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NPS Ocean Park Stewardship Action Plan Brochure PDF

National Parks that Conserve Coastal and Oceanic Treasures

NPS Underwater, Oceanic or Coastal Related Projects, Programs, Publications and Web Sites

Coastal Watershed Condition Assessments Fact Sheet PDF

Ocean Stewardship
in the
National Parks: Updates and Accomplishments

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National Park Service Underwater, Oceanic or Coastal Related Projects, Programs, Publications and Web Sites

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Submerged Resources Center

Learn about the underwater projects of the Submerged Resources Center, often in partnership with other organizations, including the U.S.S. Arizona and U.S.S. Utah at Pearl Harbor, ships and planes in Palau and Guam, and numerous historic shipwrecks in Dry Tortugas National Park and off Isle Royale National Park.

Marine Resources Conservation Program
The Marine Resources Conservation Program provides Service-wide policy and guidance for marine resource protection; coordinates NPS activities relating to Marine Protected Areas; coordinates NPS activities relating to the protection of coral reefs; develops a Service-wide coastal watershed assessment and protection strategy; provides guidance and technical support to NPS units for marine resource management and planning; and provides NPS liaison and coordination with NOAA and the National Marine Sanctuaries Program.

Coral Reefs in the National Parks
Congress and the American public have entrusted the National Park Service with managing and protecting more than 275,000 acres of coral reefs in ten National Park units. Two of these units are located in South Florida, four in the U.S. Virgin Islands, two in the Hawaiian Islands and two are in the Indo-Pacific (Guam and American Samoa). These Parks are not only outstanding places to enjoy snorkeling, SCUBA diving, fishing, and boating; they contain some of the most biologically rich and economically important coral reef resources in the world.

NPS Coastal Geology Program
At least 97 National Park System units contain coastal and freshwater shorelines shaped by meteorologic, hydrologic, oceanic and geologic processes. Shoreline processes may occur gradually, as with the movement of sandbars, spits, and deltas, or catastrophically, during landslides and storm-induced sediment transport. The NPS Coastal Geology Program provides technical and policy assistance to parks on monitoring, mapping and research of shoreline resources, land use planning, and protection of natural and cultural resources.

NPS Inventory & Monitoring Networks
As part of the National Park Service’s effort to “improve park management through greater reliance on scientific knowledge,” a primary role of the Inventory and Monitoring (I&M) Program is to collect, organize, and make available natural resource data. Thirteen NPS Inventory and Monitoring (I&M) Networks acquire and integrate scientific information to support conservation of ocean and coastal resources in the National Park System. http://science.nature.nps.gov/im/index.cfm. For a map of the I & M Parks and Inventory Networks: http://science.nature.nps.gov/im/networks.cfm.

Maritime Heritage Program
The Maritime Heritage Program works to advance awareness and understanding of the role of maritime affairs in the history of the United States. We survey and evaluate historic maritime properties, provide guidance for preserving these resources, and educate the public about maritime history and preservation through our web site, publications, and technical assistance.

NPS Maritime Resources
Access a list of links to lighthouses, ships, and other maritime resources within the National Park System.

National Maritime Heritage Grants Program
Provides information about this new grants program which supports maritime heritage education and preservation projects.

National Maritime Initiative Publications
Provides a number of useful publications addressing standards for preservation and guidance in documentation and evaluation of maritime resources.

Additional Publications and Websites

Maritime History at Point Reyes

Shipwreck – Cape Hatteras

Submerged Cultural Resources Study: USS Arizona


Last Update: November 30, 2006