso Creek. (1980)
  2168. Research on forest and range soils in Oregon and Washington: a bibliography with abstracts from 1975 through 1979. (1981)
  2169. How to test herbicides at forest tree nurseries. (1981)
  2170. Bird exclosures for branches and whole trees. (1981)
  2171. Influence of forest and rangeland management on anadromous fish habitat in Western North America: effects of livestock grazing. (1981)
  2172. Parasite records for the Douglas-fir tussock moth. (1981)
  2173. Uphill falling of old-growth Douglas-fir. (1981)
  2174. Silviculture of mixed conifer forests in eastern Oregon and Washington. (1981)
  2175. Nomenclature of nearctic conifer-feeding choristoneura (Lepidoptera: tortricidae): historical review and present status. (1980)
  2176. Using a decision support system to estimate departures of present forest landscape patterns from historical reference condition—an example from the inland Northwest region of the United States. (2004)
  2177. Trees, houses, and habitat: private forests at the wildland-urban interface. (2004)
  2178. CalPro: a spreadsheet program for the management of California mixed-conifer stands. (2004)
  2179. Ecological effects of variable retention harvests in the northwestern United States: the DEMO study. (2004)
  2180. Issues in evaluating the costs and benefits of fuel treatments to reduce wildfire in the Nation's forests. (2004)
  2181. A strategic assessment of crown fire hazard in Montana: potential effectiveness and costs of hazard reduction treatments. (2004)
  2182. An assessment of growth and development paths for southeast Alaska. (2004)
  2183. The economics of amenities and migration in the Pacific Northwest: review of selected literature with implications for national forest management. (2004)
  2184. Timber resource statistics for Oregon. (2004)
  2185. Timber resource statistics for western Oregon, 1997. (2004)
  2186. Timber resource statistics for eastern Oregon, 1999. (2004)
  2187. Classification and management of aquatic, riparian, and wetland sites on the national forests of eastern Washington: series description. (2004)
  2188. Contemporary wood utilization research needs in the Western United States. (2004)
  2189. Ecophysiological parameters for Pacific Northwest trees. (2004)
  2190. Maybeso Experimental Forest. (2004)
  2191. Southeast Alaska forests: inventory highlights. (2004)
  2192. Following a river wherever it goes: beneath the surface of mountain streams. (2004)
  2193. Evaluation of field performance of poplar clones using selected competition indices. (2004)
  2194. Estimating forest structure parameters within Fort Lewis Military Reservation using airborne laser scanner (LIDAR) data. (2003)
  2195. Development of epicormic sprouts in Sitka spruce following thinning and pruning in south-east Alaska. (2003)
  2196. Kudzu (Pueraria montana) community responses to herbicides, burning, and high-density loblolly pine. (2003)
  2197. Crown profile equations for stand-grown western hemlock trees in northwestern Oregon. (2003)
  2198. Eccentricity and fluting in young–growth western hemlock in Oregon. (2004)
  2199. A comparison of forest canopy models derived from LIDAR and INSAR data in a Pacific Northwest conifer forest. (2004)
  2200. Contributions of acid rain research to the forest science-policy interface: learning from the national acid precipitation assessment program. (2004)
  2201. Productivity and diversity of morel mushrooms in healthy, burned, and insect damaged forests of northeastern Oregon. (2004)
  2202. Evolving approaches toward science based forest management. (2004)
  2203. Genetic diversity and structure of the fisher (Martes pennanti) in a peninsular and peripheral metapopulation. (2004)
  2204. Methods for integrated modeling of landscape change: Interior Northwest Landscape Analysis System. (2004)
  2205. Dynamic landscape management. (2003)
  2206. New findings about old-growth forests. (2003)
  2207. Science accomplishments report. (2003)
  2208. Area changes for forest cover types in the United States, 1952 to 1997, with projections to 2050. (2004)
  2209. Does turgor limit growth in tall trees? (2004)
  2210. Recolonization of experimentally defaunated tidepools by northeast Pacific intertidal fishes. (1998)
  2211. Early development of matched planted and naturally regenerated Douglas-fir stands after slash burning in the Cascade Range. (1993)
  2212. Seedfall in a young-growth Douglas-fir stand: 1950-1978. (1982)
  2213. A simple index of stand density for Douglas-fir. (1982)
  2214. Dead wood, living legacies: habitat for a host of fungi. (2004)
  2215. Alaska research natural areas: 3. Serpentine slide. (1992)
  2216. Ecosystems and people: managing forests for mutual gains. (2004)
  2217. Volume V: a framework for sustainable-ecosystem management. (1994)
  2218. California's forest products industry: a descriptive analysis. (2004)
  2219. Preliminary research findings from a study of the sociocultural effects of tourism in Haines, Alaska. (2004)
  2220. Defining social acceptability in ecosystem management: a workshop proceedings; 1992 June 23-25; Kelso, WA. (1996)
  2221. Workshop on sediment budgets and routing in forested drainage basins: proceedings. (1982)
  2222. Timber resources of western Oregon—highlights and statistics. (1982)
  2223. Rhapsody in avian major: a concerto of songbirds, forest management, and the public. (2004)
  2224. 100,000 trees can't be wrong: permanent study plots and the value of time. (2004)
  2225. Economic growth and change in southeast Alaska. (2004)
  2226. Reconsidering price projections for selected grades of Douglas-fir, coast hem-fir, inland hem-fir, and ponderosa pine lumber. (2004)
  2227. The geomorphic response of rivers to dams: a short course. (2004)
  2228. Washington's public and private forests. (1997)
  2229. The Alaska vegetation classification. (1992)
  2230. Monitoring larval populations of the Douglas-fir tussock moth and the western budworm on permanent plots. (1994)
  2231. Volume IV: restoration of stressed sites and processes. (1994)
  2232. Thinning and prescribed fire and projected trends in wood product potential, financial return, and fire hazard in New Mexico. (2004)
  2233. Climate change, carbon, and forestry in northwestern North America: proceedings of a workshop November 14-15, 2001 Orcas Island, Washington. (2004)
  2234. Effectiveness monitoring for the aquatic and riparian component of the Northwest Forest Plan: conceptual framework and options. (2004)
  2235. Estimating sawmill processing capacity for Tongass timber. (2004)
  2236. Southwest Oregon Biscuit Fire. (2004)
  2237. Characterizing meadow vegetation with multitemporal Landsat thematic mapper remote sensing. (2004)
  2238. Reducing fire hazard: balancing costs and outcomes. (2004)
  2239. Historical and current forest landscapes of eastern Oregon and Washington Part I: Vegetation pattern and insect and disease hazards. (1994)
  2240. Managing for featured, threatened, endangered, and sensitive species and unique habitats for ecosystem sustainability. (1994)
  2241. Historical and current roles of insects and pathogens in eastern Oregon and Washington forested landscapes. (1994)
  2242. A review of scientific information on issues related to the use and management of water resources in the Pacific Northwest. (2004)
  2243. Alternatives to preplant soil fumigation for Western forest nurseries. (2004)
  2244. Silvicultural options for young-growth Douglas-fir forests: the Capitol Forest study—establishment and first results. (2004)
  2245. Ecological health of river basins in forested regions of eastern Washington and Oregon. (1994)
  2246. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, all quarters 2002. (2004)
  2247. Ecology payoffs from red alder in southeast Alaska. (2004)
  2248. Effects of long-term use by big game and livestock in the Blue Mountains forest ecosystems. (1994)
  2249. Thinning and prescribed fire and projected trends in wood product potential, financial return, and fire hazard in Montana. (2004)
  2250. Assessing socioeconomic resiliency in Washington counties. (2004)
  2251. Effects of alternatives to clearcutting on invertebrate and organic detritus transport from headwaters in southeastern Alaska. (2004)
  2252. Science-based natural resource management decisions: what are they? (2001)
  2253. Conserving hidden diversity the unprecedented challenge of the survey and manage mandate. (2004)
  2254. Windows into the forest: extending long-term small-watershed research. (2004)
  2255. Chaparral in southern and central coastal California in the mid-1990s: area, ownership, condition, and change. (2004)
  2256. Guide to the common Potentilla species of the Blue Mountains ecoregion. (2004)
  2257. Eastside forest management practices: historical overview, extent of their application, and their effects on sustainability of ecosystems. (1994)
  2258. Biotic and abiotic processes in eastside ecosystems: the effects of management on soil properties, processes, and productivity. (1994)
