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Address/Telephone Directories from the Former Yugoslavia
at the Library of Congress

Table of Contents:   Introduction - All-Yugoslavia - Bosnia & Herzegovina - Croatia - Kosovo - Macedonia -
Serbia, Montenegro, Vojvodina - Slovenia


Country / Republic / Region City (or Region) Year Title Type Notes Location
    1935 Skupni imenik telefonskih pretplatnika Kralj. Jugoslavije : po ABCedi i struci. Both "1. XII 1935". "Annuaire general des abonnes au telephone du Royaume de Yougoslavie." The first half of the directory covers Beograd, Zagreb, Novi Sad, Split, Skopje, Nis, Cetinje, Banja Luka, Ljubljana, Sarajevo. The second half covers smaller towns throughout the country. Deck 42
    1936 Telefonski imenik svih pretplatnika Kraljevine Jugoslavije. Both Entries are arranged by major city - Beograd, Zagreb, Ljubljana, Novi Sad, Sarajevo, Split, Skopje, Cetinje. Part of the directory is in the Cyrillic alphabet and part in the Latin alphabet. Numerical index. Certain major city sections contain listings for smaller towns as well. Deck 42
    1957 Adresar i telefonski imenik za Jugoslaviji i Austriju. Org. "Adress-und telephon-Buch für Österreich und Jugoslawien." Entries are arranged by subject like "yellow pages", but the subjects are given only in German. Deck 42
    1960 Telefonski imenik FNR Jugoslavije. Both Arranged by major city: Beograd, Ljubljana, Nis, Novi Sad, Pristina, Rijeka, Sarajevo, Skopje, Split, Titograd (Podgorica), Zagreb. The listings also include smaller nearby towns. Deck 42
    1963 Telefonski imenik FNRJ. Both "Poslednje unosenje izvrseno 17. II 1963." Arranged by capital city and then republic. Vojvodina has its own section, but Kosovo is included under Serbia. Deck 42
    1964 Privredni adresar SFRJ = Trade directory of Yugoslavia. Org. Organized by type of business with an index by place. Deck 42
    1966 Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Both "Poslednje unosenje izvrseno 1. IV 1966." Organized by capital city and republic. Vojvodina and Kosovo appear as part of Serbia. Deck 42
    1968 Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Both "Rukopis izraden na osnovu zvanicnih podataka Zajednice JPTT sa stanjem 1. IV 1968." Arranged by capital city of a republic and then by other cities in a republic. Vojvodina and Kosovo appear as part of Serbia. Deck 42
    1969 Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Izmenje i dopune za 1969. Both "Rukopis izraden na osnovu zvanicnih podataka Zajednice JPTT za stanjem 5. IV 1969." Arranged by capital city of a republic and then by other cities in a republic. Deck 42
    1970 Promjene kod pretplatnika nastale za vrijeme stampanja imenika. Stanje na dan 1.X 1970. Both Supplement to the telephone directory of Yugoslavia, changes which occurred since the publication of the directory as of October 1, 1970. Vojvodina listings appear under Serbia. No listings for Kosovo. LC holds 2 copies of this title. Deck 42
    1971 Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Both "Poslednje unosenje izvrseno je 1. X 1970." Arranged by capital city and then republic. Kosovo and Vojvodina are listed under Serbia. Film
    1972 Telefonski imenik elektroprivrednih organizacija SFR Jugoslavije. Org. Includes various color maps and charts related to the electrical system in Former Yugoslavia. LC holds 2 copies of this title. Deck 42
    1972 Jugoslovenski poslovni telefonski imenik radnih organizacija. Org. Separate sections for each republic and autonomous province. Deck 42
    1973 Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Both "Poslednje unosenje izvrseno je 1. X 1972." Arranged by capital city and then republic. Kosovo and Vojvodina each have their own sections. Film
    1974 Jugoslovenski poslovni telefonski imenik radnih organizacija. Org. Separate sections for each republic and autonomous province. Deck 42
    1975/76 Telefonski imenik SFRJ. Both Arranged by republic or autonomous province. Film
    1979 Jugoslovenski poslovni telefonski imenik radnih organizacija. Org. Separate sections for each republic and autonomous province. Deck 42
    1983/84 Jugoslovenski poslovni telefonski imenik radnih organizacija. Org. Separate sections for each republic and autonomous province. Deck 42
    1985/86 Jugoslovenski poslovni telefonski imenik radnih organizacija. Org. Separate sections for each republic and autonomous province. Deck 42
    1985/86 Yu-Tel : poslovni telefonski imenik. Org. Organized by city. Deck 42
    1988 Jugoslovenski poslovni telefonski imenik radnih organizacija. Org. LC holds knjiga 1 only covering B&H, Montenegro, Croatia, Macedonia. Deck 42
    1990/91 Jugoslovenski poslovni telefonski imenik. I knjiga - Bosna i Hercegovina, Crna Gora, Hrvatska, Makedonija. Org. Arranged by republic. Deck 42
    1991 YU telefax '91 : telefax imenik SFRJ = Annuaire telefax SFRJ. Org. Arranged by city. Deck 42
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