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John Purdue Club Members Endow 12 New Scholarships in 2006-2007

Supporting Purdue’s nearly 500 student-athletes is the top priority of the John Purdue Club and its members.  Twelve new endowed scholarships were established over the past year, raising the total number to 88. John Purdue Club members continue to make a difference in the lives of our student-athletes, and to those listed below, we offer special thanks.

Bruce and Judi Jacobs Endowed Scholarship
Established in 2006 by Bruce and Judi Jacobs of Winfield, Illinois.
Bruce and Judi Jacobs fly to West Lafayette for every home football game just for the joy of watching the student-athletes compete.  But Bruce also knows how difficult it can be to endure a few years as an engineering major at Purdue. That’s one of the primary reasons why he and his wife Judi decided to endow a scholarship for a student-athlete majoring in engineering. The Jacobs’ also have a firm belief in what the athletic department teaches about balancing school and athletics. “The athletic department has its priorities straight,” said Bruce. “Very few athletes go on to professional careers in their sports, but they can all have professions. The academics part is big for us. Judi and I want to give back to the university, and we encourage both athletics and academics, that’s why we included engineering. Our first recipient, a volleyball player from our area, was exactly the type of student-athlete we had in mind when we decided to make this scholarship happen.”  

Richard and Jeanne Groben Endowed Scholarship for Athletics
Established in 2006 by Dick and Jeanne Groben of Sarasota, Florida.
Though they have not been to campus in years to see a football game at Ross Ade Stadium, or a  basketball game at Mackey Arena, Dick and Jeanne Groben never miss the Boilermakers on television. They also stay well informed about the athletics department through Gold and Black Illustrated and by constantly checking the scores and reading the stories from the athletics web site.  As long-time John Purdue Club members, their love of Purdue and Boilermaker Athletics led them to establish their scholarship for the football program. “Jeanne and I just want to help student-athletes get their degrees at Purdue. And, even though we feel that Purdue’s academics should get all the recognition, that’s not the way it works. Athletics puts our entire university in the national spotlight, and supporting athletics is our way of showing the university just how much we care and appreciate all they have to offer.” Dick went on to state that “I spent a career in sales and marketing after receiving my degree in Chemical Engineering in 1950, and if our story helps to encourage another person to give like we did then we have done our job.” 

Bove Family Athletic Scholarship
Established in 2006 by Frank and Cheryl Bove of Marion, Indiana.
Frank and Cheryl Bove enjoy coming back to West Lafayette and seeing new buildings and structures on the Purdue campus. Not only do they enjoy seeing Purdue grow as a Big Ten institution, they enjoy the growth of Purdue Athletics. But it isn’t merely the success of the athletic teams they are most proud of; rather it includes the philosophy of athletics director Morgan Burke and the equal focus on the importance of athletics and academics. Frank said “I think Purdue Athletics is a very solid program. The athletics department has done a super job in improving their facilities while at the same time fielding nationally ranked teams and graduating its student-athletes. We are thrilled that our scholarship will give future student-athletes an opportunity to get an education at a great university. Hopefully, that will help them far into the future. Our feeling is that education is the kingpin to achieving anything in the world today. We don’t think there is anything special about what we did or that it entitles us to anything, but having that sense of pride in knowing that you are making a difference in the life of a future Purdue graduate, that makes it all worthwhile.”

Robert P. and Ella Lou McClain Endowed Scholarship for Football
Established in 2006 by Robert B. McClain of Bonita Springs, Florida.
Bob McClain’s parents had always taught him to be a leader. Now he’s putting that message to good use having endowed a football scholarship that will be awarded each year to a Purdue quarterback. “My parents always preached to me the imporance of taking a leadership role and the quarterback is the grease that makes the whole wheel move,” he said. Being a loyal Boiler follower for roughly 40 years now, McClain decided to endow a scholarship in honor of his parents, who started taking him to football games back when he was a teenager. “I’m strongly connected to Purdue Athletics. Having been there enjoying going to games and even participating in intramurals as a student, athletics has always been important to me. We believe strongly in education and are fortunate to be in a position to give back and help others and a scholarship was something we had been thinking about doing. When I read the article in Gold and Black Illustrated about Bob Griese setting up a scholarship for a quarterback position, I thought I could do the same thing. My parents were long-time Purdue fans so I thought it would be fitting to honor them.”