  2259. Starkey experimental forest and range. (2004)
  2260. Douglas-fir growth and yield: research 1909-1960. (2004)
  2261. Western spruce budworm defoliation effects on forest structure and potential fire behavior. (2003)
  2262. Forest landscape analysis and design: a process for developing and implementing land management objectives for landscape patterns. (1992)
  2263. Bridging the worlds of fire managers and researchers: lessons and opportunities from the Wildland Fire Workshops. (2004)
  2264. Sustainable production of wood and non-wood forest products: Proceedings of IUFRO Division 5 Research Groups 5.11 and 5.12, Rotorua, New Zealand, March 11–15, 2003. (2004)
  2265. Tree growth and soil relations at the 1925 Wind River spacing test in coast Douglas-fir. (2004)
  2266. Biotic and abiotic processes in eastside ecosystems: the effects of management on plant and community ecology and on stand and landscape vegetation dynamics. (1994)
  2267. DecAID: the decayed wood advisor for managing snags, partially dead trees, and down wood for biodiversity in the forests of Washington and Oregon. (2004)
  2268. Management history of eastside ecosystems: changes in fish habitat over 50 years, 1935-1992. (1994)
  2269. The 1930s survey of forest resources in Washington and Oregon. (2003)
  2270. Social acceptability of alternatives to clearcutting: discussion and literature review with emphasis on southeast Alaska. (2004)
  2271. Estimation procedures for the combined 1990s periodic forest inventories of California, Oregon, and Washington. (2004)
  2272. Fire and weather disturbances in terrestrial ecosystems of the eastern Cascades. (1994)
  2273. Landscape and the intermontane Northwest: an environmental history. (1994)
  2274. Volume II: Ecosystem management: principles and applications. (1994)
  2275. Proceedings: views from the ridge—considerations for planning at the landscape scale. (2004)
  2276. Conservation assessment for the dusky Canada goose (Branta canadensis occidentalis Baird). (2003)
  2277. The Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project: scientific assessment. (1999)
  2278. Track counts as indices to abundances of arboreal rodents. (1991. )
  2279. Spotted owl home range and habitat use in the southern Oregon Coast Range. (1991)
  2280. Arboreal nests of Phenacomys longgicaudus in Oregon. (1991. )
  2281. Survival and reproduction of radio-marked adult spotted owls. (1992. )
  2282. Northern spotted owls: influence of prey base and landscape character.  (1992. )
  2283. Ecology of porcupines (Erethizon dorsatum) and Colorado Tick fever virus in Rocky Moutain National Park, 1975-1977. (1993. )
  2284. Spotted owls: resource and space use in mosaic landscapes. (1995. )
  2285. Spotted owl ecology: theory and methodology—a reply to Rosenberg et al. (1995. )
  2286. Small mammals in managed, naturally young, and old-growth forests. (1995. )
  2287. Sciurids in Pacific Northwest managed and old-growth forests.  (1995. )
  2288. Observations of weasels in second-growth Douglas-fir forests in the Puget Trough, Washington. (1996. )
  2289. Endangered, threatened, and sensitive plants of Fort Lewis, Washington: distribution, mapping, and management recommendations for species conservation. (1996. )
  2290. Timber supply in the Pacific Northwest: managing for economic and ecological values in Douglas-fir forest. (1996)
  2291. Spilogale gracilis in upland forests of western Washington and Oregon. (1996. )
  2292. Conservation of biodiversity: a useful paradigm for forest ecosystem management.  (1996. )
  2293. Interactions of Northwest forest canopies and arboreal mammals.  (1996. )
  2294. Red tree vole / Arborimus longicaudus.  (1999. )
  2295. Reverse technology transfer; obtaining feedback from managers. (1999. )
  2296. Diversity and productivity of hypogeous fungal sporocarps in a variably thinned Douglas-fir forest. (1999. )
  2297. Legacy retention versus thinning: influences on small mammals.  (2000. )
  2298. Wildlife of westside and high montane forests. (2001. )
  2299. Restoration of landscape function: Reserves or active management?  (2003. )
  2300. Managing for wildlife: a key component for social acceptance of compatible forest management. (2003)
  2301. Biocomplexity and restoration of biodiversity in temperate coniferous forest: inducing spatial heterogeneity with variable-density thinning. (2003)
  2302. Changes in downed and dead woody material following a spruce beetle outbreak on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. (2003)
  2303. CarolynÂ’s Crown/Shafer Creek Research Natural Area: guidebook supplement 28. (2003)
  2304. A test of the economic base hypothesis in the small forest communities of southeast Alaska. (2003)
  2305. Squirrels cannot live by truffles alone: a closer look at a northwest keystone complex. (2004)
  2306. Volume recovery, grade yield, and properties of lumber from young-growth sitka spruce and western hemlock in southeast Alaska. (2002)
  2307. Response of northern flying squirrels to supplementary dens. (2002)
  2308. Effects of forest management on truffle abundance and squirrel diets.  (2002)
  2309. Small mammals in young forests: implications for management for sustainability. (2001)
  2310. Small mammals in oak woodlands in the Puget Trough, Washington. (2001)
  2311. Quercus garryana communities in the Puget Trough, Washington.  (2001)
  2312. Induced spatial heterogeneity in forest canopies: responses of small mammals.  (2001)
  2313. Experimental manipulation of spatial heterogeneity in Douglas-fir forests: effects on squirrels. (2001)
  2314. Current status of the western gray squirrel population in the Puget Trough, Washington. (2001)
  2315. Forest management strategy, spatial heterogeneity, and winter birds in Washington. (2000)
  2316. Alaska softwood market price arbitrage. (2003)
  2317. Assessing the cumulative effects of linear recreation routes on wildlife habitats on the Okanogan and Wenatchee National Forests. (2003)
  2318. Forest resources of southeast Alaska, 2000: results of a single-phase systematic sample. (2003)
  2319. Western forests, fire risk, and climate change. (2004)
  2320. Clarifying muddy water: probing the linkages to municipal water quality. (2003)
  2321. Temporal and spatial changes in soil carbon and nitrogen after clearcutting and burning of an old-growth Douglas-fir forest. (2003)
  2322. Forward vs. backwards selection for seed orchards and cooperative second-generation breeding in the US Pacific Northwest. (2003)
  2323. Conservation and management of forest fungi in the Pacific Northwestern United States: an integrated ecosystem approach. (2001)
  2324. Special forest products: integrating social, economic, and biological considerations into ecosystem management. (1997)
  2325. Adaptive management and the Northwest Forest Plan: rhetoric and reality. (2003)
  2326. Coho Salmon populations in the Karst landscape of north Prince of Wales Island, southeast Alaska. (1998)
  2327. Dynamics and pattern of a managed coniferous forest landscape in Oregon. (1994)
  2328. Disturbances and structural development of natural forest ecosystems with silvicultural implications, using Douglas-fir forests as an example. (2002)
  2329. Flood disturbance in a forested mountain landscape: interactions of land use and floods. (1998)
  2330. Multivariate geomorphic analysis of forest streams: implications for assessment of land use impacts on channel condition. (1996)
  2331. Pacific Salmon in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem. (2002)
  2332. Whole-tree water transport scales with sapwood capacitance in tropical forest canopy trees. (2003)
  2333. Estimating fish populations by removal methods with minnow traps in southeast Alaska streams.  (2002)
  2334. Seasonal use of small tributary and main-stem habitats by juvenile steelhead, coho salmon, and Dolly Varden in a southeastern Alaska drainage basin. (2002)
  2335. Expanding horizons of forest ecosystem management: proceedings of the third habitat futures workshop; 1992 October; Vernon, B.C. (1994)
  2336. The recreation opportunity spectrum: a framework for planning, management, and research. (1979)
  2337. Regional pollution potential in the northwestern United States. (2003)
  2338. Marketing recommendations for wood products from Alaska birch, red alder, and Alaska yellow-cedar. (2003)
  2339. Managing forest ecosystems to conserve fungus diversity and sustain wild mushroom harvests. (1996)
  2340. The contribution of federal and nonfederal habitat to persistence of the northern spotted owl on the Olympic Peninsula, Washington: report of the reanalysis team. (1995)
  2341. Biology, ecology, and social aspects of wild edible mushrooms in the forests of the Pacific Northwest: a preface to managing commercial harvest. (1993)
  2342. Biology of bats in Douglas-fir forests. (1993)
  2343. Wildlife and vegetation of unmanaged Douglas-Fir forests. (1991)
  2344. The biology of arboreal rodents in Douglas-fir forests. (1991)
  2345. Ecology of the great gray owl. (1990)
  2346. Fire history and pattern in a Cascade Range landscape. (1990)
