University of Missouri Extension

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The University Extension Community Resource Development Association (UECRDA) is a vehicle for community resource and economic development professionals within University of Missouri Extension to accomplish together what we could not do alone.  Through volunteer efforts provided by organizational committees and members at large, the Association...

  • encourages and supports the application of the principles of community resource development throughout University of Missouri Extension;
  • encourages, supports, and creates opportunities for the professional and personal improvement of its members;
  • recognizes extraordinary service to the Association, to MU Extension, and to the people of the state of Missouri;
  • and provides representation of CRED programming to University of Missouri and extension administration.

The 2008-2009 Executive Committee consists of:

  • Dean Larkin, President
    Community Development Specialist, Montgomery County

  • Virgil Woolridge, Past President
    Business Development Specialist, Audrain County

  • Richard Proffer, President-elect
    Business Development Specialist, Cape Girardeau County

  • Connie Mefford, Secretary/Treasurer
    Community Development Specialist, Benton County

  • Kevin Baiotto, Executive Committee Member At-Large
    Coordinator, Kirksville

2008 President: Dean Larkin
Web lackey:  Tish Johnson
Last revised: 10/31/08