Dance Moves and Gymnastics Endowed Spirit Squad Fund for Athletics
Established in 2006 by Jim, Linda, Kimberly, and Heather Rau of West Lafayette, Indiana.
Jim and Linda Rau are making history.  They are the first to endow a fund like this to help support the needs of an auxilliary team. Instead of an individual scholarship, the Rau’s chose to make their gift a fund that will benefit the Purdue Cheerleading and Spirit squads. “We are trying to help these young people”, said Jim. “They really don’t get the same type of support or notoriety as the athletic teams, so this is a way to help with their needs.”  Jim and Linda have two daughters, Kimberly and Heather, who attended Purdue. Kimberly coached gymnastics at Lafayette Jefferson and Heather joined the Purdue spirit squad, which has led them both to teaching careers in dance and gymnastics. As John Purdue Club members since 1983, Jim and Linda hope this kind of gift will help lead more people to consider supporting other parts of the athletic department “that sometimes may get overlooked.” The Rau’s own Dance Moves and Gymnastics in Lafayette, Indiana that helps develop young dancers, gymnasts, and cheerleaders. They have had some of their students and instructors go on to attend Purdue and other schools. Their intent was to give back to the University in a way that was special to them. As Jim stated, “It’s a fantastic deal and as long as people are giving back what they can, they can make a real difference and feel good about doing it.” 

Lehman Family Athletic Scholarship
Established in 2006 by Gary J. and J. Michele Lehman of West Lafayette, Indiana.
Gary and Michele Lehman looked beyond Purdue Athletics in deciding to endow their scholarship for a student-athlete studying education. “We felt that teachers who were collegiate athletes have a special opportunity to affect the lives of kids in a different way because of their unique experiences and perspective”, said Gary. “Michele was an education major at Purdue and believes that student-athletes who go on to teaching careers can be great role models for young students.” For the Lehman’s, athletics is a very important part of their relationship with Purdue. Gary stated that “scholarships are a great way to support athletics while at the same time giving a student-athlete some special recognition amongst teammates and peers. We support several areas at Purdue, but feel strongly that athletics is the one area that is working hard to impact lives, and at the same time entertain all of the fans who attend the games.” The Lehman’s also believe in the philosophy of the Athletics Department. “Michele and I like the balance of academics and athletics at Purdue, and we are equally impressed that they want success on the field in every sport and success in the classroom for every student-athlete.”    

Scott and Susan Terry Endowed Scholarship for Football
Established in 2006 by Scott and Sue Terry of Seattle, Washington.
For Scott and Sue Terry, Purdue Athletics creates energy, excitement, fun and, most of all, a deep feeling of Purdue pride that they have carried since their days on campus.  “We wanted to help preserve these important facets of the Purdue experience forever”, said Scott. “Enjoying athletic events as a fan was one of the most memorable aspects of our undergraduate years at Purdue.  Sue and I wanted to help ensure that future Purdue students have these same exciting experiences.” The Terry’s also like to witness the pride in Purdue that student-athletes exhibit both during and after their years on campus.  “We believe the Athletic Department is able to instill that pride to a level rarely seen in universities today.” When asked about the impact Purdue has had on their lives, Scott commented that “of all the institutions we have been a part of during our lives, we can’t think of a single one that has had a greater positive impact on us. We encourage all of our alumni peers to do all they can to ensure that Purdue continues to have that same positive impact on future students and student-athletes.”