  2347. Ecology and management of the spotted owl in the Pacific Northwest. (1985)
  2348. The seen and unseen world of the fallen tree. (1984)
  2349. Habitat-effectiveness index for elk on Blue Mountain Winter Ranges. (1988)
  2350. Airborne monitoring and smoke characterization of prescribed fires on forest lands in western Washington and Oregon. (1990)
  2351. SAMM: a prototype southeast Alaska multiresource model. (1990)
  2352. Treatment of old-growth stands and its effects on birds, ants, and large woody debris: a case study. (1995)
  2353. Role of nonmarket economic values in benefit-cost analysis of public forest management. (1996)
  2354. Definitions and codes for seral status and structure of vegetation. (1995)
  2355. Performance of the SEAPROG prognosis variant of the forest vegetation simulator. (2003)
  2356. Vegetation response to prescribed fire in the Kenai Mountains, Alaska. (2003)
  2357. Estimating consumer willingness to pay a price premium for Alaska secondary wood products. (2003)
  2358. Estimated economic impacts on the timber range and recreation programs on NFS and BLM public lands from adopting the proposed interim PACFISH. (1995)
  2359. Phytosociology and succession on earthquake-uplifted coastal wetlands, Copper River Delta, Alaska. (1995)
  2360. A disturbance-based ecosystem approach to maintaining and restoring freshwater habitats of evolutionarily significant units of anadromous salmonids in the Pacific Northwest. (1995)
  2361. Range maps of terrestrial species in the interior Columbia River basin and northern portions of the Klamath and Great Basins. (2003)
  2362. Silviculture for multiple objectives in the Douglas-fir region. (1998)
  2363. AUTOSAW simulations of lumber recovery for small-diameter Douglas-fir and ponderosa pine from southwestern Oregon. (2003)
  2364. Extended rotations and culmination age of coast Douglas-fir: old studies speak to current issues. (1995)
  2365. Effects of insecticide treatments on subsequent defoliation by western spruce budworm in Oregon and Washington: 1982-92. (1996)
  2366. Photo series for quantifying forest residues in the: sierra mixed conifer type, sierra true fir type. (1979)
  2367. Land use changes involving forestry in the United States: 1952 to 1997, with projections to 2050. (2003)
  2368. Coming home to roost: the pileated woodpecker as ecosystem engineer. (2003)
  2369. Safety in bear country: protective measures and bullet performance at short range. (1983)
  2370. Geomorphic controls on hyporheic exchange flow in mountain streams. (2003)
  2371. Pacific Northwest ecoclass codes for seral and potential natural communities. (1998)
  2372. Procedures for establishing and maintaining permanent plots for silvicultural and yield research. (1983)
  2373. Fertilizing Douglas-fir forests. (1979)
  2374. Height growth and site index curves for red alder. (1985)
  2375. Seeing the trees for the forest: mapping vegetation biodiversity in coastal Oregon forests. (2003)
  2376. Guidelines for precommercial thinning of Douglas-fir. (1975)
  2377. A method of site quality evaluation for red alder. (1986)
  2378. Fifty-year development of Douglas-fir stands planted at various spacings. (1979)
  2379. Owls of old forests of the world. (1995)
  2380. Ecological characteristics of old-growth Douglas-fir forests. (1981)
  2381. Dimensions of ecosystem management: a system approach to policy formulation. (1998)
  2382. Use of the forest canopy by bats. (1994)
  2383. Observations of northern flying squirrel feeding behavior: use of non-truffle food items. (1997)
  2384. Manipulation of density of Pseudotsuga menziesii canopies: preliminary effects on understory vegetation. (2001)
  2385. Distribution and habitat of the western gray squirrel (Sciurus griseus) on Fort Lewis, Washington. (1995)
  2386. Forest stand structure of the northern spotted owl's foraging habitat. (1999)
  2387. Cognitive styles of Forest Service scientists and managers in the Pacific Northwest. (1997)
  2388. A reliable method of analyzing dietaries of mycophagous small mammals. (1997)
  2389. Effects of new forest management strategies on squirrel populations. (2000)
  2390. Globalization of flora: inviting worldwide ecosystem disaster. (2002)
  2391. Foundations of biodiversity in managed Douglas-fir forests. (1996)
  2392. Ecology of northern flying squirrels: implications for ecosystem management in the Pacific Northwest, USA. (2002)
  2393. Ecological scale and forest development: squirrels, dietary fungi, and vascular plants in managed and unmanaged forests. (1999)
  2394. Ecological foundations of biodiversity: lessons from natural and managed forests of the Pacific Northwest. (1998)
  2395. Dens of northern flying squirrels in the Pacific Northwest. (1997)
  2396. Distribution and abundance of Neotoma in western Oregon and Washington. (1999)
  2397. Biology, ecology, and economics at play: land use and land cover changes in the 21st century. (2003)
  2398. Access, labor, and wild floral greens management in western Washington's forests. (2003)
  2399. Stereo photo series for quantifying cerrado fuels in Central Brazil—volume I. (2001)
  2400. Snag abundance for primary cavity-nesting birds on nonfederal forest lands in Oregon and Washington. (1994)
  2401. Spatial variation in population dynamics of Sitka mice in floodplain forests. (1999)
  2402. Past and future water use in Pacific Coast states. (2003)
  2403. Rapid soil development after windthrow disturbance in pristine forests. (1995)
  2404. Regional gradient analysis and spatial pattern of woody plant communities in Oregon forests. (1998)
  2405. Belowground microbial processes underpin forest productivity. (2002)
  2406. Red alder, Alnus rubra, as a potential mitigating factor for wildlife habitat following clearcut logging in southeastern Alaska. (1998)
  2407. Seasonal and sexual differences in American marten diet in northeastern Oregon. (2002)
  2408. Alaska forest products: using resources well. (2003)
  2409. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, all quarters 2001. (2003)
  2410. The trouble with connectedness: disturbance and ecosystem crashes. (2003)
  2411. H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest. (1998)
  2412. Bonanza Creek Experimental Forest. (2003)
  2413. Wind River Experimental Forest. (2003)
  2414. Hunter demand for deer on Prince of Wales Island, Alaska: an analysis of influencing factors. (2003)
  2415. Characterizing fuels in treated areas. (2002)
  2416. Moisture distributions in western hemlock lumber from trees harvested near Sitka, Alaska. (2003)
  2417. An assessment of the industrial markets for softwood clearwood lumber. (1998)
  2418. Species richness, abundance, and composition of hypogeous and epigeous ectomycorrhizal fungal sporocarps in young, rotation-age, and old-growth stands of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) in the Cascade Range of Oregon, U.S.A. (2002)
  2419. Domestic geese: biological weed control in an agricultural setting. (1995)
  2420. An alternative to clear-cutting in the boreal forest of Alaska: a 27-year study of regeneration after shelterwood harvesting. (2001)
  2421. Socioeconomic evaluation of broad-scale land management strategies. (2001)
  2422. Survivorship of Pileated Woodpeckers in northeastern Oregon. (2001)
  2423. Science and ecosystem management in the interior Columbia basin. (2001)
  2424. Estimating ecological integrity in the interior Columbia River basin. (2001)
  2425. Broad-scale consequences of land management: Columbia basin example. (2001)
  2426. Developing silvicultural systems based on partial cutting in western hemlock–Sitka spruce stands of southeast Alaska. (2002)
  2427. The effects of partial cutting on stand structure and growth of western hemlock—Sitka spruce stands in southeast Alaska. (2002)
  2428. The effects of partial cutting on forest plant communities of western hemlock—Sitka spruce stands in southeast Alaska. (2001)
  2429. Smoke management guide for prescribed and wildland fire: 2001 edition. (2001)
  2430. Assessing values of air quality and visibility at risk from wildland fires. (2003)
  2431. Users guide for STHARVEST: software to estimate the cost of harvesting small timber. (2003)
  2432. Human migration and natural resources: implications for land managers and challenges for researchers. (2003)
  2433. Bulk density and soil resistance to penetration as affected by commercial thinning in northeastern Washington. (2003)
  2434. Sex and the single squirrel: a genetic view of forest management in the Pacific Northwest. (2003)
  2435. Conserving and managing the trees of the future: genetic resources for Pacific Northwest forests. (2003)
  2436. Arise, amphibians: stream buffers affect more than fish. (2003)
  2437. Delimiting communities in the Pacific Northwest. (2003)
  2438. WestPro: a computer program for simulating uneven-aged Douglas-fir stand growth and yield in the Pacific Northwest. (2003)
  2439. Forests of eastern Oregon: an overview. (2003)
