Online Romanian Directories at the Library of Congress
Finding Aid to Volume I (Capitala), of Anuarul "Socec" al României
Index to this page: I. Administration II.
Public and Private Institutions III. Bucharest
Organizational Directory
All numbers below refer to the digital image numbers, not the original
page numbers, except where noted in [brackets].
Front cover, advertisements, title page, seating diagrams for Ateneul Român,
Teatrul National, Teatrul Mic, Teatrul "Carol-cel-Mare", Opera Româna din
Bucuresti, Teatrul Regina Maria, Teatrul Popular 1-18
Index to Part I, Administration
- In Romanian 19-21
- In French and Romanian 21-24
- In German and Romanian 24-27
Index to Part II, Public and Private Institutions
- In Romanian 28-32
- In French and Romanian 32-41
- In German and Romanian 41-49
Images 19-49 noted above correspond to the volume's first pagination, [original
page numbers 1-31]
PART I: ADMINISTRATION image numbers 51-166
[corresponding to the second pagination, original page numbers 1-116]
- The Royal Family 51-53
- Government Officials, Members of Parliament and Staff 54-62
- Foreign Diplomatic Corps in Romania 62-68
- Romanian Diplomatic Corps Abroad 68-74
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs 74-76
- Ministry of Internal Affairs, including local prefects and mayors throughout
the country 76-82
- Police/Security Administration, including local police chiefs 82-84
- The Official Gazette (Monitorul Oficial) and the Government Printing
House 84
- The Prefect's Office for Ilfov judet (district) 85
- The Prefect's Office for Bucharest 86-87
- Mayor's Office, local services 87-92
- Ministry of Finance 93-98
- Financial Administration of Ilfov judet 98-99
- Credit Administration for districts, rural sites and viticulture 99
- Savings and Deposit Bank 99
- Administration of State Monopolies (Regia Monopolurilor Statului) 100-101
- The Superior Audit Court 102
- Ministry of Agriculture and Lands 102-106
- Office for Rural Development 107-111
- Ministry of Industry and Commerce 112-121
- Ministry of Justice 122-127
- Ministry of Communication 127-145 including Railroads (129-141) and Mail,
Telegraph and Telephone (142-145)
- Ministry of Public Works 145-148
- Ministry of Public Instruction 149-152
- Ministry of Religions and Arts 152-153
- Ministry of Labor, Cooperation and Social Security 154-159
- Ministry of Public Health and Services 160-163
- Ministry of War 164-166
- Military Hospital 166
numbers 167-240 [corresponding to the third pagination, original page numbers
1-72]. See also the above-noted Index to Part II, 28-49
- Romanian Orthodox Church 169-173
- Foreign Orthodox Churches in Romania 173
- Other Denominations 173-175
- Romanian Academy 175-76
- Cultural Institutions 177-179 (includes museums, theaters, societies)
- Higher Educational Institutes 179-191 (universities and other higher
- Secondary and Professional Education 191-201 includes seminaries and
high schools, e.g., the historically important Liceul Sf. Sava (193), with
a list of its teachers and their subjects
- Primary Public Education 202-205
- Private Education 205-209
- Hospitals 209-212
- Trustees, Sponsors, Guardians (Epitropii si Eforii Diverse) 212-214
- Societies for Assistance: Cultural, Scientific, Professional, Artistic,
Sportive, Clubs: 214-232 (e.g. Fundatia Culturala "Principele Carol" 219)
- The Press 232-240
- Advertisements for the Press 241-248 [no pagination]
Industry, Finance, Professions, Artisans 249-980
Alphabetical Index 249-292 [corresponding to the fourth pagination, original
page numbers 1-44]
- In Romanian 249-255
- In French and Romanian 257-273
- In German and Romanian 275-292
Bucharest Organizational Directory 293-980 [corresponding to the fifth pagination,
original page numbers 1-688]
Advertisements 981-984 [no pagination]
Related material on the Library of Congress web site:
Address/Telephone Directories
from Romania
at the Library of Congress
An annotated list of holdings at the Library of Congress.
to the World: Romania Selective links to Romanian internet resources,
organized by subject. Part of the Library of Congress' Portals
to the World project.
from the Military Archives of the Romanian Ministry of National
An index to microfilm of declassified records covering the earlier years of
the Cold War, primarily 1944-1965. This microfilm may be viewed in the European
Reading Room of the Library of Congress.
Collections at the Library of Congress
Undoubtedly the largest in the Americas and probably the largest outside of
Romania and Moldova. Monographic works either published in Romania or which
pertain to Romania total approximately 40,000 titles.