Charles A. and Anna M. Miller Football Scholarship
Established in 2006 by Chuck and Anna Mae Miller of Quincy, Illinois.
Chuck Miller had always made it a habit of supporting academics and scholarships at Purdue University. This past year he and his wife decided it was time to pay more attention to the athletic program. “We’ve helped Purdue academically and now we are helping athletically, too.” he said. “We come to campus often and enjoy visiting our grandson and attending events outside of athletics, but we are avid basketball and football fans, and we rarely miss a game at Ross Ade.” A devoted Boilermaker fan all his life, Chuck said he and Anna Mae simply wanted to have an impact on Purdue by helping its student-athletes get a quality education. And, he believes named scholarships can be a great way to help lure the best talent to become Boilermakers because it shows the student-athletes how much the fans care. “It’s something we wanted to do,” said Chuck. “ We are proud of Purdue and we want them to get the best and be the best.”

Shahnasarian Family Scholarship for Football
Established in 2006 by George and Karen Shahnasarian of Downers Grove, Illinois.
For the Shahnasarians it was important to include their family in the decision to establish their scholarship for the football program. “Our whole family is involved with Purdue, so we thought it only fitting to include the whole family in the decision to support athletics at this level”, said George. “Just like we provide the best family guidance we can for our children, we wanted to do what we could to ensure that a student-athlete had the opportunity to receive a Purdue education and the life experiences that will guide them once they leave college. Purdue Athletics does not receive any help from the State of Indiana for student-athlete scholarships, so it’s up to us, the alumni and friends, to step up and give as much as we possibly can.” Being from the Chicago area, the Shahnasarian’s also felt it was important to support a football player from their home state of Illinois. When asked what they like best about Purdue Athletics, George replied “Purdue truly cares about the best interests of the student-athletes and works hard to support and encourage all of them in their journey toward a Purdue degree. Because of that, Karen and I feel very confident in entrusting Purdue and the Athletics Department with the job of bringing in and graduating student-athletes that will make us all proud to be Boilermakers.” 

Ted Hingst Athletic Scholarship
Established in 2007 by Ted Hingst of West Lafayette, Indiana.
Ted Hingst has a long family history with Purdue. He’s been attending football games since his father, John, first brought him to Ross Ade Stadium in 1969. Ted remembers those days fondly and said “that was Purdue’s centenial year, and people still wore suits and ties to the games.” He is very happy that his scholarship will help Purdue for the next hundred years and beyond. Ted feels that he received so much from the University as a student and now as an alumnus and a fan, that he “just naturally wanted to give back.” “I have always felt that athletics was one of the best ways to get people involved with Purdue. Sports just happens to be the most visible face of the University and is many times the first exposure some people have to the school. I also think the Athletics Department here does things the right way, which to me means their number one goal is to win championships while also graduating their student-athletes.” Ted also believes strongly in helping the next generation of Boilermakers. “I think scholarships are a way to help people, who are not a part of our immediate circle and who I may or may not ever meet, achieve their goal of earning a Purdue degree. It truly is fun to help others.”

Coombs Scholarship for Athletics
Established in 2007 by Michael and Linda Coombs of Greenwood, Indiana.
For Mike and Linda Coombs, the connection to Purdue runs very deep. There have been Coombs family members attending Purdue since Mike’s grandfather started at Purdue in the early 1900’s, and that tradition continues today. “I can remember my mother and father taking me to football and basketball games when I was still a young boy, much as my daughter and her husband do today with their son,” said Mike. “My wife and I decided that it would be appropriate for us to somehow give back to Purdue as a way of showing our appreciation for everything Purdue has done for us. After considering a number of alternatives, we decided that endowing an athletic scholarship was an appropriate way to express our appreciation. We believe that through athletic competition, a student will learn valuable lessons about teamwork, how to budget time and the mental preparation that will serve them well later in life.” The Coombs’ enjoy watching the teams compete, but they also enjoy the opportunities the games provide to socialize with friends and family in a college atmosphere. “We attend as many events as we possibly can, including tournament and bowl games,” said Mike. “Linda and I know there are many different ways a person could choose to support Purdue University financially, but if someone loves sports and wants to see firsthand where his contribution is going and the good that it is doing, endowing a scholarship for a student-athlete is an excellent way to accomplish that objective.



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