  2440. Proceedings: hidden forest values—the first Alaska-wide nontimber forest products conference and tour. (2003)
  2441. Assessing the viability and adaptability of forest-dependent communities in the United States. (2003)
  2442. Social implications of alternatives to clearcutting on the Tongass National Forest: an exploratory study of residents' responses to alternative silvicultural treatments at Hanus Bay, Alaska. (2003)
  2443. Field guide for forested plant associations of the Wenatchee National Forest. (1995)
  2444. A source strength model for prescribed fires in coniferous logging slash. (1984)
  2445. Changes in commercial forest area in Oregon and Washington 1945-70. (1973)
  2446. Logging residue in southeast Alaska. (1989)
  2447. Wildlife habitats in managed rangelands—the Great Basin of southeastern Oregon: management practices and options. (1985)
  2448. Field guide for the identification of snags and logs in the interior Columbia River basin. (1997)
  2449. Accelerating development of late-successional conditions in young managed Douglas-fir stands: a simulation study. (2003)
  2450. Forest economics research at the Pacific Northwest Research Station, to 2000. (2003)
  2451. Ecology and management of commercially harvested chanterelle mushrooms. (2003)
  2452. An analysis of the timber situation in the United States: 1952 to 2050. (2003)
  2453. Disturbance departure and fragmentation of natural systems in the interior Columbia basin. (2003)
  2454. Horse Rock Ridge Research Natural Area: guidebook supplement 27. (2003)
  2455. Strategic survey framework for the Northwest Forest Plan survey and manage program. (2003)
  2456. Understanding community-forest relations. (2003)
  2457. Green fescue rangelands: changes over time in the Wallowa Mountains. (2003)
  2458. Calcareous fens in Southeast Alaska. (2003)
  2459. Handbook to additional fungal species of special concern in the Northwest Forest Plan. (2003)
  2460. Valuing a log: alternative approaches. (2003)
  2461. Monitoring stand structure in mature coastal Douglas-fir forests: effect of plot size. (2003)
  2462. Effects of fertilization on growth and foliar nutrients of red alder seedlings. (1987)
  2463. Intron size and genome size in plants. (2002)
  2464. Polyploidy and the evolutionary history of cotton. (2002)
  2465. Site index equations and mean annual increment equations for Pacific Northwest Research Station forest inventory and analysis inventories, 1985-2001. (2003)
  2466. Projecting national forest inventories for the 2000 RPA timber assessment. (2003)
  2467. Conservation genetics of bull trout: Geographic distribution of variation at microsatellite loci. (2003)
  2468. Characterizing fuels in the 21st century. (2001)
  2469. Characteristics of lightning and wildland fire ignition in the Pacific Northwest. (1999)
  2470. The 2000 fire season: lightning-caused fires. (2002)
  2471. Photo stratification improves northwest timber volume estimates. (1972)
  2472. Aboveground tree biomass on productive forest land in Alaska. (1982)
  2473. Twig and foliar biomass estimation equations for major plant species in the Tanana River Basin of interior Alaska. (1988. )
  2474. Wildlife habitats of the north coast of California: new techniques for extensive forest inventory. (1992)
  2475. Old-growth forests in the Sierra Nevada: by type in 1945 and 1993 and ownership in 1993. (1999)
  2476. Urban expansion in the forests of the Puget Sound region. (1997)
  2477. Timber resource statistics for the North Coast resource area of California. (1996)
  2478. Timberland resources of the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, 1987. (1991)
  2479. Shrubs of California's chaparral, timberland, and wood land: area, ownership, and stand characteristics. (1988)
  2480. The multiresource forest inventory for Kauai, Hawaii. (1988)
  2481. Timber resource statistics for the Puget Sound area, Washington. (1982)
  2482. Western redcedar—a forest resource in transition. (1979)
  2483. Annual losses from disease in Pacific Northwest forests. (1967)
  2484. Microcomputer software for calculating the western Oregon elk habitat effectiveness index. (1992)
  2485. Air quality climate in the Columbia River Basin. (1998)
  2486. Wild edible mushrooms in the Blue Mountains: resource and issues. (1997)
  2487. User assessment of smoke-dispersion models for wildland biomass burning. (1996)
  2488. Forest health in the Blue Mountains: an ecologist's perspective on ecosystem processes and biological diversity. (1994)
  2489. Techniques to construct New Zealand elk-proof fence. (1993)
  2490. Microcomputer software for calculating an elk habitat effectiveness index on Blue Mountain winter ranges. (1992)
  2491. Wildlife habitats in managed rangelands—the Great Basin of southeastern Oregon: mule deer. (1982)
  2492. Social and economic assessment of the Chugach National Forest area. (2002)
  2493. White Spruce and moose enhancement project. (2003)
  2494. White Spruce and moose enhancement project: overview. (2003)
  2495. Landscape permeability for large carnivores in Washington: a geographic information system weighted-distance and least-cost corridor assessment. (2002)
  2496. Global effects of accelerated tariff liberalization in the forest products sector to 2010. (2002)
  2497. Dispersal flight and attack of the spruce beetle, Dendroctonus rufipennis, in south-central Alaska. (2001)
  2498. Levels-of-growing-stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir: report no. 15—The Hoskins Study, 1963-1998. (2001)
  2499. Research in adaptive management: working relations and the research process. (2002)
  2500. Constancy and cover of plants in the Petersburg and Wrangell Districts, Tongass National Forest and associated private and other public lands, southeast Alaska. (2002)
  2501. Use of semiochemicals of secondary bark beetles to disrupt spruce beetle attraction and survival in Alaska. (2002)
  2502. Effect of fertilizer applications and grazing exclusion on species composition and biomass in wet meadow restoration in eastern Washington. (2002)
  2503. Release rates of methylcyclohexenone and verbenone from bubble cap and bead releasers under field conditions suitable for the management of bark beetles in California, Oregon, and Alaska. (2002)
  2504. Effect of ecosystem disturbance on diversity of bark and wood-boring beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae, Buprestidae, Cerambycidae) in white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) ecosystems of Alaska. (2002)
  2505. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, all quarters 2000. (2002)
  2506. Genetic variation in tolerance of Douglas-fir to Swiss needle cast as assessed by symptom expression. (2002)
  2507. Midscale analysis of streamside characteristics in the upper Grande Ronde subbasin, northeastern Oregon. (2002)
  2508. Measures of progress for collaboration: case study of the Applegate Partnership. (2002)
  2509. Adjusting for radiotelemetry error to improve estimates of habitat use. (2002)
  2510. Assessing visual soil disturbance on eight commercially thinned sites in northeastern Washington. (2002)
  2511. Managing the "other" forest: collecting and protecting nontimber forest products. (2003)
  2512. Axial and radial water transport and internal water storage in tropical forest canopy trees. (2003)
  2513. Natural History of Oregon Coast Mammals (1981)
  2514. Promoting habitat complexity in second-growth forests. (2002)
  2515. Levels-of-growing-stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir: report no. 17—The Skykomish Study, 1961–93; The Clemons study, 1963–94. (2002)
  2516. Compatibility between wood production and other values and uses on forested lands: a problem analysis. (2002)
  2517. Geology as destiny: cold waters run deep in western Oregon. (2002)
  2518. Wildlife habitats in managed rangelands—the Great Basin of southeastern Oregon: introduction. (1983)
  2519. An examination of the genetic control of Douglas-fir vascular tissue phytochemicals: implications for black bear foraging. (1999)
  2520. Wildlife habitats in managed rangelands—the Great Basin of southeastern Oregon: the relationship of terrestrial vertebrates to plant communities and structural conditions (Part 2). (1984)
  2521. Wildlife habitats in managed rangelands—the Great Basin of southeastern Oregon: the relationship of terrestrial vertebrates to plant communities and structural conditions (Part 1). (1984)
  2522. Wildlife habitats in managed rangelands—the Great Basin of southeastern Oregon: pronghorns. (1982)
  2523. Aerial surveys for Swiss needle cast in Western Oregon. (2002)
  2524. Ground verification of aerial for Port-Orford-cedar root disease in Southwest Oregon. (2002)
  2525. Survey for balsam woolley adegid in Washington and Oregon. (2002)
  2526. Genetic variation and seed transfer guidelines for ponderosa pine in central Oregon. (1994)
  2527. Embryonic genetic load in coastal Douglas-fir. (1969)
  2528. Effect of population outcrossing rate on inbreeding depression in Pinus contorta var. murrayana seedlings. (2001)
