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Finding Aid to volume II (Provincia) of Anuarul "Socec" al României-Mari

Index to this page:
Introduction   Part IV, the Old Kingdom   Part V, The New Romanian Annexed Provinces  Table of Locales


Volume II consists of parts IV-The Old Kingdom and V-The New Romanian Annexed Provinces. These two parts are subdivided by judet, an administrative district. Each judet section begins with general information about the judet, followed by information about the judet capital, and then about other notable towns. Each judet section then continues with a point "II. Comune rurale," which describes villages, often with populations under 1,500. A "comuna" is a small administrative district often consisting of two or more villages or other populated sites, but sometimes consisting of just one site. The directory lists all the sites within a comuna and asterisks the site that serves as the administrative center for the comuna. Volume II concludes with Table of Locales (Tabela Comunelor Urbane si Rurale) - four regional indexes to the approximately 8,500 villages, towns and cities for which the directory provides information.

The original work contains five separate paginations, all beginning anew with page 1. Part IV is the first pagination; part V contains three paginations - the Bucovina region, the Ardeal region, and the Bessarabian region; and the Table of Locales comprises the fifth pagination. The number ranges of the original pages are indicated below only once each in [brackets]. Otherwise, all numbers below refer to the digital image numbers.

This finding aid provides the digital image numbers for each judet, its capital, and its other populated sites. It also lists for each region "Other notable towns," which are the towns and larger villages that are listed immediately after the information for each judet capital but before the information in point "II. Comune rurale." Virtually all of the "other notable towns" have populations over 1,500, whereas most sites listed under point "II. Comune rurale" have populations under 1,500.

PART IV, The Old Kingdom - Provinciile Vechiului Regat: Oltenia, Muntenia, Moldova, Dobrogea.

Covers digital image numbers 7-848 [corresponding to original page numbers 0-840]. Concludes with the two judete in the Dobrogea region acquired in 1918, and thus listed separately from the judete of Dobrogea that comprised part of the Old Kingdom.

(administrative district)
First image no. Capital + image range Image range of other locales
Arges 9 Pitesti    9-14 15-34
Bacau 35 Bacau   35-39 40-58
Botosani 59 Botosani    59-64 65-76
Braila 77 Braila   77-107 108-118
Buzau 119 Buzau   119-123 123-146
Constanta 147 Constanta    147-162 163-182
Covurlui 183 Galati   183-234 235-244
Dâmbovita 245 Târgoviste    245-247 248-270
Dolj 271 Craiova   271-292 293-322
Dorohoiu 323 Dorohoiu    323-325 325-336
Falciu 337 Husi    337-339 339-346
Gorj 347 Târgu-Jiu    347-349 350-366
Ialomita 367 Calarasi    367-369 369-390
Iasi 391 Iasi   391-416 417-428
Ilfov 429 Bucuresti (see Volume I) 429-454
Mehedinti 455 Turnu-Severin   455-461 462-484
Muscel 485 Câmpulung   485-488 488-500
Neamtu 501 Piatra-Neamtu    501-507 507-520
Olt 521 Slatina   521-523 524-536
Prahova 537 Ploiesti   537-556 557-598
Putna 599 Focsani   599-602 603-618
Râmnicu-Sarat 619 Râmnicu-Sarat   619-622 623-638
Roman 639 Roman   639-642 643-652
Romanati 653 Caracal    653-655 656-674
Suceava 675 Falticeni    675-676 677-686
Tecuci 687 Tecuci 687-689 690-698
Teleorman 699 Turnu-Magurele    699-701 701-728
Tulcea 729 Tulcea   729-731 731-744
Tutova 745 Bârlad   745-753 754-764
Vâlcea 765 Râmnicu-Vâlcea    765-767 768-786
Vaslui 787 Vaslui   787-788 789-798
Vlasca 799 Giurgiu    799-807 808-826
Caliacra 827 Bazargic (formerly Dobrici)    827-830 831-838
Durostor 839 Silistra     839-840 840-848

