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Draft Career Progression system
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Career progression FAQ

For background information:
Professional Track for Non-Regular Faculty (7/22/05)

Academic Issues and Policy Committee members

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University of Missouri Extension

Academic Issues and Policy Committee

11/17/2006 - Career Progression System

The Academic Issues and Policy Committee was appointed to develop for approval, a voluntary Career Progression System for non-regular, un-ranked, benefit eligible academic faculty who are either on- or off-campus. We believe that the system encourages excellence, recognizes achievement, and provides an equal opportunity for all regional specialists and others with academic appointments as they progress through the system.

For those who elect to participate, the system allows for career progression through three levels. It provides a mechanism for recognition of the scholarship of extension including the transfer of knowledge, creativity and innovation, teamwork, collaboration and leadership, funding and resource attraction, personal and professional development, service and special assignments.

Updated 11/17/06

View the Draft Career Progression system document online


Download the Career progression system draft document  as an MS Word file.

Executive Summary (MS Word file)

Frequently Asked Questions about the Career Progression System (posted 11/17/06)


For background information:
Professional Track for Non-Regular Faculty (7/22/05)

Academic Issues and Policy Committee members


Julie Middleton,
Academic Issues and Policy Committee Co-Chair

Updated 10/29/08