  2529. Effect of natural inbreeding on variance structure in tests of wind pollination Douglas-fir progenies. (1988)
  2530. Relationship between self-fertility, allocation of growth, and inbreeding depression in three coniferous species. (1999)
  2531. Role of selection versus historical isolation in racial differentiation of ponderosa pine in southern Oregon: an investigation of alternative hypotheses. (2001)
  2532. Effects of sib-mating and wind pollination on nursery seedling size, growth components, and phenology of Douglas-fir seed-orchard progenies. (1997)
  2533. Seed weight - seedling size correlation in coastal Douglas-fir: genetic and environmental components. (1992)
  2534. Vacuum collection of Douglas-fir pollen for supplemental mass pollinations. (1991)
  2535. Bark scoring problem grafts in five Douglas-fir seed orchards: a case history. (1989)
  2536. Effects of leader topping and branch pruning on efficiency of Douglas-fir cone harvesting with a tree shaker. (1985)
  2537. Wildlife habitats in managed rangelands—the Great Basin of southeastern Oregon: sage grouse. (1985)
  2538. Wildlife habitats in managed rangelands—the Great Basin of southeastern Oregon: manmade habitats. (1979)
  2539. Wildlife habitats in managed rangelands—the Great Basin of southeastern Oregon: edges. (1979)
  2540. Wildlife habitats in managed rangelands—the Great Basin of southeastern Oregon: native trout. (1979)
  2541. Wildlife habitats in managed rangelands—the Great Basin of southeastern Oregon: riparian zones. (1979)
  2542. Evaluating realized genetic gains from tree improvement. (1993)
  2543. Family differences in equations for predicting biomass and leaf area in Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii). (1993)
  2544. Genetic variation in tree structure and its relation to size in Douglas-fir: I. Biomass partitioning, foliage efficiency, stem form, and wood density. (1994)
  2545. Genetic variation in tree structure and its relation to size in Douglas-fir: II. crown form, branch characters, and foliage characters. (1994)
  2546. Family composition of Douglas-fir nursery stock as influenced by seed characters, mortality, and culling practices. (1993)
  2547. Effects of seed weight and rate of emergence on early growth of open-pollinated Douglas-fir families. (1991)
  2548. Relative family performance and variance structure of open-pollinated Douglas-fir seedlings grown in three competitive environments. (1991)
  2549. Hybridization of a Rocky Mountain fir (Abies concolor) and a Mexican fir (Abies religiosa).  (1988)
  2550. Genotype-environment interaction and stability in ten-year height growth of Norway spruce Clones (Picea abies Karst.). (1986)
  2551. Juvenility and serial vegetative propagation of Norway spruce clones (Picea abies Karst.). (1985)
  2552. Genetic variation in response to shade in coastal Douglas-fir. (1999)
  2553. Effects of IBA and NAA treatments on rooting Douglas-fir stem cuttings. (2000.)
  2554. Graft union formation in Douglas-fir. (1969)
  2555. Inheritance of graft compatibility in Douglas fir. (1973)
  2556. Effects of long-term pruning, meristem origin, and branch order on the rooting of Douglas-fir stem cuttings. (1992)
  2557. Ventilation climate information system: a management tool for smoke and other pollutants. (2002)
  2558. Measuring moisture dynamics to predict fire severity in longleaf pine forests. (2002)
  2559. Congruent management of multiple resources: proceedings from the Wood Compatibility Initiative workshop. (2002)
  2560. Feast and famine in plant genomes. (2002)
  2561. Duplicated genes evolve independently in allopolyploid cotton. (1999)
  2562. Rapid diversification of the cotton genus (Gossypium: Malvaceae) revealed by analysis of sixteen nuclear and chloroplast genes. (2002)
  2563. PCR-mediated recombination in amplification products derived from polyploid cotton. (2002)
  2564. Silviculture and Swiss needle cast: research and recommendations. (2000)
  2565. Genetics studies involving Swiss needle cast. (2002)
  2566. Compatibility of breeding for increased wood production and longterm sustainability: the genetic variation of seed orchard seed and associated risks. (2002)
  2567. Effects of live crown on vertical patterns of wood density and growth in Douglas-fir. (2002)
  2568. Growth of young Douglas-fir plantations across a gradient in Swiss needle cast severity. (2002)
  2569. Genetic conservation in applied tree breeding programs. (2001)
  2570. Mating design considerations—How many crosses do we really need to test? (2000)
  2571. Financial feasibility of marker-aided selection in Douglas-fir. (2000)
  2572. Tree improvement in the Pacific Northwest. (2000)
  2573. Analysis of disconnected diallel mating designs II: results from a third generation progeny test of the New Zealand radiata pine improvement programme. (1998)
  2574. Analysis of half diallel mating designs I: a practical analysis procedure for ANOVA approximation. (1998)
  2575. Parental GCA testing: how many crosses per parent? (1998)
  2576. Age trends in Douglas-fir genetic parameters and implications for optimum selection age. (1997)
  2577. Site-to-site genetic correlations and their implications on breeding zone size and optimum number of progeny test sites for Coastal Douglas-fir. (1997)
  2578. Monte Carlo simulation models of breeding-population advancement. (1993)
  2579. Family-site interaction in Pinus radiata: implications for progeny testing strategy and regionalised breeding in New Zealand. (1990)
  2580. Postfire logging: is it beneficial to a forest? (2002)
  2581. Volume, value, and thinning: logs for the future. (2002)
  2582. Coarse woody debris in oak woodlands of California. (2002)
  2583. Recreation and tourism in south-central Alaska: patterns and prospects. (2002)
  2584. Hydraulic redistribution of soil water during summer drought in two contrasting Pacific Northwest coniferous forests. (2002)
  2585. Regional patterns of dead wood in forested habitats of Oregon and Washington. (2002)
  2586. DecAID: a decaying wood advisory model for Oregon and Washington. (2002)
  2587. A coarse wood dynamics model for the Western Cascades. (2002)
  2588. Assessing and evaluating recreational uses of water resources: implications for an integrated management framework. (2002)
  2589. Understanding the links between ecosystem health and social system well-being: an annotated bibliography. (2002)
  2590. Managing young upland forests in southeast Alaska for wood products, wildlife, aquatic resources, and fishes: problem analysis and study plan. (2002)
  2591. Public lands and private recreation enterprise: policy issues from a historical perspective. (2002)
  2592. A bibliography for Quercus garryana and other geographically associated and botanically related oaks. (2002)
  2593. Altered rangeland ecosystems in the interior Columbia basin. (2002)
  2594. Simulating historical variability in the amount of old forests in the Oregon Coast Range. (2000)
  2595. Working with knowledge at the science/policy interface: a unique example from developing the Tongass Land Management Plan. (2000)
  2596. Hydraulic redistribution of soil water by neotropical savanna trees. (2002)
  2597. The Starkey project: history, facilities, and data collection methods for ungulate research. (1997)
  2598. Protocols for care and handling of deer and elk at the Starkey Experimental Forest and Range. (1993)
  2599. Using expert opinion to evaluate a habitat effectiveness model for elk in western Oregon and Washington. (1994)
  2600. Predictive mapping of forest composition and structure with direct gradient analysis and nearest neighbor imputation in coastal Oregon, U.S.A. (2002)
  2601. A structural classification for inland northwest forest vegetation. (1996)
  2602. The organization and human use of terai riverine grasslands in the Royal Chitwan National Park, Nepal (Vol 2). (1999)
  2603. Developing management strategies for riparian areas. (2001)
  2604. Management implications of recent changes in spatial patterns of interior northwest forests. (1999)
  2605. Continuity in fire disturbance between riparian and adjacent sideslopes in the Douglas-fire forest series. (2000)
  2606. Structure of northern spotted owl nest stands and their historical conditions on the eastern slope of the Pacific Northwest Cascades, USA. (1997)
  2607. Using micropropagation to conserve threatened rare species in sustainable forests. (1997)
  2608. Density and rectangularity of planting influence 20-year growth and development of red alder. (2002)
  2609. Ecological and economic impacts of forest policies: interactions across forestry and agriculture. (1998)
  2610. When the forest burns: making sense of fire history west of the Cascades. (2002)
  2611. Lessons from a flooded landscape. (1998)
  2612. Landslides through the fish-eye lens. (1998)
  2613. The owl: spotted, listed, barred, or gone? (1998)
  2614. It's not easy being green: the tricky world of small-diameter timber. (1998)
  2615. Tackling risks at the broad scale in the Interior Columbia Basin. (1998)