Other notable towns (and corresponding image numbers) in the Old Kingdom and Dobrogea Noua:

Adjudu-Nou 603 Curtea de Arges 15 Marasesti 603-604 Slanic 563
Alexandria 701-703 Cuzgun 164 Medjidie 165-166 Slobozia 370
Babadag 731 Dobrogea Nuoa 827 Mihaileni 325-326 Strehaia 462
Baia-de-Arama 462 Dragasani 768-769 Mizil 123-124 Sulina 733-735
Bailesti 293 Filipesti-de-Târg 559 Moinesti 41-42 Târgu-Frumos 417
Balcic 831 Gaesti 248 Ocnele-Mari 769 Târgu-Neamtu 508-509
Buhus 507-508 Hârlau 65 Odobesti 604-605 Târgu-Ocna 40-41
Calafat 293-294 Hârsova 164 Oltenita 429-430 Turtucaia 840
Câmpina 557-558 Herta 325 Ostrov 166 Urlati 564
Cavarna 832 Isaccea 732 Panciu 605-606 Urziceni 369-370
Cernavoda 163 Macin 732-733 Plenita 295 Valenii-de-Munte 564-565
Chilia-Veche 732 Mahmudia 733 Rosiori-de-Vede 704-706 Zimnicea 706-707
Corabia 656-57 Mangalia 165 Sinaia 561-563

PART V, The New Romanian Annexed Provinces - Nouile Provincii Alipite: Bucovina; Ardealul: Transilvania, Banat, Crisana, Maramures; Basarabia.

Begins with image number 849


Covers digital image numbers 851-962 [corresponding to original page numbers 1-112]

(administrative district)
First image no. Capital + image range Image range of other locales
Cernauti 854 Cernauti    855-888 889-896
Câmpu-lung 897 Câmpu-lung   897-898 898-904
Cotmani 905 Cotmani   905 905-908
Gura-Humorului 909 Gura-Humorului   909-911 911-916
Radauti 917 Radauti   917-919 919-924
Siret 925 Siret   925 926-930
Storojinet 931 Storojinet   931-932 933-938
Suceava 939 Suceava   939-941 942-946
Vascauti 947 Vascauti   947 948-950
Vijnita 951 Vijnita   951-952 953-956
Zastavna 957 Zastavna   957 958-962

Other notable towns in Bucovina:
        Vatra-Dornei 898-899

Foreign Advertisements 963-982

Ardealul: Transilvania, Banat, Crisana, Maramures.

Covers digital image numbers 983-1912 [corresponding to original page numbers 1-896]. Images 983-1016 provide general information and statistics on Ardeal, in French, German and Romanian.

(administrative district)
First image no. Capital + image range Image range of other locales
Alba de Jos 1017 Aiud 1018-1020 1021-1046
Arad 1047 Arad 1048-1100 1101-1128
Bihor 1129 Oradea-Mare 1131-1164 1165-1212
Bistrita-Nasaud 1213 Bistrita 1214-1218 1219-1230
Brasov 1231 Brasov 1232-1260 1261-1268
Caras-Severin 1269 Lugoj 1270-1276 1277-1320
Ciuc 1321 Mercurea-Ciuc 1322-1323 1324-1338
Cojocna 1339 Cluj 1341-1390 1391-1416
Fagaras 1417 Fagaras 1417-1420 1421-1432
Hunedoara 1433 Deva 1434-1436 1436-1474
Maramures 1475 Sighetul-Marmatiei 1476-81 1482-1490
Mures-Turda 1491 Târgu-Mures 1492-1514 1515-1542
Odorhei 1543 Odorhei 1544-1545 1546-1560
Salaj 1561 Zalau 1562-1565 1565-1592
Satmar 1593 Careii-Mari 1595-1599 1617-1642
Sibiu 1643 Sibiu 1645-1685 1686-1700
Solnoc-Dobaca 1701 Dej 1702-1706 1706-1736
Târnava-Mare 1737 Sighisoara 1738-1739 1740-1762
Târnava-Mica 1763 Diciosânmartin 1763-1767 1767-1782
Timis-Torontal 1783 Timisoara 1785-1827 1828-1872
Trei-Scaune 1873 Sfântu Gheorghe 1874-1876 1877-1893
Turda-Aries 1894 Turda 1894-1897 1898-1912

