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Address/Telephone Directories from the Former Yugoslavia
at the Library of Congress

Table of Contents:   Introduction - All-Yugoslavia - Bosnia & Herzegovina - Croatia - Kosovo - Macedonia -
Serbia, Montenegro, Vojvodina - Slovenia

Bosnia & Herzegovina

Country / Republic / Region City (or Region) Year Title Type Notes Location
B & H   1963 Telefonski imenik zajednice PTT preduzeca Bosne i Hercegovine u Sarajevu. Both "Stanje na dan 1. I 1963. godine". Includes numbers for towns throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina. Deck 42
B & H   1964 Telefonski imenik. Socijalisticka Republika Bosna i Hercegovina. Both "Prema stanju 1. marta 1964." Deck 42
B & H     1966 Telefonski imenik : Socijalisticka Republika Bosna i Hercegovina. Both "Sluzbeno izdanje prema stanju 1. marta 1966". Organized by city. Deck 42
B & H     1967 Telefonski imenik Tranzitnih TF centrala: Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Mostar, Tuzla. Both "Sluzbeno izdanje prema stanju 1. april 1967." Deck 42
B & H    1970 Telefonski imenik Socijalisticke Republike Bosne i Hercegovine. Both "Sluzbeno izdanije prema stanju 1. aprila 1970". Organized by telephone network groups of Sarajevo, Gorazde, Zenica, Banja Luka, Bihac, Jajce, Prijedor, Mostar, Livno, Trebinje, Podrucja. Includes separate insert with late additions. Deck 42
 B & H   1977/78 Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Knjiga 1. SR Bosna i Hercegovina, SR Crna Gora, SR Makedonija. Both Arranged by republic. Film
 B & H   1979/80 Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Knjiga 1. SR Bosna i Hercegovina, SR Crna Gora, SR Makedonija. Both Arranged by republic. Film
 B & H   1983/84 Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Knjiga 1. SR Bosna i Hercegovina. Both   Film
 B & H   1985/86 Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Knjiga 1. SR Bosna i Hercegovina. Both   Film
B & H    1987/88 Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Knjiga 1. SR Bosna i Hercegovina. Both Arranged by city. LC has 2 copies of this title. Deck 42/Film
B & H    1990 Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Knjiga 1. SR Bosna i Hercegovina I. Both   Film
B & H    1990 Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Knjiga 1. SR Bosna i Hercegovina II. Both   Film
B & H  Mostar 1951 Telefonski imenik grada Mostara za 1951 godinu. Org.   Deck 42
B & H  Mostar 1952 Telefonski imenik grada Mostara izmenja i dopuna za 1952 g. Org.   Deck 42
B & H  Sarajevo  1936 Telefonski imenik direkcija Sarajevo. Both In Cyrllic. Numerical index. Also contains numbers for other nearby towns. Deck 42
B & H  Sarajevo   1951 Imenik telefonskih pretplatnika direkcije posta Sarajevo. Both Also includes organizational listings for other towns in Bosnia & Herzegovina. Deck 42
B & H  Sarajevo   1953 Imenik telefonskih pretpaltnika direkcije posta Sarajevo. Both "Stanje na dan 10. III 1953." Also includes numbers for other towns in Bosnia & Herzegovina. Deck 42
B & H  Sarajevo   1954 Telefonski imenik direkcije posta, telegrafa i telefona Sarajevo. Both "Stanje 1. II 1954 godine". Also includes numbers for nearby towns. Numerical index. Deck 42
B & H  Sarajevo   1955 Telefonski imenik preduzeca postanskog, telefonskog i telegrafskog saobracaja Sarajevo. Both "Stanje 15. II 1955 godine". Numerical index. Also includes listings for other towns in Bosnia & Herzegovina. Deck 42
B & H  Sarajevo   1956 Telefonski imenik preduzeca postanskog, telefonskog i telegrafskog saobracaja Sarajevo. Both "Stanje 20. II 1956 godine". Numerical index. Also includes listings for other towns in Bosnia & Herzegovina. Deck 42
B & H  Sarajevo   1957 Telefonski imenik preduzeca postanskog, telefonskog i telegrafskog saobracaja Sarajevo. Both "Stanje 15. II. 1957". Numerical index. Also includes listings for other towns in Bosnia & Herzegovina. Deck 42
B & H  Sarajevo   1958 Telefonski imenik preduzeca postanskog, telegrafskog i telefonskog saobracaja Sarajevo. Both "Stanje 1. I. 1958". Also includes listings for other towns in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Numerical index. Deck 42
B & H  Sarajevo 1960 Telefonski imenik preduzeca postanskog telegrafskog i telefonskog saobracaja Sarajevo. Both "Stanje 1. II 1960". Also includes listings for other towns. Numerical index. Deck 42
B & H  Sarajevo  1961 Telefonski imenik zajednice preduzeca postanskog, telegrafskog i telefonskog saobracaja Sarajevo. Both "Stanje 1. V 1961." Also includes listings for other towns in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Numerical index. Deck 42
B & H  Sarajevo  1963 Dodatak telefonskom imeniku za 1963. godinu. Both "Promjene kod telefonskih pretplatnika nastale u vremenu od 1. I do 30. VI 1963. godine." Additions to the 1963 telephone directory for Sarajevo and other cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. LC holds 2 copies of this volume. Deck 42
B & H  Sarajevo   1968 Telefonski imenik Tranzitne centrale Sarajevo sa glavnim centralama: Sarajevo, Gorazde, Zenica. Both "Sluzbeno izdanje prema stanju 1. april 1968." Deck 42
B & H  Tuzla  1950/51 Telefonski imenik grada Tuzle. Org.   Deck 42
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  November 26, 2007
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