  2616. Resiliency of small rural communities in the interior Columbia Basin. (1998)
  2617. Adaptive management: good business or good buzzwords? (1998)
  2618. Supply and demand for wood: a worldwide perspective? (1998)
  2619. Biodiversity and intentional management: a renaissance pathway. (1998)
  2620. Military maneuvers and biodiversity: strange arrangements in southern California. (1998)
  2621. Confronting illusions of knowledge: how should we learn? (1999)
  2622. Mushrooms in the mist: stalking the wild chanterelle. (1999)
  2623. The fish-based food web: when predator and prey connect. (1999)
  2624. More rain, more drought: will the forests thrive or die? (1999)
  2625. Pixel by pixel: the evolving landscapes of remote sensing. (1999)
  2626. Wisdom from the little folk: the forest tales of birds, squirrels, and fungi. (1999)
  2627. Home on the range: might the cattle peacefully graze? (1999)
  2628. Messy world: managing dynamic landscape. (1999)
  2629. Alternatives to clearcutting of old growth in southeast Alaska. (1999)
  2630. Dead and lying trees: essential for life in the forest. (1999)
  2631. Developing new silvicultural regimes: the eyes have it. (2000)
  2632. Why do elk seek shelter? The case against the need for thermal cover. (2000)
  2633. Where will they all live? The enduring puzzle of land use change. (2000)
  2634. Beyond the limits of traditional science: bioregional assessments and natural resource management. (2000)
  2635. Seen one dam, seen 'em all?: the surprising story of the Deschutes River. (2000)
  2636. Community, know thyself: caring about place. (2000)
  2637. If you take stand, how can you manage an ecosystem? The complex art of raising a forest. (2000)
  2638. Symbiosis and synergy: Can mushrooms and timber be managed together? (2000)
  2639. From genes to landscapes: conserving biodiversity at multiple scales. (2000)
  2640. Facing the challenge of the young, the small, and the dead: Alaska's new frontier. (2000)
  2641. Finite land, infinite futures? Sustainable options on a fixed land base. (2001)
  2642. Food for fish, food for thought: managing the invisible components of streams. (2001)
  2643. Too early to tell, or too late to rescue? Adaptive management under scrutiny. (2001)
  2644. The rule of time and chance: Mount St. Helens and its legacy of knowledge. (2001)
  2645. Paradoxes in science: a new view of rarity. (2001)
  2646. Benefits of hindsight: reestablishing fire on the landscape. (2001)
  2647. Absorbing the shock: helping communities when change erupts. (2001)
  2648. Invasion of the exotics: the siege of western Washington. (2001)
  2649. Under the radar: advances in murrelet monitoring. (2001)
  2650. Boreal blending: timber and moose in Alaska's interior. (2001)
  2651. Soggy soils and sustainability: forested wetlands in southeast Alaska. (2002)
  2652. Dead wood all around us: think regionally to manage locally. (2002)
  2653. Canopy gaps and dead tree dynamics: poking holes in the forest. (2002)
  2654. Is carbon storage enough? Can plants adapt? New questions in climate change research. (2002)
  2655. Fire risk in east-side forests. (2002)
  2656. Restoring complexity: second-growth forests and habitat diversity. (2002)
  2657. A survey of innovative contracting for quality jobs and ecosystem management. (2002)
  2658. Assessing the viability and adaptability of Oregon communities. (2002)
  2659. Evaluating benefits and costs of changes in water quality. (2002)
  2660. Harvest, employment, exports, and prices in Pacific Northwest forests, 1965-2000. (2002)
  2661. Beyond 2001: a silvicultural odyssey to sustaining terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems? Proceedings of the 2001 national silviculture workshop, May 6-10, Hood River, Oregon. (2002)
  2662. Domestic market activity in solid wood products in the United States, 1950-1998. (2002)
  2663. Highlights of science contributions to implementing the Northwest Forest Plan—1994 to 1998. (2002)
  2664. Levels-of-growing-stock cooperative study in Douglas-fir: report no. 14—Stampede Creek, 30-year results. (2002)
  2665. A comparison of two estimates of standard error for a ratio-of-means estimator for a mapped-plot sample design in southeast Alaska. (2002)
  2666. Economics research supporting water resource stewardship in the Pacific Northwest. (2002)
  2667. Understanding the compatibility of multiple uses on forest land: a survey of multiresource research with application to the Pacific Northwest. (2002)
  2668. Montague Island marmot: a conservation assessment. (2002)
  2669. Thinning shock and response to fertilizer less than expected in young Douglas-fir stand at Wind River Experimental Forest. (2002)
  2670. Feasibility of using wood wastes to meet local heating requirements of communities in the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska. (2002)
  2671. A comparative study of forestry in Finland, Norway, Sweden, and the United States, with special emphasis on policy measures for nonindustrial private forests in Norway and the United States. (2002)
  2672. Montague Island vole: a conservation assessment. (2002)
  2673. A public utility model for managing public land recreation enterprises. (2002)
  2674. Multiresource effects of a stand-replacement prescribed fire in the Pinus contorta-Abies lasiocarpa vegetation zone of central Washington. (2002)
  2675. Race, class, gender, and American environmentalism. (2002)
  2676. Utilization of OregonÂ’s timber harvest and associated direct economic effects.  (2002)
  2677. Land ownership dynamics in the Big Elk Valley in Oregon during the 20th century. (2002)
  2678. A basis for understanding compatibility among wood production and other forest values. (2002)
  2679. Photo point monitoring handbook—Part A: Field procedures; Part B: Concepts and analysis. (2002)
  2680. Evaluation of the retail market potential for locally produced paper birch lumber in Alaska. (2002)
  2681. Western juniper in eastern Oregon. (1999)
  2682. Developing measures of socioeconomic resiliency in the interior Columbia River basin. (1999)
  2683. An assessment of the effects of human-caused air pollution on resources within the interior Columbia River basin. (1999)
  2684. Estimating historical snag density in dry forests. (1998)
  2685. Forest sustainability: an approach to definition and assessment at the landscape level. (1997)
  2686. Macroecology, paleoecology, and ecological integrity of terrestrial species and communities of the interior Columbia basin and northern portions of the Klamath and Great Basins. (1998)
  2687. Lumber recovery studies of Alaska sawmills, 1997 to 1999. (2002)
  2688. Forests of western Oregon: an overview. (2002)
  2689. Social acceptability of forest conditions and management practices: a problem analysis. (2002)
  2690. Korean pine-broadleaved forests of the Far East: proceedings from the international conference—September 30-October 6,1996, Khabarovsk, Russian Federation. (2000)
  2691. Interpreting landscape change in high mountains of northeastern Oregon from long-term repeat photography. (2001)
  2692. Ground-based photographic monitoring. (2001)
  2693. Proceedings: linking healthy forests and communities through Alaska value-added forest products. (2000)
  2694. Atlas of social and economic conditions and change in southern California. (2001)
  2695. Special forest products: species information guide for the Pacific Northwest. (2001)
  2696. From the forest to the sea: a story of fallen trees. (1988)
  2697. Sampling methods for terrestrial amphibians and reptiles. (1990)
  2698. Training guide for bird identification in Pacific Northwest Douglas-fir forests. (1990)
  2699. Methods for measuring populations of arboreal rodents. (1991)
  2700. Sampling methods for amphibians in streams in the Pacific Northwest. (1991)
  2701. Inexpensive camera systems for detecting martens, fishers, and other animals: guidelines for use and standardization. (1993)
  2702. Animal damage management handbook. (1994)
  2703. Software for computing plant biomass—BIOPAK users guide. (1994)
  2704. Laminated root rot in western North America. (1995)
  2705. FRAGSTATS: spatial pattern analysis program for quantifying landscape structure. (1995)
  2706. Historical and current forest landscapes in eastern Oregon and Washington Part II: Linking vegetation characteristics to potential fire behavior and related smoke production. (1995)
  2707. Herbaceous stubble height as a warning of impending cattle grazing damage to riparian areas. (1995)
  2708. Estimating live fuels for shrubs and herbs with BIOPAK. (1996)
  2709. Conservation and development of nontimber forest products in the Pacific Northwest: an annotated bibliography. (1996)
  2710. Lumber recovery and deterioration of beetle-killed Douglas-fir and grand fir in the Blue Mountains of eastern Oregon. (1996)
  2711. Stump sprouting of Pacific yew. (1996)
  2712. The Alexander Archipelago wolf: a conservation assessment. (1996)