Other notable towns (and corresponding image numbers) in Ardeal:

Abrud 1021-22 Caransebes 1277-80 Ocna-Sibiului 1027 Sebesul-Sasesc 1686
Alba-Iulia 1022-26 Gherla 1706-07 Reghinu-Sasesc 1515-19 Tg-Sacuesc 1877-78
Baia Mare 1613-15 Ibasfalau 1767-68 Simleul-Silvaniei 1565-66  
Baia-Sprie 1616 Medias 1740-46 Satu-Mare 1600-12  


Covers digital image numbers 1913-2168 [corresponding to original page numbers 1-256].

(administrative district)
First image no. Capital + image range Image range of other locales
Balti 1919 Balti 1919-1922 1923-1946
Cahul 1947 Cahul 1947-1948 1949-1958
Cetatea-Alba 1959 Cetatea-Alba 1960-1967 1968-1990
Chisinau 1991 Chisinau 1993-2010 2011-2032
Hotin 2033 Hotin 2033-2038 2039-2064
Ismail 2065 Ismail 2066-2070 2071-2086
Orhei 2087 Orhei 2087-2093 2094-2114
Soroca 2115 Soroca 2116-2121 2122-2144
Tighina 2145 Tighina 2146-2150 2151-2168

Other notable towns (and corresponding image numbers) in Basarabia:

Bolgrad 2071-2072 Leova 1949 Posad-Ă”aba 1968 Vâlcov 2076-2077
Chilia-Noua 2072-2074 Popusoi 1968 Reni 2074-2076  

Tabela Comunelor Urbane si rurale - Index of Urban and Rural Communes.

Covers digital image numbers 2169-2234 [corresponding to original page numbers 1-66].

These indexes give the name of the site, the name of the judet in which it is located, and the original page numbers. For index III (Transylvania, etc), the names of the sites are given as usual in Romanian, but also in Hungarian. A "comuna" is a small administrative district usually consisting of two or more villages or other populated sites, but sometimes consisting of just one site. A word of warning: Do not confuse the original page numbers provided in the four indexes with the digital image numbers provided in this online finding aid.

I. Vechiul Regat - The Old Kingdom 2169-2189
II. Bucovina 2190-2193
III. Ardealul (Transilvania), Banat, Crisana, Maramures 2194-2226
IV. Basarabia 2227-2234

Advertisements 2235-2240


At least five symbols are used in conjunction with villages, towns and cities. A train locomotive signifies that the locale has a train station. A curved musical horn indicates a post office. A bell with a straight wire through it indicates a telegraph station. An old-fashioned telephone receiver with a curving wire protruding from it indicates that the locale has a long-distance telephone station. The least used of these is an image of an anchor, which signifies that the locale has a seaport.

Back to: Online Romanian Directories at the Library of Congress

Related material on the Library of Congress web site:

Address/Telephone Directories from Romania at the Library of Congress
An annotated list of holdings at the Library of Congress.

Portals to the World: Romania   Selective links to Romanian internet resources, organized by subject. Part of the Library of Congress' Portals to the World project.

Records from the Military Archives of the Romanian Ministry of National Defense
An index to microfilm of declassified records covering the earlier years of the Cold War, primarily 1944-1965. This microfilm may be viewed in the European Reading Room of the Library of Congress.

Romanian Collections at the Library of Congress
Undoubtedly the largest in the Americas and probably the largest outside of Romania and Moldova. Monographic works either published in Romania or which pertain to Romania total approximately 40,000 titles.

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