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General Information


Aquatic Animal Health Activities

Reports on Aquaculture from APHIS' Center for Epidemiology and Animal Health (CEAH)

Services for Aquatic Plant Protection

Vet Biologics for Fish

Wildlife Damage Management Assistance and Activities

Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia (VHS)


VHS Emerging Disease Notification

Questions and Answers About VHS Federal Order (pdf 50kb)

Public Comment Regarding VHS

Infectious Salmon Anemia (ISA)


Infectious Salmon Anemia, Maine Impact Worksheet (pdf 82kb)

Infectious Salmon Anemia (text or pdf 81kb)

ISA International Symposium (pdf 1.13MB)

Annual ISA Surveillance Report (pdf 18kb)

Monthly Reports

Following is a summary of the ISA surveillance conducted in Maine throughout the calendar year 2008:

There were 1104 total samples collected during 119 inspections at 15 sites. There were no cages confirmed positive for ISA this year. In fact, there have been no confirmed cages for 35 consecutive months. Biosecurity audits were conducted on all active sites at least once during the calendar year.

In April, there was one Category 2 site identified. Although both non-pathogenic and pathogenic genotypes of ISAV were detected, no disease was observed and after 4 surveillance inspections with negative results the site was reverted to Category 1. In October, there were two Category 2 sites identified. Thus far, no disease has been observed and only the non-pathogenic genotype has been detected. Both sites are scheduled for biweekly surveillance inspections at this time. All Category 1 sites were scheduled for monthly surveillance inspections.

Two sites in Machias Bay(including one that had fall fish on site already), two sites in Eastern Bay, and one site in Blue Hill Bay were stocked with new smolts in the spring/summer . Also, throughout the year market fish were harvested from Cobscook Bay, emptying 5 of the 6 sites in the water. The final site is scheduled to complete it's harvest by February 15, 2009. Cobscook Bay is scheduled to stock new smolts at 5 or 6 of the fallowed sites during the spring and fall of 2009.

December 2008
November 2008
October 2008
September 2008
August 2008
July 2008
June 2008
May 2008
April 2008
March 2008
February 2008
January 2008

Links to Other Aquaculture Web Sites


Last Modified: January 13, 2009