  2713. Scientific information and the Tongass land management plan: key findings derived from the scientific literature, species assessments, resource analyses, workshops, and risk assessment panels. (1996)
  2714. Conservation assessment for the northern goshawk in southeast Alaska. (1996)
  2715. A conservation assessment for the marbled murrelet in southeast Alaska. (1996)
  2716. Trees and logs important to wildlife in the interior Columbia River basin. (1997)
  2717. Special forest products: biodiversity meets the marketplace. (1997)
  2718. Historic resource production from USDA Forest Service northern and intermountain region lands. (1999)
  2719. Effect of fuels reduction on American martens and their prey. (1999)
  2720. Different perspectives on economic base. (1999)
  2721. Chip prices as a proxy for nonsawtimber prices in the Pacific Northwest. (1999)
  2722. Ecological and financial assessment of late-successional reserve management. (2001)
  2723. A method for measuring sediment production from forest roads. (2001)
  2724. Managing the stands of the future based on the lessons of the past: estimating Western timber species product recovery by using historical data. (2000)
  2725. Effects of water suspension and wet-dry cycling on fertility of Douglas-fir pollen. (2000)
  2726. Reduction in growth of pole-sized ponderosa pine related to a pandora moth outbreak in Central Oregon. (1998)
  2727. Examples of mortality and reduced annual increments of white fir induced by drought, insects, and disease at different stand densities. (1998)
  2728. Lithosequence of soils and associated vegetation on subalpine range of the Wasatch Plateau, Utah. (1998)
  2729. Understory plant diversity in riparian alder-conifer stands after logging in southeast Alaska. (1997)
  2730. Research information needs on terrestrial vertebrate species of the interior Columbia basin and northern portions of the Klamath and Great Basins: a research, development, and application database. (1997)
  2731. Maple sirup production from bigleaf maple. (1972)
  2732. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, all quarters 1999. (2001)
  2733. Summary estimates of forest resources on unreserved lands of the Chatham inventory unit, Tongass National Forest, southeast Alaska, 1998. (2001)
  2734. Summary estimates of forest resources on unreserved lands of the Ketchikan inventory unit, Tongass National Forest, southeast Alaska, 1998. (2001)
  2735. Summary estimates of forest resources on unreserved lands of the Stikine inventory unit, Tongass National Forest, southeast Alaska, 1998. (2001)
  2736. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, all quarters 1998. (2000)
  2737. Assessments of wildlife viability, old-growth timber volume estimates, forested wetlands, and slope stability. (1997)
  2738. UTOOLS: microcomputer software for spatial analysis and landscape visualization. (1997)
  2739. Recurrent outbreak of the Douglas-fir tussock moth in the Malheur National Forest: a case history. (1998)
  2740. Assessing economic tradeoffs in forest management. (1999)
  2741. Highlighted scientific findings of the Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project. (1997)
  2742. Biological characteristics and population status of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in southeast Alaska. (1999)
  2743. Of spotted owls, old growth, and new policies: a history since the Interagency Scientific Committee report. (1997)
  2744. Timber products output and timber harvests in Alaska: projections for 1997-2010. (1997)
  2745. Breeding design considerations for coastal Douglas-fir. (1998)
  2746. Evaluation of the use of scientific information in developing the 1997 Forest plan for the Tongass National Forest. (1997)
  2747. Economies in transition: an assessment of trends relevant to management of the Tongass National Forest. (1998)
  2748. Forest carnivore conservation and management in the interior Columbia basin: issues and environmental correlates. (1998)
  2749. The effects of wind disturbance on temperate rain forest structure and dynamics of southeast Alaska. (1998)
  2750. A landscape plan based on historical fire regimes for a managed forest ecosystem: the Augusta Creek study. (1998)
  2751. Stumpage prices, volume sold, and volumes harvested from the National Forests of the Pacific Northwest Region, 1984 to 1996. (1998)
  2752. Management experiments for high-elevation agroforestry systems jointly producing matsutake mushrooms and high-quality timber in the Cascade Range of southern Oregon. (1998)
  2753. Estimating snag and large tree densities and distributions on a landscape for wildlife management. (1999)
  2754. Research publications of the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Cascade Range, Oregon: 1998 supplement. (1998)
  2755. The human factor in ecological research: an annotated bibliography. (1998)
  2756. The Starkey habitat database for ungulate research: construction, documentation, and use. (1998)
  2757. A review of the insects and mites found on Taxus spp. with emphasis on western North America. (1998)
  2758. Log export and import restrictions of the U.S. Pacific Northwest and British Columbia: past and present. (1998)
  2759. The strategy and design of the effectiveness monitoring program for the Northwest Forest Plan. (1999)
  2760. Late-successional and old-growth forest effectiveness monitoring plan for the Northwest Forest Plan. (1998)
  2761. Marbled murrelet effectiveness monitoring plan for the Northwest Forest Plan. (1999)
  2762. Northern spotted owl effectiveness monitoring plan for the Northwest Forest Plan. (1999)
  2763. Integrating science and policy in natural resource management: lessons and opportunities from North America. (1998)
  2764. National projections of forest and rangeland condition indicators: a supporting technical document for the 1999 RPA assessment. (1999)
  2765. Monitoring biodiversity: quantification and interpretation. (1999.)
  2766. Maturation and reproduction of northern flying squirrels in Pacific Northwest forests. (1999)
  2767. Climatology of the interior Columbia River basin. (1999)
  2768. A guide to ozone injury in vascular plants of the Pacific Northwest. (1999)
  2769. Guide to monitoring smoke exposure of wildland firefighters. (1999)
  2770. Watershed restoration, jobs-in-the woods, and community assistance: Redwood National Park and the Northwest Forest Plan. (1999)
  2771. National strategic plan: modeling and data systems for wildland fire and air quality. (1999)
  2772. Characterization and assessment of economic systems in the interior Columbia basin: fisheries. (2000)
  2773. Monitoring and evaluating citizen-agency interactions: a framework developed for adaptive management. (1999)
  2774. Modeling change in potential landscape vulnerability to forest insect and pathogen disturbances: methods for forested subwatersheds sampled in the midscale interior Columbia River basin assessment. (1999)
  2775. Assessing the effects of fire disturbance on ecosystems: a scientific agenda for research and management. (1999)
  2776. Sampling and estimating recreational use. (1999)
  2777. The Forest Ecosystem Study: background, rationale, implementation, baseline conditions, and silvicultural assessment. (1999)
  2778. Influence of stream characteristics and grazing intensity on stream temperatures in eastern Oregon. (1999)
  2779. Use of risk assessment panels during revision of the Tongass Land and Resource Management Plan. (1999)
  2780. Place assessment: how people define ecosystems. (1999)
  2781. Timber harvesting, processing, and employment in the Northwest Economic Adjustment Initiative region: changes and economic assistance. (1999)
  2782. Proceedings of a workshop on bark beetle genetics: current status of research. Workshop on Bark Beetle Genetics; 1998 July 17-18; Madison, WI. (1999)
  2783. Harvesting costs for management planning for ponderosa pine plantations. (1999)
  2784. Biological characteristics and population status of anadromous salmon in southeast Alaska. (2000)
  2785. Classification of community types, successional sequences, and landscapes of the Copper River Delta, Alaska. (2000)
  2786. EMDS users guide (version 2.0): knowledge-based decision support for ecological assessment. (1999)
  2787. NetWeaver for EMDS user guide (version 1.1): a knowledge base development system. (1999)
  2788. Scenery assessment: scenic beauty at the ecoregion scale. (2000)
  2789. Opportunities for conservation-based development of nontimber forest products in the Pacific Northwest. (1999)
  2790. Trends in key economic and social indicators for Pacific Northwest states and counties. (1999)
  2791. Western juniper drying project summaries, 1993-96. (1999)
  2792. Handbook to strategy 1 fungal taxa from the Northwest Forest Plan. (1999)
  2793. Rural communities in the inland Northwest: an assessment of small communities in the interior and upper Columbia River basins. (2000)
  2794. Avian and amphibian use of fenced and unfenced stock ponds in northeastern Oregon forests. (2001)
  2795. Bird, mammal, and vegetation community surveys of research natural areas in the Tongass National Forest. (2001)
  2796. Atlas of human adaptation to environmental change, challenge, and opportunity: northern California, western Oregon, and western Washington. (2000)
  2797. Social assessment for the Wenatchee National Forest wildfires of 1994: targeted analysis for the Leavenworth, Entiat, and Chelan Ranger Districts. (2000)
  2798. Alaska's Copper River: humankind in a changing world. (2000)
  2799. Interactions between white spruce and shrubby alders at three boreal forest sites in Alaska. (2000)
  2800. Deconstructing the timber volume paradigm in management of the Tongass National Forest. (2000)
  2801. Revised estimates for direct-effect recreational jobs in the interior Columbia River basin. (1999)
  2802. Northwest Forest Plan: outcomes and lessons learned from the Northwest economic adjustment initiative: Proceedings of a forum; 1997 July 29-30; Portland, OR. (1999)
  2803. Environmental effects of postfire logging: literature review and annotated bibliography. (2000)
  2804. Effects of forest management on understory and overstory vegetation: a retrospective study. (2000)
  2805. Understanding human uses and values in watershed analysis. (2000)
  2806. Earthworms (Annelida: Oligochaeta) of the Columbia River basin assessment area. (2000)
  2807. True fir-hemlock spacing trials: design and first results. (2000)
  2808. Alternatives to clearcutting in the old-growth forests of southeast Alaska: study plan and establishment report. (2000)
  2809. Monitoring for ozone injury in West Coast (Oregon, Washington, California) forests in 1998. (2000)
  2810. Detecting response of Douglas-fir plantations to urea fertilizer at three locations in the Oregon Coast Range. (2001)
  2811. Precision, accuracy, and efficiency of four tools for measuring soil bulk density or strength. (2001)
  2812. The future of housing in the United States: an econometric model of long-term predictions for the 2000 RPA timber assessment. (2001)
  2813. Historical trends and projections of land use for the South-Central United States. (2000)
  2814. Attractant semiochemicals of the engraver beetle, Ips perturbatus, in south-central and interior Alaska. (2000)
  2815. A spatial model of land use change for western Oregon and western Washington.  (2001)
  2816. Modification of mixed-conifer forests by ruminant herbivores in the Blue Mountains ecological province. (2000)
  2817. Smoke exposure among firefighters at prescribed burns in the Pacific Northwest. (2000)
  2818. Smoke exposure at western wildfires. (2000)
  2819. Classifying plant series-level forest potential types: methods for subbasins sampled in the midscale assessment of the interior Columbia basin. (2000)
  2820. Phytomass in southwest Alaska. (2000)
  2821. Forest cover dynamics in the Pacific Northwest west side: regional trends and predictions. (2000)
  2822. Sand lance: a review of biology and predator relations and annotated bibliography. (2000)
  2823. Growth of lodgepole pine thinned to various densities on two sites with differing productivities in central Oregon. (2000)
  2824. Land use in the lake states region: an analysis of past trends and projections of future changes. (1999)
  2825. Stand-density study of spruce-hemlock stands in southeastern Alaska. (2000)
  2826. Northwest Forest Plan research synthesis. (2000)
  2827. Social assessment for the Colville National Forest CROP program. (2000)
  2828. A habitat-based point-count protocol for terrestrial birds, emphasizing Washington and Oregon. (2000)
  2829. Anabat bat detection system: description and maintenance manual. (2000)
  2830. Assessment of the competitive position of the forest products sector in southeast Alaska, 1985-94. (2001)
  2831. Tourism and natural resource management: a general overview of research and issues. (2001)
  2832. Botanical survey of Myrtle Island Research Natural Area, Oregon. (2001)
  2833. MC1: a dynamic vegetation model for estimating the distribution of vegetation and associated carbon, nutrients, and water—technical documentation. Version 1.0. (2001)
  2834. Forest roads: a synthesis of scientific information. (2001)
  2835. Log and lumber grades as indicators of wood quality in 20- to 100-year-old Douglas-fir trees from thinned and unthinned stands. (2001)
  2836. Recreation and tourism in south-central Alaska: synthesis of recent trends and prospects. (2001)
  2837. Invertebrates of the Columbia River basin assessment area. (2001)
  2838. Analysts guide: TreeVal for Windows, Version 2.0. (2001)
  2839. A research framework for natural resource-based communities in the Pacific Northwest. (2001)
  2840. Economic and environmental effects of accelerated tariff liberalization in the forest products sector. (2001)
  2841. Changes in the non-Federal land base involving forestry in western Oregon, 1961-94. (1999)
  2842. Growth and yield of western larch under controlled levels of stocking in the Blue Mountains of Oregon. (1999)
  2843. Woodpecker use and fall rates of snags created by killing ponderosa pine infected with dwarf mistletoe. (1999)
  2844. Using estimates of natural variation to detect ecologically important change in forest spatial patterns: a case study, Cascade Range, eastern Washington. (1999)
  2845. Comparative effects of precommercial thinning, urea fertilizer, and red alder in a site II, coast Douglas-fir plantation. (1999)
  2846. Thirty-five-year growth of ponderosa pine saplings in response to thinning and understory removal. (1999)
  2847. Land use in Maine: determinants of past trends and projections of future changes. (1999)
  2848. Electronic (fenceless) control of livestock. (1999)
  2849. Composition, volume, and prices for major softwood lumber types in western Oregon and Washington, 1971-2020. (1998)
  2850. Growth of ponderosa pine thinned to different stocking levels in central Oregon: 30-year results. (1999)
  2851. Vegetation resources inventory of southwest Alaska: development and application of an innovative, extensive sampling design. (1999)
  2852. Phytomass in southeast Alaska. (1998)
  2853. Understanding the social acceptability of natural resource decisionmaking processes by using a knowledge base modeling approach. (2001)
  2854. Lodgepole pine development after early spacing in the Blue Mountains of Oregon. (1998)
  2855. Thirty-five-year growth of thinned and unthinned ponderosa pine in the Methow Valley of northern Washington. (1998)
  2856. Proceedings of IUFRO Division Five research group 5.12 Sustainable production of forest products 2000. (2001)
  2857. Six-year growth of Douglas-fir saplings after manual or herbicide release from coastal shrub competition. (1999)
  2858. Variation in salmonid life histories: patterns and perspectives. (1997)
  2859. Influence of riparian canopy on macroinvertebrate composition and food habits of juvenile salmonids in several Oregon streams. (1996)
  2860. The forest and agricultural sector optimization model (FASOM): model structure and policy applications. (1996)
  2861. The Pacific Northwest region vegetation and monitoring system. (1996)
  2862. Fuzzy logic knowledge bases in integrated landscape assessment: examples and possibilities. (2001)
  2863. Assessment of the lumber drying industry and current potential for value-added processing in Alaska. (2001)
  2864. Forest health restoration in south-central Alaska: a problem analysis. (2001)
  2865. Outdoor recreation by Alaskans: projections for 2000 through 2020. (2001)
  2866. Ex situ gene conservation for conifers in the Pacific Northwest. (2002)
  2867. Fire disturbance effects in subalpine forests of north central Washington. (2001)
  2868. Historical and current stand structure in Douglas-fir and ponderosa pine forests. (2000)
  2869. Ecological subregions of the interior Columbia basin, USA. (2000)
  2870. Infection of Douglas-fir by Leptographium wageneri. (2000)
  2871. Fire history in the ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir forests on the east slope of the Washington Cascades. (2000)
  2872. Snag dynamics in chronosequence of 26 wildfires on the east slope of the Cascade Range in Washington state, USA. (1999)
  2873. Breeding graft-compatible Douglas-fir rootstocks (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco). (1999)
  2874. Landscape management using historical fire regimes: Blue River, Oregon. (1999)
  2875. Intentional systems management: managing forests for biodiversity. (1999)
  2876. Relationship between diameter and gross product value for small trees. In: Wood technology clinic and show. (1999)
  2877. National proceedings: forest and conservation nursery associations—1996. (1997)
  2878. Plant association and management guide for the Pacific silver fir zone Gifford Pinchot National Forest. (1983)
  2879. Plant association and management guide for the western hemlock zone. (1986)
  2880. Guidelines for evaluating air pollution impacts on class I wilderness areas in the Pacific Northwest. (1992)

USDA Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 9, 2009

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